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What wars were a mistake for America?

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posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 12:32 PM
The revolutionary war is generally considered a good war by most Americans. The wars where the US conquered Mexico, and native American territories are more controversial. Was World War I, worthwile for US intervention? World War II is generally considered good because of Hitler.

The other American wars are rhetorically framed in the rhetoric of fighting communism, but were they mistakes? The Vietnam war seems like a mistake to most people, although some still to support, evidenced by their opposition to those who opposed it. The Korean war seems somewhat justified in light of the difference between North and South Korea, today, but it is unclear how things would have turned out without US intervention.

The wars of the 90's are harder to judge. Was the Gulf War a mistake? Was the Balkans wars a mistake? Was the Afghanistan war a mistake? Is the current Iraq war a mistake?

On the contrary, what wars should the US have been involved in, which it wasn't. The only cases I can think of are arguments the US should have intervened sooner. So, is it fair to conclude the US is involved in too many wars?

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 01:04 PM
It is my opinion that the current war in Iraq should never have happened because it should have been taken care of 13 years ago when we had the chance. We (the US) had more than enough justification (in 1991), the was military already in place poised to do their job, and perhaps most importantly we had the backing of the rest of the world. If we had gone ahead and ousted Saddam in 91 we most-likely would have saved many lives in the long run, Iraq would already be developing as a democracy for 13 years and if done right would now be a stable country in the Middle East, thus opening the door for further reformation over there.
One reason why did not do this was the incident known as the "Highway of Death", in which US aircraft decimated a highway full of the fleeing enemy in what the media called a "turkey shoot", when in fact US troops were under fire. People sitting in their armchairs saw this on TV, and obviously without thinking for themselves or reasoning the effects, loudly cried out against the US 'murderers', making it terribly difficult politically for President Bush Sr. and his administration and military to complete the job.

My 2 cents, please feel free to criticize and challenge.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 01:37 PM
Brief History of US Wars
I'm just a high school student and the highest class i've had is AP US HISTORY, but i think i can give everbody a quick rundown of the US wars.

Revolutionary War- It had to happen. It's the reason this country is here today.

War of 1812- We were attacked by the British. It had to happen. In this war we showed that America wasn't just a fluke by kicking Great Britains arses again.

All mexican conflicts/wars- We fullfilled MANIFEST DESTINY through taking these mexican territories, namely texas (although we really aided the rebels in defeating Mexico and gaining their independence, but later we annexed the lonestar state), california, and NM and AZ.

Civil War- Had to happen sooner or later. The economic idealologies of the Northern and Southern states were so different that there was no room for giving or taking, only room for TAKING. Thank God for Abraham Lincoln, who united this country through the civil war. Though it wasn't fought JUST to free the slaves, the slaves were freed.

War of 1898- This was just a blunder by the US government. An american ship docked in the caribbean was "set ablaze" by the Spanish, allegedly. It wasn't a big conflict, namely b/c the US didn't really know for sure if the spanish destroyed the ship or if it was just a fire or soemthing on the ship. It was the latter, as is known today.

WW1- Up until this time, the US had practiced a method of isolationism, where it kept itself out of international conflict and affairs. This was really the first war the US fought solely on international soil. We also showed our growing american muscle, and that soon enough we would be at the top of the world.

WW2- Necessity. Pure necessity. Adolf Hitler was a madman, and Japan was an empire bent on domination. At first, FDR and the country as a whole weren't wanting to jump into the mess. Keep in mind, however, at the time we didn't know the atrocities Hitler was commiting. When Pearl Harbor was bombed, America grew ANGRY. And when America grows angry, you don't want to be on the opposing side. In hindsight, we're lucky Pearl Harbor was bombed. It forced us into the world war and made us fight off Hitler on one front and Japan on another. After D DAY and the defeat of Hitler through conventional methods, we bombed Japan into submission with the Atom Bombs that were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This, in turn, saved hundreds of thousands of american soldiers from having to invade Japan. Japan surrendered. Conflict over. America at the apex of the world. This war is the best thing America has ever done for the world.

Korean War- IMO, failure. Look what the situation in Korea is today. I do not have a great understanding of the war, however, so someone correct me if i'm wrong.

Cold War- Second largest success, only to ww2. Democracy defeated communism, and nuclear war was averted. America emerged as the SOLE superpower in the world, and we are still there today. It wasn't really what happened that was important, it was what DIDN'T happen that was important--nuclear war and the destruction of the world as we know it.

Vietnam- Huge failure. This is the only war Americans have "lost". It was a failed attempt to stop communism, and we tried making an example in vietnam. It didn't work, Lives were lost for no reason, and it didn't have to happen.

Iraqi Conflicts- It's really hard to say whehter or not these wars have been necessary ones or to say whether or not they were a success. Only time will tell.


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