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Mitt Romney's 47 Percent Remark Hurts Him In Swing States

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posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by randomname
the truth that humans aren't entitled to food, house and a doctor if they get sick.

That is a person's perspective if they were raised by Satan

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by HostileApostle

Hey, you're just disseminating a bunch of goll-durn commie-pinko-socialist-islamofascist-Democrat propaganda and hokum. Everybody that watches Fox news or listens to Rush Limbaugh knows these polls are being skewed -- even the ones done by conservative polling organizations. Clearly all these polls are being manipulated by the DNC and its corrupt, Kenyan/Muslim overlord puppet master. Just checking any of the various poll-truther websites; it's on the internets, so you know it's true.

I and my trogladyte brethern ain't going to listen to the likes of you and your scientificky polling hocus pocus. La-la-la-la-la. I can't hear you. La-la-la-la-la-la!

Mitt Romney is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

edit on 28-9-2012 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
reply to post by HostileApostle

I dont want to sound racist but maybe someone should post the video of the black people celebrating after BHOs election and saying that they were then going to get a free handout from the government (remember the one where the reporter asked "where do you think the money will come from?" and she replies, "I dunno, maybe his stash." Romney is probably a compassionate christian but probably also has a distain for people on the public dole who are multi-generational dependents on the federal government. His comments however where spoken from the frame of reference of a political campaign that those people wont vote for him anyway so (political strategy wise) he cant worry about them (or worrying about how to persuade them to vote for him). I think that his comments taken out of context and coupled with his wealth is hurting him among blue collar voters.

edit on 26-9-2012 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

Sorry, but you do sound racist. And why don't you post the video you are claiming exists, as I never saw it for one. As for out of context, regarding, what Romney said: BS. Yes, it was at a campaign function, and yes, there is probably 47% of the electorate that won't vote for him no matter what, but to claim that entire 47% don't pay taxes and expect handouts is a lot of hooey. And to say this near-50% of the American people aren't his problem is just a disgrace. If he is going to be president, he is going to be presiding over these people as well. Never mind that a lot of the white people in the Red States who will be voting for him actually fall into this 47% non-income-tax paying demographic. He is badmouthing his own base.

Even more to the point, a lot of these people not paying income taxes do pay payroll taxes; it is just that their pay is so low that they don't pay income tax as well. Even more to the point: Romney doesn't pay income taxes; he pays capital gains taxes, so he is in fact part of this 47% he claims he can't do anything about. Either he is an idiot or a liar or combination of the two. I'm partial to the last possibility.

So don't go trying to claim this quote was taken out of context. And now people are trying to say his quote about airplane windows was taken out of context. And best of all, all you conservative 28% dead-enders are now claiming that all the polling data is skewed in favor of the Democrats, including polls taken by more conservative polling institutions.

The fact of the matter is that fewer people are identifying themselves as Republicans because of all the extreme rhetoric coming out of the GOP these days. Former Republicans are now identifying as independents and some former independents have now decided to call themselves Democrats. And frankly, it's not because the Democrats have done such a bang-up up job, but rather because the Republicans have been so awful and ineffectual, and have said such awful things and put forward awful legislation.

In addition, even if this Romney quote were out of context -- which I maintain it isn't -- politicians are always being taken out of context. That is the bread and butter of Republican pundits and political strategists. Competent politicians tend not to say things that can be taken so badly. Romney has failed this test any number of times, this being the most egregious and damaging case.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Logarock

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
My older neighbors were "on the fence" as regards who to vote for. On the day the 47% video was released, they made their decision. (They are living on THEIR Social Security and depend on Medicare for their health care.)

At the gym the next day, I overheard some older men talking about how they'd made up their minds - they joked around about how they were the 47%. "Moochers", they joked.

Mitt should have said 27% and not lumped the whole lot of Obama supporters into that number. They might just be stupid anyway.

Yeah, but he did, so he is either ignorant or a liar or a combination of the two. I'm going with the latter hypothesis.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
Just goes to show....the sheeple in this country cannot handle the truth.

You realize if you got a tax refund last year, you are that 47% right?

I am sure it has hurt him in more than just swing States. I mean really, complaining about people who got tax refunds cause they made less that $26,400 for the year at a lunch that cost $50,000 a plate? If that does not scream "elitist" I don't know what does

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by HostileApostle

The election is now a minor formality. Obama has hired a company, owned by George Soros, to count the November presidential vote, in Spain. It's in the bag. I believe the GOP were told to run idiots. Romney is self defeating and one of the worst politicians, in the world. I believe Kissinger nailed it when he said "Obama will start a new world order."

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Logarock

Originally posted by Kaploink

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
Just goes to show....the sheeple in this country cannot handle the truth.

Those that were unable to handle the truth that Romney is out of touch with anything outside his elite conservative circle will continue to vote for him. The rest of us will switch our votes to someone else.

Thats fine but for me the most telling and out of touch comment made in the last few years was the "cling to guns and the bible" comment. Ignorant! But its ok to support anyone that clings to gun and Koran? Or a gun and a communist manifesto?

Yeah, that mountain out of a mole hill didn't work to swell for McCain four years back, so I don't see how flogging this dead horse again is going to help you and your candidate, Richie Rich, this time around. Seriously, this is the best you got? Really??? Then you don't have squat.

But let's look at your sharp retort a little more closely, shall we? First off, you don't even bother to put it into context by attributing it to the speaker. I know it was Obama who said, this but I'd bet a lot of people don't.It's a good idea to clearly attribute statements to the person you want associated with it.

Next, when has Obama said he supports people clinging to guns and Korans? He said it is lamentable when a religion is mocked and violence comes of it. Furthermore, it's been fairly well established that this attack on the US consulate in Libya was pre-planned and hadn't anything to do with this anti-Muslim video making the rounds. Furthermore, did you happen to see Obama's address in which he put the perpetrators of this attack on notice that the US is coming after them? That doesn't seem like support to me.

And what is your point about supporting those clinging to guns and the communist manifesto? Sweet gawd, what are you talking about? Are you implying Obama is a socialist because of his Obama care bill? Anything but. In fact it's a government mandate to force people to buy health insurance. If it is anything, it is fascism - the government in league with big business. Certainly not socialism, and even if it were socialism, where are the guns involved? Are you saying the pro-Obamacare people are a bunch of gun-wielding radicals??? Really?. And as far as socialism goes, we pay taxes for police, national defense, the fire department, public education and a wealth of other things. Are you against this? THE US HAS SOCIALIZED NATIONAL DEFENSE, OH THE HORROR!!!!!

I'll tell you though, there are things that are socialized or subsidized that I don't care for. I didn't care for the banking bailout, which George W Bush pushed through congress and signed, and I assume Dubyah was your man when he ran. For that matter, McCain was for the bank bailout. I am not for corporate welfare, which we have in spades in this country. I am not for subsidizing the taxes of the rich by giving them a low capital gains tax and getting rid of the estate tax, thereby making middle-class folk bear the brunt of the US budget. This is socialism for the rich and wealth redistribution to the rich. Romney tax policies would make this even more so. So you throw around innuendos about socialism, using extreme tropes like the communist manifesto, yet you don't know corporate socialism or welfare from shinola.

Please, get thee to a community college and take a course or two on politics and economics before you vote or post anything else anywhere on the internet. You desperately need education intervention.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by P12SOLD

People like Mitt are hypocrites with their bible bullcrap. Even if Jesus was the real deal, i very much doubt, mitt is what he wanted to see for the future of humankind

His attitude. Well half of America population are spongers ( surviving because of government) only lazy people vote for the black man that's what he is saying really. There is those racist overtones in his beliefs ( don't forget he is a Mormon follower)

What about the other half they not get Government assistance? Romney lives in a dream world. Both sides of the divide receive aid and assistance from government. That 47% figure clearly a sign of how out of touch he is with the rest of America. The poor on the republican side tend to be more more easily lead than the poor who would vote for democrats. Honestly do you really believe a billionaire has the interests of the poor at heart? If he truly was a kind man and honest and caring. His actions in life would show this be the case. But we find the opposite with him.

Why does he refuse to show his own tax returns prior to 2010. Is these kind of behavior acceptable from a US nominee?

Yeah, what's that Biblical quote about it easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven? How come all the holy-roller Xstians in the GOP and their Teabagging fellow travelers never mention this quote? Well? [crickets chirping]

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

This one, where all the republicans are on foodstamps?

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
I think that his comments taken out of context and coupled with his wealth is hurting him among blue collar voters.

edit on 26-9-2012 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

In context they only get worse.
No amount of spin can change the fact that he insulted veterans, retirees, disabled persons, active duty military, etc.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

This one, where all the republicans are on foodstamps?

Wow, those guys are some super good'ol boys!

I can only imagine what some of these ATSers act like in real life.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by camaro68ss

haha you dont save money donating to a charity. if your so bright then, please tell me how donating 4 million dollars gives you a overall net gain? it doesnt.... you donate 4 million, your able to write off 4 million in taxes. so over all your out 4 million ( because of the donation). now if you dont donate 4 million then you cant write off 4 million so your taxes will be a positive 4 million. so you will still be out 4 million but its just going to taxes.

you dont save money when you donate it, your still out 4 million if it goes to the charity or the government.

your obviously not that bright because you dont know what your talking about.

god its so hard to teach logic these days. People are so droned out by the MSM.
edit on 27-9-2012 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

Thought you should read-up on this

Not trying to be "That guy" But I figured it would be helpful to you and YOUR pro-romney agenda.

His own people can't even back him, he shot himself in the foot with that 47% remark, "It's not my job to worry about those people" "They feel like they are victims etc."

In Marion, Indiana Mitt's company bought out another company, the workers then built a 30 foot stage for him and his posse to tell them they were all fired. This man and his friends put people out of work, so now when they are asking for some help from their government because they lost those jobs, he no longer cares? Yea, that makes logical sense to me!

It's almost as if he destroyed all these jobs just to promote himself as "The great miracle job maker" to get the people that he fired to vote for him...(sounds nuts, but anything could be possible)

Oh he gave 4 million to charity? well that's nice. But you didn't say what charity he donated too.

While running for president Romney seems to have suddenly found his inner philanthropist. As George Zornick reports (quoting Romney’s trustee, Brad Malt), “Over the entire 20-year period period [of 1990-2009, the Romneys gave to charity an average of 13.45 percent of their adjusted gross income.” To be a Mormon in good standing one must donate 10 percent of one’s gross income to the Mormon church. If Romney did so, that means he gave only 3.45 percent of his vast fortune to all other charities.

Finally, there is the question of whom Romney gives his money to. Business Insider ran the numbers: “The answer appears to be primarily one organization: The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints, more commonly known as the Mormon church. According to tax documents viewed by Business Insider, the vast majority of the money Mitt Romney gave away in 2009 and 2010—80 percent of it—went to the church.”

So he donated most of his money to his chruch, what a swell guy! A church that was made up by a convicted con man. That is as far as I will take it, religiously.

I'll admit both canadates are revolting in their own way, and if i could pick "None of the above" I would.

Romney's Ungenerous Donations

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:13 AM
I had said this when I heard Mitt was running and I may be a prophet, "Tape his mouth shut and toss him in a closet till the polls open and the republicans will win the election.". This seems to hold true for just about every single republican on recent record, Scott Brown of Massachusetts started a tomahawk chant in light of Elizabeth Warren's cherokee roots. Akin talked about women having 'legitimate rape protection', Paul Ryan didn't do anything in 13 years of office except re-name a post office and they expect him not to lie? Not to sound like he has no idea what's going on? I just can't believe people are this dumb, another one to add to the list is Judge Wolf instated by Reagan and recently granted a murderer in MA jail a sex change operation on the tax payers dime. These people continue to fall down the evolutionary chain.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Something I also sited early on in this presidential debacle, The fact that most states under the poverty line are Red states and currently Blue states pay more in taxes and receive less back. In reference Arizona gets about 1.43 back per every dollar spent, Massachusetts gets about 1.08, clearly I live in a Blue state and have no problem paying taxes, I say cut the funding for the Red states, and allow them to fend for themselves, these are the policies these morons want anyway, so why not? Allow the Red states to have Red laws and allow the Blue states to have blue laws, and lets see who makes it to the finish, it would be laughable to say the least and god, guns, and bigots won't save them.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:42 AM
I think ALL prospective presidents, senators and congressmen should work a real low to mid paying job for a month and live in a 1200 square foot home with one car. They should work a manual job for a few weeks and an office job just to get a real feel for REALITY!! Make them stay in traffic for 2 hours just to get home.

The job should be something from the show Dirty Jobs or Undercover Boss....Let them really integrate into the real world for a while........

THEN they can run for elections. It should be a requirement!!!! Then lets see if we are entitled to food and housing.....Romney =

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by NoJoker13

It is remarkable how far Romney has fallen by his own doing.

When Romney won the nomination, I was thinking Obama didn't have to do anything more than continuously run ads of the other Republican primary candidates talking about Romney. Because they all had very negative things to say about him.

But Obama didn't even have to do that, Romney is doing everything for him.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
Just goes to show....the sheeple in this country cannot handle the truth.

Not sure if you'd know the truth if it saw it...

The VAST MAJORITY of the 47% are elderly and retired people who are withdrawing the money they paid into the the system, i.e. they are NOT leeches, any more than you're a leech for taking money out of your bank account.

In addition, the older you are, the more likely you are to skew to the right, meaning that they COULD and many WILL vote for Romney.

The entire concept, popular with people such as yourself, is a lie, used to rile up people that hate the poor.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by camaro68ss
do you think they should not be alowed to write off charity donations?

Likewise, Rmoney could turn his corrupt tax practices into a advantage if he did similar..but he isn't trying to turn over a new leaf, he is trying to solidify protection of those whom scam the system. He needs to fire his campaign staff and get common folk to create his message for the masses..but he won't, because he is not meant to win anyhow.

What you are not saying here or do not know is that everybody rich and poor, dem/rep use the tax breaks come tax time.

The tax codes are written in such a way to encourage folks, whatever their politics, to give to charity.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by wascurious

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
I think that his comments taken out of context and coupled with his wealth is hurting him among blue collar voters.

edit on 26-9-2012 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

In context they only get worse.
No amount of spin can change the fact that he insulted veterans, retirees, disabled persons, active duty military, etc.

You are spinning right now! He didnt mean any of these groups.

What he did mean was the free cell phone gang, free education gang, free this and that gang.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive

Originally posted by P12SOLD

People like Mitt are hypocrites with their bible bullcrap. Even if Jesus was the real deal, i very much doubt, mitt is what he wanted to see for the future of humankind

His attitude. Well half of America population are spongers ( surviving because of government) only lazy people vote for the black man that's what he is saying really. There is those racist overtones in his beliefs ( don't forget he is a Mormon follower)

Yeah, what's that Biblical quote about it easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven? How come all the holy-roller Xstians in the GOP and their Teabagging fellow travelers never mention this quote? Well? [crickets chirping]

Ok so what are you going to be at the Gates of Heaven rummaging through the big ol pile of stuff they couldnt take in with them?

Outside the needle of heaven will look like one of those big 3rd world land fills with the teaming masses of democrats pouring over it and working the refuse.
Saying "wow these stupid christains! Moma never raised such a follish child!"

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