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I need to get this off my chest, it's time to act.

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posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 04:58 PM
The thing I love about ATS, is that most of the time when someone makes a claim (even as outrageous as it may be), the majority of the members on here don't automatically dismiss it and usually do a bit of digging to just find out the truth (or as close to the truth as we can get). It's a feeling of comfort in a way, knowing you can bounce ideas off of other people and most of the time they will be respectful and incredibly courteous despite where their stance may be on a certain topic. Now, I typically don't start posts, I typically don't post, I prefer to read. Most of you folks are older than me, I'm 18, so yeah I use Facebook pretty regularly. But the main things I post on Facebook are news from credible sources and not mainstream media propaganda garbage. It started out as just me at first, but I found the more and more I posted the more people began to read and start to see things. Now I've reached the point where I regularly have people messaging me asking me about something I posted, where I found it, some references or websites to read up on some information, and just generally people asking questions that (in a way) I have brought to the table for them.

I've been debating on whether or not I should post some of the things I post on Facebook on here, and every time I come to the conclusion of different crowd, different reactions, I don't think I would necessarily connect with you folks as well as the other teenagers around my age. But I'm growing increasingly tired of inaction nation wide, I feel as if now it is our duty to educate those and open their eyes to the real evil in this world and how infiltrated our most prestigious institutes have become, and how insane the current state of world events are in. In summation, we'll refer to this "current state" as the post 9/11 world, in which the rabbit hole takes a 90 degree angle turn and goes deep, and then goes deeper.

So I'm in philosophy class (first semester of college), and just from lurking around here and my genuine interest in the subject, I tend to do fairly well in there and it's very easy for me to understand. We typically get into debates and I usually don't say anything because I know I would be ridiculed. Well, my professor very often says things along the lines of sheeple, brainwashing, ignorance, a just government, and he VERY often alludes to Ron Paul (I think I'm the only one in the class who knows who Ron Paul so it's my professor and I's little "bond" if you will lol) and shortly thereafter mentions peace, justice, love, equality, and you get the picture. Today in class, we got on the topic of brainwashing. Not to sound pretentious, but the "debates" that were happening were flat-out ridiculous, it was actually irritating me at how much these people could talk about certain ideals when they don't fully understand the concept, so they resort to insults and "witty" humour and yadda yadda, immature kids being just that really. I had to say something, so I told my professor this: "If everyone in this room, were brainwashed, nobody would be aware of it. They would laugh at the gesture of this and not be able to really "break through" if you will to see what's really going on. If everyone in this room were brainwashed, we would be completely oblivious to it, and we certainly wouldn't accept it. The entire premise behind being brainwashed, is that you're not aware of it - at all. And the same goes for immaturity, which kids in my generation seem to really strive for or something. I don't know.

Anyway, my class was offended because I basically told them they are all sheep, molded by what the TV says, enthralled by what new TV shows are starting, the new iPhone 5 and other useless gadgets, by their unparalleled love for professional sports, by the music they listen to, and by the things that politicians say on the television. They all teamed up on me really and attempted to discredit me by just using blatant insults, and I don't know how they got this out of my context, but evidently I'm a closet-Atheist who cannot stand the idea of life so I hide behind the shadow of other people. For about five minutes, this is all I heard until things get settled down and back to normal. But when lecture was over, and I was about to leave, my professor asked me to stay behind and I had already known why and I happily accepted. I'm sure most of you that are reading this are bored with my life, so I won't elaborate, but I had a real conversation with him and he really set a lot of things into perspective for me in just a short ten to fifteen minute conversation. In essence, his entire point was that the ability to question and think are radically important, and that those who have not yet reached that step can't connect with those who have, and it leaves a discrepancy that's very hard to fill. But we can't condemn those who aren't awake, sure it can be so easy to blame the sheeple for their non-action, but they cannot help that they are ignorant on these subjects that to us, especially here on ATS, would be considered almost common sense. It's just a matter of these people being exposed to certain elements and ideas, and having people like us put that into terms that they can understand and begin to follow.

I posted something on Facebook earlier and I'd like to post it on here. As if this post isn't long enough, the post on Facebook was a decent length as well. I apologize but I seem to not be able to control myself from elaborating once I get started talking on these subjects.

My entire point in posting this, is that if we do not all start making small waves, nothing will change. Without action, this process will continue at full-speed and all we will be doing is getting increasingly more frustrated and angry with the way things have begun to pan out. Without unity, divided we fall, and that is the future that I will do everything in my power to stop. And so I have, and yeah, it's not like a have a massive gathering but I have begun to open peoples' minds, and I've watched them continue down this path with a massive amount of passion and integrity, and in turn these people also send out a wave or a ripple.

I guess all I'm really trying to say here is that it's up to us to bring the giants down, but first we must turn others towards the truth and plant a seed in their minds that one day will begin to grow. The powers that be are aware of this, and in turn are labeling people like you and I as terrorists and anarchists and *enter any scapegoat scary-boogeyman evil name here.* But you know what, actions speak louder than words, and our actions should speak volumes compared to the actions that our politicians do. Unfortunately, the people are not quite ready to accept these ideals and are a slave to the system, but they are not hopeless. They can break free, and many people have begun on this journey.

It's up to us in order to build a better world, to dismantle the structure that for far too long has been in place, and it is in our hands to re-build our nation into what it once was. I just wish we had more time, because time is all we have, and time is running out. If we are too late, then I guess we are too late. But I don't ever think I will ever lose hope in humanity, it's all I really have.

Underneath this post you'll find the post I mentioned earlier up there, and if you've taken the time to read this and if you take the time to read my next post, thank you.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:00 PM
Be a good sheep and do what your told, be obedient and never question what it is that gets tossed around right in front of your face. Continue to pay into a system that steals from you, then says you don't have enough money, then forecloses on you, then re-sells you for pennies on the dollar. Follow and idolize a political system that you do not understand, continue to have wars waged and financed by money that is taken out of your check through illegal and unjust federal taxes. Continue to live a life that is increasingly growing smaller and smaller, harder and harder, all because you can't raise enough money. All the while, LIBOR handles $850 trillion dollars a year and that is a fraction compared to what the oil-conglomerates make. Continue to support a system in which corporate entities continue to make exponentially record-breaking profits, all the while they have their taxes cut to the point where they don't pay them. Continue to support a system that doesn't support the middle class, and heavily regulates and taxes them (monetary as well as dictating choices we make to our own bodies). Continue to have your taxes hiked, your public services diminished, your law enforcement overstepping their jurisdiction and forcing you to obey them because they are "authority." Continue to support a system that is controlled by fiat currency, and that has recently entered QE3 (infinite spending) which will devaluate the dollar until a new world currency is brought on by the very bankers that sabotaged the system from the get go so they can ride in on their white horse to "save us all" (enslave us all). Continue to support a system in which our presidential candidates are not given a chance unless they lobby for giant corporations and pass legislation that favors them. Continue to support a system that has no difference, Democrat or Republican, they vote for the same bills, push the same legislation, and push the same agenda like they always have. Continue to watch your television and believe everything some man is telling you, only to turn your head in denial when that very man goes against his every word and puts into action laws that he once said he would never do. Continue to support this system, continue to be belligerently and ignorantly reckless, sleeping throughout life and never seeing reality for what it is. Continue making the choice to not act when your politicians support and order legislation to put into place that directly violates our Constitution.

Continue to follow a system you do not understand or know very much about. Continue to blindly accept what a politician says in a fancy speech as the absolute truth and continue to ignore the actions that these men and women do. Continue to divide yourself from your fellow neighbors, and continue to argue with everyone regarding left-wing versus right-wing. Continue this, because this is what the goal was and it has been achieved. To keep people in the dark. To keep them divided. To keep them unaware of what's happening, and to keep them dis-compliant by feeding them mainstream propaganda that ultimately devours all creativity and intellectual thought. Continue to be a sheep, their puppet, and continue to fulfill the agenda that these men have been so meticulously and painstakingly acquiring since before you and I's parents were born. Continue to not care about real atrocities and crime, yet be discontent and bitch and gripe when your iPhone is dead or when mommy and daddy don't give you money on the weekends. Continue to act in self-perseverance (evidently) yet you can't accept other people for the way they are and feel compelled to shout your voicebox on how bad drugs are, yet you drink every weekend to the point where your body has been poisoned the point where it forces you to throw up and then shuts down. Continue to talk about how open-minded you are, yet anytime anyone isn't a Christian you automatically judge them to be an Athiest who hates God and is pissed off all the time and is wrong and is stupid and is... and is... and is.

Continue to live your life this way. Continue down the path you are on, and continue to have helpless and hopeless thoughts that something will gave; something will change. It won't. Continue down the path that someone has told you to walk, and continue to wonder why you're not happy and can't find a solidified spot on this planet to dig into and be free. Continue doing all of this, it's what they want you to do. It's why they put fluoride in your water, GMO's in your food, bull# "news" on the mainstream media, and it's why this country puts more importance into a new blockbuster film or big football rivalry rather than education of justice, truth, honesty, integrity, and self-ensnarement. Continue to be a slave to the system, continue to allow yourself to accept these ideas that you don't understand but you will entrust because some politician said so.


(continued underneath)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:01 PM
Break free from these chains that hold us back. Do not support a system of disproportional inequality that is purposefully orchestrated to a dime. Do not support a system that supports the NDAA, and that reauthorizes warrant-less wiretapping into Americans phone-lines. Do not support a system of greed, fascism, racism, hatred, corporatism, false capitalism, and did I say greed? Do not support a system, that does not support you, that steals from you, that lies to you, and that ultimately instills fear into you in order to further push their agenda under the guise of some bull# terrorism claim.

"First, they came for the Socialists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Socialist.
Then, they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then, they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Communist.
Then, they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then, they came for me. And there was no left to speak out for me."

In the empire of lies, truth will be treason. In the empire of America, when our "elected" (bought/auctioned) politicians represent the corporations and the select few that control said corporations, who supports you?

When politicians no longer represent the people, ignore public outcry, and pass legislation infringing on their freedom, it becomes very clear that we are nothing more than a pawn in the chessboard that the people behind the scenes have always held. I love America. I hate the select few that represent America. These peoples' time is running out, the paradigm will shift.

It's time to take away the matches from the people who want to watch the world burn. Just to know, in this little town and the other little towns that surround it, that I'm not the only on by a long-shot is so relieving. You say you need a greater purpose, I say you need to see what's coming. Because we see it, we know it, and we feel it.

But this time it will be different. For the first time in human history, the good guys will prevail and come out on top.

You cannot fool as anymore... we are awake.


If you have taken the time to read all of this, then thank you. The reason I posted all of this on ATS is because I'd love to hear your guys' take on me and what I wrote, just some random 18 year old kid.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:07 PM
most people dont care about the world around them, just get used to it because that wont change.
edit on 18-9-2012 by theconspirator because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:16 PM
I have tried to educate people on the "system", to absolutely no avail! Everyone says that they have researched and they don't believe in any of that conspiracy stuff. In the end, I feel as if I am crazy and everyone else is probably right. But my heart tells me they are not.

They just don't seem to want to listen at all. I wasn't even able to "plant seeds". No one listened.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:19 PM
It took awhile, but I read the whole thing!

Excellent post sir! You are very mature for 18!
I'm proud that you are part of our community here!

Maybe you could inspire my 18 year old daughter. When I tell her things like you said she looks at me like I'm nuttier than squirrel turds.

I'm actually gonna read it again, like watching a good movie twice!

edit on 18-9-2012 by tvtexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by angellicview
I have tried to educate people on the "system", to absolutely no avail! Everyone says that they have researched and they don't believe in any of that conspiracy stuff. In the end, I feel as if I am crazy and everyone else is probably right. But my heart tells me they are not.

They just don't seem to want to listen at all. I wasn't even able to "plant seeds". No one listened.

The way I see it, is that we have to send this information we know to these people in a way that they can slowly begin to understand. Like for instance the other night I was with a few buddies, and one of my friends was just talking about Iraq and Oil and using all kinds of terminology and throwing around figures to represent money and even I couldn't follow it. How would someone, who thinks that their politicians are good people and that their vote matters etc, react to that? Obviously they would dismiss it... unless if you put it into a different context. In this case, I would start out by mentioning how much money these people, the Elites make and accumulate, and how they do so. And I try to lay it down in simple terms and then go from there.

I don't know, it has worked out well for me. In my opinion it's all about finding that comfortable middle ground, THEN start sending the information their way. Not just being blatantly insulting and stuck up our own ass with some sense of "Oh all you people are ignorant sheeple," because that instantly makes someone turn away. It's something I definitely need to and have been working on, though...

Thanks for the reply. It's unfortunate though, isn't it? No one listens. How much louder do we have to yell until they do listen?

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:23 PM
What are we gonna do?

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:26 PM
Sounds like you have a "Plato's Cave" situation on your hands.

You can't wake people up that want to stay asleep. They have to want it for themselves. I know that sounds like a "Matrix" thing, but in reality it is true.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:33 PM
Important to realize that you might not be as awake as you think you are, and others might not be as asleep. People are just different, no better no worse.
edit on 9/18/2012 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
Sounds like you have a "Plato's Cave" situation on your hands.

You can't wake people up that want to stay asleep. They have to want it for themselves. I know that sounds like a "Matrix" thing, but in reality it is true.

But are they really wanting to stay asleep? Or is it because they just haven't woken up yet? They are unaware they are asleep, sure they make choices that hammer that ideal into them (although they are unaware of this), but it is because it is all they know. Someone on here made a comment that said "Sheeple parents make sheeple kids," and I don't fully agree with this but in a sense it goes to show the vicious cycle that's overtaken intellectual and critical thinking. Instead of thinking critically, they choose to blindly follow what their parents told them, what their teachers told them, what their politicians told them, and even what society itself has told them. But we are society and this vicious cycle has resulted in followers with no leaders, all following a false illusion that's bound to come crashing down.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:45 PM
First) Great post. Love It very in depth I do applaud
Second) Facebook is part of the problem.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:50 PM
You have a better understanding how things work than the average person.
I am sorry you had to endure the false criticism of you from your classmates.
I just authored a thread in the Rant section about the very nature of presenting your opinion only to be defamed/discredited by the opposing force in defense.

Stay open minded and you will go far.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by angellicview
I have tried to educate people on the "system", to absolutely no avail! Everyone says that they have researched and they don't believe in any of that conspiracy stuff. In the end, I feel as if I am crazy and everyone else is probably right. But my heart tells me they are not.

They just don't seem to want to listen at all. I wasn't even able to "plant seeds". No one listened.

I know how you feel man, past 5-6 years ive been trying to "inform" my family, but through persistence is succes!.
Today out of 7 people, 5 of them my family 6 of them belives me. (my family is way bigger, this is but my closest ones

Most of my close friends is like me, they belive what i belive and we share informative stuff! kinda drifted apart with some of them recently, and it sucks... The world is a crap place, im looking forward too when we are gonna change that.

Also nice post, didnt read it all but i will tomorrow when im abit more well rested.
You have some good points, and ure teacher seems like a wise person too

Haha i remember when my friend told me that 9/11 was a inside job and bankers mostly controlled the planet.
Long story short, didnt belive a word, wanted to disprove him, started researching, LOST! best "loss" of my life

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 06:04 PM
numbers is what it'll take, numbers because no one will intentionally put their family through hardship and that's exactly what would happen if we attempt to exercise our true power so until a leader emerges, someone to follow into revolution we will have to sit ideally by and wait. there's corruption at every level so even in a rebellion scenario we'll still question intentions and in the state we're in now i don't see this happening anytime soon or even in my lifetime so good luck future ATS'ers.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 06:22 PM
Great post. I think your being attacked could have been prevented and you might have won them over if you would have talked about sheeple in general non-accusatory terms. To define "sheeple" without interfering that they are sheeple would have caused you alot less grief. If people believe you are specifically laying a put-down on them they will retaliate with whatever they think will hurt you.

You point the finger at someone with all the truth behind you, people will respond with bruised egos and resent you for what they perceive is an assertion that they are in some way inferior to you. Lets hope that you planted a seed. Whatever their initial reaction, you gave them something to consider if they can be truthful with themselves about themselves.

Have a dream of what you want to see replace what it is you want to tear down and focus on the dream. If others see the merit of your dream they will want to be a part of it. You have passion, intelligence and I believe you can lead.

Go be the change to want to see.

edit on 9/18/2012 by sad_eyed_lady because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by sad_eyed_lady
Great post. I think your being attacked could have been prevented and you might have won them over if you would have talked about sheeple in general non-accusatory terms. To define "sheeple" without interfering that they are sheeple would have caused you alot less grief. If people believe you are specifically laying a put-down on them they will retaliate with whatever they think will hurt you.

You point the finger at someone with all the truth behind you, people will respond with bruised egos and resent you for what they perceive is an assertion that they are in some way inferior to you. Lets hope that you planted a seed. Whatever their initial reaction, you gave them something to consider if they can be truthful with themselves about themselves.

Have a dream of what you want to see replace what it is you want to tear down and focus on the dream. If others see the merit of your dream they will want to be a part of it. You have passion, intelligence and I believe you can lead.

Go be the change to want to see.

edit on 9/18/2012 by sad_eyed_lady because: (no reason given)

Thank you for the kind words, it's greatly appreciated.

It's when people are presented with information that is radically different than anything they've been exposed to that leads to denial and retaliation. We just have to be persistent and keep a cool head while doing so.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 12:05 AM
Really encouraging to know there are 18-year-olds with this much insight (and flawless grammar to boot!)

That said, I don't understand how they could take offense at your statement of "if everyone in here were brainwashed, no one would know" during a philosophy class. Geez-- that's an awesome philosophical spring-board for hearty discourse! I guess you can add 'paranoid' to the list of what they are? I mean, you said "IF" and not "YOU PEOPLE ARE," right?

All I can say is... don't lose heart, young grasshopper (LoL, couldn't resist.) I have managed to spark a bit of awakening in my husband, Mr. Skeptical Incarnate himself. Also my mother, who really was just too absorbed with "Dancing With the Stars" and soap operas, LoL...

Hang in there, though. Baby steps... then a walkathon... before you know it you'll be running a marathon of awakenings.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by RomeByFire

Be a good sheep and do what your told...

That mentality is actually the basis for a lot of the social problems we have today. To you im sure a sheep is probably that someone that does not conform to your world view. To me a sheep is someone who writes the same stuff you did because I have heard it over and over and over and over and over and over. Im sure you think your ideas are your own, that is why you believe them. Only the truly brainwashed will outright say that someone else thought that for them.
Just take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are a follower or not.

just thought this was a funny realated video

edit on 19-9-2012 by Superhans because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 07:06 AM
Spot on, my friend! Spot on!

I'm with you.....

Over the last two weeks I have been listening to Manly P. Halls lectures.

His research into philosophy, astrotheology and other subjects are sooo fascinating.

If you have not listented to him or heard him speak yet, DO SO, if I could link through this dang iPad I would, but I can't.

He says the same thing and so much more.

We are a society that has never really changed.

We have been lead to believe we are striving for material wealth when it holds no value whatsoever!

Good for you as you stick up for the true reality and most people cannot handle it, sadly!

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