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Libyan Ambassidor Attack - A Real Conspiracy?

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posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 12:07 PM
Was sitting at work listening to the radio, changed channels and ran into Glenn Beck. I normally don't listen to the guy, just too much sophomoric humor attempts for me combined with pseudo faith based convictions that always seem to favor the GOP party line to be coincidence.

But I digress... either way, he was detailing - what I thought - was a pretty decent conspiracy theory about the Libyan ambassador murder et al.

He went into detail about who the "ambassador" actually was per the circumstances surrounding him, as well as the people that accompanied him.

Lots of "facts" or "research" accompanied this, but the gist was essentially that:

- The U.S. government is indeed looking for missiles to recover, so that no one finds out that we supplied them to terrorists
- They find a weapons cache of surface to air missles
- Same missiles we supplied during the revolution to take out aircraft.
- The CIA agents were forced to call in Stevens, our CIA weapons dealer.
- He flies in on short notice and takes an unmarked car to avoid suspicion to meet them
- The meeting goes south, he is taken to the closest safe house, which is why he ends up at the poorly secured consulate building.
- The message Sean Smith sent to the gaming community was really a message to the CIA telling them they needed help.

Really, it's not a bad layout of a theory - Just thought I'd see what the people here think since we all eat up a good conspiracy theory.

And he accompanies it with

Glenn asked which scenario was more plausible: 1) The attacks were a result of a protest spurned by a YouTube video or 2) The bad guys in Benghazi staged the protests to cover for the attack.

“I don’t know if this is the case,” Glenn said. “But I do know it’s more likely than spontaneous rag-tag protesters pulling off a high level power assault.”

It is odd that a movie very few people saw spurned protests in a country with very little access to independent media that is literally unknown even in the US.... and that this movie would spurn a random protest that would have the weapons and ferocity to storm a US embassy and kill our ambassador... over a movie... made by a citizen.

I'm wondering, how many embassies get assaulted because of random insults to Mohammed.... usually they just go after the person, not the nation they live in...

In the opening minutes of the show, Glenn laid out the timeline for the attacks on Libyan embassy::

- 10:15pm Consulate is engulfed in flames. Many escape, raced by convoy about one mile down the road to a supposed “safe house”. Stevens does not make it.
- 10:45pm Security staff regroup and try to take back the main building but encounter heavy fire and retreat.
- 11:20pm More back-up arrives and a second attempt regains the main building. Fighting erupts at the “secret” safe house and lasts 2 hours. The attack was described as “intense, deadly and accurarte.” It featured automatic weapons, RPG’s and mortar fire. The accuracy was said to be too good for ordinary revolutionaries. Two former SEALs are killed in firefight.
- 1:15 am – Stevens body taken to hospital and unable to be revived

Before the attack, one of the guards who died alongside Stevens, Sean Smith, posted the following on an online gaming message board: “assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures”.

Glenn wondered if all the elements of the timeline above and the message from Smith really match up with the story circulating Washington D.C. and the media – that the attacks were the result of a spontaneous protest spurned on by the YouTube video. He had a different theory.

bla bla bla (more bloviating over Glenn's magnificence)...

Glenn theorized that the two people who were working the two former SEALs working protective duty for the ambassador were actually CIA agents on an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war town nation. Before his death, Glen Doherty, one of the former SEALs who was killed alongside Stevens, told ABC News about that he was looking for weapons in Libya. Also, Glenn said that, although it was not explicitly stated, it could be inferred from the interview that they were rounding up weapons supplied by the United States to Libyan rebels during the uprising last year.

Glenn also pointed out that the media’s portrayal of Stevens seems odd as more information about him emerges. He is said to have a huge love for the Libyan people, which is odd considering several leaders of the Libyan revolt against Gadaffi have stated they fought against the United States, and the rebel leader claimed that many Al-Qaida members were working with him on the front lines.

Reports have also surfaced over the past week that Stevens snuck into the war torn country on a cargo ship, and that he travelled to Morocco, Germany and Sweden. Glenn also found it suspicious that he did not travel in the more protected, but more obvious, armored vehicles.

“That doesn’t like your average pencil pusher diplomat. Sounds a little more like CIA to me,” Glenn theorized.

Here is a link to the source:
Glenn's site (at your own risk)

edit on 18-9-2012 by gncnew because: fixing tags

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 12:36 PM
Good thread.

I tend to look at Beck as a loony, but he always seems to be on the cusp of actually knowing what he is talking about. He's one of those great media pundits who build a mountain of lies on top of one truth.

Having said that, I've been thinking this was a suspicious story from the get-go. I think it is definitely possible and most likely probable that Stevens was working with the CIA, maybe was ex-CIA, considering he was the Libyan ambassador and the circumstances of his movements in and out of the country detailed by Beck.

The mercenaries who orchestrated this attack were sent there to kill him it is my belief. Also, the missing documents from the embassy offices is suspicious. They're saying he died from asphyxiation but that just doesn't add up to me.
edit on 18-9-2012 by PatriotGames2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by PatriotGames2
Good thread.

I tend to look at Beck as a loony, but he always seems to be on the cusp of actually knowing what he is talking about. He's one of those great media pundits who build a mountain of lies on top of one truth.

Having said that, I've been thinking this was a suspicious story from the get-go. I think it is definitely possible and most likely probable that Stevens was working with the CIA, maybe was ex-CIA, considering he was the Libyan ambassador and the circumstances of his movements in and out of the country detailed by Beck.

The mercenaries who orchestrated this attack were sent there to kill him it is my belief. Also, the missing documents from the embassy offices is suspicious. They're saying he died from asphyxiation but that just doesn't add up to me.
edit on 18-9-2012 by PatriotGames2 because: (no reason given)

That's kind of what caught my attention. Glenn is a bit of a rube, but this one kind of seem to fit well with what a realistic scenario is over there.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:35 AM
I'm astonished that of all the stuff on ATS, this whole event is getting so little play or conversation. I've searched, and it seems NOBODY wants to actually talk about the potential for conspiracy surrounding it.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by gncnew

I totally agree. I have spent so much time looking into this event it has actually burnt me out, what has never really happened before. I am surprised that ATS is lacking this time around, I have actually read quite a few threads concerning the event but they seem to die off pretty quick after a few pages. If I had to guess it is because of the lack of information about what has happened and all the confusion.

It's frustrating knowing you are being lied to constantly and having to sift through all of the bulls*** in order to find one minute piece of info that could possibly help solve the puzzle you are looking at.

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