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Are you getting the premonition that a lot of people seem to be getting?

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posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:41 PM
Yup, something is there... and it's ready to manifest itself.
This is what I've been feeling as of recent:

- Bi-polar (terrible mood swings)
- Disoriented (feelings of movement beneath me)
- Super-vivid dreams (overly dramatic)
- Strong depression ( I just can't get over this nagging depression - despite my efforts)
- Surges of great will power (sometimes I get so motivated and fearless. Like, BRING IT ON!!)

I have to say, my mental condition has gotten worse in the recent years.
We may be on the verge of something, people. Let's get ready to witness some of the most amazing events this generation has ever seen.

Honestly, though. Did we really think all of this could sustain itself?? I'm certain Life is not supposed to be like this!! It all seems so UNREAL. This can't be reality. We all realize this, and are expressing it.

Something needs changing...and it needs it bad.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:15 PM
Now for my more serious response.

I got the feeling Dec 2010. It hasn't left me.

I saw all the weird animal deaths. Then Japanese Quake/Tsunami happened. Then the Elenin crap. Then YU55. Also the posturing in the Middle East and the Arab Spring also made me feel uneasy.

I'm a firm believer of Aliens. Good and Bad. I truly do think there is a change afoot and while it is possible that there are positives for sure, there is also A LOT of negative stuff attached to it.

I've been feeling uneasy for 21 months. I want to know what's going on. I want to experience MORE.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:15 PM
Here is my history of bad feelings/paranoia/premonitions.

I thought Y2K was a joke and I gave it no thought.

When Obama got elected I rushed out and bought guns and ammo because I thought he'd outlaw them right off the bat and then bring down the SS troops on us (I still think that). When the bird flu hit I had a bit of anxiety.

Then I had my awakening when the market crashed in '08. I started really paying attention. It freaked me out so bad that I rushed out and bought months worth of food, stacks of ammo, medical supplies, etc. After a while I lightened up and stopped worrying so much, but that same sense of foreboding has stayed with me ever since.

Everybody figures themselves to be smart even if they aren't. I am an intelligent person. IQ and college admittance tests put me inside the top 10% any way you cut it. I'm not a genius, but not much gets past me for very long. I'm not saying that to brag, but rather to attempt to establish that I'm not some slobbering bumpkin all wired up over crazy conspiracy theories. I'm well educated, aware, and in tune (as many ATSers are, this site seems to attract such people...and some other people as well).

I have never been more frightened than I am now. I suddenly don't feel safe in bed at night. A week ago I woke up, got dressed, and spent $300 on canned food out of the blue and bought a new 1911. I have not stockpiled food since 2009. I have no idea the extent of what is coming, but economic doom is mathematically certain. It may be this Winter and it might be several years away. People pretend to know, but without the certainty of all the potential input variables nobody can know. It absolutely can happen tomorrow given the right inputs, or it can drag out years. It may be sudden or a pitifully slow process. It may be prophesy or just another noteworthy moment on a historical timeline. There may be unlucky cataclysms to boot, or devastating war.

I have no doubt that the world will soon change radically, and not for the better....atleast not initially. That is all I'll venture to say because beyond that I am just not certain. I can't say if the OP is just being paranoid, or if I am. I put my money (literally) on being correct that something bad is coming.
edit on 17-9-2012 by Erectus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by jtma508

I've said this before on ATS but it fits here quite nicely. I'm 60yo. I grew-up in a middle-class family with no significant issues or problems, not particulalry religious and in a typical small New England town. As long as I can remember, from a very early age, I have had this unshakeable feeling that during the course of my lifetime something really huge was going to happen. This 'Event' had nothing to do with me personally and I could never get a clear idea of what it may be or when it would occur. But these were the main aspects of it:

I intended to reply to you in my original post.

I turn 67 in 3 weeks and as a child i was fascinated with revelations. I always knew I would experience whatever it was. I am no longer a believer but continue to be acutely aware that something is coming down and have put much study into ancient reports of earth changes. One that I read a couple of years ago comes from Manly P. Hall's 'Secret Teaching of all Ages. Cancer(summer) is the gate of descent and Capricorn( winter) the gate of ascent.

There is more but think it is not warranted her and a distraction

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:28 PM
edit on 17-9-2012 by Vaedur because: Double post

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Dan001

"Honestly, though. Did we really think all of this could sustain itself?? I'm certain Life is not supposed to be like this!! It all seems so UNREAL. This can't be reality. We all realize this, and are expressing it."

I have had the exact same thought for the last few years. This can't be doesn't make sense. If we are truly spiritual beings, something got majorly messed up. I don't know what is coming, but bring it on already. I don't expect to survive and that is actually ok with me at this time.

Wish I could afford a trip to Peru and do the ayahuasca thing.................a little off topic, but whatever.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:29 PM
I think alot of these feelings can be related to paranoia, post 9/11 life (we lost our safe feeling in the us), the subjects we read on ats, face it we are all subject to paranoia just visor ng this site. That feeling you get is from reading to much news andvwaiting for something to happen. Look i go through it alot, i was convinced ufos would arive anydsy for years. My advice unplug and get off the weed if youre on it, Realise life is good if you make it good and chill out about what you coulnt change if it was true anyways. padon my typing on my ps vta.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ
I keep getting a bad feeling about China. I think that as far off as their eminence seems to us, that they will eventually be placed in a situation where they can not back down. / sooner than later.

They will probably do something to their own citizens that will get the international community at odds with them. Then we will wait for the tipping point. I don't think they fear a nuclear holocaust. They have more than enough installations, population, and emergency infrastructure to survive for many years underground. That makes me suspicious.

I don't know. I have been fighting a bad feeling about them for a while but I think it will develop slowly and erupt abruptly. We are now in the initial stages IMO of the final countdown to a show of cards.

bad feeling.

edit on 17-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

Several years ago I had a dream inwhich I was hiding from a Chinese tank and afterwards was trying to avoid a gas attack. The canisters were popping all around me. Personally, I do not believe that China can invade us. It isn't some repressed fear of mine. Yet, I had the dream.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:32 PM
I`ve been having increased unexplained feelings of apprehension and anxiety for the last 2-3 months, kind of like that feeling you get when your in the dentist office waiting room.

The world seems to be changing faster and faster,we barely have time to adjust to one big change and there`s another one waiting in the wings. it seems like there are going to be a lot of big changes coming in the next 6-12 months.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Tardacus
I`ve been having increased unexplained feelings of apprehension and anxiety for the last 2-3 months, kind of like that feeling you get when your in the dentist office waiting room.

The world seems to be changing faster and faster,we barely have time to adjust to one big change and there`s another one waiting in the wings. it seems like there are going to be a lot of big changes coming in the next 6-12 months.
its changing with the changing of technology. Faster and faster and faster.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:38 PM
Seriously though i think some of it is marijuana related paranoia for some i say that honestly.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:38 PM
It seems like everyone is feeling this way. Not just the ATS types. There seems to be a lot going on right now. Also with the economic situation I think more of us are wanting it to happen. I think we are seeing it as a way to start anew. A way to wipe the slate clean and to start over.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:38 PM
I think everyone is overlooking that we are part of a new society where information arrives in milliseconds to our computers. Newspapers, which used to be the primary way of getting information 12 to 24 hours after events happened, have been supplanted by the internet. TV today is not like it was...the information flow to media outlets is now immense and immediate because they too have the internet.

I know the feeling of imminent doom and waiting for something to happen. I do feel it too. I believe it is the result of our discomfort and inability to make sense of the enormous amount of information we receive each and every day. Human's are hard-wired to filter out all but the dangers- the negative. A vestige of our animal instincts drives us to seek to survive and to do so we must quickly and subconsciously determine what the current danger is. With the sheer volume of information and events we receive, and a growing world population, it has become difficult for us to distinguish the truly dangerous from the inconsequential. We are no longer pursued by the same physical predators that once threatened our ancestors in the wild but our minds still seek to defend against danger. We are wired to perceive an imminent threat when overstimulated.

My advice is to unplug for a while. Try to stop watching the TV, stop reading the internet, turn off your cell phone and reduce your stimulation for a while. When your inputs are just the things that are around you, the feeling of threat will ease somewhat. I'm not saying there isn't some global doom out there- but I'm saying you have no way of knowing that and the feeling is the result of something else. As soon as someone declares here that there is an imminent doom, we all know that months and years pass with nothing happening. That is evidence enough that our senses lie to us. We can perceive threats around us, but not at a global level. Our minds are trying to adapt to this era of information and connectivity around the world where everything is made to seem local. Our extra-senses are confused by dense information that no generation before us has had to deal with at this volume or immediacy.

All of that said, I've seen 4 funerals of people to which I'm closely connected in the past 2 weeks. It occurred to my superstitious side that perhaps there is some trend to fear in it, but the reality is that its a sad statistical anomaly and nothing more.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:49 PM
Yes. I have been for two years, but somethings just changing. Maybe whatever it is is getting closer. Something is changing that's big. Every once in a while I will have Out of Body Experiences, last year it was maybe six of them, this year maybe twelve. And now it's getting so intense that whenever I go to sleep I wonder if it will happen again. Today I got really really sleepy and had to take a nap, before I even fell asleep I saw I had four arms rather than two, my arms were on the armrest of the recliner and on my lap at the same time. I nodded off and the second I was asleep I felt I was floating. I was really unaware of it, mistaking it for a feeling, until my forehead touched the ceiling. I've never floated before in an out of body experience. But in every OBE I have an overwhelming sense of iminent danger. I never panic but I just feel heavier. My dreams are of fire and screams. Almost every night. I DO know what you were talking about. Two years ago when I was on amphetamine (sober now, 5 months) I would actually have visions of it, that's how it started. I would go in either a trance or sometimes a seizure and hear screams, see worms crawling under my skin (probably a hallucination) and the feeling was so strong I would sometimes feel paralyzed. Not the normal paralysis either, just heavy. I still get seizures but not the crazy vision ones, I have dreams of emptiness and sadness too. Where all my family and friends are gone, the houses are empty except for shadows.
I don't know what any of this means though.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Vaedur

.....could be.....

*quickly hides his stash*

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:58 PM
Yes, and not something on a national level, but rather, a major worldwide disaster. We must remember that we're passengers on the earth, not the other way around. Anything and everything is not only possible, but certain.
A supervolcano eruption keeps coming to mind, but that at least is likely just my anxiety talking.

I'm reasonably sure, though, that when it happens, the few humans that are left are going to be starting civilization all over again. It's a strangely comforting thought... made bittersweet by the fact that our current artistic creation and scientific discovery will be swept away along with everything else.

On a selfish note, I hope the new book series I'm interested in will have a chance to finish before it happens. Hence my dismay at the end of our achievements. All of my own art and writing will be gone as well.
Then again, I'll be too dead to care, won't I? Ha...

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by okachobi

Stop watching all the crap going around? Are you crazy? This has been the most interesting time in my life watching all the disasters happening around the globe. All this Chaos is better than Hollywood shows because it is more realistic. Although I don't let these things worry me, I do prep now for disasters. I do believe the severe weather can effect us. I see a more violent weather pattern. Even though it hasn't been bad here yet, I see a pattern emerging that can effect us

My wife is being trained at work to help in case of a disaster. This training does not take away her regular duties, it just adds extra work to her load. The training is in the form of organization of government emergency services. We get calls once in a while to see if she can be reached in case of a disaster and to see if she would be able to get there within a half hour. The government is working on getting disaster training in place. Communication and chain of command is the biggest thing. This kind of stuff is going to help us everywhere in the USA.

Kill the media and internet in my home
not a chance

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by okachobi

I hope you're right!
I don't want everything to come to naught, like the destruction of the Libraries of Baghdad and Alexandria.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:13 PM
I had a dream the other night where I was looking at the Earthquake USGS site at a 9.0 magnitude quake located squarely in Japan, at the site of Mt. Fuji - with the magnitude later being "downgraded" to 8.0. There has been a recent uptick of activity at Mt. Fuji...

...but I don't think really think anything of it. First off, I don't know if earthquakes of that magnitude are associated with volcanic eruptions. Furthermore, I don't know if that size of an earthquake is even possible in mainland Japan. Still, it was pretty vivid and unsettling.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:15 PM
...almost as though there was a giant invisible hand slowly closing in on the Earth. Not a crushing sensation, but almost like a, "it's just about here" sensation.

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