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Shame on you ATS I refuse to HATE

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posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by onecraftydude

I agree with this part of your post:

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:33 PM
Way to much hate in the world today..

I for one will not be a part of it either.

just not my style.....

S&F John...

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:54 PM
Humanity sucks, period.

I wish we lived in a Star Trek like world, minus the Socialism, in a true representative democracy where the government is truly for the people and by the people, where our needs are met without having to fight for them every single step of the way.

I long for a society where people live their own lives without worrying what a person believes, that doesn't value conformity, that basically says do what thou wilt at no harm to others, with all kinds of civil rights and liberties that won't be taken away just because someone says "OMFG! That person isn't behaving the way I want them to! THERE MUST BE A LAW DANGNABIT!"

Hatred, intolerance, and bigotry are all part of the human psyche. It's just modified by culture and location.

It really doesn't have to be that way.

I say give peace a chance, but don't be stupid about it. Recognize the fact that some people just don't want peace and will never leave you alone just because you believe in something different than you do. You have to fight them for they will do what they can to take your freedoms and, well, everything you ahve away from you. That's what this world is built upon, bullying people into submission, and taking things away.

America was called the great experiment, because that's what it was meant for.

Unfortunately the idiots ruined it because they believed in forced.

If we lived in a society that did not believe in force, it would be a much better world.

I wish we had that world.

But we don't.

Until all of humanity learns to overcome its petty bigotries and hate, it's going to be a rough world.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:05 PM
Guess I am getting too damn old cause all of this fighting and hating over nonsense just ain't in my blood like it used to be.


posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
That's right, You heard me, Yes you. I refuse to fall into the self replenishing cycle of HATE.

With all that is going on right now it's very easy for many to pick sides and start slinging HATE and MOB rule take effect. Even here at ATS, I've read some horrible things. I've posted my opinion but refuse to HATE.

I wont do it.

Someone once said, move to either side of the road or get run over.

I still have a bad taste in my mouth from this:

That was hateful and it hurt. You gave me an F for my opinion.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by jam321

With age comes wisdom, patience, and a much stronger need to take Aleve, Ibuprofin, or aspirin in the mornings.


posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

and Scotch at night

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by intrptr

F for frustration.

You got an A + for participating

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by intrptr

F for frustration.

You got an A + for participating

Thanks for the passing grade. I can live with that.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 11:07 PM
To quote the late, great, George Carlin, "Muslim fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long time..."

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I hate when you say things like that.
I hate, hate, HATE IT!!!!!!

edit on 16-9-2012 by Trublbrwing because: punctuation malfunction, sentence structure error etc.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj
Take the religions and put them where they belong - in church!

Better yet, put them back where they CAME from: HELL!

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 12:31 AM
Aw, c'mon!
It's fun to hate!
Just think of all the hilarious jokes about people who are not exactly like ourselves.
We all laugh at em, oh sure, somebody might get onto a 1969 when things were fine, livin in the commune, drinking mulberry wine, purifying our nature with a sacrament which is given to us on the first page of the Bible(1st Genesis 11, and 17), and is required to make the "Holy Incense".
Embraced by our Ethiopian Coptic Bretheren, and the worlds best amature football player Bob Marley and happy Rastafarians everywhere, this unmentionable thing, described as being a member of the Kingdom of Plantae, an Angiosperm, this Eudicot Rosid of the order Rosales classified by Carl Linnaeus, is, was, and shall always be understood to be one of, if not the most valuable plants utilized by mankind for thousands of years.
This producer of paper, fabric, medicines, the munchies, and Cheech and Chong, helped us to laugh at jokes about just about everything, if we didn't "get" the joke, we'd laugh about how stupid it was.
We loved everybody, but some strange sorts of hippies kept telling us we should hate guys who got drafted and didn't really want to split for Canada, being sent instead to southeast Asia to die physically, or mentally, or emotionally, and kill some little brown guys while they were at it, because we bought a used war from the French or something like that.
Anyway, we had friends who were Sufi, and friends who were Hari Krishnas', and even cats who were into Islamic teachings (those Sufis' didn't mention that they were Muslims, or we just didn't catch it.) I knew a few guys from Persia who kept asking if I knew about Moses...I sure did, he was the guy who didn't stop to ask for directions for like 40 years...setting a standard all men still try to better. Anyway, we had some interesting conversations, and decided that as long as everybody was cool on God, however ya got there was okie-dokie. One of my pals was an actual Prince named Kamusafi, swell guy, he taught me a lot about the Islamic Faith, and I taught him a lot about how to party in Austin Texas. He had to pray about 5 times a day, I didn't send any kites to Daddy-o, Laddy-o, and Spook, even semi-annually, but Kamusafi said Mohamed was tight with J.C., and as long as God, Allah, or whatever name people called God was number 1, well then everything was cool.
I still learned a bunch of "Camel Jockey" jokes, and Kamusafi was sort of at a disadvantage because Persians didn't have a bunch of American Hippie jokes, but after smoking an unmentionable substance Linnaeus classified because he was big on hanging his L on just about everything, Kamusafi decided hippies were funny enough just to watch, no dialog needed, but he had some great jokes about black people, which caused the hippies to hate him, even though the only black guy they knew was Jimi Hendrix, so Kamusafi decided he was tired of balling hippie chicks, and I was ready for a change of scene myself, so I went and signed up with a very friendly outfit called the U.S.M.C., told Kamusafi I'd come see him someday, and he promised to look me up in 10 years or so, and so off we went to seek adventure. The first thing I learned was that recruiters lie. Then I learned that D.I.s' are incapable of speaking unless they were screaming. You know why Marines are fearless? Cause they'd rather die than explain getting injured to anybody ranked Sgt or higher. Anyway, I was such a screw-up I survived half my tour in a job where life expectancy was 27 minutes in combat, so they kicked me into a lot better job...I got to grow my hair out, dress up like a hippie photographer, and wander around countries we were not in. I had dreams of balling Jane Fonda, but it didn't work out since I was in a little known part of China, and Chuckie didn't get no U.S.O., especially in that part of China, which made sense since even Chicom Meowers didn't go there, but a monk told me a joke about Mexicans. We laughed. I've told the same joke to Mexicans and they love it, of course ethnic jokes are racist and hate, but everybody hated everybody else but "loved the one you're with".Everybody loved Cat Steven's music but we never thought about him being a Muslim..."Peace train holy rolling." Somehow even Moonshadow didn't seem to carry any secret "hate Americans because of their freedom" messages, and even though we know Cheech is really Iranian I really have a hard time hating the cat, but I suppose it is my duty if not my nature.
What I'm getting at is this;Everybody is a hater.
It''s okay. Hate stereotypes, people of other beliefs, races, and folks in general are hard to hate if you are pals with em.
Just hate the ones you don't know like everybody else, it's good clean fun, and the possibilities are endless!

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:04 AM
People goan do what people goan do. Haters goan hate. Religion is just an excuse for some people to act like an asshat, that's all. Take away religion and men would be doing it because theyre human. People have done what they always will do which is make up some reasons to justify taking your sh** because they don't have it and they want what you have. Boil it all down and that's what religions are, legalized theft in the name of some chunk of rock embedded in the side of a building people think is their god. Just wait till we start hearing excuses of "the toothfairy made me do it".

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:07 AM
If I wasn't watching my gran, I'd be downing the rest of my RonDiaz rum with you all. I've looked at both sides of the story and the only conclusion I come to is some lucky troll is laughing their @$$ off in their parents' basement, believing they are trying to accomplish some dire war between the West and Islam. Again. As if the Crusades and the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan were enough.

I just want this crap to end and uncloud the black thoughts that have bombarded me since this went down.

I'll have two piña coladas and a shot of mezcal pl0x.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:20 AM
Haterz gonna HATE...

A Message To All You Haters!

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:35 AM
The problem is no one puts order in their own house.
We all just sit here and talk, but that's about it.
edit on 023030p://f36Sunday by Dr Cosma because: itsabovetopsecret

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 03:36 AM

That's right, You heard me, Yes you. I refuse to fall into the self replenishing cycle of HATE.

With all that is going on right now it's very easy for many to pick sides and start slinging HATE and MOB rule take effect. Even here at ATS, I've read some horrible things. I've posted my opinion but refuse to HATE.

I wont do it.

I wont bash one faith simply because a certain small percentage in it cant join the 21rst Century. I also refuse to jump on the slam an entire religion due to the action of the same small [Although very vocal] minority bandwagon. As an American I wont give up my right to freedom of speech due to some Moron dubbing a video in his mommies basement nor because somebody was offended.

As much as I was sad of 9/11 and post 9/11 events , I am sad of this events. Even more.

I hope those who made this fight fail in near future.

This is a neo-crusade and I am not going to fight or hate


posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

As a senior member here, kudos for speaking the truth.

Hate breeds Hate, Violence breeds Violence

We need Love to spread like a virus, not small minded intolerance.

Love to All

* Ned

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 04:03 AM

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