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Sorry, people of America, this not the behavior of our Islam | Libya

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posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by flashtrum

Originally posted by Kamza
To the Muslims on this forum, how can you lower yourself and be so apolagetic in the face of such a crude, abhorrent and inciteful video aimed and undermining the Prophet of God?

I am not doubting the story of this demonstration in Libya but what I find absurd is that such a crude attempt at inciting hatred against Muslims and ridiculing the belief of almost a third of the population of the world goes almost without criticisim yet the backlash is immediately pounced upon as terrorist vigilantes...

It seems people have lost all sense of what it means to revere and respect something. Especially when that something is held in high regard by a large proportion of the global community. In Aleistair Crowley's satanic book the Thelema he writes "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law". Essentially meaning that do whatever you want and don't care about the repurcussions, don't care about who you offend, don't care what anyone thinks, as long as it feels good then 'just do it'.

Freedom today has been used too nonchanantl, giving people the 'justification' to do whatever they wish without any sense of what is right or wrong, good or bad. Was is not the U.S army that recently legalised beastiality? (that's sex with animals btw)...

This 'freedom' practised in many western and european countries is in complete agreement with satanism. Do what thou wilt is what it means to be a practising satanist and well this is how most the people are behaving most of the time. This crude video, clearly aimed at demeaning the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Islam, should be viewed as an abhorrent attemt to incite hatred and violence. Just because the Christians and Jews have lost all self-respect, does not mean that Muslim's should be looked down upon for sticking up for what they love most.

If someone ridiculed your mother or father in the worst of ways, would you simply say 'thanks for your opinion' or would you be a Man and give a harsh response and honour your parents? Now if you believe in the Prophet of God... that he came and struggled to pass on the truth to us... if you believed this wholeheartedly, would you not be offended if someone tried to ridicule him? If you are a Man of subtance then you would stick up for what you believe...

If you are going to live in a society where freedom of speech is a cornerstone of the society, I suggest trying on a thicker skin. There isn't a day that goes by where a comic, sitcom or late night host doesn't do jokes on priests associated with Christianity. Yet Christians aren't blowing themselves up and causing mass destruction over an ill-advised or poorly worded joke. (Or a D-grade movie - I saw the trailers and to call that a movie is to call anything on youtube worthy of Oscar consideration).

In this society, you take the good with the bad. If you don't like what someone says, you have a right to say what you want. You don't have the right to break into their property, murder their people, burn their flags, etc.

This isn't the place where if SOMEONE did say something that "may" offend your mother that you take out a sword and behead them. This world in general needs one big enema. We need to get over ourselves. You don't have to like or agree with what your neighbor says - BUT YOU DO HAVE TO RESPECT HIS RIGHT TO SAY WHAT HE WANTS TO SAY.

YOU have the power to either brush off a stupid video or decide by golly someone needs to die because they practiced satire and you were offended. This is such a childish, selfish response.

And BTW, I don't believe in your prophet, I don't believe in your god, and I think your religion as well as the other big two are going to be the downfall of humanity. This nonsense needs to stop. I could care less if you worship fire hydrants. But in America if I decide that is silly, or to crack or a joke, or to come out and say I'd rather worship fire extinguishers, you need to get over yourself and move on. So, MOVE ON.

That sir has to be the BEST comment 've heard so far. Well done

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Hanrak77

It is ridiculous the amount of irrational reductionism that people here engage in.

To mysunshine: I can only repeat, that whats of concern is not the presence of normal Muslims, but rather the theological and metaphysical underpinnings of Sunni Islam which allows - and even commands - this sort of ridiculous behavior.

Until this is known and understood - and people look at the actions of radical Muslims not from the vantage point as an isolated act, but as the consequence of a peculiar way of thinking intrinsic to Sunni Islam, then this situation will only fester and become much harder to deal with later on.

Al Ghazali is the single most influential Muslim after the Islamic prophet Muhammad, Others have cited his movement from science to faith as a detriment to Islamic scientific progress. Besides his work that successfully changed the course of Islamic philosophy—the early Islamic Neoplatonism developed on the grounds of Hellenistic philosophy, for example, was so successfully refuted by Ghazali that it never recovered

Al Ghazali is a titanic figure within Islam. He refuted the metaphysics of God's activity in nature and so natural law - which prevented the development of constitutional law and democracy:

The primacy of reason, theologically and philosophically understood, is the prerequisite for democracy. Otherwise, what could serve as its legitimating source? Along with it must come metaphysical support for natural law, which provides the foundations not only for modern science but also for the development of constitutional government. Therein lies the source for the “laws of nature and of natures God,” on which constitutional edifices are built. The primacy of power in Sunni Islamic thought undermines a similar prospect. If one does not allow for the existence of secondary causes, one cannot develop natural law. If one cannot develop natural law, one cannot conceive of a constitutional political order in which man, through his reason, creates laws to govern himself and behave freely. – Robert R. Reilly, The Closing of the Muslim Mind, pg. 129, ISI books

Thus, the behavior we see of Muslims in their exaggerated response to a video is the result of the Islamic way of thinking. There is a metaphysical viewpoint that posits God as Will - and not reason. Al Ghazali assumes this kind of dialectic: Just as sight is contradicted by reason, reason is contradicted by the transcendence of intuition. Intuition in Al Ghazalis thought is concomitant with the insight bequeathed by investigation of Gods revealed Will in the Quran, and to a lesser extent, the Hadith. It's from an understanding of this transcendent 'truth' that one learns how to think and act.

Hence why Al Ghazalis wikipedia article (an article such as his is locked; it's a completed article) begins by mentioning the major controversial fact of Al Ghazalis philosophy being the reason for Sunni Islams rejection of reason and western sciences, and so, has led to the stagnation of all creative thought in the Arab world. Their only main export is oil - nothing else. This isn't the fault of Arabs - but of Islam's truncated conception of reality - of this physical objective world having no existence in itself - and so, is not subject to consistent laws of cause and effect, but rather, are repeated acts of Allahs will. This idea is called occasionalism. Where instead of a cause leading intrinsically to an effect, you have one moment turning into another moment purely through the arbitrary will of Allah; this 'explains away' the fact of fire ALWAYS burning wool, into it is Gods habit of Will that leads to fire burning wool; but it's not intrinstic to the properties of fire and wool, but rather Gods Willful action (God is not subject to reason i.e. any intrinsic logic within the fire and wool; hence, Islam, a religion which worships a God of pure will, must make sense of what we actually see when we see cause and effect between fire burning wool). God is simply willing that this occur; if he wanted to, he could make water burn wool. Crazy you say? This is literally the doctrine of Al Ghazali. The point is, there is no past or future, but a continuous now being continuously annihilated and created every moment; it's a sophisticated and highly mystical way to look at things; however, it doesn't square with the prerequisites of science.

Islam, one can say, is a religion of mysticism that elevates the insights of the mystical experience with the revealed world of Allah in the Quran, creating a religion which emphasizes the non-duality of the world we experience with the voluntarism of Allah's will. This creates a religion INTRACTABLE with other ways of thinking. It's imperialistic doctrine of Allahs Will being effected in human reality because the Quran says so cannot admit other ways of thinking lest the Quran be proved wrong and the entire edifice built by Al Ghazlis followers be discredited; especially difficult is having to come to terms that their metaphysical and theological thinking was inferior to the religion developed in the west by Christianity, which adopted Hellenistic ways of thinking and so enabled the later development of natural law, natural science, democracy, and constitutional government.

So the mature person separates an individual experience with a nice Muslim with the macrocosmic situation of Islam in relation to the world around them, and how this theology and metaphysics of Allah as Power and Pure Will forces a conflict of interests, between their harsh fundamentalism and their civilizational inferiority.

I do not deny the presence of moderate Muslims; there are Arabs in the Muslim world who are western educated and subscribe to a western sensibility who want things to change; but the religious establishment is the greatest power in the Islamic world. And this is because Islam is densely fused with politics.
edit on 14-9-2012 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 03:03 PM
I'm sorry but those posters all look photoshopped

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by simplyLOVE

Heh, agreed!
I réally like Scotsmen. They are the louse in the Arrogant English pelt, espècially loved the moment when some Scot parlemantarians were pondering to join the Euro. Nót because of the Euro, but because of the collective "choking on their tea" , and the spit-takes in Main-Street and Westminster.. They almost looked like they had a heart-attack.

Great fun for a main-land European who sees the blatant sabotaging from London afa the EU and our coin goes.

Same reason I am quíte fond of Welshmen..
Back on topic.

Strange that the answer to hatred, seems to be even móre hatred on this thread... The sheer fear, loathing and hatred of the Arab world is palpatable here.

Also: a warning to all "heroes" here. Let me, as a European who had his forefathers decimated in WW2, dish-out some nasty truths.

In '40 to '45 there were véry few people with the cojones to stand-up to the Nazi's. Nót because they líked them, but because they feared them. There is nó better incentive to keep people down, than making clear they, their children, their parents, aunts, nieces wil áll die if they as much as even thínk of opposing.

The whole "resistance mythos" is bull-sh*t of the highest order. There were hardly ány people brave enough to oppose, éven when they knéw what happened was wrong.

All those "resistance fighters" that paraded nazi-brides after the Liberation, cut the poor women's hair, threw paint on them, "suddenly" were "verzet" (resistance fighters)

Yeah, rrriiight... : we, in The Netherlands, saw the Germans execute évery male in a small village, because they thought the people harboured resistance-fighters. Well..yeah, one forged food stamps. That was it.

I tend to think of the Arab world as Europe under the Nazi's. Whoever stuck-out from the mowing field, was exterminated... It tends to silence average people véry well, so, they stood at the roads, waving their little swastika-flags, shouting the slogans, and became members of the local nazi parties...

Let's just say that I get véry suspicious if there is a lot of flag-waving and condemning media going-on. Most of it is the sheer need nót to be suspicious, otherwise the well-organised thugs will be at Your door at 4AM and "Infidel" will be the last thing You'll hear.

It's fár too easy to comment on things from a reasonably well-protected , afa freedom of speech goes, walled-in world in the West.

The Muslim world is at an important cross-roads, say, where wé, in the west were, when Copernicus et all, challenged the Church. They are looking at an "enlightenment", and they see that it doesn't correlate with the world as laid-down by their Mufti's, Imams and other religious power-brokers.

So, they are angry, yet still too fearful and indoctrinated to even dáre contemplate the rotten core of the powerful institute that their church has become. Easiest way out? Blame "The West", blame America. Éverything to prevent the local power-mongers getting a reason to make one's live miserable.

The East is in turmoil. It has been since WW2 pulled them into the "modern world" (Héck, Etheopians, the ones nót under Italian rule, tried to halt The Africa-corps' PzKpfw1 on horse-back with single-shot muskets...)

It will be a dangerous place for some time to come.
Muslem nutter-extremists are a symptom, nót a cause.... Look at the anger "newfangled ideas" like gay-marriage, entices over here, in our "civilized West"

Thén add the anger and frustration of a people, realizing they are "had" by their ówn government and Church, ánd the ruthless business-practices of the West. (Don't give no oil?? Face tanks and jets...) stir for a bit with a whiff of ancient tribalism, allow only óne outlet: towards America and "The West" , et voilá Bloody Mayhem ensues....
edit on 14/9/12 by dutchmilpo because: Typo

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 03:11 PM
Six people are dead but still people talk about what is morally right.

What a great way to promote Islamiphobia! In terms of the video, I think the producers got the reaction they desired and maybe gained a few fans in the process.

Such a pathetic, cowardly act to kill people over an opinion.

I love being an atheist, the hypocrisy from religion is blinding.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by TrueBlood

Originally posted by Hanrak77

Originally posted by TrueBlood

Originally posted by Exitt

Originally posted by mysunshine
. As someone who has close family ties in Libya, I can assure all of you that the vast majority of ordinary people there are extremely angry and upset at the death of the US diplomats.


So why are they rioting again today in Tripoli if they're sorry?

You don't get it do you? Does Al Capone represent Americans? Some random thugs do not represent the Muslim nation.

Don't be so ignorant. Al Capone was a gangster who had maybe 3000 men at his command which every single nation on earth has. We are talking about millions if not hundreds of millions of people willing to die, rampaging throughout the globe killing and destroying. Its a viscous movement with a coordinated attack. How you can compare the two is beyond belief.

So you honestly believe that the entire population of the Islam religion is out to kill Americans?

Barely anyone claims this, but what I would disagree with is the claims that these extremists are few in number...I would easily estimate that there are tens of millions extremists in Islam.

But in a prior post, someone asked me how many Muslims do I know......I don't know many, but one of them is a friend at my work. I asked him about the film and the riots, and he told me that it shouldn't have been made, that the intent was to incite violence......I agreed with him, but I said what does it say of the tolerance of those who do commit violence in response - he just said many Muslims are very sensitive to their religion.....but even then, does it give them the justification?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Well, I have read your post twice and am impressed with your research and knowledge on the sunni beliefs and indeed on Al Ghazali. However, I really don't get your point? (no sarcasm or disrespect intended here). I cannot disagree with any of your comments and observations and even though some sit a little uncomfortably with me, I also agree in general to your opinion that muslims do live each day surrendered to God's Will.

The question is, who is teaching them what God's will is. Just as we Christians interpret the bible differently, so do muslims interpret the Holy Koran in different ways. This would be not only determined by the different sects, but also geography, culture, tradition and even down to the individual Imam of the local Mosque.

Libya has, for the last 42 years been a moderate muslim country. Gaddafi did not tolerate even a small whiff of fundamentalism and ensured that anyone suspected of holding such views disappeared and were never to be seen again. Therefore, this emergence of the extremists since the regime change is alarming for the Ordinary Libyan Citizen as much as it is for us in the west. I cannot comment on other nations as I have no knowledge at all there but I have lived, worked and have family ties in Libya and I can tell you for sure, they are not prepared to live under the rule of extremists.

With respect

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 06:02 PM
Clearly this is your behavior, today again we see and experiance it. I'd say 90% of Americans do not believe anything proclaimed by a muslum as truth, it's been found to the contrary far too many times.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 08:04 PM
For those who thought I was simply making up the fact that the US military allows beastiality (sex with animals) here is a link...

I found it funny how some of you even refused to google the above, thinking such a thing to be a possible! Well just to inform you, beastiality... that is having sex with animals IS legal in 23 states. The reason I used this example was to illustrate that the notion of 'freedom' in the US as well as many other countries has gone too far. So far in fact that it in its present form it could be argued that it sits well with the satanic teaching of 'do what thou wilt'. I do not find any real flaw in this argument and I think there are many examples such as the above to demonstrate the point.

This practice of Freedom has become so commonplace and amplified that it is now far removed from the teachings of God and those who believe and partake in it are in the camp of Satan himself.

I am not encouraging violence in any form but in the example I gave earlier I wanted to show that if you offend someone in the worst possible way then what do you expect in return?

To some extent I understand why people feel like 'oh it was a video... so whats the big deal'? Muslims especially in the middle east do not watch sitcoms, stand up comedy and other light entertainment where people are constantly ridiculing each other for comedic purposes. Muslims have a high sense of honour and dignity, in some countries even pointing your feet in someones direction is a seen as a sign of disrespect. I do not say this out of spite but honestly your MSM. your sky tv, your light entertainment, your hollywood, and those that control have desensitized you, especially in matters of religion. Those in power want to move towards a secular way of living far removed from the teaching of GOD... this is why religion is constantly attacked and ridiculed... those in power in your country are closet satanists... the more discerning of you will have studied this and will know this... they are putting forward the agenda of Satan... what I say to you all sincererly is try to read between the lines... study religion... look into Islam with a sincere heart.... look at the Quran... look at the scientific proofs contained within... there is a war going on between good and evil... open your eyes...

To those warmongerers and sheeple shouting USA USA USA when it goes to war with another Islamic country. Has America gained anything from the last few wars it has engaged in? Or has it just resulted in the deaths of US soldiers and the increasing of the US economic deficit? Honestly some people need to stop following the MSM is trying to put in there mouths and actually study things for themselves...

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by mysunshine

The question is, who is teaching them what God's will is

Through fiqh - Islamic Jurisprudence.

Ask any Egyptian, if a person has a moral issue to solve, they call a Fiqh hotline where an Imam or expert in Islamic law can answer his or her particular moral dilemma. This is how things work in Islam: it is deeply systematized. There are 5 categories of moral action: obligatory, recommended, permissible, discourared, prohibited. Each act falls into one of these 5 categories, and each Muslim is duty bound to learn it. If they have a difficult issue, they call an Imam.

But the point is: Western tradition - Judaism and Christianity, both worship a God who is intimately related with his creation: God manifests himself in the form of creation: in physical reality. Therefore, God is at one with the logos within, and the logos - His reason - functions in mans mind as a means to connect with God. This is the crux of western spirituality. In Islam, reason is deprecated; God is not bound by creation, he is the totally OTHER - pure will - with no relationship to this world; the desert best serves as a metaphor for what this world is relative to God; a desolate nothingness. Hence the Islamic Hajj, where a Muslim 'journeys' through the desert or world of nothingness in search of the divine essence - symbolized by the black Kaaba of Mecca. This world is subsumed by the essence - and the essence cannot be transmitted through reason, but through the divinely will: and the divine will is the revealed word of Allah in the Quran, hence, the Quran is also professed to be co-eternal with Allah.

Conscience is an activity of reason within him guiding him in the right way to act; it is Gods "walking through the garden" of mans consciousness, calling out and gnawing at his heart to live rightly.

This is how "normal" people function. Christianity and Judaism chose a God of reason who is reasonable and desires His creatures to live reasonably; God is also said to love his creatures; Islam says the opposite. Only an incomplete creature feels the need to love, and God is perfect completion, therefore, God cannot love man. However, Al Ghazali teaches, insomuch as man is incomplete, it's a commandment that man strive in his love for God. Problem is - God - is seen impersonally. He does not return the love in the eyes of the orthodox Sunni establishment. He is just an essence, a GREAT AND POWERFUL GOD, who a Muslim is too obviated by to even care for his love; it's an intense spiritual relationship, but it deprives man of any mobility of freedom of thought and action. It is suffocating to the extreme. It is the sole reason why the Arab world is so barren of ideas. Even in Pakistan, it's scientists were directed to replace language like "hydrogen and oxygen make water" with "When Allah brings Hyrdogen with oxygen he creates water" - ridiculousness - stripping physical reality of any factual existence, that it is the hydrogen and oxygen in ITSELF - an in possessing intrinsic properties - for it to create water.

Don't get me wrong. I have my mystical views too, I belief at root God does create the water state, since it's hard to see how these two gasses can become a liquid, or how or why it has to be the way it is, but I still understand the purpose and intelligibility of treating these properties as they seem to be from our perspective, in this world of objective fact, and not some abstraction which Islam lays emphasis on. So, it's paradoxical, necessarily so; but you can't impose a world of complete abstraction on this world without losing knowledge of this world as it is in itself.

Just as we Christians interpret the bible differently, so do muslims interpret the Holy Koran in different ways

That is probably the smartest thing we can do. Muslims must return to their heydays - 750 - 1200 CE, the era of the Mu'tazalites, Avicenna, Averroes, etc where Neoplatonism and Aristotlism influenced Islamic thinking. What you would call moderate Muslims are these sorts of Muslims; rational Muslims who see in conscience God's revealed will; and if anything in the Quran contradicts the dictates of conscience (and there are plenty examples of it) reason takes precedence over the Quran; so the Quran is interpreted metaphorically to harmonize with the dictates of reason.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Swills

the problem is pack mentality . i know most muslims are good people but all it takes is one cleric to tell his followers that america hates them and its riot time . i feel sorry for the folks that get fooled into beleiving these idiots because the empty vessels make the most noise and would never blow themselves up .

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:54 PM
Please check out my topic in the Education and Media forum explaining how Egypt's satellite TV was complicit in the killing of Chris Stevens US Ambassador to Libya and 3 other Americans.

Egypt's NileSat satellite TV inciting terrorism in North Africa and the Middle East

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by tanser
Six people are dead but still people talk about what is morally right.

What a great way to promote Islamiphobia! In terms of the video, I think the producers got the reaction they desired and maybe gained a few fans in the process.

Such a pathetic, cowardly act to kill people over an opinion.

I love being an atheist, the hypocrisy from religion is blinding.

I saw the movie. I think they should be more offended with how poorly done the film was. The green screen was the worst.

This movie has "student film" written all over it. There is no way someone paid five million dollars to stand in a studio and use a green screen. Blah, the movie was bad. I started laughing the first thirty seconds and could not watch more than two minutes. Seriously though, to kill people over it and then tell us it is the religion of peace, give us a break. (and I don't mean my legs)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:25 AM
why do so few of us understand all this violence and protesters across these different nations is NOT THE PEOPLE OF THOSE COUNTRIES BUT PART OF AN ORGANISED GROUP TRYING TO GAIN CONTROL OVER THESE COUNTRIES THROUGH FEAR AND RHETORIC. when we figure that out we need to go after head of the snake and their finances.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by Kamza

And your post isn't removed why? Just because something is allowed doesn't make it right. I laugh at people like you who dig up dumb # like that but are defending Islam and what it stands for. GET THE # OVER IT MUSLIMS. Live in your # hole you call countries and leave the rest of the world alone.Sorry dude but America is and always has been better then any country in the Middle East.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 06:56 AM
Tunisian Embassy Protesters Chanted: 'Obama, Obama, We Are All Osamas'

Business Insider Link

A chilling detail in this Reuters report on yesterday's protests at the US embassy in Tunisia from reporter Tarek Amara: "Obama, Obama, we are all Osamas," they chanted, in reference to the slain al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden. The protesters pulled down the U.S. flag flying over the embassy, burned it, and replaced it with a black flag emblazoned with the Shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith.

This is not about a poorly done video posted on youtube!!!!

Here is a video of them doing it back in May.

"Absar AL-Sharia" Demonstration in Tunisia

May 20, 2012

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:05 AM
This is sick.. Just because some one made a movie they start killing people. islam religion should be erradicated from the world. What a disgrace..

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Swills

yes ofcourse Wahabies and Salafies are radicals. no one has a right to kill american ambassadors. but do not forget USA is responsible of spreading radicalism in the middle east. (especially Al_Qaeda). and do not forget that all the downed dictators were allies of USA and Israel that betrayed their nations to serve Israel.
who knows may be this is another game for the next decade. maybe this is to become another september eleven.
we middle easterns have nothing to be regretfull to a government that supports radicalism in the middle east.
we middle eaterns are victims of radicalism. those killings have nothing to do with middle easterns.
let them taste the sting of their radical allies. maybe they understand finally that they should stop support of radicalism in the middle east. they should know that this will turn to them. and they should respect nations.
let them represent some poor innocents that are victim of radical islamists but aware people know it well that this is a game or a consequence of their wrong actions in the middle east like supporting radicalism. let them represent ...

edit on 15-9-2012 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-9-2012 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by maes2
reply to post by Swills

yes ofcourse Wahabies and Salafies are radicals. no one has a right to kill american ambassadors. but do not forget USA is responsible of spreading radicalism in the middle east. (especially Al_Qaeda). and do not forget that all the downed dictators were allies of USA and Israel that betrayed their nations to serve Israel.
who knows may be this is another game for the next decade. maybe this is to become another september eleven.
we middle easterns have nothing to be regretfull to a government that supports radicalism in the middle east.
we middle eaterns are victims of radicalism. those killings have nothing to do with middle easterns.
let them taste the sting of their radical allies. maybe they understand finally that they should stop support of radicalism in the middle east. they should know that this will turn to them. and they should respect nations.
let them represent some poor innocents that are victim of radical islamists but aware people know it well that this is a game or a consecuence of their wrong actions in the middle east like supporting radicalism. let them represent ...

edit on 15-9-2012 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

What about Sunni and Shi'ites? Aren't they radical as well? Which one are you? If you say Sunni, then let me show you Al Arabiyah tv from Egypt, better yet, let me show the posters here. If you say Shi'ite, let me show the same videos from Shi'ites. Who is it that foments radical Islam on television there? Is it American paid imams? Are American CIA agents in the mosques preaching radical Islam?

Do you watch Al Arabiyah tv and approve when it shows things like Jews killing children to use their blood in matzo for Passover? Do you think that is disrespectful toward the Jews? Don't for one second think we believe you are the victim, you have overplayed the victim card. Don't think for one second this kafir wants Sharia law imposed on me. No one believes you any more, and only a few people here are taking up your cause, those people are ignorant of what Sharia law is. They are unaware of taqqiyah and war being prescribed.

Why are you not able to stand up to the Muslim Brotherhood? Are you afraid of them? Yes, of course you are, and who are the Muslim Brotherhood? Radical Sunni Muslims.

It is amazing to me when speaking to a Muslim, you say "why are those Muslims doing that?" they respond with "I don't know, they live over there in that country". And yet violence occurs in EVERY country where Islam is. Did you condemn the crucifixions of Copts or did you jump on the bandwagon to accuse them of offending Islam?

Are you Sunni or Shi'ite? You seem to agree with their radical behavior and have proven once again that radical Islam is ok with you so as long as it is enforced by your sect. We don't believe you anymore.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by maes2
reply to post by Swills

yes ofcourse Wahabies and Salafies are radicals. no one has a right to kill american ambassadors. but do not forget USA is responsible of spreading radicalism in the middle east. (especially Al_Qaeda).

Sorry, infighting between Sunnis and Shiites are what's causing the spread of radical Islam in the Middle East. Iraq is a prime example. The U.S. tried to help Iraq develop an equal government between the Sunnis and Shiites and they wouldn't have it. One group always wants power over the other.

we middle easterns have nothing to be regretfull to a government that supports radicalism in the middle east.

Then tell all of the Middle Eastern governments to stop supporting radical Islam in an effort to control each other.

we middle eaterns are victims of radicalism. those killings have nothing to do with middle easterns.

So, what are you going to do about it? If the Middle Eastern governments have their way, they'll turn all of you into a bunch of radicals to dictate whether Sunnis or Shias will be the final rulers over there.

The Middle East needs to work on their own differences long before the U.S. can start backing off.

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