posted on Apr, 28 2003 @ 10:29 AM
Hey Magestica
well, i was just about to post something and then the user screen came up saying that i wasn't registered but i was still able to post the reply!!!!
I came out of ats and back in and tried to login again, failing i requested another password and i tried that. After numerous tries i gave up and had
to change my email name and start from scratch with ATS!
I don't know why it happened? I only recieved 2 u2u's today and my computer scans for virus's daily!
Is there upgrades going on in ATS?
Is there a warning about disruptions?
Oh, when i said revamp and change my ways i meant that i was doing this:
Losing some weight
Taking pride in way of not caring what people think of my large size but letting them know that i have a great personality underneath the
size i am!
My great-grandad said that 'Life is too everything at least once and then you can say that i have lived'
I intend to do it....i have also just completed my 2nd weekend on Tactical with the TA....sore but alive and kickin'
If anyone can explain if this has happend to you..then please tell me?
Thanx guys