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I have come to break the news to you..

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posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:00 AM
Wonderful video and post. I feel the same way that you do. Your viewpoint of togetherness is what I crave deep inside for society to be, as opposed to its current separatist ideology. It's not just division between differences I think of... it's also the separation between ourselves as basic individuals. I feel like we should already "know" each other, on a basic level, and can therefore be free to greet and regard each other as friends even while being what we deem as strangers.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by EllaMarina

I wish that too. But there are too many psychopaths and sociopaths among people, and the social-darwinistic capitalistic system motivates and flourishes them. Excells them to the top. A dynamic kept in place for thousands of years by hidden Resident Evil. So to speak. How to combat that? Maybe the world wide web is a "good start"...........

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:10 AM

...natural creation...


Which came first?

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

This thread makes me want to break out the Psilocybin, live in the trees somewhere in Big Sur
and become one with all

Maybe have a pet squirrel named Cooder that I can train to gather nuts and berries for me.
we can use sign language and have different codes that only him and I know.

It's definitely a positive message.
Not necessarily realistic at times but nevertheless encouraging.
Now if we can just get politicians to see this way, we would be in a much
better place.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Hey mate, you get a star for creepiest avatar on Ats

Regardless of the questionaire or whatever you posted.. where in my thread was I talking about following blindly etc..? I think you overloooked this one my friend.. It doesnt matter about all that negative blind nonsense. ITS THE MESSAGE that needs to get across.

Its people like the previous posters, why there is different classes in the economy, and why the world is so blindly lead. You talk about blindly following a spiritual leader or something... you BLINDLY FOLLOW A GOVERNMENT WHO IS OUT TO KILL YA!

What is the point of your post Murgatroid? I dont think it has anything to do with the point in my thread.

~ Love is an art

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by raiders247
reply to post by moniesisfun

Seriously, you just sound like a fool who hasn't thought this through all too far.

OP tried twisting an Einstein quote into saying those with rational minds are servants, thought is not something he/she/it has spent a lot of.

I've found that people that go with this new age concept of "love all and embrace our infinity" are not very deep thinkers, rather they go with something that gets them all mushy and makes absolutely no sense.

Instead of responding about me in a 3rd person fashion.. make a direct reply to myself. I dont follow any new age crap. What is so new age about love and unity? Are you lost? Everyone has the potential to love. This "new age" concept is garbage. And people like you who bash the spiritual (your a spiritual being, just lost) and any concept of global unity, are the ones who keep this society glued together.

"NEW AGE" Has been a term since the 60's genious. So its a bit older then you Im sure.. nothing new here. Just indivudals trying to break from societies chokehold on humanity. IF you fear change because your content with your little fake life, living in your boxed up mind... that is fine. I do not care for your opinion.

But wether lost individuals as yourself care or not, there is a revolution on the rise. And EVERYTHING is going to change. Wether its for the good or bad. Meaning "New World Order" ... or uprising and change from the people of the planet. And your deep thinking mind wont stop the change. All you can do is take a side, or coward away and get thrown in a FEMA camp.

Stop bashing "new age".. its nothing new. Your just an emotionaless robot who doesnt care for the greater good of this race and planet. Your types rape this site and these forums, and its that types of people who need this wake up call. For once listen to your heart and try to connect with people you would normally judge..

I am a very deep thinker, I meditate you moron. A practise your average mind does not understand...

Continue bashing the movement for global change.. Your just supporting the opposition, which is an Elite agenda to control you, and kill you...

~ Love is an art

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by EllaMarina

Thank you for your sincere reply Ella

Seeing eachother as random individuals is the goal of the system. "Divide an conquer".. half the morons replying to this thread are mocking the message being made. Who doesnt want global unity and balance among humanity and the planet? Only a fake, fear based sissy ...

So sad the negative crowd I have dragged in with this beautiful post I made.. Just shows how conditioned their minds are...

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by specialcategory
reply to post by EllaMarina

I wish that too. But there are too many psychopaths and sociopaths among people, and the social-darwinistic capitalistic system motivates and flourishes them. Excells them to the top. A dynamic kept in place for thousands of years by hidden Resident Evil. So to speak. How to combat that? Maybe the world wide web is a "good start"...........

There are hundreds of millions of people trying to rise against the machine (governmental systems) and make a change. There is one thing that stops us... Police, homeland security, riot "control", and military who rather take a paycheck and benefits to beat and abusr human beings rather turn around and face the demon who is ordering them to protect such madness..

I believe once the people stop protesting infront of government buildings, and start making large crowds around military bases begging the men and women who "serve" our countries... then we will start somewhere. Riot control will not go to a military base and start beating and abusing the people, when they realize the people are calling on the military to help and lead them to a victory over the machine.

The ONLY thing stopping this revolution, is security and police. Its not the Rothchilds, Morgans, Rockefellers who are strapped in riot gear beating people... its blind human beings who care more about an imaginary number ($/dollar) more then the life of its own species and planet.

The web is the best, its the biggest mistake the elites made. Allowing the planet to come under one place and communicate freely. Tabloids, iPhones, Blackberries, laptops.. all these things will keep us connected globally. Its sad to see people using the internet to waste time and promote fear or dumb-based things that dont serve themselves or humanity.

I make posts here to try and help people perceive society differently in hopes they to will care enough to join the revolution that is being pushed down. Those who spectate, coward from taking action.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by pluginkid
reply to post by LoveisanArt

This thread makes me want to break out the Psilocybin, live in the trees somewhere in Big Sur
and become one with all

Maybe have a pet squirrel named Cooder that I can train to gather nuts and berries for me.
we can use sign language and have different codes that only him and I know.

It's definitely a positive message.
Not necessarily realistic at times but nevertheless encouraging.
Now if we can just get politicians to see this way, we would be in a much
better place.

hhah that was awesome

Of course it is realistic. What is not realistic is a small few controlling the populations of the planet... oh wait
I guess "realistic" is a just a word and not really a reality, because anything can happen! So anything is realistic.
You can choose to sit there and complain and hope that Obama or Mitt Romney make the best choices for your life... or do the opposite and take action; participate in global uprisings, occupy movements, or planet recovery operations...

Those who serve action over spectation, are the ones who deserve to live in peace. They fight for the truth, they fight for whats right.. meanwhile we have half of Abovetopsecret arguing with eachother and bashing such movements or calling them unrealistic..

1000 years ago it was unrealistic to fly like a bird, or swim like a fish. It was unrealistic to have a couple families dominate every inch of the planet.

Your idea of realistic opposes mine, which is just fine. Neither of us is right or wrong brother
I think with some magic mushrooms and squirrel training, we could go more in depth about the topic and agree somewhere.. but Im afriad time is running out, the families who control the banks are ready to make their next move. So I guess we better get a revolution together

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

We as a Species...Humans...have a LONG way to go before we can even begin to start the process of having a World Government based on Freedom and Human Rights. I have been many places and many people are still living in the Stone Age with Ancient Tribal Laws and Religious Leadership using that Religion as a way to keep themselves in Power and also keep themselves Wealthy.

I am a well Trained and Experienced person who is brought in when there is a problem that cannot be solved. it is my job and my Teams to SOLVE THE PROBLEM. This is almost always done by CASH. Right now in the Tribal Regions of is a Time Honored Tradition...and when I speak of time I am talking about THOUSANDS OF YEARS...that a Guest in the Village of these Tribal Areas becomes a responsibility of the Tribe as far as their Safety...their needs for Food, Water and Shelter and to break this Tradition is like a Huge Dishonor for the Tribe as the Taliban and Bin Laden's Terrorists used and were aware of. Money or a Multi-Million Dollar Bounty is worthless in this case.

The Taliban are still there but most of Bin Laden's Group has been destroyed and new recruits are not easy to come by as the CIA has made even going outside a Fear. Still...the Taliban are there and cross the boarder in Warm Weather. Since cash will not work here...there is another way...that is a Challenge of Honor. A Guest must defend their own Honor when Challenged by an outsider once that outsider is allowed in...and this is not easy. If they do not defend their Honor then the Tribal Leadership will shun them.

The Taliban in and of themselves are COWARDS who use Helpless Villagers in Afghanistan to become Suicide Bombers as they will abduct family members and threaten to Kill them and usually will Kill one first then get the father or Mother to drive a truck while handcuffed to the steering wheel or put a Suicide vest under the Burka of the Mother and tell them if they blow up a check point or Police Station they will let the rest of the family go...but what usually happens is they will RAPE young Girls and Boys and then kill them all.

These Pakistani Tribal Zones are not patrolled by the Pakistan Army and thus the Taliban are protected under this Multiple Centuries old Hospitality Rule. The Pakistani Tribes are TOUGH but they are getting tired of sheltering the Taliban so a Team is sent in...a very skilled team and contact is made. The Tribal Leaders appreciate bravery and a Taliban Fighter will avoid any contest between themselves and a Member...usually the Leader of the Team. They are No Match in any physical contest. Once the Taliban refuse or skip out of camp...the Tribal Leaders will Hunt them Down. It is a misconception these Pakistani Tribes back the is just a matter of ancient Honor to Protect a Guest. The solution to the problem is to replace the guest with a More Honorable Guest. The Taliban are wearing out their welcome and if they can no longer find shelter across the border...they become easy targets for us. In one example a Team was sent in and had a Guide who had relatives in this particular tribe. The Guide was a Naturalized American Citizen. He informed his relatives about the problem and how the Taliban were using Afghan People who were related to this Pakistani Regional Tribe as Human Suicide Weapons as well as Raping the family. The Tribal Leaders Captured the 6 Taliban and FORCED them to fight for their Honor against 4 Members of a Team. This involved only Knives and a Curved Bone Knife that looked like a Boomerang. The Taliban were dispatched within 30 seconds even though it was 6 Taliban to 4 Team Members. This has a better success rate than Drone Attacks but the Drone Attacks are better suited for City and Urban Areas but it is taking some time to convince the Politicians that the way to end this for good is to UNDERSTAND EXACTLY why the Taliban are given shelter as it is Ancient Tribal Honor at Stake. And regardless of Religion or what they have been told about Americans...they RESPECT BRAVERY AND HONOR and if the Taliban Run...the TRIBE will Hunt them down and Bring them back to Face charges by ANOTHER GUEST that they have BEEN LYING TO THEIR HOST and Just Like the TRIBE has made the a Guest and one of their own...when the Taliban is like a member of their own Tribe Running. Thus they have DISHONORED THE TRIBE. The Taliban are TERRIBLE FIGHTERS and against a Trained Team Member...they have NO CHANCE...and this is seen and Honor is restored to the Tribe. But you have to have a Beard and wear a certain scarf around your neck. Plus it will take time to gain their trust but it is happening a little at a time. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 08:20 AM
Your message is what we all need. Colors, flags, religions, etc just seperate us. We-are-all-1. Beauriful Message!

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by DaTroof
That's the longest Hallmark card I've ever read.

Thank God somebody read that tome. We wouldn't want the OP to become unstable.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:33 AM
I can't help but agree. Great thread.

We are all spawned from the same energy that created the cosmos. Therefore we are all connected in a way. Death is not the end of everything as many percieve(Athiests I'm looking in your general direction) but the beginning of our journey back into the ether. Will we be able to perceive any of that journey? Will our materialistic minds allow it? Guess we won't know until we die but I for one do not fear the answers. Whatever you believe, whatever you feel, whatever opinions you have make little difference in the end. For the great flow if energy we will one day rejoin is eternal and infinite. And whether or not there is a intelligence or "God" behind it all none of us know. But in the end it will not matter. For it there is a entity behind creation it surely has a plan in mind and we are but part of that creation and so shall be even after our physical bodies are dust.


posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
Hey mate, you get a star for creepiest avatar on Ats

Regardless of the questionaire or whatever you posted.. where in my thread was I talking about following blindly etc..? I think you overloooked this one my friend.. It doesnt matter about all that negative blind nonsense. ITS THE MESSAGE that needs to get across.

Its people like the previous posters, why there is different classes in the economy, and why the world is so blindly lead. You talk about blindly following a spiritual leader or something... you BLINDLY FOLLOW A GOVERNMENT WHO IS OUT TO KILL YA!

What is the point of your post Murgatroid? I dont think it has anything to do with the point in my thread.

Thanks for the star (and the reminder that I forgot to S&F you)

My apologies if I strayed too far from the OP.

I thought my point (which does in fact relate to your thread) was pretty obvious.

The point I was trying to get across was that the blind "nonsense" does in fact matter because "rat poison" type propaganda such as Zeitgeist, and the "Wayseers Manifesto" are powerful stealth manipulation tools designed to do exactly the opposite of what you are trying to do. They are created to PREVENT the MESSAGE from getting across.

This is why I shared what I did:

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
I leave you with a 9 minute video, which I believe to be super important to everyone in this community, but also the Earth community.

I see the video as one of MANY attempts that are happening on a daily basis to control us and society.

My posts are a warning of LOVE, there IS a war going on for not only our minds but our souls as well.

Fighting each other is exactly what our enemy would like us to do.

This is why propaganda is such a major weapon in their arsenal.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:33 PM
Hallelujah brother! Your positive expression is yet another incredible example of the spontaneous awakening occurring all over the planet.

The present power structure is built entirely on the false premise that we are somehow different. It is the contrived difference that allows them to exalt themselves over the masses and create the pyramid of slavery. Their biggest fear is that we wake up to the fact that they are no different from us, that their needs, desires and families are no better than our own.

My children have every right to express themselves and are just as worthy and deserving of an abundant and joyful
Life as are yours. Those individuals who have bought into the concept of difference and whose very existence is built upon the efforts of others are very threatened by your realizations. Forgive them for they do not realize that...

Abundance is not a net sum game. This beautiful earth is capable of supporting all of us in abundant joyous lives. The irony is that the more of us who recognize we deserve and are worthy, the happier we all shall be. What good is it to have all the riches on earth if you must make slaves of your neighbors and lose your soul?

I accept this thread wholeheartedly. Peace be unto us all. I am going to run through a field
Butt naked and jump into a pond at a bankrupt golf course right after I finish this thread. Google Virginia National Golf Course. Wouldn't it be funny if Google satellite took my naked butt picture? I say HA HA!

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
Hey mate, you get a star for creepiest avatar on Ats

Regardless of the questionaire or whatever you posted.. where in my thread was I talking about following blindly etc..? I think you overloooked this one my friend.. It doesnt matter about all that negative blind nonsense. ITS THE MESSAGE that needs to get across.

Its people like the previous posters, why there is different classes in the economy, and why the world is so blindly lead. You talk about blindly following a spiritual leader or something... you BLINDLY FOLLOW A GOVERNMENT WHO IS OUT TO KILL YA!

What is the point of your post Murgatroid? I dont think it has anything to do with the point in my thread.

Thanks for the star (and the reminder that I forgot to S&F you)

My apologies if I strayed too far from the OP.

I thought my point (which does in fact relate to your thread) was pretty obvious.

The point I was trying to get across was that the blind "nonsense" does in fact matter because "rat poison" type propaganda such as Zeitgeist, and the "Wayseers Manifesto" are powerful stealth manipulation tools designed to do exactly the opposite of what you are trying to do. They are created to PREVENT the MESSAGE from getting across.

This is why I shared what I did:

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
I leave you with a 9 minute video, which I believe to be super important to everyone in this community, but also the Earth community.

I see the video as one of MANY attempts that are happening on a daily basis to control us and society.

My posts are a warning of LOVE, there IS a war going on for not only our minds but our souls as well.

Fighting each other is exactly what our enemy would like us to do.

This is why propaganda is such a major weapon in their arsenal.

hahah my friend its hard to read your posts seriouisly with that creepy guy smiling after a fixed position
your avatar cracks me up everytime..

I apologize for misunderstanding, I see what you are getting at. The Wayseer was just a short clip to empower one to feel better about their self in general. A 9 minute clip telling people they really arent useless citzens does more good then bad. But thank you for clearifying your point of view on the matter

Propaganda is garbage, only those who focus on it fall for its cheap tricks... those who focus on Love and embrace the people around them wether friend, family or stranger, have t he advantage and numbers. You make enemies not friends, when you continually serve your negative mindset.

If your focus is a positive core, you will attract many friends and alliances, as well as strengthen your overall character and being. My two sense

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by zarp3333
Hallelujah brother! Your positive expression is yet another incredible example of the spontaneous awakening occurring all over the planet.

The present power structure is built entirely on the false premise that we are somehow different. It is the contrived difference that allows them to exalt themselves over the masses and create the pyramid of slavery. Their biggest fear is that we wake up to the fact that they are no different from us, that their needs, desires and families are no better than our own.

My children have every right to express themselves and are just as worthy and deserving of an abundant and joyful
Life as are yours. Those individuals who have bought into the concept of difference and whose very existence is built upon the efforts of others are very threatened by your realizations. Forgive them for they do not realize that...

Abundance is not a net sum game. This beautiful earth is capable of supporting all of us in abundant joyous lives. The irony is that the more of us who recognize we deserve and are worthy, the happier we all shall be. What good is it to have all the riches on earth if you must make slaves of your neighbors and lose your soul?

I accept this thread wholeheartedly. Peace be unto us all. I am going to run through a field
Butt naked and jump into a pond at a bankrupt golf course right after I finish this thread. Google Virginia National Golf Course. Wouldn't it be funny if Google satellite took my naked butt picture? I say HA HA!

I liked how you closed that post!! I almost spit my tea all over the screen!

Thank you for your kind words brother. We see eye-to-eye and understand the only difference between you and I is space itself. I accept you and with that, hope you accept me for me. Doesnt matter how far we are apart on this planet, this amazing invention "internet" has brought us together, and allows me to share this message with brothers and sisters afar! 2 years ago I was in Canada living with my parents.. today Im living in Norway with my beautiful Norwegian National, soon-to-be wife. We looked past our differences and impossibilties.. and here we are

Its a shame that I have such beautiful words and encouragment for people, yet they come here and try and bring me down and turn things around on me... but it doesnt break me. I am a strong individual with a big heart. Thats what keeps me going. No government or negative Ats poster will take that from me

Ill be sure to google the Virginia Golf Course
.. . take care zarp

~ Love is an art
edit on 4-9-2012 by LoveisanArt because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Hey I agree with you 100%. I was just kidding with you btw

I think you're dead on.
What I meant by not being realistic is unfortunately many folks just don't see things that way.
They don't know any better.
Therefore it's unrealistic.(to them)
Believe me, I wish they did.
I probably could of used a better word to get my point across.

I've been fed up with the broken system for a Reaaaaaaaally long time now.
I don't trust ANY politician(except RP) on either side.
If everyone thought for themselves, we wouldn't
be in the mess we are in. As you know, media and popular culture have
shaped the way most of think and act.
That's by NO accident either.
So, I'm right along side you.
I was by no means mocking you or putting down your message.
Thanks for the encouragement

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Sounds to me like a NWO conspiracy..

Do you work for them? lol

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by pluginkid
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Hey I agree with you 100%. I was just kidding with you btw

I think you're dead on.
What I meant by not being realistic is unfortunately many folks just don't see things that way.
They don't know any better.
Therefore it's unrealistic.(to them)
Believe me, I wish they did.
I probably could of used a better word to get my point across.

I've been fed up with the broken system for a Reaaaaaaaally long time now.
I don't trust ANY politician(except RP) on either side.
If everyone thought for themselves, we wouldn't
be in the mess we are in. As you know, media and popular culture have
shaped the way most of think and act.
That's by NO accident either.
So, I'm right along side you.
I was by no means mocking you or putting down your message.
Thanks for the encouragement

And thank you for your honesty plk

The most followed leaders of our times were all visionaries. They sought out a world of freedom and peace between nations and people. For people to stop opposing one another and stop seeing differences in the person they are perceiving.
Unfortunately alot of these leaders ended up being assinated, and I wonder why? Those running the system, can hire a hitman to take out ANY threat.

And heres the problem; people look for one individual who can speak on their behalf.. all it takes is a paycheck and a man on a rooftop with a rifle to end that rally and break the hopes of all those people.

And heres the solution; Realize you dont need one man in some political illusionary game to lead you or make rules over your life. You just need your own free will and power back, indiviudally on a collective scale. Like you said, people need to think for themselves and start leading their own lives rather look for someone to do it for them.

A conscious and honest being would rather peace and acceptance among its species over chaos and judgment correct? Part of the problem is most people today live their lives unconsciously, running on societies rat wheel to keep it moving in operation. People cant STOP for ONE day and realize that they are running in circles for pointless purposes..You tell me the last day no body worked or fought. People cant get off the wheel for 24 HOURS, they just keep running, these banks keep printing money and its a never ending story until the unconscious mice wake up and break out of the box.

Thanks for posting

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