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The Ultimate FICTIONAL Catastrophe Theory

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:56 AM
In an ongoing search for wisdom and knowledge this Forum faces a daily portion of good and bad reads. I thought I’d try to bring you a good one summing up the current hot events around the world (and add a little spice from my own studies and discoveries), into a hopefully intriguing yet only fictional theory of what could be happening. You may take it as an prediction or prophecy, but all it is meant to be is an enjoyable ride and read. If you are into cold, hard facts…hmmm… maybe you should stop reading now… or maybe not… at the end of the day, you’ll decide if I came close to what I tried to accomplish.

This is kind of a drag and drop, bits and pieces story, but coordinated into one string of probable chain events.

Welcome to a few minutes of science-fiction.

But before I start I want to thank all those members who have contributed with well-informative, interesting topics that I have sunk into for hours and hours. You have ’made my days’ for the last year and I will keep on coming to the wonders of this site because I have developed a never ending craving for the thrills I can get here. In this story I will use material from other threads and they will be properly linked and listed with a great gratitude to the original poster.

So let's begin our journey!

To get a grip of what we are about to cover we have to start at the very beginning. The Creation. Recently there has been a rising interest towards harmony, sounds, resonances and frequencies. People are fully aware of the important meaning sound has. First of all, it is the base to our communication i.e it gives us languages. Even the Bible states that :

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Word - sound - frequency - resonance... they are all the same. The element of true Knowledge, maybe I will even dare to call it the Soul. For about half a century there has been a serious interest for Cymatics which is a study in sounds and vibrations coming into a visible form by letting the resonance form patterns in various materials. And the forms are more than beautiful. They are magnificent.

By taking a closer look into this you will understand the meaning of sound as the true base of everything. And the old cultures knew of this. That is why all sacred geometry has it's base in Cymatics. That is why chanting and harmony is the key to understanding, connecting.

So we assume that the Ancients knew the importance, and they pushed forward the knowledge, but sadly it got somewhat lost... or maybe overprotected. Thus only a portion of it followed with the common people to the present day.

Regardless of the loss there are groups that are fully aware of this 'hidden' power, the freemason for example. Without giving them too much credit of anything, let's take a sneak peak at them, their devotion and connection to the old and extraordinary Khufu's Pyramid.

First of all Khufu. It is a magnificent building and its main purpose is to serve as an instrument. To understand it fully, we have to take a look at the measurements in original Cubits and compare them to a musical tone frequency chart.

The main frequencies in music (depending on tuning) are 440Hz, this is the middle - A and 261.626Hz the middle - C. Another very popular tuning is the middle - A to be set at 432Hz, but more of that later on.

The base of the Khufu Pyramid happens to be 440 Cubits. Which makes the diagonal of the base 622.254 Cubits, and in the frequency chart we get a perfect match to a fifth octave D#. Though this is only mathematics and Pythagoras speaking, therefore even the pyramid can't escape this mathematical law. But you see, even mathematics depend on Sound. That means if we divide the base into equal smaller parts of right angles, every line in cardinal point directions is going to 'resonate' an 'A', and every line in inter cardinal point directions 'resonates' a D# in various octaves.

Now the height of the Pyramid, 280 Cubits doesn't really fit in the chart. That it because the total height doesn't play a role in this, it is the height without the apex that matters. According to many sources the current height is measured to a fairly close 262 Cubits. Let's make this 'more' fiction. Let's assume the height without the apex is 261.626 Cubits, a middle - C, that would give us a ridge length (without the apex) of 391.66 Cubits. Quite close to G of 391.99 (a 0.33 difference). So now we now the outer dimensions relates to musical tuning.

There have been many studies of the Pyramid inner halls and chambres, and for example the King's Chambre has a natural frequency of 440Hz... so it might not be a coincidence that the outer parts gives us this hint. Follow the link for more information.

Before we continue to the freemasons a last comment on the Great Khufu Instrument. Have you ever wondered why there really is an eye depicted at the top of the pyramid. You remember the total height? 280 Cubits. The missing apex is 280 - c.262 = c.18... have you ever seen this sentence..?

Sorry for the bad picture, the text says "...a frequency of 18.98 Hz, very close to the resonant frequency of the eye given as 18 Hz by NASA."

Quite an intriguing match... Almost forgot to mention the other tuning of 432Hz. There has always been a theory of the Pyramid to represent earth. Well according to the measurements it is a scale model of c. 1:43200 of the earths measurements.

But now to the freemasons...

We have to start with their 'logo'.

By honoring Pythagoras and The great Pyramid tuning all we see is a right angle forming a giant A. In the middle there is a curious G. Have you ever heard of the myth of Gaia. Gaia was the great mother of all. The goddess or maybe better said personification of Earth. There is a hypothesis of Gaia being a balancing force in nature (the biosphere) which keeps our planet habitable. I think we know Gaia as the Schumann resonance, the natural humming of our Mother Earth. If you haven't heard of Schumann resonances follow the link - >

The fundamental frequency is measured at an extremely low 7.86Hz. Now follows a small 'Dan Brown deciphering' of the freemason logo. The Gaia (or the Schumann), i.e the letter G in the middle happens to be the seventh (7.) letter in our alphabet. The compasses divide the square in the picture leaving a part of it inside the 'legs'. The part is divided by small and long lines... no matter from which side you begin to count you'll end up with eight (8) short lines and six (6) long lines). So the natural harmony, the Gaia-Schumann resonance is coded into the logo. 7.86.

And the fetish for the numbers 33. Well, try to divide the height of our newly discovered Great Instrument with the fundamental Schumann Resonance... 262/7.86= yep... you guessed right. 33.333333.

But lets move on...

Darn my kids just woke up... I'll have to take a break and continue a bit later. There's yet lots to come. Sorry for the posting in parts

Love and Light.

P.S. Might be in the wrong forum but mods please take care of it?

edit on 2-9-2012 by OnWhiteMars because: Bad picture...

edit on 2-9-2012 by OnWhiteMars because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2012 by OnWhiteMars because: Just realized the wrong forum..?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:14 AM

By taking a closer look into this you will understand the meaning of sound as the true base of everything. And the old cultures knew of this. That is why all sacred geometry has it's base in Cymatics. That is why chanting and harmony is the key to understanding, connecting.

The idea of sound being the true base is a very interesting concept im interested in. I will read this thread carefully tommorow evening should be alot to read by then.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:43 AM
I'm really interested in everything you have to say because from where I sit I too see different expressions that add up to tell a story that's quite jaw dropping. Of course, All derived from the Word. It hit me with a complete puzzle completed on Sunday. I'm still in awe how information seems to be coming to me at speeds I can't keep up with but never the less paints a portrait that's beautiful and makes perfect sense.

I have a feeling this thread will tie in most of what I sense with all of my senses right here in this thread...

Seek with an honest and open heart and the answers are given through the Word!!

Word can be through any means that create an expression.

I await patiently for the rest of the story to unfold! I also await patiently for the rest of your story to unfold as well.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by MamaJ


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:19 PM
And so the journey continues.

Now we have to establish a knowledge of how our Earth creates its resonance and as a product, energy. Everything around us is in infinite motion, or in other Words vibration, resonance. In nature we see this as a loop or a cycle. It really doesn't differ from any frequency at all because there is a peak, and then it continues until it reaches another peak. We can also see this in cosmic bodies through-out the galaxy when we observe their rotation. Basically it's all frequencies. And I like it when things are kept simple, basic ideas are the working ones.

Inside our planet is a flowing sea of magma. It pumps up and down in relation to the center. But our planet also has a rotation, to be more specific, we have two rotations. The inner part, the core, rotates a bit faster than the rest of the planet. The difference isn't big, but still, there is a difference. This small difference is one of the reasons there is a build up of energy within. We know that the rotation creates our magnetosphere, maybe even weather conditions and so on, but the friction of the speed difference is what we shall concentrate on. Therefore we must study and give the Moon a small credit for this speed difference to vary over hours, days, years...

The Moon creates tides on our planet and these tides sets off a small wobbling. They create a tidal friction where the floating tide wave as a matter of fact 'pushes' the moon to accelerate as our planet itself slows down. In one century our rotational speed slows down about 15-20 milliseconds.'s_rotation

Now remember, when we talk about small systems or small particles, we talk about large speeds and high frequencies. The larger we get... we the slower the frequencies.

When we speak of the frequency the tide wave sets to our planet, the gap is about 12.5 hours from peak to peak. So it's a very slow frequency. But I bet only a few of you know that the Moon doesn't only affect the water, it actually bends earth in itself a few centimeters, so it is a very powerful force. Don't you just here the tick-tock sound the Earth makes due to the wave.

Of course, it is not only the Moon that affects us, there are stars, planetary systems, galaxies and so on... but let's keep this simple. The main rule is, they slow us down.

Because of this slow-down process (the inner core doesn't react instantly to the rotational changes so the friction grows) Earth creates and stores energy, some of it stays within the core, some of it flows around in our atmosphere. Let's think of this energy as gases, electricity, electromagnetism and so on...

The Schumann resonance itself is linked to magnetic and electric events around the globe. It is assumed that it reacts to thunderstorm events, or is a result of those. Maybe better said, it is the result of available energy. Have you ever wondered why you might feel a headache when a storm front rises. Well think of it like this. The energy level peaks locally and the Schumann resonance gets higher, closer to the frequency your eye resonates in. Can't be that nice for the brain to have a vibrating eye attached to the skull.

Anyway, everything does not affect us by braking our rotational speed. For example earthquakes, the release of inner energy speed us up. It is all related to the mass distribution, but the thing to understand is that release of inner energy speeds us up.

Now we should have a small clue on how the energy keeps on packing within our globe. You might think with all the earthquakes and volcanoes erupting the energy would be kept constant... but sadly that isn't the case. There is a layer of lithosphere that is called the Craton. This craton is basically the center of our continents. Thick and impermeable. This is where the energy builds up for millenia. Small amounts of it escapes due to different events but it is only a portion. Sadly that is the law of our planet. The natural cycle of it.

So how do we know at which point of the cycle we are. Well, when the volcanic and tectonic events aren't enough, there will be other signs. Increasing storms, thunders, i.e energy bursts... The resonance, vibrance, frequency rises. There are various teams claiming that the Schumann resonance indeed is rising globally.

And then the very moan of Mother Earth herself. The weird sounds in the sky. Don't take them all for granted. A bunch of hoaxes, but there are a few authentic ones. I found a really interesting thread related to this subject and if you wish to study it further visit the link ->

In the link there are videos of a gas fired burner resonating (energy release) and the sound match perfectly the sounds in the skies.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:20 PM
... a small break and I will continue...

still a lot to come... the previous part was the dull part

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:32 PM
I really advice you to take a look at the thread where the sky sounds are discussed. There was a nice sensible explanation of harmonic resonances.

Let's dig deeper.

As the ancients were harmonic people and set the bases of their cultures in understanding the divinity of Sound, they also had tools to measure the state of Gaia.

Here in between I have to say that duality in everything is quite beautiful. The term 'to ascend' is maybe the most beautiful state when you consider it as duality. But we only understand the first part of it at the moment, after this thread we will understand the latter part too. Both parts are very important but the latter depends on the first one. Let's put it to cruel realistic terms. With harmony inside you, you will spiritually ascend and reach the knowledge, the soul, the word, which will guide you how to physically ascend and leave at the right time.

Back to the measurements of the ancients.

Having a wide understanding of our planet they built up a network of harmonic monuments and buildings all over the world in very important places. Those places were the intersections of energy-lines. The most important building was the one that divided the whole earths land mass into four equal segments. To be more precise, it divided and still does, all the cratons masses to four equal segments. The Great Pyramid.

Those who have studied the ancient Egyptian culture are more than familiar with the Key of Life. The Ankh.

There are numerous interpretations of the Ankh, and they all have one thing in common. They relate to life. If you deepen your search you will find two other symbols that are almost every time displayed together with the Ankh.

They are the Djed and the Was.

These symbols play a very big part in descriptions of ceremonies and they are presented together in artwork where knowledge is delivered to new rulers.

They are the key to the measurements. They are the key to life on this planet. So how does the whole thing work..?

Well let's take a look at the Pyramid and see if you can spot the Djed.

You are so right. It is at the top of the system, built on top of the King's Chamber, the acoustic chamber with a natural frequency of 440Hz. The Djed is believed to be a weight reducing structure, but really consists of four resonant stone plates, each one representing one of the four craton segments. Before the King's Chamber you see the Grand Gallery which during the measuring process consists of resonators and so on...

The frequency is picked up in the subterranean chamber and moves upward. Here is a few depictions of the measuring taking place.

As you can see the sound waves are lead by the tunnels into the djed where it finally is measured as follows...

The Was symbol represents a tuning fork, if you may, that is dug underground in the subterranean chamber. The Ankh itself is shown as the key instrument of the measuring. I understand it as being a loop the sound waves make inside the King's chamber before leaving through the sealed tunnels. Do you notice the hand positions of the measuring people? It is like they are feeling the energy, the vibration. Interpreting the Gaia.

To cut to the chase of the Pyramid being an instrument. There are two tunnels leading out from the King's chamber and two of them leading out from the Queen's chamber. Well, the ones from the Queen's chamber have no meaning in reaching the surface. They are vents collecting pressure. When the pressure in these gets high enough (when Gaia is about to burst) the pressure opens the pressure doors in the two sealed tunnels leading out from the King's chamber. That is when the World hears the warning of Mother Earth, Gaia. That is when the doomsday trumpet tells us to ascend.

To be continued...

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 04:48 AM
Where did you learn of this and connection to Goddess Gaia? im very curious.

I have heard this theory roughly before but never seen it explained as well as you have here.

Something that also comes to my mind is that all planets hum and resonate. What would be interesting to see if the fundamental frequency of each planets human coincides with a specific note on the musical scale.

What do you think it really all means?

Im still reading through thread and mabey i wll come across that answer.
Also do you think there is a connection between this harmonic system and ufos and the aura that sounds human beings?

edit on 3-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:02 AM

Anyway, everything does not affect us by braking our rotational speed. For example earthquakes, the release of inner energy speed us up. It is all related to the mass distribution, but the thing to understand is that release of inner energy speeds us up.
reply to post by OnWhiteMars

If i understand what you are explaining correctly your saying when energy is released it occurs at a specific frequency. Depending on what frequency was emitted it will cause a oscilliation in the land mass, earth quakes volcanoes
or atmosphere lightening, thunder.

edit on 3-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by OnWhiteMars

Gaia is the enery released from mother earth. The Pyramid collects focuses and channels that energy out. And the key to the door to release the energy is Ankh. I have heard of Gaia used as expression of woman goddess. A real person who lived at the time of the Pharoe. You are saying that is a metaphor for the earths inner energy and not a real woman demi god?

edit on 3-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: i have to add im impressed by the depth of though you have in this thread.

extra DIV

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:59 AM
A team of explorers say they have found pyramids in antartica.
Have you seen this?

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
Where did you learn of this and connection to Goddess Gaia? im very curious.

I have heard this theory roughly before but never seen it explained as well as you have here.

Something that also comes to my mind is that all planets hum and resonate. What would be interesting to see if the fundamental frequency of each planets human coincides with a specific note on the musical scale.

What do you think it really all means?

Im still reading through thread and mabey i wll come across that answer.
Also do you think there is a connection between this harmonic system and ufos and the aura that sounds human beings?

My knowledge of Gaia comes via a personal friend, an archaeologist who referred to the myth of Gaia as the scream of Gaia. I don't know if he had ever thought of it as the Schumann Resonance but I somehow connected those two. But as I have stated, I like to keep things simple, I mean we hold the Sun to be our Father and Earth to be our Mother, as in nature the mother parents her children via a voice, 'scream'. Basic stuff.
Furthermore, I look at everything as living systems. From the smallest to the largest. And we all contain the Word, the Sound, the Knowledge, call it what you may, to me everything is resonance.

A planet to have a Schumann resonance requires an atmosphere to my understanding. That doesn't exclude it to vibrate or resonate in another way, but the life preserving Gaia-resonance presented in this theory is the one on the outside of the core but inside the atmosphere. The resonance within the core is made of different forces.

Resonance for me is an intergalactic Guide. So the Aura that can be felt or seen is certainly a part of this individual vibratory field of energy we experience. What comes to UFO's, well they might be energetic forms created in our 'dome' but I haven't studied them to have a good enough insight.

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
If i understand what you are explaining correctly your saying when energy is released it occurs at a specific frequency. Depending on what frequency was emitted it will cause a oscilliation in the land mass, earth quakes volcanoes
or atmosphere lightening, thunder.

You are quite on track. I think that frequencies inside our system is partly a reason for tectonic movement, therefore it launches these events.

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
Gaia is the enery released from mother earth. The Pyramid collects focuses and channels that energy out. And the key to the door to release the energy is Ankh. I have heard of Gaia used as expression of woman goddess. A real person who lived at the time of the Pharoe. You are saying that is a metaphor for the earths inner energy and not a real woman demi god?

I have seen many mythologies refer her as the Mother who brings harmony and shields our planet with her protecting hands. We live in her embrace. For example in Greek mythology she is referred as Chaos, the mother of Zeus.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
A team of explorers say they have found pyramids in antartica.
Have you seen this?

No, I hadn't spotted that yet. Thanks for the link! Have to check it out if it is reliable, but I have to say, it wouldn't be any surprise if it were true. This planet has been inhabited far longer than we realize.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by OnWhiteMars

I have seen many mythologies refer her as the Mother who brings harmony and shields our planet with her protecting hands. We live in her embrace. For example in Greek mythology she is referred as Chaos, the mother of Zeus.

Is Gaia related to Sophia? This has confused me when i have heard before these terms used togther. Is Sohpia Gaia one and same person. Are you saying she was real or a myth? I know of a lady a real person refer herself as Gaia Sofia reincarnated. Personally i believe she could be a real god in real human form and living amongst us now in present day.

edit on 3-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given
edit on 3-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
reply to post by OnWhiteMars

I have seen many mythologies refer her as the Mother who brings harmony and shields our planet with her protecting hands. We live in her embrace. For example in Greek mythology she is referred as Chaos, the mother of Zeus.

Is Gaia related to Sophia? This has confused me when i have heard before these terms used togther. Is Sohpia Gaia one and same person. Are you saying she was real or a myth? I know of a lady a real person refer herself as Gaia Sofia reincarnated. Personally i believe she could be a real god in real human form and living amongst us now in present day.

I haven't read that much about Sophia. The only thing I remember is that she was seen as the wisdom. Wasn't that where philosophy got its name in the Ancient times? Love for Wisdom - Philo Sophia? So to answer your questions, no I don't look at them as the same personification or myth. Gaia could have been real.
edit on 12/9/12 by masqua because: 'edit by' BB Code fix

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by OnWhiteMars

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
reply to post by OnWhiteMars

I have seen many mythologies refer her as the Mother who brings harmony and shields our planet with her protecting hands. We live in her embrace. For example in Greek mythology she is referred as Chaos, the mother of Zeus.

Is Gaia related to Sophia? This has confused me when i have heard before these terms used togther. Is Sohpia Gaia one and same person. Are you saying she was real or a myth? I know of a lady a real person refer herself as Gaia Sofia reincarnated. Personally i believe she could be a real god in real human form and living amongst us now in present day.

I haven't read that much about Sophia. The only thing I remember is that she was seen as the wisdom. Wasn't that where philosophy got its name in the Ancient times? Love for Wisdom - Philo Sophia? So to answer your questions, no I don't look at them as the same personification or myth. Gaia could have been real.

Do you think Gaia is reincarnated today as a real person?
I know thats an out there idea for you just interested in hearing your view.
edit on 12/9/12 by masqua because: 'Edit by' code fix in quote

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
Is Gaia related to Sophia? This has confused me when i have heard before these terms used togther. Is Sohpia Gaia one and same person. Are you saying she was real or a myth? I know of a lady a real person refer herself as Gaia Sofia reincarnated. Personally i believe she could be a real god in real human form and living amongst us now in present day.

I haven't read that much about Sophia. The only thing I remember is that she was seen as the wisdom. Wasn't that where philosophy got its name in the Ancient times? Love for Wisdom - Philo Sophia? So to answer your questions, no I don't look at them as the same personification or myth. Gaia could have been real.

Do you think Gaia is reincarnated today as a real person?
I know thats an out there idea for you just interested in hearing your view.

Personally I think She whispers in all of our ears. She still exists as a part of our system. I don't think she has reincarnated as one of us, but that doesn't mean she couldn't be leading some of us in the right direction.

But if we think of Gaia as a person in the Ancient times, not as the protecting force, then it certainly could be possible for her Words to inhabit some real person in the present.
edit on 3-9-2012 by OnWhiteMars because: Thought this quote messed up the forum...

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 07:09 AM

Personally I think She whispers in all of our ears. She still exists as a part of our system. I don't think she has reincarnated as one of us, but that doesn't mean she couldn't be leading some of us in the right direction.
reply to post by OnWhiteMars

You answers are kind of mysterious. Is Gaia leading you, im presuming you a woman a real clever one as well.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by OnWhiteMars

You answers are kind of mysterious. Is Gaia leading you, im presuming you a woman a real clever one as well.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage

Personally I think She whispers in all of our ears. She still exists as a part of our system. I don't think she has reincarnated as one of us, but that doesn't mean she couldn't be leading some of us in the right direction.
reply to post by OnWhiteMars

You answers are kind of mysterious. Is Gaia leading you, im presuming you a woman a real clever one as well.

Well. Last I checked I wasn't a woman, don't know about the clever part either but about the leading... well.. Would we truly know if that happened and when that does happen?

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