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ChemTrails over Michigan

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posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 04:51 PM
Recently I've read how to determine whether a ChemTrail is a ChemTrail, or just exhaust from an airplane. From reading others posts on ATS, a plane exhaust trail will begin to fade/disappear a couple hundred feet behind the plane. ChemTrails on the other hand will linger in the atmosphere for quite some time, almost hours.

After reading and finally being able to determine which is which, I realized that the trails I have been seeing over my hometown in Michigan resemble those of ChemTrails. Although at the time of seeing these, I did not have a camera that could get a good picture of what I was seeing (the camera on my phone was not able to take a quality picture of the trails.)

A few pictures that resemble the trails I saw a few weeks ago: NOT my pictures (trails look identical to the ones I saw)

The trails I saw DID last for about 2 hours, then faded away.
I DID NOT see any planes release chemicals..I was out side and noticed trails as I looked up
There ARE plenty of Planes that fly over my town Daily.

No trails of this sort have been seen since.
About a week of VERY dry conditions were present during the couple of days of noticing trails.

ANY feedback would be appreciated.

I am new to ChemTrails, and find them as interesting as many of you do.

edit on 31-8-2012 by A51TR3B because: Spell corrections

edit on 31-8-2012 by A51TR3B because: Added picture #3

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 04:54 PM
Q) How long do contrails last?
A) Anywhere from less than a second, up to several hours. If depends on the atmospheric conditions at the altitude the plane is flying.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by redbarron626

I forgot to mention, The same day I saw two commercial airplanes flying and releasing an exhaust trail at almost EXACTLY the same altitude of the trails. The second plane was a bit higher than the first, but both planes trails almost immediately faded.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 05:03 PM
I'm in south eastern Michigan and I see them all the time, been waiting for a new thread to pop up to share some pics but my daughter erased them
give it a week I'll have more
It's pretty rediculous the amount I see.

I love thunderstorms, I will sit staring out the window, or watch them roll in, but where I am now the storms always dissolve as they come to the city and form back together on the other side, it sucks and little creepy too, I know there is a lot of people here that don't buy into the chemtrails, but when you constantly see them and have storms divide around the same area and then Reform past you made me a believer

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by DIRTYDONKEY

I would be interested to see pictures if you could come up with more. I think it would be to compare what I'm seeing to what your seeing.

I'll be sure to post pictures of my own if I do see anymore.

BTW: I also enjoy watching thunderstorms, and seeing them come in.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by A51TR3B
About a week of VERY dry conditions were present during the couple of days of noticing trails.

But what was the humidity at 35,000 feet?

Contrails can last for hours because they are made of water from the atmosphere, like clouds.

No known sprayed chemical can last in the sky, visible for hours like that - even skywriting only lasts 20-30 minutes, tops.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by A51TR3B
Recently I've read how to determine whether a ChemTrail is a ChemTrail, or just exhaust from an airplane. From reading others posts on ATS, a plane exhaust trail will begin to fade/disappear a couple hundred feet behind the plane. ChemTrails on the other hand will linger in the atmosphere for quite some time, almost hours.

And why have you chosen to believe this version when many others say exactly the opposite?

After reading and finally being able to determine which is which, I realized that the trails I have been seeing over my hometown in Michigan resemble those of ChemTrails.

I regret to inform you that you backed the wrong horse, the fact that you read it, does not make it true.

The trails I saw DID last for about 2 hours, then faded away.
contrails from regular jets do this very often.

No trails of this sort have been seen since.

The conditions may well have changed, the atmosphere is not constant.

About a week of VERY dry conditions were present during the couple of days of noticing trails.

Dry on the ground, or did you check relative humidity at the heights the planes were cruising?

ANY feedback would be appreciated.

I am new to ChemTrails, and find them as interesting as many of you do.

Some of the subjects raised on this forum are genuinely interesting and experimentation with attempts to alter the climate are definitely something to keep an eye on, but no large scale spraying from high flying jets is underway in my opinion. Supposed photographic evidence always seems to be faked, nobody arguing that chemtrails are real seems to be able to agree what it is and what it is for, each person having their own particular thoughts on that, after a supposed two decade long operation there is still no evidence at all and most observations that get reported here are immediately revealed to be based on the very same misconceptions about contrails that you began your post with.

Are you open minded or have you decided?

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by A51TR3B
reply to post by redbarron626

I forgot to mention, The same day I saw two commercial airplanes flying and releasing an exhaust trail at almost EXACTLY the same altitude of the trails. The second plane was a bit higher than the first, but both planes trails almost immediately faded.

But that doesnt actually mean anything. For one thing it is impossible to judge altitude from the ground by sight alone, remember these planes are a minimum of 6 miles away if they are directly above you, further if they are not.

Secondly atmospheric conditions can vary a lot in just a few metres so even a 1000ft separation could account for what you saw.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by A51TR3B

well, A51TR3B the 1st thing you need to learn is how to separate the wheat from the Chaff [pun intended], information-wise
Debunking Chemtrail Debunkers The Government's Quisling Shills

Brief Debate with a Chemtrail Skeptic

introduction to chemtrails
sylphs and chemtrail index at

recent threads of interest

NOAA Doc Strong Evidence They Are and Have Been Spraying Us

Are geoengineering deniers acting immorally?

Geoengineering - caught in the act?

Geoengineering proof from NOAA?

here's one way to fight back and do your bit for the local enviroment
Goodbye Chemtrails, Hello Blue Skies! The Do-It-Yourself Kit for Sky Repair
make sure you place your chembuster[s] where they cant be gotten at by gov.agents or junkies

good luck with the...
contrail proponents

edit on 31-8-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: added link

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by redbarron626

I spent some time looking at the web site which Ben used for the photo posted above. It's called "" . The owner wants you to know that his site is all about contrail "science." (I guess somebody will have to notify the encyclopedia and school text printers that there's now a new division of science to add to physics, biology, etc.). I now see why Ben said what he said.

He's being indoctrinated by a propaganda web site and he doesn't have enough background in science to see through the BS and specious claims posted there. The web site is exclusively devoted to debunking chemtails and presenting the notion that chemtrails are really just "persistent contrails," and anyone who says otherwise are "conspiracy" nuts who are promoting a "hoax." The person who runs the web site calls himself "Mick West" (undoubtedly, a close relative of Mick Mouse). There are 6 or 7 supportive "readers" who agree with every ridiculous, half-baked comment that Mick writes, but thankfully, I noticed there was at least one brave soul named "imakeOPSname2" who wasn't going to sit still for Mick's BS and went toe to toe with him in a series of exchanges posted with this misleading article from "Mick" explaining how planes make "vapor trails"::

Here's how Mick West describes himself and his web site:

ContrailScience on CNN, Nov 11 2010 is just a place where I write about both contrails and science – which also includes some looking at the “chemtrail” theory, and the pseudoscience associated with it. My name is Mick West, I have private pilot training up to long distance solo certification, and have flown a 150 mile solo flight. I’ve been training out of Santa Monica airport, so I know the airspace around here. I like writing, and figuring things out. I’ve been writing about contrails and the “chemtrail” theory since 2007.

I’m not a scientist, or a meteorologist, but I try to ensure that what I post is comprised of independently verifiable facts. You can check these facts yourself. If you find ANY error on this site, then let me know and I will issue a correction immediately. I’m not paid for this. I do not work for anyone in conjunction with this site.I’m just some guy.

Email me at:

[email protected]


Yeah, he's just "some guy."

I noticed that "imakeOPSname2" gets really annoyed and frustrated with the phony front of "science" and "facts" that Mick and his troll-like pals attempt to shove down his throat, but he still holds his own, despite his lack of polished grammar. I really give this man credit for not rolling over and acquiescing to the coercion and intimidation of the majority on that blog who were attempting to dismiss his very legitimate and accurate statements. The public needs to recognize that web sites like this are TRYING to mislead and misdirect the uninformed, unschooled, and gullible reader into accepting FALSE and specious "science" explanations in order to serve the government's counter intelligence propaganda goals. .

Ken Adachi

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Uncinus

No known sprayed chemical can last in the sky, visible for hours like that

Please provide proof for the above statement.

I call BS

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Definition of shill:

A shill, plant, or stooge is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that he has a close relationship with that person or organization.

In two posts you have posted FIVE links to the same website.

Your agenda is clear.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by AlphaHawk
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Definition of shill:

A shill, plant, or stooge is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that he has a close relationship with that person or organization.

In two posts you have posted FIVE links to the same website.

Your agenda is clear.

which site are you talking about?

or Above Top Secret?

also by calling me a shill you just violated T&C [because 2 can play that game]

welcome to my ignore list

as instead of using "logic and reason" [lol very little in your camp]
you are using force/violence to silence me

Your agenda is clear.

indeed L

edit on 31-8-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: fixed pic

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

I didn't call you anything, not directly at least. Just seems many are so consumed with throwing out the word shill with no substance behind it and here you are spruking the same website over and over and over and over and over.

That is shill behavior, deliberate or otherwise.

And I'm not on any side.

I think there is something to geoengineering, it's just that I don't believe in every stupid theory out there, like orgone crystals.

And thanks for putting me on your imaginary ignore list, I feel honored, much like someone does when a child sticks a finger in their ears and screams "lalallallallalala".

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by AlphaHawk

Just seems many are so consumed with throwing out the word shill with no substance behind it

It may be your opinion that there is no substance behind his accusations.

But I on the other hand see a vast quantity of substance behind them.

Just a quick look at the posting habits of certain members is quite revealing.

I quoted one of the false statements made by that member above.

Here it is again.

post by Uncinus

No known sprayed chemical can last in the sky, visible for hours like that

I won't call that member a shill.

I'll just say that they're a liar and full of b.s.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by MagicWand67

Well this seems to be just your opinion.

Do you have contradictory evidence to suggest otherwise?

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by MagicWand67
reply to post by Uncinus

No known sprayed chemical can last in the sky, visible for hours like that

Please provide proof for the above statement.

I call BS

You can't prove a negative, because there's nothing there. If you call BS then prove it by showing there is.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by waynos

Another typical, lazy skeptic.

Will believe any lie as long as it supports their opinions.

Then when asked for proof. They some how try to flip it around.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

The fact that you have posted an attack on the ContrailScience site and it's owner (repeatedly, I might add) without ever once mentioning an actual scientific fact that the site has got wrong speaks volumes to me about how closed minded you are and how little actual knowledge your fear peddling is based on. Is there anything on that site you can show is factually wrong? When I read it, it all made sense to me and tallied with what I knew and thought I knew.

And as for the sky repair kit, well, anyone who belies THAT surely deserves to be ripped off

edit on 1-9-2012 by waynos because: Condensed post

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by MagicWand67

Will believe any lie as long as it supports their opinions.

Is that not exactly what you are doing? I clearly said you can't prove something that's NOT there. Please enlighten me how this would be achieved if you disagree?

If you know the claim is BS, all you have to do is demonstrate that there is a chemical that is known to behave in the way described. Job done, no?

Or are you just a lazy chemtrailer who is happy to swallow all the BS that the fear peddlers shovel into their big empty heads with scientific knowledge ignored and faked proof being acceptable?

Have you bought a sky repair kit?
edit on 1-9-2012 by waynos because: Added quote

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