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500 plus earthquakes in California in last three days - ALERT

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posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by lacrimaererum

er... tremors ARE earthquakes.

don't want to be rude, but one geology class will clear that one up for you.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by lacrimaererum

the source of the info was given. my father's contacts in the petroleum /fracking industry.

i never said it was from any other official source.

there's another thread on this tracking the quake numbers if you really want to know how many..

i'm gonna go to bed...

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:08 AM
one final clarification then i'm going.

i think some of you are misinterpreting what my first post meant to say.

what i meant was my dad obviously told me about the quakes because he was worried there might be a bigger quake on the way. a legitimate concern from a geological persepctive.

he did NOT say he was worried cali would go into the sea.

i then TOLD him about the psychic predictions i'd read about cali going into the sea and he said that geologically something like that wouldnt really surprise him if it did happen, given the san andreas fault etc

(nb: also cali was once below sea level anyway; so probably it could happen again)

after i told him the psychic predictions he still never said that he thought cali WOULD go into the sea.

that was only ever MY concern,not his... although he never said it would not be possible...

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by rapunzel222
reply to post by lacrimaererum

er... tremors ARE earthquakes.

don't want to be rude, but one geology class will clear that one up for you.

i do apologise. i was obviously taught lies in geology class.

i understood that we were taught an earthquake was when the seismic activity was high and there was considerable damage to property and lives.
A tremor was used to describe smaller seismic activity and its limited to shaking of the ground without damage.

i was not aware that tremors are know classed the same as earthquakes. thanks for clearing that up. i guess these 500 quakes then could be tremors without very much damage to property and lives. Do you know has there been widespread damage or anyone killed with all these earthquakes?

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:16 AM
i have lived in california for over 45 we don't get up out of our chairs until it's over a 5.0 unlike other parts of the country where a 3.5 is front page news, here it would be on page 8. in california, homes with spackel and wall sealer, are as common as laundry soap.
edit on 28-8-2012 by jimmyx because: syntax

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

Well, it doesn't take a geologist to line up the location of the earthquakes and the Gulf of California and make the connection that in a 10 or so million years that part of Calif will be another Coastal island.
That is a long way away and most of the houses around here are built to take the shake.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

Indeed .. I have already admitted there are lot's of quakes going on... in fact I have to admit, right now, after some more investigation, that something is a little strange ...

So I did a research in this US GS - link

I found that, in this area :

occurred : 189 - M2.5+ events in the past 30 days

and for the same area:

in the past 7 days 151 meet criteria of M2.5+ events

but the awkward part is that for the same area in the last 3 days, M2.5+ events, happened for 142 times

It means 75% EQ +2.5 of the last 30days, happened in the last 3days and 94% EQ +2.5 of the last 7days, happened in the same last 3days.

ok.rapunzel222. You have a point here and we have to pay attention to this call. But hopefully nothing wrong will happen.

edit on 28-8-2012 by voyger2 because: trying to upload image. thanks.

edit on 28-8-2012 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 02:44 PM
I don't thi k the point of this thread is to indicate quakes are not the norm for this state. It's a normal process, yes.

What I witnessed on USGS was something ai have not seen prior to yesterday.

The quakes were coming in one after another and they could not keep up AT ALL, it was as if they were coming faster than they could log them. A swarm of this nature with the magnitude was unprecedented!! It really was!

Sure they calm the public down and say don't worry, but a person of intellect KNOWS there is a reason to be concerned.

The smells, the lights, the possible volcanic related swarms, the possible geothermal issues that could arise, there is plenty of reasons why one should take note and simply be aware.... Not worried running around freaking out, but aware to the point that you have a safety plan implemented, especially if you have a family.

The OP is simply saying his dad is concerned and the type of work he does could mean another reason why the people of southern California should remain alert and aware.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by RELDDIR
Why is everyone on this thread? Shouldn't they go and prepare for an earthquake or something?

Sitten here by the beautiful sea waiting....

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:02 PM
This is Lex Luthors fault. He couldn't get the nuclear missiles this time so he hijacked HARP. He still does own all that worthless land out in the middle of the desert.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:07 PM
--Even tho-- I live in FEMA Region 5, my ears last night, were doing that inner pressure-changeing (like with altitude level) so badly, it was --hurting-- !
See, those ear events always coincide, I've been noticing, with EQ activity amping up, no matter where it is in this country.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by pasiphae

Originally posted by
I wish people would stop coming to threads based on fact, and saying "stop spreading fear"...

You mean "stop spreading truth"??

This swarm is real and we as "regulars" aren't privy to the "why" so I think skepticism is very healthy in this matter.

unfortunately any thread that is some sort of possible warning and gets a few flags is almost guaranteed to get the standard "don't fear monger" response which then also gets stars. i personally find the catch phrase "fear mongering" very annoying

i LIKE reading threads like this. it's half the reason i come here.

i appreciate the OP's alert and i do think it is cause for concern. it might just pass and nothing will happen OR something big could come of it. who the hell knows. it's not fear mongering to be cautious and concerned about a very real threat.

Also if people share a common concern it is nice to have a place to go and discuss said concerns and project what may or may not happen if such and such does or does not happen!

Personally if i were not discussing it here I would be thinking about it anyway and have all the questions in my mind with no where to voice it so it is very helpful these threads.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by rapunzel222
and it's a FACT that there either MAY or MAY NOT be something to worry about.

anyone who's done any geology or has an interest in earth sciences (as i do, i nearly became a geologist or volcanologist actually) knows that multiple foreshocks can mean a big one is coming.

or they may not.

but speculation on an unsual event like this one is not at all out of line. and a big one following such a swarm is not at all impossible. it is very possible. although may not happen.

the swarm was an unusual geological event for cali. hence the news articles and concern of many people.

California has so many oddities also, like the Sutter Buttes, Clear lake, long valley supper volcano, Mt Shasta, Mt Lassen and so many faults.
A lot of stuff going on in CA
edit on 28-8-2012 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:31 PM
I heard on the radio yesterday on texas state news that a swarm of dozens of earthquakes shook california on sunday.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by lacrimaererum

Originally posted by rapunzel222
reply to post by lacrimaererum

er... tremors ARE earthquakes.

don't want to be rude, but one geology class will clear that one up for you.

i do apologise. i was obviously taught lies in geology class.

i understood that we were taught an earthquake was when the seismic activity was high and there was considerable damage to property and lives.
A tremor was used to describe smaller seismic activity and its limited to shaking of the ground without damage.

i was not aware that tremors are know classed the same as earthquakes. thanks for clearing that up. i guess these 500 quakes then could be tremors without very much damage to property and lives. Do you know has there been widespread damage or anyone killed with all these earthquakes?

An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:39 PM
heh Char-Lee beat me to it

edit on 28-8-2012 by SolarIce because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:41 PM
I am in NOCAL not far from Sutter Buttes. A couple random times, on two different days, I was VERY suddenly off-balance. Never had that before, and don't have any balance/ear problems. Was very hard for me to stay balanced and I even wobbled in my step a couple times. I dont think there was a tremor causing it, but somehow I was picking up on something strange and different. BTW I was born and raised inart arguing the Bay Area and have been through a few real strong quakes. It is something that will never leave me, and though I have moved from the bay many years ago, I still keep things safe even here. Just now as I write this, I felt myself seem to sway.

Thanks OP for bringing us a heads up. I definately dont think you are fearmongering. I finnally get to reply after wading through the BS some folks that love to waste others time by arguing. Please take your arguments to private message. Many of us like to keep an eye out, like to be aware, and like to stay prepared for any possible emergencies if they so happen. MamaJ saw all the action that was going on non-stop in Brawley, as I was watching too. That sure was something different to see. Hopefully things will quiet down, but in my OPINION (not prediction) time comes for land to move and do surprising things.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:52 PM
Seriously knock it off with the fear mongering. "california is going off" "500 earthquakes" "breaking off" "under sea."

Not to be a dick but show me the evidence for your speculation.

I live in San Diego, CA and we are used to these earthquakes. They happened last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and they'll keep happening next year and so on.

Stop trying to connect everything to 2012 and earthquakes atleast here in California. To be honest nobody I know including myself felt the "500" earthquakes in the past three days except when we were at Macy's looking at some watches and we noticed necklaces slightly rocking back and forth.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:55 PM
I think I will stick with my original theory that these quakes are just a stress release.
We should be thankful it is happening like this rather then one massive dump of energy near a populated area.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by lsnypvcs

I live in San Diego, CA and we are used to these earthquakes. They happened last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and they'll keep happening next year and so on.

Stop trying to connect everything to 2012 and earthquakes atleast here in California. To be honest nobody I know including myself felt the "500" earthquakes in the past three days except when we were at Macy's looking at some watches and we noticed necklaces slightly rocking back and forth.

your just plain ignorant. brawley is over 80 miles away from san diego. there is a lot of terrain between you and the earthquakes. of course your not going to feel anything. i might as well add that i havent felt a single one of the 500 earthquakes here in las vegas either. so it cant be that bad right?

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