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Russia And China Join Forces And Prepare For War Against The Falling Apart U.S. Can we win this one

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posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Not only that, in regards to Oil we have more shale sitting under Colorado than the Mideast and Venezuela have crude combined.

So the plot thickens, we wreck the middle east and build a pipeline straight to China who drinks it up at incredible speed. As it diminishes and the price at the pump rises to 6.00-7.00-8.00 a Gallon guess what?

The cost of refining Shale becomes viable then America is sitting on 2 Trillion Barrels of Oil with no one else to supply it

Brilliant really, evil but Brilliant

How does this affect Americans? It barely does, because we started building and selling hybrids 20-30 years in advance by the time it happens your car will only take 3 Gallons even if your a po bucker because the first hybrids will be on sale used for 400.00 that are 19 years old

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:48 AM
Well i truly wish the best for folks in the USA,hope everything works out for ya

edit on 30-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by all2human
Well i truly wish the best for folks in the USA,hope everything works out for ya

edit on 30-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

LOL if it doesn't Canadian citizenship from an Entrepreneurial acceptance is a 400,000.00 investment and the hiring of at least 2 Canadians

and lol, obviously I have investigated it

I really love Vancouver especially this time of year.
edit on 30-8-2012 by penninja because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:55 AM
Seriously though...I have this THIRD JOB...and it has taken me all over the World. I HATE THE F'N DESERT! Every time I have to go to an area that is 120 Degrees in the Day and Freezing Ass Cold at Night...I get Pissed Off!

Now Iran is not Arab they call themselves Persians...I don't know why because some of the most Humiliating Military Losses were by the Persians and for instance DARIUS III lost to Alexander the Great even though Darius III had a VAST numerical superiority. He was a terrible Commander and abandoned his troops after making several mistakes in battle.

He could have regrouped but was a Coward and left his men even when he still had larger Numbers of them. His Soldiers...seeing their KING abandon them...fell into disarray and fell victims to Alexanders superior tactics.
Alexander...vowed and did track down Darius III and did so in the summer of 330 AD. Darius III own Courtiers Killed him as they saw Alexander approaching.

Anyways...neither Russia or China will protect this Modern Day Darius III which is the Iranian Old Religious Guard and their little SOCK PUPPET that they cheated the Iranian People of a True Election to keep in power.
Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by penninja I stated...we don't need OIL or Coal anymore. We are just TOLD WE NEED IT!
It is a joke! Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by penninja

Thx brother,lovin it here

weathers crap for 8 months of the year tho ,but lots of nice ladies to keep me distracted

edit on 30-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by penninja I stated...we don't need OIL or Coal anymore. We are just TOLD WE NEED IT!
It is a joke! Split Infinity

well ya! If you had two trillion barrels of shale you'd want everyone to believe it too and the lie has to be believable

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:13 AM
If you don't think the USA or China needs oil your simply dreaming
prove me wrong..
If Iran goes,it's just a matter of time until the problem ends up at there(China/Russia) doorstep,they know this..
The USA has no business in Syria or Iran

edit on 30-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by penninja

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by penninja I stated...we don't need OIL or Coal anymore. We are just TOLD WE NEED IT!
It is a joke! Split Infinity

well ya! If you had two trillion barrels of shale you'd want everyone to believe it too and the lie has to be believable

Problem is...we have a very real serious problem with Global Warming. We have Methane Bubbling out of Alaskan Lakes and Canadian and Russian Tundra. Methane is in a Gel form at colder Temps. but because of all the CO2 in the Air...temps. have heated up and now this Gel is turning into Methane Gas which is many times greater a Green House creating agent. We can't afford to keep on burning Fossil Fuels and by the end of this Decade or Sooner...there will be no Ocean Ice Cap over the North Polar Region and the U.S. Military is gearing up to protect new shipping lanes. We need these Green Energy generation Tech...NOW! The U.S. Military has them but is worried that they could be used by another country as a Weapon...and they are RIGHT! So it is a problem. Solar Tech. would be safe enough to release and it is VERY ADVANCED. Question is...what Politician is going to be Paid Off to prevent this release? We NEED LEADERSHIP! We are sitting on potentially WORLD CHANGING TECH. and we need a LEADER to say...WE ARE GOING TO DO THIS! WHERE IS THAT LEADER? Here we are..buying CRAP from China we don't need and the U.S. is the Worlds largest Builders of Toyota's. WHY? Because the U.S. Worker is the Worlds Number 1 most productive. Look it up! The Jap's know it and that is why Toyota's are shipped out from the States to all over the World. Why can't it be a GM or Ford? It's Bull S#!%! The U.S. is so Tech. advanced and yet we are making TOYOTA'S? Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by all2human

We don't have an oil problem, we have tons in reserve, we have 2 Trillion barrels of Shale available even if it's expensive, there are those that say Canada might have as much as a Trillion Barrels of actual sweet crude in harder to reach locations. A funny thing no one seems to know is that Halliburton refitted it's refineries to be able to handle bio diesel after Katrina we also happen to be the bread basket of the world.

The actual issue is the COST, it's there but shale would currently be around 7 bucks a gallon by the time it reaches the pump, The Canadian Crude is way out of the way, not as expensive but a pain to produce

The North American deal is simply.... Hold yours buy theirs until it's gone then make a fortune when everyone else is dry and the cost becomes viable

You know they parade moron politicians in front of us but out corporate and military guys are brilliant, again just tactics it's fine if people think we are stupid and all hope is lost but it's far from the truth. There is a plan.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by penninja

Well i know the've been trying to jam a pipeline proposal down our throats for some time that would service the US with crude from Alberta
I have no doubt there is market manipulation to keep oil prices elevated for profits..
but id still like to see proof there's plenty to go's a hell of a lot of wasted hard work to extract it from the oil sands..
edit on 30-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by miniatus
China is about to implode on itself if you ask me

I second this emotion. I recently rrad something that detailed how China's current economic situation and the factors that led them to it are virtually identical to our own immediately pre-depression/recession/whatever the hell we're in. They concluded that their current situation was not sustainable for much longer, and they were primed for a major recession of their own.
edit on 30-8-2012 by Maroboduus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by all2human
If you don't think the USA or China needs oil your simply dreaming
prove me wrong..
If Iran goes,it's just a matter of time until the problem ends up at there(China/Russia) doorstep,they know this..
The USA has no business in Syria or Iran

edit on 30-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

We need oil for production of various products...but we really do not need it for energy production and the fact we are still using the Internal Combustion Engine is a JOKE!

We have the ability to create Massive Solar Arrays in areas of the American Desert that NEVER see rain. Plugging in an Electric Car to an outlet at home where the Electricity is generated by Oil or Coal burning plants is another JOKE! If we were using Solar Energy Generation to provide this Electric Car with a charge...then that is TRUE Green Transportation. Plus the current state of Electric car battery capacity is also a JOKE! We can create a battery that is 20 Times better and as I have stated...we loose more Electricity from a crap Grid where if this Grid was to use High Conductivity Tech...we would dramatically reduce energy bleed. But don't let them kid you...we do not need oil for energy generation. it is all about money. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by Maroboduus

I hope the people of china get a democracy

edit on 30-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I want to believe you,but until we all stop driving cars,flying airplanes,shipping imports and exports it's not gonna happen..
don't tell me your a nuclear energy guy because i might barf,that s###s ruining the world..
edit on 30-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by all2human

Or...we use an alternate energy source to power them. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I'm not so sure that Global warming is the threat that it is made out to be.

Another commodity that we have on this continent is Water, more fresh water than the rest of the world combined. We are talking about temperature changes of a few degrees for a period of time.

Hotter summers for all intents and purposes

But how badly does that affect America or Canada?

(I morally condone NONE of this)

At the worst of the heat, the places most affected. Sub Saharan Africa, The Middle East. To a lesser extent, The Himalayas will be drier, they aren't actually at the highest Latitude in the world despite their height so less water in East Asia

Europe however with mountains at high Latitude and Canada don't have to worry about this for decades longer, meanwhile Canada gets warmer and can produce more food and take some of the American slack and even if we dry up a bit it really, really wouldn't be the most expensive thing in the world to pipe water from the North, we do it for Oil right? so water prices go up, bt our issues are solvable.

Now yeah this year the first thing people will say is what about this summer... sadly it takes crisis to start to justify spending

But who has seemingly been given the freedom to do whatever the heck they want MONSANTO, why? because they will make corn that can take it, and everyone else will have to buy that crap.

So as usual the 3rd world eats complete feces and we will be okay, the Rich can afford Organic, the poor here as the ol saying goes "let them eat cake" or genetically modified puke that causes anal leakage...

so again... MONEY MONEY MONEY... pure evil, but quite a profitable situation, the deeper into the rabbit hole you go, it's just easy to see WHY the USA would allow all this stuff to happen...

Now what's NEXT

Global Warming stops... after X amount of time of ravishing profits only one thing can happen from Global warming, Global COOLING, when enough fresh water enters the NA current the conveyor stops and you get another mini ace age

Now what does an ice age do during a relatively minor (geographically speaking) Green House affect? You get an ice age, that's not quite as Severe, Northern Canada goes cold, no one lives there... Europe and Russia go Cold, very convenient hrrmmmmm the nations that hung in there with us having the ULTIMATE commodity WATER just like us then get hit with extreme winters

Last man standing, Usa/Canada because 90% of the Canadian population lives on the border of the USA and given the green house effect and modern technology those glaciers wont extend all that far

all i'm saying is

You can see why the more rotten (cough republican cough) thinkers don't give a hoot about global warming, following a depopulation agenda at first you loose a lot of really annoying "African" folk then a lot of really annoying Middle eastern folk then things shift and suddenly all this land opens up where there used to be people, meanwhile at the same time our "allies" take the next punch

There is no scenario in any of this where we Have to run out of water or freeze either, sure we have to build pielines, sure some coastal regions might suffer, like I said earlier Halliburton got to refit all their refineries thanks to Katrina

Heat, kills the elderly not bad when you face a geriatric crisis anyway

I do NOT agree with any of this, I'm just saying in the game of global dominance WE come out the best from these scenarios of everyone

Of course as the rest of the population of the world diminishes so does the issue of continued global warming...

America simply does not face the issues Sudan or the Me or other places face, obstacles, sure, yes but not to the same degree as others.

No personally I HATE Monsanto, but they will keep our peasants up to their knees in Tomatoes long after other places have come to their knees begging for food and water

GOD! I hate even saying this stuff!!!! it's so vile in all wrong, but if you look forward and examine their game you can understand why is all.

There are those in power here that welcome global warming just like there are those that welcome the pretext for war because it can be advantageous for our position.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by all2human
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I want to believe you,but until we all stop driving cars,flying airplanes,shipping imports and exports it's not gonna happen..
don't tell me your a nuclear energy guy because i might barf,that s###s ruining the world..
edit on 30-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)


It leads me to believe there is reality to the Georgia guide stone stuff

The insanity of putting one of these near every major US city is so far gone and just plain stupid it's hard to believe anyone can be that stupid, most of them are running way beyond the time they should have been decommissioned in America

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by penninja

The problem with Global Warming which is a byproduct of our burning of fossil fuels which China as it develops will need more and more of it to that in a Closed System...such as is the Earth...a few degrees mean the difference between normal storms and Massive Hurricanes, Tornado's and Flooding.

We are having Tornado's in Mass! The storms will keep on getting stronger and stronger as within any closed system...the more energy put this case Heat...the greater the effect. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by penninja

How about running Fusion Reactors at relatively Low Temps.? No radioactive byproduct.
Split Infinity

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