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Ayn Rand The Whore of Babylon - Mitt Romney The False Prophet - Paul Ryan The Antichrist?

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posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Baddogma
reply to post by ImaFungi

"Everyone knows everyone has equal opportunity..." Really?

Subsistence level life / extreme poverty doesn't offer a whole lot of opportunities.

I suppose they could find the time to climb the corporate ladder in the swarming slums where they live between bouts of dizziness from hunger/sickness and they're just too lazy after working their 16 hours a day.

Perhaps if they'd just save more of the money that's left after feeding and sheltering themselves and loved ones (if lucky) for their higher education... which they'd be able to afford in what... two centuries?

But barring place of birth and genetic and environmental variables and what sex and class you are, I suppose everyone does have "equal opportunity..." remembering that some folks are more equal than others.

sorry,, if you re read my last post with a sarcastic over tone, you will realize i was being sarcastic,, especially considering I was arguing on the side you are on throughout the thread..

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by TheGreatDivider

Originally posted by truejew
Ayn Rand is not the whore of Babylon. The nation of Israel is.

No, the Catholic church is.

The whore of Babylon is the great city where Christ was crucified.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by ImaFungi

Sarcasm has nuances that are hard to pick up when one is sneaking peaks at one's guilty pleasure site at work- consumeristic guilt is also a prime mover for those with empathy... no sorry needed... I'm sorry for not looking at who (or what-as we are all abstract representations here) I was "berating."


Either way, be happy you were a handy target for a teaching moment. Off to save the world.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:15 PM
You make some pretty good points Red Cloak

Ayn Rand's Philosophy shares more in common with Satanism than it does with any other philosophy.

The worship of the self and the me me me mentality that seems to get worse and worse in this country.

From the Church of Satan Website I found an article on Ayn Rand

Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, is an acknowledged source for some of the Satanic philosophy as outlined in The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. Ayn Rand was a brilliant and insightful author and philosopher and her best-selling novels Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead continue to attract deserved attention for a new generation of readers. I am a strong admirer of Ayn Rand but I am an even stronger admirer of Anton LaVey for the vital differences between the philosophies of Objectivism and Satanism.

Let me conclude this brief overview by adding that Satanism has far more in common with Objectivism than with any other religion or philosophy. Objectivists endorse reason, selfishness, greed and atheism. Objectivism sees Christianity, Islam and Judaism as anti-human and evil. The writings of Ayn Rand are inspiring and powerful. If the reader has not yet experienced her power, try her novelette Anthem for a taste. You will almost certainly come back for more.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by jacobe001

A rectangle is also a square, but a square (which precedes the former) is not a rectangle. The quote you found said that "Satanism has far more in common with Objectivism than with any other religion or philosophy." This is not the same as saying "[Objectivism] shares more in common with Satanism than it does with any other philosophy." Satanists have derived parts of their dogma from Objectivism, but it does not mean that Satanism and Objectivism are the same.

I find it interesting that the OP uses the word "sociopath" to describe the "millions" that "admire and worship [Ayn Rand]." First of all, nobody worships Ayn Rand. To suggest so is laughable at best; she was an author and philiosopher - not a prophet, deity or ascended being. Secondly, to debase every person that sees merit in her thoughts as "sociopaths" indicates your own sociopathic tendencies, seeing as the very word "sociopath" implies something less-than-human, and therefore devoid of feeling. Where is YOUR compassion OP?

The OP claims that "producers" are "sociopathic serial killers." I am once again astounded by the ignorance of that statement. Do you know what is the definition of "production?" Look around you OP. Your house was PRODUCED. The food you buy at the grocery store had to be PRODUCED. The bed you sleep on was PRODUCED. The very fact that this message board exists and we are all able to communicate through a means such as the internet are evidence of PRODUCTION. And you call that evil? Every luxury of modern day is a result of production - the result of intelligence put to use for the benefit of all. And you call that sociopathic?

I can't help but feel disgusted after reading the OP's post. Obviously the OP has never read (or perhaps even more disturbing - never even TRIED to) nor understands any of Rand's philosophy and instead bases his entire conviction on a few choice words and book titles taken out of context. This, my friends, is a prime case study of the unthinking individual - the willing suspension of rational judgement and second-hand knowledge.

To call Ayn Rand's ideas evil, is to call rational thought, the ability to act of one's own volition, and freedom itself evil.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by zosothustra
reply to post by jacobe001

A rectangle is also a square, but a square (which precedes the former) is not a rectangle. The quote you found said that "Satanism has far more in common with Objectivism than with any other religion or philosophy." This is not the same as saying "[Objectivism] shares more in common with Satanism than it does with any other philosophy." Satanists have derived parts of their dogma from Objectivism, but it does not mean that Satanism and Objectivism are the same.

I find it interesting that the OP uses the word "sociopath" to describe the "millions" that "admire and worship [Ayn Rand]." First of all, nobody worships Ayn Rand. To suggest so is laughable at best; she was an author and philiosopher - not a prophet, deity or ascended being. Secondly, to debase every person that sees merit in her thoughts as "sociopaths" indicates your own sociopathic tendencies, seeing as the very word "sociopath" implies something less-than-human, and therefore devoid of feeling. Where is YOUR compassion OP?

The OP claims that "producers" are "sociopathic serial killers." I am once again astounded by the ignorance of that statement. Do you know what is the definition of "production?" Look around you OP. Your house was PRODUCED. The food you buy at the grocery store had to be PRODUCED. The bed you sleep on was PRODUCED. The very fact that this message board exists and we are all able to communicate through a means such as the internet are evidence of PRODUCTION. And you call that evil? Every luxury of modern day is a result of production - the result of intelligence put to use for the benefit of all. And you call that sociopathic?

I can't help but feel disgusted after reading the OP's post. Obviously the OP has never read (or perhaps even more disturbing - never even TRIED to) nor understands any of Rand's philosophy and instead bases his entire conviction on a few choice words and book titles taken out of context. This, my friends, is a prime case study of the unthinking individual - the willing suspension of rational judgement and second-hand knowledge.

To call Ayn Rand's ideas evil, is to call rational thought, the ability to act of one's own volition, and freedom itself evil.

Anyone that believes what Ayn Rand wrote is a psychopath or sociopath. It's impossible for anyone that has empathy and a normally functioning reasoning center of the brain to believe a single word that she ever wrote.

The only people that believe any of it, lack the ability to process in the frontal lobe, as they are devoid of the capacity to feel empathy or remorse, and have no point to exist other than to feed their own personal wants and desires - and without feeling any moral obligations whatsoever.

Also, these same people know that they are psychopaths and sociopaths. That's what the books are written for. They are how to guides, step by step books on how serial killers, sociopaths, psychopaths, mass murderers should live their lives.

How they can get ahead and take control in society. The "producers" of Rand's warped and deranged fantasy world are all of the world's biggest megalomaniacs.

Every single person that worships money, power through money, and material power worships Ayn Rand and her evil ideology. The worship of the almighty dollar, is the worship of Ayn Rand and her false propaganda. Millions upon millions upon millions of people worship her, as they place all value in their own existence and to money.

What you call "freedom" is actually an extreme form of narcissism.

Finally, that was an extremely weak and failed attempt at placing a false projection.
edit on 5-10-2012 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Red Cloak
Anyone that believes what Ayn Rand wrote is a psychopath or sociopath. It's impossible for anyone that has empathy and a normally functioning reasoning center of the brain to believe a single word that she ever wrote.

The only people that believe any of it, lack the ability to process in the frontal lobe, as they are devoid of the capacity to feel empathy or remorse, and have no point to exist other than to feed their own personal wants and desires - and without feeling any moral obligations whatsoever.

Also, these same people know that they are psychopaths and sociopaths. That's what the books are written for. They are how to guides, step by step books on how serial killers, sociopaths, psychopaths, mass murderers should live their lives.

How they can get ahead and take control in society. The "producers" of Rand's warped and deranged fantasy world are all of the world's biggest megalomaniacs.

Every single person that worships money, power through money, and material power worships Ayn Rand and her evil ideology. The worship of the almighty dollar, is the worship of Ayn Rand and her false propaganda. Millions upon millions upon millions of people worship her, as they place all value in their own existence and to money.

What you call "freedom" is actually an extreme form of narcissism.

Finally, that was an extremely weak and failed attempt at placing a false projection.
edit on 5-10-2012 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)

What is this false projection that you assume I was trying to place?

Ayn Rand isn't asking anyone to "believe" anything she writes. No myths, no stories from antiquity to be accepted on pure faith. But don't take my word for it, pick up Atlas Shrugged and read the monologue that starts on page 1009. There you will find the logic which forms the base for Objectivist philosophy.

You assume that Rand would endorse an individual's quest for money and power. Objectivists do not "worship" money or power; they respect that which money stands for: a tool of exchange. I take it you are Christian or Catholic, do you worship the cross itself? No, you worship what it stands for; the intersection of the heart with the mind and it's connection to the divine creator. "Or did you say it's the love of money that's the root of all evil? To love a thing is to know and love its nature. To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men. It's the person who would sell his soul for a nickel, who is loudest in proclaiming his hatred of money -- and he has good reason to hate it. The lovers of money are willing to work for it. They know they are able to deserve it" (Rand 412).

I am a Unitarian Universalist and by no means an absolute follower of Objectivist philiosophy, but by using my perfectly functioning "reasoning center of the brain" I see the merit that can be taken from it.

How did you come to the conclusion that Rand's books "are how to guides, step by step books on how serial killers, sociopaths, psychopaths, mass murderers should live their lives." Have you had a personal experience? Did you interview Ayn Rand personally? Have you personally talked to a mass murderer?

Your arguments are flimsy and have no basis; you've made claims, but you haven't provided any supporting evidence. Explain to me why you think "freedom" is an extreme case of narcissism, and tell me what you think my interpretation of "freedom" is.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 08:42 PM
Hey I want to know what your smoking and how much is it and can i score some?

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by seethetruth
reply to post by TarzanBeta

i have heard that before that the mark of the beast is worshiping on Sundays .so all the Christians that worship on Sundays will go to hell and be Satan's slaves .
It seems a little bit harsh as most people don't know when the true sabbath is including me

I looked in to that whole sabbath day thing. The 7th Day Adventists are into that. I read a lot of their stuff, then red flag started going up when I learned how they thought the world was going to end back in the 1800's.

Credability gone.

Now, the whole Chotholic Church being a not so good thing... I suspect that. What with TONS of child molestation and what not... It's possible they are corrupt to the top. And it's a know fact they help way too many Nazi's escape after WW2. Why?

As for me... give me a Bible and put me on a desert island. Whatever you can figure out from there is probably solid. There's WAY too much man-made stuff going on with religion. You need Christ. That's it. Nothing more. You know, the old "He that belives in Him has everlasting life". Period. End of sentance. Grow from there, but don't add your own crap.

I found this very interesting:

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by davjan4

I looked in to that whole sabbath day thing. The 7th Day Adventists are into that. I read a lot of their stuff, then red flag started going up when I learned how they thought the world was going to end back in the 1800's.

Credability gone.

7th-Day Adventist weren't even around until 1860-63 period. The mistaken understanding of the event that would transpire at the end of the 2300 day prophecy (Daniel 8:14) occurred in 1844 was interpreted by the Millerite movement that was made up of many Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian and Christian Connection churches. What they were calculating was the last time prophecy ever given in the Bible and they mistakenly thought as it was the last time date given that it would also mean it was the end date (but nobody knows the time or the hour). Upon further studying of this event it was determined that what had occurred was the moving of Jesus from the Holy place to the Most Holy place in the Heavenly sanctuary to begin the investigation into everyone's life record to determine, before he comes, who will have themselves written in the Book of Life or not.

You might want to check out this link wiki:History of the SDA church

I will provide some backup information of Tarzanbeta to show that he is on the right track in saying that God's mark is the Sabbath and the Beast's mark is Sunday.
edit on 23-10-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Red Cloak

"Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it."

Tell me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Jesus says that he will build his church upon Peter... Aka the Catholic Church... And you're trying to tell me the anti Christ comes from the church Jesus established, contradicting what Jesus said about te gates of hell not being able to conquer it? Making Jesus a liar? Be careful with your assumptions there.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Apologetic
reply to post by Red Cloak

"Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it."

Tell me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Jesus says that he will build his church upon Peter... Aka the Catholic Church... And you're trying to tell me the anti Christ comes from the church Jesus established, contradicting what Jesus said about te gates of hell not being able to conquer it? Making Jesus a liar? Be careful with your assumptions there.

you are taking that out of context,,,, is that quote not after jesus explaining the difference between building a house on rock and sand?

besides that,,i think you are semi correct,, in that jesus knew he would leave earth,, and knew his disciples would be the men on earth entrusted in spreading his word...
edit on 6-11-2012 by ImaFungi because: (no reason given)

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