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Iran Bashing, Terrorism and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway?

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posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Brilliant analogy, i couldnt have said it better.

While the video does bring up the odd truth here and there, its only to advance the creators anti-semetic message, and that is that the Jews are the cause of all problems in the world. And using as a source? Laughable at best, its easily one of the leading sources of anti-semetic tripe. Not much better than Stormfront.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:16 PM
Any thread that is anti or pro Israel or Iran is opening up a smelly can of worms, OP, but sometimes we must confront such things.

Anybody keeping score knows that I am not a fan of Israel, and the main reason that country disgusts me is because my own country is its bitch, and that disgusts me even more. The billions of dollars we send over there, almost like they have carte blanche to request however much they want, we give with a smile and say, "no problem".

The standing ovations for Netanyahu were enough to make me vomit when I saw it on the news.

So let's play the "Blame Game", shall we?

The country that is the worst offender in this is the United States, because we bankroll Israel, look the other way no matter what it does, and allow them to push us into conflicts over there when there is ZERO BENEFIT for us (and by us, I mean the American people, not a few multinational corporations who benefit from such things). AIPAC has us by the short hairs and is laughing all the way to the bank.

I see the Zionists using American Christians as tools to support their agenda. I am fully aware that the Jewish religion is somewhat exclusionary towards Goyim, but they have no problem hijacking Christianity in order to gain a greater foothold in this country. A few years ago, I was channel surfing on TV and came upon this blonde Christian woman holding the bible, saying that no matter WHAT Israel does, we must support them, because they are God's Chosen People, and if we don't support them, God will punish us and send us to hell. I about plotzed when I saw that.

Let us not even go into the basic fact that the majority of Israel's immigrants are European Jews that don't have a drop of Semitic blood in them. Did God choose them, or are they just wanna-be's?

That's it in a nutshell. American Christians (and the rest of us taxpayers) are being used and duped out of their hard-earned tax dollars, on some idiotic premise that Israel and its people are chosen by God, and we have to go along with whatever, lest we fry in hell forever. American politicians are paid off to give Israel a blank check and to look the other way. America takes its orders for foreign policy and human rights violations straight from Tel Aviv.

This is exactly why so many people want a separation of church and state. We are becoming a theocracy in many ways, just like the countries over in the ME which are causing so many of the world's conflicts. I see Zionism as dragging America down and destroying it. Once they are through with us, and we can no longer bankroll their ambitions and support their aggression, we will be thrown under the bus. Count on it.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Soshh

What you're preaching is logic.

Law is based on those concerns: comparative: for instance, it is unfair to shine a bright light on one nation, or one individual, and castigate him for wrongdoing - or the nation in question for wrong doing - while there are many other people - or nations - who act far worse.

Such treatment is recognized as unfair. No one would want to be subjected to such treatment. Imagine you were being punished for arson, while the very person you were with - who had killed a man and raped his wife - got off scott free? You'd be livid!

This is exactly the situation Israel is in. They have problems, no one denies that. However, their circumstances are exponentially more understandable than others. When they kill civilians - it happens inadvertently. Terrorists deliberately put civilians lives in danger in order to create a political stir. Look at Syria: in a matter of a year, 17000 civilians have been killed! Do we hear any protests against Syria? Are there any calls to 'boycott' Syrian exports? None at all. Look at South Africa. A week after bludgeoning 34 miners, South Africa has the temerity to pass a law requiring Israeli exports to have the label "israeli occupied territory". This #ing excuse for a democracy, this nation still engaging in apartheid - has the gall to blacklist Israel.

It's insanity. But sane people have to sit and tolerate this garbage because amoral people and their moronic half wit legion of followers keep boosting this subject to the center of the worlds attention.

Whats especially immoral - and for which the UN should be held specifically responsible - is that while attention is fixed on Israel, the real humanitarian concerns - in Darfur, in Syria, in Myanmar, in Uganda, in Turkey (with the Kurds) - is being almost wholly ignored. The energy invested into Israel - if only half of it were taken off and put on these far more important issues - thousands of lives would be saved.

But we live in a political world. Not a moral world. Were reminded of this all the time with TV shows like 'political animals'. Politicians are animals. And animals aren't moral. Therefore, Israel - even if it doesn't deserve the treatment it's been given - is being targeted by the international community and tried for crimes which others in other countries commit to a far greater degree in circumstances far less excusable.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Rabbi4Peace

The land was stolen from the Israels long before the palestines ever laid claim to it, if you do not believe in GOD and the Bible then you cannot fathom why the land was given to Israel by GOD hence the problem. There has never been a country called palestine.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Rabbi4Peace
It is the Jews who have been brainwashed with Zionism that have this superiority complex, proper Jews respect others as equals. There are plenty of Zionist influences Jews in Israel who consider themselves above everyone else. I will provide one of many examples.

And i can provide many, many examples of people from all religions who consider themselves superior than those of other religions simply because they firmly believe their religion is "the one and only". Its not just the Jews, its all religions. And furthermore, its not exclusive to religions. People of certain countries are very nationalistic, and believe simply because they are Chinese for example, they are better than others. Go to Serbia if you want a shining example of the pride those people have and how it makes them think they are better than others. And for the record, i know Serbs do not have a monopoly on nationalism, they are just an example.

Originally posted by Rabbi4Peace
I know that these two youth do not represent all of Israel's Jews but if you are going to imply that this frame of mind is not prevalent among Israel's settlers I will have no choice but to say you are wrong.

You say you know they dont represent all Jews, then claim its "prevalent" among settlers. Id love for you to explain how you came to this conclusion using nothing but YouTube videos.

Originally posted by Rabbi4Peace
The video made a good point on how Iran has not attacked any nations in recent memory, yet they are made to look like the aggressor when Israel is the obvious aggressor. You do not agree, but that does not change the fact that Israel has attacked various countries since it's formation and Iran has not.

Bull. Iran constantly attacks others through Hamas and Hezbollah. If you deny this, your delusional.

Originally posted by Rabbi4Peace
I was really happy with your post even though we had some disagreements until you decided to consider the video as anti-Semitism. This is a known trick that no one falls for anymore and shame on you for pulling that card. I would like to know what the author said hat was anti-Semitic.

Just as its a known trick for anyone anti-semetic to pull the card you just did. Newsflash, some things ARE anti-semetic.

Originally posted by Rabbi4Peace
Please tell me one bad thing Iran has done against Israel or the Jewish people within the last few decades.

As previously stated, Hamas and Hezbollah are extensions of Iranian aggression. Rather than go though all the usual listing of their attrocities, ill leave it up to you to peruse this:

But you wont, will you?

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 02:54 PM
The bottom line here is this - Israel has no right to the land it currently occupies and all of the western countries governments have blood on their hands from helping establish it.

I can’t believe people come on here having a moan about “Palestinian terrorists” firing rockets into Israeli lands that are killing innocent people. Of course any acts of murder should never be condoned but shouldn’t we be focusing on why these people are acting the way they are instead of ignorantly labelling them terrorists? The real terrorists here are the Zionists and the western governments that back them.

What sort of a world do we live in when people just think they can brutally steel other people’s homes? And before anybody starts playing the anti-Semite card hear this. This isn't about being Jewish, Muslim, black or white. It’s simply about what is right and what isn’t and anybody who thinks what has happened to the Palestinians is right, is either in on it themselves or doesn’t understand the facts.

So I encourage everybody who hasn’t already to read up and get a grasp of the facts. There is no justification for what has happened to the Palestinian people, that have suffered at the hands of the Zionist movement since the end of world war 2.

Their people have been savagely murdered in cold blood because apparently we’re told “Israel has a right to exist”. So while we wait around for our governments to explain what these so called rights are, we’re all left to wonder why all this has happened.

Yes, the Jewish people didn’t have their own country, but are they the only ones? No. There are plenty of people out there that do not have their own countries, for example the Kurdish people don’t, nor the Native Americans. So why isn’t there a big push to get these people on the map?

Also, nobody can deny that over the years Jewish people have had a hard time of it. Mainly at the hands of Christians who blamed them for anything bad that happened, from natural disasters to the plagues that spread through Europe in the last millennium. Does this really justify what’s happening now? Again, plenty of other people have had it a lot tougher, such as the natives of America who have had their land stolen and their culture abolished.

So none of this really makes any sense. Well, when things don’t tend to make much sense you can always guarantee that money is involved somewhere down the line. And the facts are this, all of the western governments are in the back pockets of the Zionist controlled financial system and have been for over a century now. These people have a monopoly on the wealth and resources in the world, so when they want their own country they get it and because the same people control the mainstream media they can convince any idiot that isn’t willing to do their own research that what’s happening is right.

Until people start to wake up and take a stand against this criminality it will continue. But I shall say this, what goes around comes around, and the Zionist movement will get what’s coming to it one day and I’m afraid sympathy will be in short supply when it does.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by jamespond

Yes, the Jewish people didn’t have their own country, but are they the only ones? No. There are plenty of people out there that do not have their own countries, for example the Kurdish people don’t, nor the Native Americans. So why isn’t there a big push to get these people on the map?

Palestinians also didn't have their own country. Never. Ever. Nor had any autonomy. Never .Ever. After UN plan to create their own country,first time in history - it was refused by Palestinians because Israel was going to be established too.

What sort of a world do we live in when people just think they can brutally steel other people’s homes? And before anybody starts playing the anti-Semite card hear this. This isn't about being Jewish, Muslim, black or white. It’s simply about what is right and what isn’t and anybody who thinks what has happened to the Palestinians is right, is either in on it themselves or doesn’t understand the facts.

As a result of 1948 there where Jews who got their home stolen too. Tens of thousands. This is much less then Palestinians who lost their homes - the number is hundreds of thousands - but this is because they lost. Both sides use same methods but somehow you are fuming about Israelis only.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by jamespond

Yes, the Jewish people didn’t have their own country, but are they the only ones? No. There are plenty of people out there that do not have their own countries, for example the Kurdish people don’t, nor the Native Americans. So why isn’t there a big push to get these people on the map?

Palestinians also didn't have their own country. Never. Ever. Nor had any autonomy. Never .Ever. After UN plan to create their own country,first time in history - it was refused by Palestinians because Israel was going to be established too.

But why, when most of the population in the area were arabs, should Israel get to set up shop there? The truth is, the Zionist movement first drew up plans to take that land as early as 1897. And out of ignorance expected the arabs to just let them have it. All kinds of dirty tactics were carried out by the zionists to make sure they got what they wanted and in the process make it look like it was the right thing. Look it up.

As a result of 1948 there where Jews who got their home stolen too. Tens of thousands. This is much less then Palestinians who lost their homes - the number is hundreds of thousands - but this is because they lost. Both sides use same methods but somehow you are fuming about Israelis only.

I can't recall reading anywhere about arabs bulldozing jewish homes or murdering protesters for that matter. The only thing that the arabs ever did was reject un resolutions that were un-justly weighed heavily in favour of Israel, and nobody can hold that against them.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by jamespond

But why, when most of the population in the area were arabs, should Israel get to set up shop there? The truth is, the Zionist movement first drew up plans to take that land as early as 1897. And out of ignorance expected the arabs to just let them have it. All kinds of dirty tactics were carried out by the zionists to make sure they got what they wanted and in the process make it look like it was the right thing. Look it up.

Given the fact that in 1903 Uganda plan was seriously considered (voting ended 300 against it but 170 for it,third of Zionist congress members considered creating Jewish national home in Uganda ) i would say that your facts are a bit off. Especially since in 1897, 1903 and all the way up to 1918 the land was under Turkish control for centuries and Arabs accepted it just fine and let Turks have it.

I can't recall reading anywhere about arabs bulldozing jewish homes or murdering protesters for that matter. The only thing that the arabs ever did was reject un resolutions that were un-justly weighed heavily in favour of Israel, and nobody can hold that against them.

Thats because you read only certain sources. Here ,it will help:

On the afternoon of May 28, 1948, hours after the Old City of Jerusalem fell into Jordanian hands, and Jews once again were forced to flee, soldiers of the Arab Legion set off explosive charges and reduced the Hurva to rubble.
Old city of Jerusalem with its Jewish quarter remained without Jews after Jordan forces captured it, because Arab forces expelled them. 58 synagogues were destroyed and houses indeed buldozed. Jewish villages in the area were also destroyed and its population banished. Gush Etzion vilalges (near Hebron) were also destroyed and whoever did not flee was killed.
Pretty sure you did not know that. Feel free to research it.
By the way, after Jordanians captured it, as the rest of West bank - they did not create Palestinain state nor autonomy but if was fine, i guess. As long as it is not Israel.
Egyptian forces took Kfar Darom in Gaza and Jews fled.
Israeli forces did the same. Only they won in lot more places.

And had the local Arabs agreed to the UN plan ,unfair as it was or not, Palestinian state would have exist since 1948. Much bigger then Gaza/West Bank now. But Arab leaders did not care about Palestinians - and still don't. It's all about driving the Jews out.

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