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Dream Synchronicity and The Castle On The Water.

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posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:22 PM
Hey ATS,

I was a bit partial to threading this dream as i know i'll get slammed by a few of you, but even better yet i believe in the potential for some insight as to what happened will rule out the naysayers and disrespectful here it goes.

A few nights ago, a friend of mine and i were cruising around late at night after a quick stop to grab some food. I guess around 12:30 a.m.-ish (not important). The important part is that he, being an avid lucid dreamer had been talking about some of his dreams, as he always does. The part that had got to me was that he was conveying a dream that he had some five years ago, before we had ever met and become friends. we've been friends for about 4 years now and both enjoy studying the paranormal, and different views concerning religion, demonology, psychic abilities, etc. etc. (you get it)

Well in the middle of him explaining the dream he had, he hadn't been able to mention a few things or left some small parts out. The ridiculous part is, that i began filling in the blanks to his dream, because....I had also, had this same exact dream before about the same time that he said that he was having it. He was amazed that i could tell him what he had left out and i was amazed that we both had the same dream. I recently(yesterday), had tried looking into it, but to no avail. Looked for distinct details, sharing dreams, and what the details could mean in relation to real life. All that came up on any search were a few forums about how some people share dreams with each other and a few opinions on the matter. I told him that i couldn't find anything on it and that it will probably remain a mystery.

SO.. I will share the dream and if anyone would like to add their two cents or any VALUABLE insight as to what may have transpired, id would very much appreciate it. I will first tell of what he was trying to relay to me, and in small bits along the way, i will add on what i had to contribute to the conversation.
so keep that to yourself. im only asking for anyone with any knowledge pertaining to add their comments, or ask any questions if intrigued, but i may not be able to answer every single question yet i will to my best ability.

Here goes,

We live on the east coast, like just blocks away from the Atlantic and near an old spy house where we like to hangout every once and a while. My friend had explained to me, that in his dream the sky had turned a redish-purplish color and the clouds have turned pink. A small narrow passage of road that had lead on for miles upon miles from the beach of where he was sitting outside of the house(which was nearby the beach) out to the ocean. Now, he didn't explain the part after and kinda got lost in detail. This is where i butted into his story. I asked him if there was a dark building that he could barely make out in the distance and surrounded by the pink clouds, to which he exclaimed "That's impossible!". I asked what was and he said that he was just going to explain that part to me.
After talking a little about how odd it was that i just said that, he went on with his story. My friend had begun to tell me that he had felt compelled, almost like it was a mission to drive down the road to the house to investigate the place and why it was just sitting there floating on the ocean, which seemed odd enough. He said as he drove down the narrow road, that was just barley wide enough to fit a car down, he was able to make out what the building actually was, he said it was a castle. To which, i have to add that i was astounded at this part of his story, because i told him that it was in my dream too. We both bantered a small bit on the details of it; how it was dark and misty, the half-broken blocks in the sides, and how it was only noticeable when you drove closer down the road toward it.
Shortly after, i asked if there was a rising in the water upon the road, as the road only seemed to be sitting just atop the water. I have had the dream a few times, where i would not be able to reach this castle because the water had risen over the path toward it, and he said the same.
Back on track though, when he/I had finally reached the castle there was just an openness where a drawbridge or door would have been. It was just wide a open space in which you were able to walk or drive directly into.

That is the conclusion of the first ended with he or me, whomever's perspective you would be inclined to lean toward driving into, and parking inside of the ground floor of this castle...

Yes, i have had it as a recurring dream, as did my friend. The second part of the dream, which was actually a continuation of the first, had turned out a small bit different between us than the first. I will explain the dream in as much detail as possible and then i will branch off to where they begin to differ, keep in mind that it is only a very small difference, but i believe it may hold some significance somehow. The rest i will just quickly type out as to finish the story.

He/I in either of our individual dreams had parked the car and gotten out to investigate what this castle was doing here so far off of the coast, a how it was floating(obviously). Out of the corner of the eye, a shadow shot across the room with lightening speed. A quick glance at where the shadow had moved to, had revealed it, and many other ones all around the main entrance of the castle. Quickly realizing the danger, a panic broke out in my/his head.
This is where the story branches, I, had looked around and the shadows had stopped moving and sort of froze in their place, which is about where i awoke from the dream.
My friend however, was not able to apparently, and after surveying the room for a few more minutes had noticed that kept moving toward him. He said that they were horribly deformed and sort of just moving toward him not out of hate, but out of intrigue. He also said that there was one shadow from which he had felt an energy from, as if not to begin to fight or the shadow would surely hurt him.

That one shadow was not in this part of my dream, as my friend explained that it was just standing atop one of the higher levels of the case of stairs, and hadn't moved at all. I connected it to be the leader of the shadows, but obviously i cannot say for sure.

Does anyone on ATS have any insight that they would like to share, or a similar story that needs to be heard?? I will return to my thread after i make some coffee and step out for a quick smoke, but i do hope i hear something worthy of answering. As for any of the people whom try to disclaim this, i just simply have to say that it was a DREAM, not a prophecy as i and my God frown upon idolatry.

Thanks for reading,

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:38 PM
Could be just coincidence by two like minded people, having similar emotions and being experienced to similar surroundings...

cough cough*** self-similarity, fractal universe and creation... /end cough***

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 05:05 PM
Very Interesting! not saying that I have had the same dream however I also had a 2 part Recurring Dream occur over 3 months or so mabey 2 years ago. I am quite the vivid dreamer.

During the dream the sky was also discoloured but it was a dirty sandy colour and the clouds were much as normal but looked perhaps almost like polution clouds. The beginning of my dream started a little differently in which I was walking down the street, and was suddenly attacked by some sort of being (what I have no clue, I do remember it had a Freddie Kruger hand though) at first i managed to steal a car and escape it, but it gave chase.

after driving for a while I look into the sky to see a floating Island and sticking up from it are spires (much similar to those perhaps found on the OP's castle) I follow the road and it leads me up a HUGE procarious hill spiraling around itself (dirt road, dangerous roads are a regular theme in many of my dreams).

The first couple of times I had the dream I got to the top of the hill and was right underneath the floating island, minutes after the being catches up and I have no way of reaching the island and saftey. He procedes to kill me and I awake, after having this dream 3 or 4 times, the fifth time I'm at the top of the hill and the being catches up, and for some strange reason i decide to try and jump up to the island and to my amazement, I can defy Gravity!
End Part 1

Part 2
so the second part of the dream begins with me ariving safley on the floating island, but as I arive I realize it's not a castle, but a futuristic version of the city I live in! during these dreams I often do many different things and sometimes even today I still dream about being on the floating futuristic island city. In the city many old buildings have been replaced by really cool CD/DVD/Electronics stores that have anything ANY nerd/geek/ATS member could concieve to drool over. store such as "Happy High Herbs" are rampant everywhere selling a whole range of legal safe great alternatives. also for fun people have developed a console system that actually puts you in the game! My favourites to play Being Tekken Tournaments, Mario Kart and of course Transformers.

It's almost like heaven in a dream.....

and thats about it

Love, Light, and all that crap.....
edit on 14/8/2012 by blazingdefiance because: spelling

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 05:13 PM
When I was in high school I shared a dream with a classmate we did sort of the same thing. I was like hey I had a dream with you in it last night they freaked out and said I had one with you in it too.

Something about Frankensteins castle is all I can remember it was a long time ago. We did mention it at our Reunion though. I have had several reoccurring dreams perhaps I will take your lead and post them and see if anyone else has had them one about seeing the sun at night…

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by blazingdefiance

Intriguing, some notions of freddy kreugar hand have popped up in my dreams, as do many other people who have seen the movie.

What stands out though, is the castle, as you said it seemed like my OP. The clouds were a little off and there was a dirt road.

This is very interesting, thanks for sharing though.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by FractalChaos13242017

Do you really believe that though? With no ill intention toward your input, do you really believe that two people whom haven't ever met each other are so similar that their minds can create the same dream? Only for the two of them to become very good friends and reflect upon it in the future, almost five and a half years later??

And im sorry i really did not get the message conveyed through the cough part.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by abeverage

Thanks for sharing, if you would be so kind as to post a quicklink into the thread so it would be easily accessible, it'd be much appreciated.

Castles seem to be a thing with dreamers then huh?

For the life of me i cannot continue or restart the dream, when i try it turns into something else. Ive meditated upon it before with no results until two days ago, i saw (roughly) the same castle and two moons over it. One moon looked like ours somewhat, but the crater were out of place, and the other had only one crater, which was off centered.

Idk what it means, or if it has meaning at all, but i can tell you that we have shared the dream.

can't wait for you to share,

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by PsyMike91
reply to post by FractalChaos13242017

Do you really believe that though? With no ill intention toward your input, do you really believe that two people whom haven't ever met each other are so similar that their minds can create the same dream? Only for the two of them to become very good friends and reflect upon it in the future, almost five and a half years later??

And im sorry i really did not get the message conveyed through the cough part.

Sure I do...

Them being 'so like minded' in fact, would contribute towards the likely hood of these individuals meeting one another... as well, becoming friends.

Most of us have had dreams of tornadoes, running from something, flying... so why not? Dreams, I would suggest... are mostly symbolic, often times drawing from recent or referencing particular experiences... more or less having to do with the future. To have such coincidences isn't nearly out of the question, IMO.

cough cough*** self-similarity, fractal universe and creation... /end cough***


In mathematics, a self-similar object is exactly or approximately similar to a part of itself (i.e. the whole has the same shape as one or more of the parts). Many objects in the real world, such as coastlines, are statistically self-similar: parts of them show the same statistical properties at many scales.[1] Self-similarity is a typical property of fractals.

Lets say a dream, is this object.... well, it's more than that... but for now, lets just say it's a newly created object in your mind.

Well, your dreams are essentially a construct or reflection of your perceptions and/or observations. Well, I imply that all creation, stems from something... and this something reflects(through self-similarity) into whatever has been created, in this case, dreams are based on reality and observation.

This notion of fractal creation and self-similarity has boundaries, but I feel that dreams fit very comfortably with in it's aspects.

Well, being like minded individuals, then to be such great friends... this would then increase the odds of similarities... granted both are complete individuals, it's still reasonable.

I don't know if I really made a case here, although it's kinda difficult considering the application of fractal creation... which is confusing because it's not about creation in terms of turning oil into plastic... rather, it's more like(this is where it gets pseudo-whatever) creation from 'God' to Matter, from Matter to Objects, from Objects to Life, from observation to cognition, and cognition to dreams...

Kinda tying in the whole 'Made in his image' thing...

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by FractalChaos13242017

no no, i do understand but it just seems like such a far off implication that idk if it would be possible.

I shouldn't say that, anything is actually possible, but there are things that are truely enigmatic in this world and i believe dreams to be one of them.

The similarity plause does in fact make sense, the part about having similar friends and being so alike in our childhoods would have a profound effect on both subconsiouses. We both have had very similar problems growing up and it seems that most of them are closer to home than the other would've imagined. The made in His image thing just kinda threw me off a bit more though. lol sorry dude.

Head scratching for a third time,

Nvm, i get it now. The effect of a God-like intercession which, being made in His image would give profound availabilities to the mind. Kinda like a God given right, amirite?
edit on 14-8-2012 by PsyMike91 because: add on

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by FractalChaos13242017

in any manner Thank you much for adding an insight to this ridiculous occurence. Much appreciated.

Thanks for the contribution.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 12:22 AM
interesting, i think scientifically that is the fairly standard explenation fror dreams however we always have to wonder if there is more to it. on some sort of spiritual level, and i've always been curious as to the activity of the pineal gland during rem sleep (dream state) as '___' can have effects beyond your imagination.

there are many reasons that people may see the same things in dreams, people who claim to have knowledge of dreams claim things such as "your teeth falling out means you are stressed" or "defication refers to the freeing oneself of negative emotions" just some food for thought.

Love, light, and all that crap.....

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by PsyMike91
reply to post by FractalChaos13242017

no no, i do understand but it just seems like such a far off implication that idk if it would be possible.

I shouldn't say that, anything is actually possible, but there are things that are truely enigmatic in this world and i believe dreams to be one of them.

The similarity plause does in fact make sense, the part about having similar friends and being so alike in our childhoods would have a profound effect on both subconsiouses. We both have had very similar problems growing up and it seems that most of them are closer to home than the other would've imagined. The made in His image thing just kinda threw me off a bit more though. lol sorry dude.

Head scratching for a third time,

Nvm, i get it now. The effect of a God-like intercession which, being made in His image would give profound availabilities to the mind. Kinda like a God given right, amirite?
edit on 14-8-2012 by PsyMike91 because: add on

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Well... self-similarity is expressed here, during mans creation. We may be gods, some people think they're gods, some claim that 'God' is 'Self' and so forth...

We have some extraordinary 'availabilities to the mind', which may rival such 'God'... and in fact... be 'God given'. Our creative and cognitive abilities alone place our very creation being self-similar to that of 'God'...

Ok, that's enough outta me about 'God'

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:47 AM
The castle falls and the kingdom rises. The king defiantly dies an immortal. Mortal men ascend in the horizon while the castle sinks BACK into the ground from whence it came. The king sinks BACK into the ocean from whence he came.

all vanish but the new kingdom remains.

edit on 15-8-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by FractalChaos13242017


Yea i guess there is too much talk of God, in quotations it seems as though you do not believe in such a deity, or maybe i can go as far as to say any deity?

Anyway im not ripping on you whatsoever. I just never figured the notion of not believing in anything at all. I have my beliefs, and they are much different than any established religion as far as i know.

If i might ask, what do you believe in or not believe in, and how come?

My apologies, not here to convert or anything such. Just never got the chance to inquire a person of their beliefs. Mostly, the people i know, either don't want to talk about it, or do not know why they believe in such things.

Hope ya come back for a chat,

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ where did this come from?

I was looking for an answer any which way, and as i knew they'd all seem far fetched.

Yours takes the like to know how you came to that conclusion of the dream.

Thanks for the input,

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by PsyMike91
reply to post by FractalChaos13242017


Yea i guess there is too much talk of God, in quotations it seems as though you do not believe in such a deity, or maybe i can go as far as to say any deity?

Anyway im not ripping on you whatsoever. I just never figured the notion of not believing in anything at all. I have my beliefs, and they are much different than any established religion as far as i know.

If i might ask, what do you believe in or not believe in, and how come?

My apologies, not here to convert or anything such. Just never got the chance to inquire a person of their beliefs. Mostly, the people i know, either don't want to talk about it, or do not know why they believe in such things.

Hope ya come back for a chat,

I believe that there is an order that emerges from chaos, and that everything is created by one... but is a trinity in itself. I'd go as far to say that this 'one' may be referred to as god, does in fact have 'intelligence'... including self awareness. There is a limit, or particular threshold barrier in which this 'god' has the ability to cross.

I believe that time manifest phenomenon in which is a direct result of 'Gods' creation of everything, and may be seen as 'intervention'... but it's not. It's kinda like 'check-sum' in DNA, or the whole 'simulation theory'. I don't think reality is a 'simulation'.... rather, it is more of a set nonlinear 'fractal' replication of the 'mathematics' of god. Somewhat like 'cause and effect' with, with a very principled set of values initially, and through time, with entropy and freewill... comes about moments in which 'cosmological justice' shows its face and most everything is righted again.

Could make for an amazing story line for a movie I suppose...

To make more sense of this, check out:
Checksum discovered in DNA: More evidence of Simulation Theory?
Chaos Theory

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by PsyMike91

simply makes sense considering how a story develops. For a thing to rise, it or another must fall.

The castle is like a nation. Like the nations we have been taking to the ground with or without their kings consent

as far as "farfetched" still think we have a "hold" on reality or that it is being directed as we speak?

you see your species asking bigger questions and think that just not before?

I see......

then you do realize that we are not even seeing the secret of intent hidden. New world...humanity 3.0 needs change to happen. That change will not just happen, since by our own admission, we want to change the very nature of the human condition. Is bringing the castles of earth to ruin that farfetched if their kings do not submit to the change they do not control?

not many things are hidden anymore. IMO lies are obsolete. You need to control perception more than ever. You have to take into account the unthinkable, like people simply knowing what is and what is not.

A dream is just a language of mind without the precepts of conditioning.
Do you see?

edit on 16-8-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

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