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10 Facts that Contradict the Pyramid Tomb Theory

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posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 03:28 PM
Hello Scott C. I just recently came across these ideas you presented in this article. I am very intrigued and cannot stop devouring information on this subject now! I also read the Genesis plan article, amazing job! I know you created this thread a couple years back but I have a question and hope you may still monitor or respond here. In the Genesis plan article you laid out a diagram that showed the position of the orion belt and it max and minimum positions in reference to the pyramids and their positions. It seemed like you were linking the sphinx into this diagram as a point to mark a time that the constellation would be at this point. My question is have you done more calculating to precisely find what year the sphinx would have marked. .... or more importantly which date/ year it marks in the future? ? Seems like there may be a way to link it to history or other theories for example cataclysmic events that the builders might have tried to predict or calculate?

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 03:28 PM
Hello Scott C. I just recently came across these ideas you presented in this article. I am very intrigued and cannot stop devouring information on this subject now! I also read the Genesis plan article, amazing job! I know you created this thread a couple years back but I have a question and hope you may still monitor or respond here. In the Genesis plan article you laid out a diagram that showed the position of the orion belt and it max and minimum positions in reference to the pyramids and their positions. It seemed like you were linking the sphinx into this diagram as a point to mark a time that the constellation would be at this point. My question is have you done more calculating to precisely find what year the sphinx would have marked. .... or more importantly which date/ year it marks in the future? ? Seems like there may be a way to link it to history or other theories for example cataclysmic events that the builders might have tried to predict or calculate?

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:59 PM
Very interesting document.

My personal belief is that these pyramids were built to hide something awful from the world, hence the lack of hieroglyphics. At some point in the past they were breached and whatever "they" were were loosed upon the world. Satan?

Radical, I know, but I can find no other compelling explanation for the multiple portcullis in the GP other than to prevent something from escaping. If they wanted to keep people out they would have put the counterweight on the inside.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: tonyord
Hello Scott C. I just recently came across these ideas you presented in this article. I am very intrigued and cannot stop devouring information on this subject now! I also read the Genesis plan article, amazing job! I know you created this thread a couple years back but I have a question and hope you may still monitor or respond here. In the Genesis plan article you laid out a diagram that showed the position of the orion belt and it max and minimum positions in reference to the pyramids and their positions. It seemed like you were linking the sphinx into this diagram as a point to mark a time that the constellation would be at this point. My question is have you done more calculating to precisely find what year the sphinx would have marked. .... or more importantly which date/ year it marks in the future? ? Seems like there may be a way to link it to history or other theories for example cataclysmic events that the builders might have tried to predict or calculate?

Hi Tonyord,

I am pleased you enjoyed those articles. You can read more on the Giza Precession Timeline here.

The past and future dates the Sphinx indicates on the timeline are presented in my book 'The Giza Prophecy' (Bear & Co. 2012). It is expanded in my new book 'The Secret Chamber of Osiris: Lost Knowledge of the Sixteen Pyramids' (Bear & Co. Dec 2014).

There are likely some other threads here in my ATS Forum that you might also find of interest.

Best wishes,


posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Scott Creighton

I see more evidence for saying the pyramids were Sundials (than Tombs) used in a system which allowed for measuring the time and rotational displacement of earth. Some people have difficulty seeing the pyramids as having a practical function and feel more comfortable in believing they were built by bronze agers who constructed them for esoteric purposes.
What they pyramids actually were used for no one can really know. They could of been a oscillatory form of system, il bet my bottom dollar that if you were able to accurately measure the Mass Density of the two largest pyramids and subtract them it would equal the density of the third smallest one.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 04:17 PM
Other evidence? Oh, I am sure we can find some.

Let's start with the evidence that the Bent Pyramid did not reduce its angle due to cracking. In reality, that reduced angle upper section on the Bent Pyramid, is an exact scale model of the Red Pyramid next door. (There is a very precise linear ratio between the two.) And if you subscribe to this view this means that either:

a. The Red Pyramid was built first.
b. Or, perhaps they were conceived as a united grand project.

But whatever the case, the reduction in angle of the Bent Pyramid was NOT caused by cracking. (Plus this pyramid is still here, many thousands of years later.)

Therefore the standard explanation for the construction of these two pyramids by Pharaoh Sneferu is completely wrong. And if the two pyramids were indeed a part of one master plan, that reduces the likelihood that they were made as tombs.


edit on 1-1-2015 by ralfellis because: add last sentence

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 04:21 PM
And while we are at it, can we also agree that Bauval's star pointing theory for the shafts in the Great Pyramid is completely wrong.

The shaft angles are not random, or specific to a particular star, they are actually based upon Pi. But a Pi shaft has a specific angle based upon Pi, and so it has no freedom of movement to point at any star in any era.

You cannot make a Pi shaft point at a star. So Bauval's star-pointing theory (which has now gone mainstream) is completely wrong.


(I was going to post this as a new thread, but I don't think I have that ability.)

edit on 1-1-2015 by ralfellis because: Cannot post as a new thread.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: ralfellis
And while we are at it, can we also agree that Bauval's star pointing theory for the shafts in the Great Pyramid is completely wrong.

SC: It's not actually Bauval's theory. It was Trimble and Badawy who first proposed in the 1960s that the shafts of the GP were directed at the Orion constellation in the epoch of ca.2,500 BCE. Bauval merely added to this idea much later by suggesting that the southern shaft of the Queen's Chamber targetted Sirius, also in the epoch ca.2,500 BCE. Indeed, even Bauval's claim to have been the originator of the Giza-Orion correlation (i.e. that the three main pyramids at Giza correlate with the three stars of Orion's Belt) is unfounded since this Pyramid-Orion correlation was first presented (in English) by the French artist, philosopher, poet and film-maker, Jean Cocteau in 1956--decades before Robert Bauval ever made mention of such a correlation. Robert Bauval, however, certainly popularised the correlation and added aspects of his own such as the ca.10,500 BCE dating (which is also wrong).


edit on 29/11/2015 by Scott Creighton because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 01:42 PM
Bookmarked for later.
I think it's obvious the Great Pyramid was never a tomb .
Just too many other factors to it's mysterious existence.

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