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The Truth about "Assault Weapons"

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posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by MikeNice81

King George's troops didn't have Apache attack helicopters fitted with hellfire missiles either.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Nope, but you can buy a Mig 29 or a Cobra attack helicopter. It is "demilitarized." However, with a little know how you can upgrade the armor and engines. With all of the former service members, machinist, and engineers in this country they could be converted to fighting equipment. It is cost prohibitive, but it can be done.

You can find Cobra's for sale on the internet. Some of them openly advertise that they have had the engines upgraded. Former military trucks and Hummers are available. Some are advertised as being "up armored" by civilian sources. You don't even have to buy military equipment. You can buy a Ford E350 armored and equipped with gun ports from several dealers.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

We can't overthrow this government with guns. They have a trained military, drones, heat seeking missiles, and everything else. Plus some gun control just makes sense, like gun age limits and would consider those against the 2nd amendment would you not?

I don't know, ask guerilla fighters in the jungles of Vietnam, the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan, the urban environments of Iraq and Ethiopia, etc how well they can do with an AK and a few homemade explosives against some of the largest millitaries in the world. I'd say fighting for your home and the lives of your family vastly outweighs fighting strictly for orders, no matter how many toys are at your disposal. Those willing to die, or with nothing to lose, will always defeat those in far better circumstances.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 08:27 PM
As above, several sucsessful guerilla campaigns have played out against modern militaries.

Yes a citizens uprising against the US govt would be EXTREMELY difficult and costly.....but your also assuming there are no law enforcement, national guard or military defections, bringing more modern equipment.

National Guard armories store all kinds of weapons, including anti tank and anti air missiles.....

But, i don't think anyone in this country will rise up in mass. To many comfortable people, and too many not willing to risk anything. At least at this point.....

Even myself, I have 3 children. Things would have to be severly warped and distorted before I ever took that route.
edit on 19-8-2012 by SrWingCommander because: clarification.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 03:47 PM
The rights of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed. No where in the 2nd amendment does it state we are only allowed to have hunting rifles. Our rights to have weapons are for protection against any and all threats.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by larphillips

I would also add to this the fact that not only has the world dealt with small forces with whatever they can find taking on armies before, this would actually be easier in the US if it was in a case the got the attention of even half the legal gun owners in the nation. Lets not go with illegally owned guns, just the ones we know of as legal gun owners are enough. I was reading a guns and ammo I think it was a few months ago and they pointed out that the state of WI sells enough hunting licences every year that if all those hunters assembled as an army it would be the third largest standing army on the planet. So imagine what happens if you go multiple or all the states? Also, remember when we talk of hunters we are not talking spray and pray shooters, they are all trained marksmen who know how to wait for the right opening to make a shot.

Not saying that they could take on the US army, but it does help with the other good reason for the second amendment and the backup for not having a strong army in our nation. If you were to define the militia they way they did (every able bodied male of military age) and they all have a weapon and know how to use it, it is a bad idea for a foreign power to invade our nation.

That said, it didn't take long after our founding for our nation to walk away from the ideals it was supposedly founded on since it was one of our founding fathers himself, Washington, who was the first and only sitting president to personally lead an army into battle against the people of the US to take their property or profits during the whiskey rebellion.

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