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DHS and US Military Make Final Preparations Before Announcing Martial Law?

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posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Bhadhidar
Given that a majority of the population has at least some passing familiarity with the whole Mayan/2012 Doomsday phenomenom, and that, as we have sadly seen in very recent events, it takes but one, mis-guided, psychotic nut-job to cause absolute mayhem; I think the government might be doing the wise thing and preparing for wide-spread, panic driven disturbances.

As we have often seen, we are, at times, our own worst enemies.

Even though this thread may be closed too, I have to respond to this. The majority of my population does not have any familiarity with the Mayan/2012 Doomsday phenomenon"...

they are completely oblivious to what's going on in the world, other that what is told to them by the nightly news...

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Sulie

I agree with Sulie...

if you are going to start a thread on this, lets have a little more meat please...

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by DarthPhobos

Oh, thanks, I hadn't taken any notice of who the OP was. This will probs go the same way. He has one under review, one got 404d and this one!


posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:37 PM
So you copied and pasted exactly what was said in the first paragraph from another News source and ask us what we think?

I would think that you would try to pull other news sources and proof of what your claiming and what Alex jones people are claiming.

I feel a lot of it is true because I've done a lot of re-search...however I wouldnt approach ATS w/ the info unless I could really show what I was talking about.

No S&F for such a weak attempt at qoating 1 news source and not even an opinion from you.

What do you think?

Add: after reviewing other post...I see I'm not alone.
edit on 8-8-2012 by tracehd1 because: Add

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by EricCoombes

Op, I will be a lot nicer than most of my other compatriates, but man.. really 70 posts in one day? And this op was on the weak side, we didn't even get to hear what YOU thought about it. WE are interested in more than our own thoughts, hence the format of you post a topic, give a summary and a intelligent opinion on the subject matter, then we break your heart and tear your op to shreds. Or somthing along those lines.

Not bad for a newbie just trying to get his feet wet I suppose, unless your trolling, in which was already stated quite elequently by those above what most around here think about it.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by edaced4
Even though this thread may be closed too, I have to respond to this. The majority of my population does not have any familiarity with the Mayan/2012 Doomsday phenomenon"...

I vote that we devote all possible resources to the project of developing a time machine, in order to go back and kick those Mayans in the butt for cursing us with a plague of morons who think that the world is going to end on 21 December, 2012.

Who's with me?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:40 PM
i like others here have to have some salt when viewing your link.
some also like to wear the appropriate head gear.

there are many different styles to chose from, some are quite fashionable.
this is the one i wear

if you prefer a different style. there are several to chose from here on this thread.
Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie and the Tin Foil Hat in History. Do you have yours?

many folks believe that aj works for the ptb, and at the very least he is a scam artist.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by hounddoghowlie
many folks believe that aj works for the ptb, and at the very least he is a scam artist.

"aj"? I presume that, coincidence of letters notwithstanding, that doesn't refer to me

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by adjensen

Alex Jones

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by hounddoghowlie
reply to post by adjensen

Alex Jones

I know, I was joking (see my earlier post in the thread)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:09 AM
Every summer its the same frantic calls about martial law and troops on the move etc...
Besides all the extra DHS and other first responder exercises....this Reserve ARMYseason.....
Theres always troops on the move for 2 week training exercises right now....
Really Alec?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by EricCoombes

I am sorry people are attacking you and not staying on topic.

It would make sense that the government might consider martial law as an option, and to "practice" different ways of doing so.

It is an election year. If Obamma doesn't win will there be race riots?

There is a lack of rain over much of the country. Prices of food will go up. Mexico had riots a few years ago when corn prices went up. Will we have riots over the price of beef?

No rain means no water. Will we have riots over lack of drinking water?

India had massive electricity shut downs. Will we have riots if we have no electricity in this heat wave?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by NotThat
It is an election year. If Obamma doesn't win will there be race riots?

Why would there be race riots?

There is a lack of rain over much of the country. Prices of food will go up. Mexico had riots a few years ago when corn prices went up. Will we have riots over the price of beef?

Quite possibly, though prices would have to go waaaaaaaaay up for that to happen. Americans, even poor ones, have it pretty good, compared to the rest of the world. If the price of bread goes up by a quarter, there would be some grumbling, but it would have to go up by, like five bucks, for people to begin to starve because they can't afford food.

Food riots result from people having no food, not from them not being able to afford filet mignon.

No rain means no water. Will we have riots over lack of drinking water?

Actually the water issue is more complex than a lack of rain, and long range is potentially very serious. But, as people can't live more than a couple of days without water, I don't think that riots would be the biggest concern if there was no drinking water.

India had massive electricity shut downs. Will we have riots if we have no electricity in this heat wave?

Why do you think that the reaction to anything that happens would be rioting? If there is no water, is it a widespread belief that rioting will miraculously create it?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:40 PM
Seriously, what would be the need for martial law? What would they gain by doing that? Guarentee, in the next couple of months, I'll still be working and going to school. Maybe their preparing for a castrophic event. Who knows. But, I haven't seen any wacky military presence. I see people just living their lives.

I did see two motorcycle cops, but it was nice day out.

Maybe they just wanted to be like the tv sitcom, CHIPS. lol

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by adjensen

I don't expect people to riot but it makes sense that the government has thought about it.
A plan is always a good idea.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 03:12 PM
For anyone who wants a link to the OP article here it is.

For what it's worth I have a close friend in the Army Military Pollice as a reserve and is an active Colorado State Sherrif and he told me some things that apply to this thread, they were as follows:

1. Back in April 2012, the media mentioned a "Joint US and Russian Military Exercise in Ft. Carson Colorado", there were numerous threads on that event here on ATS. After the series of exercises were completed my contact who took part in the joint exercise said something I found shocking. He said the foreign soldiers in Colorado he was working with were NOT Russian at all, he said they were NATO soldiers primarily from Germany, and they were not performing the exercises described by the media (DIA holding and CIA database extraction) they were training for (in his words) "Martial law across the USA, using NATO troops rather then US troops due to the suseptability of US troops to refuse orders when asked to fire upon American Citizens."

2. Last week he was called again to go to Denver and train with special forces, he described this training period as pertaining to "martial law" and he told me if I was going to leave Denver I had better due it soon, or I won't be able to afterwards.

In my situation a US sherrif and US Army MP officer who was involved in numerous training sessions in Denver told me (leaked) point blank what this was for and gave a short time period between now and its enaction.

With my personal information this news article is something I find to be 100% legit.

What are your thoughts?

God Bless,
edit on 10-8-2012 by ElohimJD because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 03:13 PM
People have been saying martial law is right around the corner for decades now. Thats not to say it cant or wont happen, but around every 3 months I hear this same thing, with ZERO evidence to actually back it up.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 03:15 PM
lol, whatever, TPTB wantcha right where you are, feeling as you are, that's marketing...

Why would they remove their cash crop?

Not to mention, why do they need martial law, when they are testing these in new jersey as we speak...?

Army tests spy blimp over new jersey
edit on 10-8-2012 by Moneyisgodlifeisrented because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by ElohimJD
"Martial law across the USA, using NATO troops rather then US troops due to the suseptability of US troops to refuse orders when asked to fire upon American Citizens."

I have a hard time believing that someone would say anything like this in the earshot of any American. Of course they would blab it immediately.

2. Last week he was called again to go to Denver and train with special forces, he described this training period as pertaining to "martial law" and he told me if I was going to leave Denver I had better due it soon, or I won't be able to afterwards.

In my situation a US sherrif and US Army MP officer who was involved in numerous training sessions in Denver told me (leaked) point blank what this was for and gave a short time period between now and its enaction.

With my personal information this news article is something I find to be 100% legit.

What are your thoughts?

I think that we will have to wait and see, but the most obvious refutation of it is the fact that you would need hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of foreign troops to occupy the United States and impose martial law, particularly if they would be opposed by some segment of the US military. If that is just around the corner, where are they?

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by adjensen

Originally posted by ElohimJD
"Martial law across the USA, using NATO troops rather then US troops due to the suseptability of US troops to refuse orders when asked to fire upon American Citizens."

I have a hard time believing that someone would say anything like this in the earshot of any American. Of course they would blab it immediately.

2. Last week he was called again to go to Denver and train with special forces, he described this training period as pertaining to "martial law" and he told me if I was going to leave Denver I had better due it soon, or I won't be able to afterwards.

In my situation a US sherrif and US Army MP officer who was involved in numerous training sessions in Denver told me (leaked) point blank what this was for and gave a short time period between now and its enaction.

With my personal information this news article is something I find to be 100% legit.

What are your thoughts?

I think that we will have to wait and see, but the most obvious refutation of it is the fact that you would need hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of foreign troops to occupy the United States and impose martial law, particularly if they would be opposed by some segment of the US military. If that is just around the corner, where are they?

As for your first point, I agree. He should not have told me these things, but he has been understanding many things about the times we live in that are powerful spiritual truths and as such his concern for me outweighed his fear of governemnt retribution. He said with what he knows is coming, he doesn't care if he gets killed, he doesn't want to live through the next few months, I feel sad for him and the position he will be forced into.

As for your second point, like the above poster mentioned, you don't need as many people if you have technology. a few thousand (10,000 or so) soldiers with 30,000 UAV units 1,000,000's of survalance cameras, satelite survalance, could impose marital law quite easily if needed, cut off the interstate system and hold the cites with UAV's.

The foreign soldiers will be utilizing US military equipment, including ammo, guns, UAVs, the entire survalance network ect. He told me to think of it as US military force being executed by foreign troops not loyal to American citizens, by the decree of the US governement.

All people need to eat, at some point if trucking and power come to a halt, you would be surprised how quickly the citizens will need the governemt to provide these needs and willingly access martial law, if they feel it is for their own safety.

God Bless,
edit on 10-8-2012 by ElohimJD because: (no reason given)

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