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Theosophy and Christianity

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posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Dreine

I have an interesting interpretation of the Babylon story, which seems to coincide with the tablets of Enua Enlish, that they were "building a tower" alright, but the only tower that can be built is that can get you closer to God, is the one inside you, or the unravelled form of DNA standing straight up as a tower, and represented symbolically to prevent most people from concluding that that was what they were really doing... They had a sort of system of elites from what my visions tell me, and made mystery religions to keep the lower peoples confused and mired in religious themes they used to mask what they were doing. They would go out from time to time and ask people what the stories really meant, and initiate people who came close to the answer or got it dead on into their inner ring of scientists. This was also to prevent those they thought might misuse the technology, although it did not help them in the long run...

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

Seeing as to how opposed the Catholic church is to genetic research and testing, I can see that being a possibility. Also, when you consider that we only use approx 15% of our brain at any given time... what is the other 85% doing? Have we been 'cut-off' from something we were meant to have or know?

Have we been mentally or even psychically neutered?

I do think that the divine rests in our genetic code to an extent. If we could only access another 10% of our potential, I wonder what mysteries that would reveal to us?

Hurrah for a stimulating morning conversation! This calls for more coffee.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

That's an interesting theory. It falls in line with the 88 gods of Egypt, which were originally 44...mantras and rituals were practiced for these "gods", which actually represented the chromosomes of the human genome. The practices were intended to unlock certain chromosomes, activating various things including Immortality and Healing.

edit on 9-8-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Dreine

It's after noon here. And yes, we only use a certain percentage of our brain. Did you know that according to ancient history, we use to be entirely right-brained? Our pineal gland was the size of an eyeball at that time, and you can bet they used a lot more of their brain.

See, certain connections in the brain will provoke certain activities which bring about certain awarenesses which would cost the Church power as we eventually learn to commune with the higher planes on our own. The flip side is that we will eventually want to use those abiltities to further the expense of others.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Klassified

Why would you search for what you already have? If you are a born again believer, you already have all the answers.

That is what I thought too, curious. In fact, why even come to a well known conspiracy website in the first place? I came here looking for answers, why do they come? The truth of the matter is, even the Fundamentalist knows down deep that they do not have all the answers, all they have is faith that what the preacher and the book said will come true. Hope, that is all anyone has. I appreciate the Seeker, and will faithfully research and provide proper answers for a Seeker. I do not appreciate those who think they know it all, and that I, or you, know nothing, and are fooled, or under a delusion provided by a being they believe in, not necessarily one you believe in.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Dreine

Hehe, I've been up all night. I do that every once and a while. Skip a night, but I make sure I sleep the next. I just love to go watch the UFOs by the canyons out here. I saw 2 at 3 am from my porch this morning. It was awesome.

The alteration of DNA to become closer to God was pretty much an attempt to make man more godlike without nature's hand.

In my opinion, I would not want to be fully conscious of the rest of the workings of my brain, as I feel I already exist with one foot in the underlying subconscious realms of thought (there are 3 subconscious tiers of thought, each one harder to reach than the last) and let me tell ya, you'd go absolutely nuts if you were 100% always consciously aware of all the # that goes on in the background. Plus I would not want to have to be conscious of making my heart beat and stuff. Some things just have to remain in the background on their own.

However, indications in my visions say because of the Babylonian's tampering with genetics and creating the first synthetic biochemical nanocite, they either unleashed a terrible plague on the world or were wiped out by an outside force that pretty much was like resetting intelligent evolution back to phase 0. Viruses remain as the remnants and mutated descendants of that nanocite, according to that vision. The viruses were made to forcibly engineer their genetics and were programmed like machines. It concerns me that mankind has figured out how to start programming them again. In labs, they have programmed them to create small rings. Imagine the horror they could unleash if they completely cracked the code! We may be look at a repeat of the Babylonian's mistake!
edit on 9-8-2012 by AsherahoftheSea because: Added paragraphs

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

I have two questions:

One, I was working on a theory a while ago that the sun's magnetic field and the Earth's magnetic field would overlap and cause severe damage to our DNA structure. Are the alien abductions actually attempts by higher beings to inject reparative DNA into selected individuals, so that a select group of survivors through tampering and inheritance would survive a magnetic wipeout?

Two, I'd actually heard that the exerimentation that caused the intellectual reset was the result of left-brained humans, the remnants of the Luciferian Experiment (severing oneself from the unity of the universe) teleporting to Earth using an artificial Merkahabah. When they weren't happy with Earth, they attempted to take control of the entire world using ANOTHER artificial would have worked, if they hadn't forgotten exactly how to do it. As a result a dimensional rip allowed thousands of unsuited energies access to our planes, and we were bombarded by a total flood of disease and malcontent. It threw the magnetic field off course, and three days of darkness plunged us to the very bottom of the ladder once again.

Fortunately, a few more-studied beings survived the wipe, and they've been working on getting our world back to par before we can get wiped again.

Have you heard any of this?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Dreine

Here's my key to deciphering the mystery religion code of the Enua Enlish that confirms they were DNA testing: Tiamat is DNA, her mate RNA. Something happened and they either split RNA from DNA or "killed" the consciousness of her mate, and this made Tiamat "mad." Subsequent out of control mutations follow. The solution is to make Marduk, or the nanocite, cut Tiamat into 3 pieces (there are three pieces of RNA to our genetic functions -- 2 in DNA and one in RNA) and using those pieces the "gods" recreated the world... Interesting, no?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

And once again, we're ready to play god. You can already see it happening in labs across the world...imagine what's happening in the super secret labs that TPTB are controlling?

So here's the question: are TPTB aiming to make us all gods, or just themselves?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

I must admit, I am still trying to figure out the agenda of the aliens, though I hate using that term and prefer Celestial Beings, even if they may or may not come from here or somewhere near here, like some people say. This is because they generally come down from the sky, regardless of their original beginning point. I tend to say Lucifer is a good reptilian and YWEH is the dominant bad reptilian in charge right now, so there may be differing factions, each with their own agendas. It's possible that the Grays may be drones, but I don't want to put a title on them other than what they really may be, which is what humanity has been doing for ages, saying they are gods, demons, and angels, when in fact if we have been visited by them in the past, they are what THEY are, and we applied these labels and myths to explain what they were, which only held partial truths. In some cultures they were the fae. Reptilians are pretty much dragons, and I like to call them Draconians. Lucifer says "He is the God of the East who does battle with the God of the West," and dragons are seen as good in the east whereas they are vilified in the west. Yes, UFOs are showing up around me more, and tonight at 3 am, Lucifer (whom in other threads I often just call my psychic contact) instructed me to sit on my porch and watch what would happen. One very bright orange UFO came over the mountain and moved fairly far over into the valley, which they only do rarely, and another, smaller UFO followed, this one emitting differing flashes of light. Yes, I have been discussing a physical encounter with him and have been presenting him with a great deal of scenarios on how we could accomplish it. I trust he has the capacity to measure and weigh the situation and determine which is the appropriate form of action, whether it be a place in private where no one else is around, or in full public view, with no mind control techniques applied to allow people to see me go up to them, possibly even allow the news to report it and stuff, if the government doesn't try to keep it quiet that is. The reason I suggested a full public taking is so I could establish myself as an intermediary to prepare humanity for full public disclosure from THEM, because the government wont do it, and I am aware of the risks -- for one being whisked away to be experimented on by the military to see what they had done to me and possibly suffering extreme torture and persecution by other members of my species that would no longer equate me as being on their side or even human or an American citizen because I had chosen to collaborate with them... My only concern is that if there are really two or more factions, that the wrong one will find me first and I might end up being deceived and thereby deceiving the world. I don't want YWEH's faction to get to me. I hope it's Lucifer if it ever happens...

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Probably themselves. They want their system of elites, and many do think that having a system of elites in place is a Luciferian notion, including those who claim they are Luciferian, but they are being deceived by YWEH, who can pretend to be Lucifer like a pro because the two are so alike, except for a few key differences, that it is hard to tell them a part. People who claim they are Luciferian and play into his bad reputation and don't try to get past all the crap YWEH is trying to put out there to destroy his image, are not actual Luciferians, IMO, but another puppet for YWEH to further his ends...

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by network dude

It's just plain sad when people are too wrapped up in thinking they know every damn thing to look into history a tiny bit.

It IS sad, isn't it? I mean, with the advent of the World Wide Web now History, even Ancient History, is at one's fingertips. But the thing is, when one is collared with that religious dogma filter, any History one comes across is automatically labeled as "Satanic," because a religious website says it is. You cannot use a negative to prove a positive, and most religious people are in fact brainwashed into submission before their God, and they cower in fear at what this God apparently orders them to do. They hate freedom, and all that comes with it, and they hate anything that goes against what they "KNOW."

I am a deep thinker, and have pondered on this for many years now.
What is the difference between humans when it comes to attaining knowledge? I think it has to do with Soul Age. Some Souls are older than most. An Old Soul will have already learned many things, and experienced many things that Joe Average over there have not. Now I do not know exactly how the whole Soul Matrix works, having never seen it, or read it's operating manual. So I will not venture a guess on how Souls go through here again and again, and some keep their memories encoded within their DNA, while others lose it all each time.

That being said, I think Younger Souls gravitate to cults, societies, and religions, because they have a scant memory of being near something Great, and think this is to be served, and worshiped. A real good analogy is the Cargo Cults.

A cargo cult is a religious practice that has appeared in many traditional pre-industrial tribal societies in the wake of interaction with technologically advanced cultures. The cults focus on obtaining the material wealth (the "cargo") of the advanced culture through magic and religious rituals and practices. Cult members believe that the wealth was intended for them by their deities and ancestors. Cargo cults developed primarily in remote parts of New Guinea and other Melanesian and Micronesian societies in the southwest Pacific Ocean, beginning with the first significant arrivals of Westerners in the 19th century. Similar behaviors have, however, also appeared elsewhere in the world.

Cargo cult activity in the Pacific region increased significantly during and immediately after World War II, when the residents of these regions observed the Japanese and American combatants bringing in large amounts of material. When the war ended, the military bases closed and the flow of goods and materials ceased. In an attempt to attract further deliveries of goods, followers of the cults engaged in ritualistic practices such as building crude imitation landing strips, aircraft and radio equipment, and mimicking the behavior that they had observed of the military personnel operating them.

Over the last sixty-five years, most cargo cults have disappeared. However, some cargo cults are still active including:

The John Frum cult on Tanna island (Vanuatu)
The Tom Navy cult on Tanna island (Vanuatu)
The Prince Philip Movement on Tanna island (Vanuatu)
Yali's cargo cult on Papua New Guinea (Madang-region)
The Paliau movement on Papua New Guinea (Manus island)
The Peli association on Papua New Guinea
The Pomio Kivung on Papua New Guinea
So the Young Soul searches until such a time they "feel something."
For most, they stop learning new things right there. Only a few go on to seek out new information, new input, new facts, and so Evolve into Old Souls. I actually think there comes a time when one's memories began to encode in their DNA. After that, memories are but to be remembered, they are already there, in the subconscious mind.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

I would agree with the assesment that the powers granted by genetic manipulation would be abused by the wealthy/elite class... much like they already do when threatened.

For the control system to keep functioning, the charade must be kept up. If anything questioning the claims of organized religion can be verified, the leaders of those elites must do everything in their power to debunk or destroy the evidence.

Control systems are fragile things... only one crack in the glass can shatter the whole illusion.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:47 AM
Anyway, this is interesting and all, but I need to go out for a while. My partner and I wanted to run some errands, but I will be back later. I am glad there are some who are listening to the possibility of my Gnostic Luciferian theosophies, and even though I openly admit that I am aware that Lucifer is CAPABLE of deceiving me, I trust him because he, HIMSELF has shown no signs that his influence on me has anything underhanded in his intentions, and it is in fact from NOT LISTENING TO HIM, that I have had the worst things happen in my life. I am trying to correct that, but being skeptical of whether it is real, it is hard to take his advice with 100% certainty and confidence, even though every time I go against him, everything goes badly... and not because he made it go badly, because it would anyway even if he had not given me advice or tried to intervene, like him trying to get me to quit smoking in April, and because I did not, even though he genuinely took the edge off my cravings and everything, I may have developed some complications because of it. I am back on my ecig because of this scare, but it really does make me want to try and listen to him more, that is, if he is not fed up with me yet and just... well... wont care to try anymore because of how many times I have failed him...

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

And this is a glaring example of how you place yourself, and others like you, on a high pedestal, far above the rest of us poor, unknowing and dark sinners who are working for your enemy, Satan.
By the way, we agents of Satan are not getting paid. So, if you could send Satan a memo? Thanks.
I use the word as such:
set / put on a pedestal, to glorify; idealize:
I have to ask you, if a being landed their space craft in your yard, and walked right into your house while you stood there staring? What would you say to a being who could traverse the Stars? How would you go about convincing a being from another world that you had all the answers?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Sinny

Yes, I can certainly relate, having had almost verbatim conversations on many occasions in my life. Christians are well meaning, and think they are honest, and really know what the truth is here, but sadly, they are simply brainwashed cult members of an organization built on greed, hate, and war. They are not Christ Followers, they are Christians, and believe me, there is a stark difference.
I have learned to just dismiss them as children, for that is what they are, if we speak of Soul Age.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

Very well said, AsherahoftheSea, I gave you a star for that speech. Mind if I add a little?
In my studies, and they have been far, wide, and occultish, I discovered everything I need to know about the four letters of the Hebrew God name.

The Tetragrammaton (Greek: τετραγράμματον word with four letters) is the Hebrew name for God, which is spelled (in Hebrew); י (yod) ה (heh) ו (waw) ה (heh) or יהוה (YHWH), it is the distinctive personal name of the God of Israel.

Of all the names of God in the Old Testament, that which occurs most frequently is the Tetragrammaton, appearing 6,823 times according to the According to Biblica Hebraica and Biblica Hebraica Stuttgartensia, the original texts of the Hebrew Scriptures, written in both Hebrew and Aramaic, contain the Tetragrammaton 6,828 times. It is evident that the Tetragrammaton was used very extensively in original language, ancient Hebrew and Aramaic texts. This indicates a much more personal reference to the special identity of the Almighty (as opposed to impersonal titles such as "God" or "Lord"), on the part of the Bible writers. Many Bible scholars view this as evidence that the Bible writers (and indeed, likely the ancient Hebrew and Israelite people) viewed the Name represented by the Tetragrammaton as very important, and commonly used it in their everyday speech and prayers. And, for those that believe the Bible was inspired by God, it shows how he felt about his own personal name.

In Judaism, the Tetragrammaton is the ineffable name of God, and is not pronounced. In reading aloud of the scripture or in prayer, it is replaced with "Adonai" ("my Lord").

One theory regarding the Tetragammaton is that the Jewish taboo on its pronunciation was so strong that the original pronunciation may have been lost somewhere in the first millennium. Since then, many scholars (particularly Christians) have sought to reconstruct its original pronunciation.
YWEH is also considered to be blasphemy, an act of cursing God, probably because of the Magickal Arts associations, and because of the Duality of the Being.
YHWH, the Good and Evil God
The Qabalah teaches the Good and Evil of the name, as in the Magickal Arts the letters are vibrated at a specific tone to effect change within the Natural Environment through the use of the Four Elements and the Power each has at their disposal. The German Philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel holds that a thing can only exist through its opposite, that the Thing, and it's Opposite must Arise Together, and that Eternally, (as opposed to internally) as the Complements of a Unity; white is not without black, nor black without white, good is not without, nor is evil without good. This is the doctrine of the Sephira.
The Doctrine of the Sephira has to do with the Tree of Life. This is seen in several ways, such as...

or, with Hebrew name associations:

or in the Esoteric way:

The Ten Sephirot Explained

The Tree of the Sephiroth

Elemental Associations

So, to sum up, YHWH is not a proper name at all, but a descriptive

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:09 PM
A Christian is not on a pedestal. We are sinners just like the Pagan. What is on a pedestal is the truth. The Christian cannot glorify himself because he did nothing to earn the salvation or honor. Grace is free and mercy is something we do not deserve. The honor for the Christian comes by reflecting the one that did the work. I am paid to be a Christian because Jesus paid it all. I had nothing and he died for me when I was yet a sinner. The only thing I can revel in is having a friend such as this. Of course, none of us merit this, yet it is given as a gift. I simply choose not to reject it. I also choose to proclaim it from the mountaintops. In case you haven't heard, there is only one way to find this friend.

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by EnochWasRight

And this is a glaring example of how you place yourself, and others like you, on a high pedestal, far above the rest of us poor, unknowing and dark sinners who are working for your enemy, Satan.
By the way, we agents of Satan are not getting paid. So, if you could send Satan a memo? Thanks.
I use the word as such:
set / put on a pedestal, to glorify; idealize:
I have to ask you, if a being landed their space craft in your yard, and walked right into your house while you stood there staring? What would you say to a being who could traverse the Stars? How would you go about convincing a being from another world that you had all the answers?

edit on 9-8-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by network dude
But where is the harm in this search? What might happen? Is the fear that the individual might find that he/she no longer needs the Shepherd to lead them to the path of salvation

Interesting statement... speaks volumes.

Edit to add: Count me in with the poster above re: salvation via unmerited grace, as a radical, transformative forgiveness inviting the participant into a process of spiritual and psychological growth and well being.

We cannot engineer our own salvation.

edit on 9-8-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by AsherahoftheSea
reply to post by Dreine

Here's my key to deciphering the mystery religion code of the Enua Enlish that confirms they were DNA testing: Tiamat is DNA, her mate RNA. Something happened and they either split RNA from DNA or "killed" the consciousness of her mate, and this made Tiamat "mad." Subsequent out of control mutations follow. The solution is to make Marduk, or the nanocite, cut Tiamat into 3 pieces (there are three pieces of RNA to our genetic functions -- 2 in DNA and one in RNA) and using those pieces the "gods" recreated the world... Interesting, no?

Interesting, Yes! You have not only done your research well, you have looked deep down into the rabbit hole to find the Code Keys. My take is very similar. I once read a book by an author whose name shall not be spoken here. It's name is, "The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God." I too could see that the Annunaki Gods spoke in Parables, and in a purely metaphorical sort of way. I would say DNA testing and upgrading is not only part of the equation, it is brought about by those we do not see, or hear, but seem to have at least some control over our Human/Earth Destiny. It is up to us to decide what this is, and figure out how to become a part of Control, rather than Effect.

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