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Team Romney desperate for support, attempts to coerce unbound Paul delegates-Calls it: "compromise

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posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:58 PM
I'm a Paul supporter and have voted 3rd party in all but one election (1996). This year, if Paul doesn't get the Republican nod, then I will NOT vote 3rd party, even if Paul runs. I've voted my conscious in the past, many times, and it's given me Bush and Obama. I thought Bush was the worst President in U.S. history, then along comes Obama and shatters that belief. I'm not going to vote my conscious this time, because I honestly believe that if Obama is elected again, the U.S. will slip into a Socialist abyss, and by 2016 the Dictator scumbag reveals his true face.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

Way to compromise your values, boss...

You voting your conscience was never the problem, it's the multitudes of people who either don't vote their conscience or don't have one.

Mittens in the house will likely just send us spiraling further into irrelevance and loss of liberty in a slightly different direction (ever so slightly).

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:28 PM


posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:10 PM
May I ask a serious question and get a serious answer?

Why do you care so much about a small number of delegates? If I recall correctly the Maine delegates were offered a compromise and they didn't take it.

What is 20 or 100 delegates at this point really going to do? You do realize that Romney is running the show now right?

He is choosing all of the people that will show up at the convention...

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

You're not getting an answer from Ron Paul supporters? May I offer a possibility?

If they show up at the convention with 100 delegates, that will have a certain effect. But if they bring 500, they can say "Look how powerful our movement is, we're the wave of the future! If Romney hadn't stole umpty bazillion delegates, we would have won!" In short, it would make them look a little more significant.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by MyrTheSeeker

So, what you're saying is "Vote for Paul, and let Obama win, because Romney isn't much different". Either way, Paul doesn't win, and I'll be damned if I'll sit back and watch that Communist twat get reelected without "voting with the masses" this time around. Like I said, I've been down this road for the past 20 years, and it's given us Bush and Obama. You flat out GUARANTEE me that Paul has a chance of getting enough votes to be even somewhat competitive, then I'll throw my vote that way. However, 5% or even 10% doesn't count for anything at this point. Yeah, I stand by my morals and ultimately abandon them by allowing Obama a reelection.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

Less than three weeks to the Convention and the end of the primary season it appears most everyone here is already fixed on the general elections in November, when we don't yet have an official nominee for the Republican party. This is a little like having already given up and have resigned ourselves to the mediocre. From my perspective it is not yet over and we still have an opportunity to come up with a suitable candidate whether it be Paul, Huntsman, another Bush brother, Condi, or whoever.

Paul has enough delegates to prevent Romney from winning on the first ballot, enough to throw this into a brokered convention where "anything can happen" after that point. Lincoln went to his convention without a single delegate and left with the nomination then on to the White House, so getting a better candidate at this point is still an option. Paul is the only one now that can force such an outcome, though the Romney team would like to discredit and de-authorize Paul's delegates to sew it all up before Tampa.

Romney is almost no one's first choice, he is just who we may have to settle for. For those who don't support Paul it is understandable to regard this in such a way and to wish for these primaries be over and to put the question of the nominee to rest, great for those who feel Romney is "good enough" or at least better than Obama and consider he is the only one that can beat him. Fine then, if that is what the people really want. Personally I consider Mitt a snake in the grass and we can do better with someone else going up against Barry-O.

Until after the end of August I am not even yet thinking about who I wish to vote for in November. The only thought I've given that is knowing my choice then will be neither Romney nor Obama. We can do better.

That may help to answer your question too, jj.

edit on 9-8-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 07:55 AM
I find it hard to believe that all the paul supporters would support anybody but Romney when we have a communist in office who would burn the constitution while laughing manically saying "yes we can."

They seem to forget what the primary purpose of the primary was. We had choices:


They are now DONE!!!! They couldn't last. They are not running the RNC and they are not choosing a vice presidential candidate. The rest of the republican world has already agreed with these simple facts. It's about time the paul supporters do, because at this point its just pathetic.

If anybody is going to have a shot at having a brokered convention. It's Rick Santorum!
edit on 9-8-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:23 AM
As a Brit all I can say about this is. Vote left or right, dem or repub and you are voting for the same party as its all an illusion. I dont under stand how any one in the USA can choose either of the two top runners. A commie in the white house? Who would rip up the constitution? The same constitution that gw said ` what that god dammed scrap of paper?`
Ron paul is the man but I doubt that he will get into power. Romney? Well we know what he wants. Almost as bad as that muppet mc cain. Bomb bomb Iran. The world would be better off under Dr Paul and so would America. I wish him all the best of luck and hope that he at least, gets the chance to make a speech at the convention.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
I find it hard to believe that all the paul supporters would support anybody but Romney when we have a communist in office who would burn the constitution while laughing manically saying "yes we can."

They seem to forget what the primary purpose of the primary was. We had choices:


They are now DONE!!!! They couldn't last. They are not running the RNC and they are not choosing a vice presidential candidate. The rest of the republican world has already agreed with these simple facts. It's about time the paul supporters do, because at this point its just pathetic.

If anybody is going to have a shot at having a brokered convention. It's Rick Santorum!
edit on 9-8-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

Just gotta LOL at people that ACTUALLY believe Obama is a Communist.


posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
I find it hard to believe that all the paul supporters would support anybody but Romney when we have a communist in office who would burn the constitution while laughing manically saying "yes we can."

They seem to forget what the primary purpose of the primary was. We had choices:

Pawlenty Huntsman Bauchmann Cain Perry Gingrich Santorum Paul

They are now DONE!!!! They couldn't last. They are not running the RNC and they are not choosing a vice presidential candidate. The rest of the republican world has already agreed with these simple facts. It's about time the paul supporters do, because at this point its just pathetic.

If anybody is going to have a shot at having a brokered convention. It's Rick Santorum!

I really didn't think anyone would need to explain this to you but, at this stage we are really not yet battling Obama, though that ultimately would be the objective in the overall. This is still the primary season and not every Republican is quite ready to jump on your "yes we can" Romney bandwagon just yet.

BTW, FYI, Paul has not yet thrown in the towel and his 7-state delegate plurality has not yet been disenfranchized to lower him under the five states needed to be nominated for the first ballot, though you and the Romney camp have been trying. It is still a horse race and not a done deal. There may yet be some surprises for all camps. Who will be the voting delegates? That is yet to be determined for certain -

In the past, competing factions of a state party sometimes drew up separate lists of delegates, each claiming to be the official one. One of the first agenda items at a convention is therefore credentialing, whereby the Credentials Committee determines which group is recognized as the official delegation.

Out of curiosity, and the ambiguity in your post, who do YOU believe is "running" the RNC?

edit on 9-8-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 04:24 PM
I love how the trolls : jjferd & longlostbrother refuse to address the OP.

All talk, no evidence, lots of whining about how Ron Paul supporters somehow subverted democracy by 'following the rules' when the Romney campaign along with the RNC blatantly refuses to follow rules. In fact, they BREAK rules to get their way (by the way, this was confessed by RNC defense attorneys IN COURT, ON RECORD this past Monday).

Jferd, have you corrected the lies in your Ron Paul troll blog yet?

I honestly pity those that have bought into Romney's lies. Its just so sad that you openly support election fraud. Most of you know what Romney isn't but still call him a capitalist.

I wonder what its like to be wrong, all the time.

edit on 9-8-2012 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
Jferd, have you corrected the lies in your Ron Paul troll blog yet?

Have you corrected all your lying posts claiming that Ron Paul is winning yet???

If you have an accusation about my blog, make it there and I will refute it. I find it funny that you keep asking this question and yet do not want to post or address the issue specifically.

I asked a specific question about this thread. Why do 20 or w/e delegates really matter at this point? Why? what will it do besides kick Maine out of the RNC all together?
edit on 9-8-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77

Originally posted by eLPresidente
Jferd, have you corrected the lies in your Ron Paul troll blog yet?

Have you corrected all your lying posts claiming that Ron Paul is winning yet???

If you have an accusation about my blog, make it there and I will refute it. I find it funny that you keep asking this question and yet do not want to post or address the issue specifically.

I asked a specific question about this thread. Why do 20 or w/e delegates really matter at this point? Why? what will it do besides kick Maine out of the RNC all together?
edit on 9-8-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

Ron Paul IS winning but you obviously can't see the bigger picture. You're caught in the four year election cycle hoax where its ok to replace a republican with a democrat and vice versa.

Called you out many times on Nebraska, you parroted mainstream media and paid for it by getting caught. Your troll blog is nothing, literally it is nothing. You won't be able to refute anything just like you weren't able to refute it originally. You just read it and always ignored it so I keep asking you when you will correct your lies.

What the hell do you mean? every delegate counts.

Now, you have an argument for the OP? no I didn't think so. Mitt Romney's campaign is HAPPY to cheat their way to save face. The desperation that he and his campaign exudes just points to major failure come November.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by eLPresidente

Originally posted by jjf3rd77

Originally posted by eLPresidente
Jferd, have you corrected the lies in your Ron Paul troll blog yet?

Have you corrected all your lying posts claiming that Ron Paul is winning yet???

If you have an accusation about my blog, make it there and I will refute it. I find it funny that you keep asking this question and yet do not want to post or address the issue specifically.

I asked a specific question about this thread. Why do 20 or w/e delegates really matter at this point? Why? what will it do besides kick Maine out of the RNC all together?
edit on 9-8-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

Ron Paul IS winning but you obviously can't see the bigger picture. You're caught in the four year election cycle hoax where its ok to replace a republican with a democrat and vice versa.

Called you out many times on Nebraska, you parroted mainstream media and paid for it by getting caught. Your troll blog is nothing, literally it is nothing. You won't be able to refute anything just like you weren't able to refute it originally. You just read it and always ignored it so I keep asking you when you will correct your lies.

What the hell do you mean? every delegate counts.

Now, you have an argument for the OP? no I didn't think so. Mitt Romney's campaign is HAPPY to cheat their way to save face. The desperation that he and his campaign exudes just points to major failure come November.

Ron Paul is NOT winning anything, except maybe flame wars on ATS and other pro-Paul sites.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:17 PM
This is not a flame war, either you agree with the OP or you don't. If you don't agree with the OP, present your counter-argument. If you're just going to be mad and whine about how you can't counter-argue any Ron Paul supporter, I seriously doubt anybody wants to hear about your insecurities.

No arguments for the OP? Then cool story for you.

The FBI is currently investigating the election fraud that occurred during the Arizona state convention.

edit on 10-8-2012 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 08:22 PM
Governor LePage of Maine, explicitly stated he refuses to attend to the RNC unless the rightfully chosen Maine delegation is seated at the RNC as credentialed delegates

Follow up to the Maine report earlier this week... Maine's Governor Paul LePage says he will boycott the Republican National Convention if Maine's delegates are not seated.
"LePage on Friday told a Portland radio show host that if Maine's delegates to the Republican National Convention are not allowed to take their seats and participate, then LePage would boycott the convention." - Maine Sun Journal

Romney and the establishment clowns aren't just pissing off Ron Paul supporters, they're pissing off honest, everyday Republicans.

edit on 10-8-2012 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
This is not a flame war, either you agree with the OP or you don't. If you don't agree with the OP, present your counter-argument. If you're just going to be mad and whine about how you can't counter-argue any Ron Paul supporter, I seriously doubt anybody wants to hear about your insecurities.

No arguments for the OP? Then cool story for you.

The FBI is currently investigating the election fraud that occurred during the Arizona state convention.

edit on 10-8-2012 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

Typically deluded RP supporter. What is Paul winning? The primary? The nomination? The ideological battle? Even just a speaking slot at his part's convention?

Oh, you mean winning as in, managing to convince the FBI to investigate one allegation (out of hundreds) made by Paul supporters?

Congrats! What a massive... Wait I mean meaningless... "Victory".

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by longlostbrother

Still no arguments? I guess...I didn't expect much from Romney and I sure as hell do not expect anything from people that buy into his ACT.

We're staring election fraud right in the eyes perpetrated by the Romney campaign and all you can do is laugh at it? Then why the hell are you on ATS? and people call Ron Paul supporters delusional for fighting election fraud...

No seriously, if you have an argument to counter the OP, please present it. If you are just going to whine about how you can never out-argue a Ron Paul supporter and how they are fighting against election fraud, being a bad thing, you have a lot to think about.

It really is sad you just have nothing. ZERO SUBSTANCE, like your moron/jewish, pro-gun not pro-gun, abortion, non-abortion, capitalist but not capitalist CEO.

What is worse than Team Romney's desperation for FORCE unbound delegates to love him, and pissing off governors & RNC committeemen at the same time is his supporters can't even explain it. Romney campaign is leaving you speechless.

Last chance, do you have any presentable

arguments for the original post of this thread?

Because the last time you quoted the OP,

all you did was say Romney 2012

edit on 11-8-2012 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
reply to post by longlostbrother

Still no arguments? I guess...I didn't expect much from Romney and I sure as hell do not expect anything from people that buy into his ACT.

We're staring election fraud right in the eyes perpetrated by the Romney campaign and all you can do is laugh at it? Then why the hell are you on ATS? and people call Ron Paul supporters delusional for fighting election fraud...

No seriously, if you have an argument to counter the OP, please present it. If you are just going to whine about how you can never out-argue a Ron Paul supporter and how they are fighting against election fraud, being a bad thing, you have a lot to think about.

It really is sad you just have nothing. ZERO SUBSTANCE, like your moron/jewish, pro-gun not pro-gun, abortion, non-abortion, capitalist but not capitalist CEO.

What is worse than Team Romney's desperation for FORCE unbound delegates to love him, and pissing off governors & RNC committeemen at the same time is his supporters can't even explain it. Romney campaign is leaving you speechless.

Last chance, do you have any presentable

arguments for the original post of this thread?

Because the last time you quoted the OP,

all you did was say Romney 2012

edit on 11-8-2012 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

Why argue about a candidate who won't be on the ballot?

Ron Paul supporters think they're so clever and yet the only way they could consistently win delegates was to game the system.

In the end their candidate lost to a Mormon, who hides his money overseas, was the creator of Obamacare, for gun regulation and the biggest flip flopper on record.

You have to be pretty amazing to lose that guy!

And now, after you've lost, you're so frustrated that your tricks failed, you file lawsuits, and plan protest votes against your own candidates party... That'll show him!

But no your right, Ron Paul is the winner of everything, because his supporters are all super geniuses.

Nailed it.

Now let's sit back and watch the Mormon gaff machine and the guy who wants to kill Medicare beat Obama.

Romney 2012 - because Ron Paul ain't on the ballot.
edit on 12-8-2012 by longlostbrother because: (no reason given)

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