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Why Does Mitt Romney Want To Restrict Voting Rights For More Than 900,000 Ohio Veterans?

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posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

BH, you've gotten way off into semantics on this issue. The fact is, if the polls are open longer, more poll workers, more time the ballots are exposed to the public, more ways to vote, then there is a bigger chance of fraud. Suppose someone comes in with a dead guys ID to vote, and the morning worker is on their toes and turns them away. You've still got several more days, several more workers to run through, and you'll eventually find someone that will let you through. What about guarding the ballot boxes 24 hours a day that whole time?

We had a sheriff's election here in Wakulla County, where the sheriff's election resulted in the incumbent LOSING by 46 votes, but lo and behold, an extra ballot box showed up, and it had 47 ballots in it, and all of them had voted for the incumbent sheriff, but they hadn't bothered to fill out any other part of the ballot. The incumbent won. It didn't hurt that the supervisor of elections was a brother-in-law, and the head of the security company for the balloting was a cousin. FDLE and DOJ supposedly investigated but nothing ever came of it.

I'm actually a fan of lengthening the voting days to 2 or 3 instead of 1, but some places take it to the extreme like 2 or 3 weeks of open balloting, and that is just too much to secure and monitor effectively.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Originally posted by jibeho
In Ohio Early voting is called In person Absentee voting.

Yes. I was born and raised there.

Ohio allows early AND absentee voting. The link YOU posted breaks it down into two separate things:

Early Voting (In-person Absentee Voting)
Early voting for the August Special Election began July 3, 2012 (35 days before the election), and runs through 6:00 p.m. on Friday, August 3, 2012. Locations and regular business hours for early voting vary from county to county and voters are encouraged to check with their county boards of elections for more specific details.

Absentee Voting by Mail
Voters who plan to vote by mail in the August Special Election, still have time to request an absentee ballot. Absentee ballot requests must be received by county boards of elections no later than noon on August 4, 2012. Request forms can be downloaded from the Secretary of State’s voter information website: Voters should complete all required fields, sign and return applications to their local county board of elections by mail. The board will then mail the ballot.

The GOP in Ohio removed the FIRST one from everyone except active military. It doesn't really matter what they call it, it's the procedure that we're discussing, not the name of the voting style. (After all, how much sense does the phrase "In-person Absentee Voting" really make?) Either you're Absent or In-person. They're still 2 different things. One is in person (but before election day), the other is by mail. For this discussion purpose, the first is being called Early Voting, the latter, Absentee Voting. For clarity, you know?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

BH, you've gotten way off into semantics on this issue.

It's not me who's trying to cloud and confuse the issue with semantics.

The fact is, if the polls are open longer, more poll workers, more time the ballots are exposed to the public, more ways to vote, then there is a bigger chance of fraud.

You ask me to suppose a scenario. I'd like facts to support your assertion instead of imagining a scenario where someone might cheat.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:45 AM
It would seem logical with an ever increasing population that we need either:-

Polling stations open longer, at least three days.


More Polling stations.

With a population of 314,117,863, even taking out those ineligible to vote, that is a logistical nightmare.

US Population Clock

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by jibeho

Originally posted by jibeho
In Ohio Early voting is called In person Absentee voting.

Yes. I was born and raised there.

Ohio allows early AND absentee voting. The link YOU posted breaks it down into two separate things:

Early Voting (In-person Absentee Voting)
Early voting for the August Special Election began July 3, 2012 (35 days before the election), and runs through 6:00 p.m. on Friday, August 3, 2012. Locations and regular business hours for early voting vary from county to county and voters are encouraged to check with their county boards of elections for more specific details.

Absentee Voting by Mail
Voters who plan to vote by mail in the August Special Election, still have time to request an absentee ballot. Absentee ballot requests must be received by county boards of elections no later than noon on August 4, 2012. Request forms can be downloaded from the Secretary of State’s voter information website: Voters should complete all required fields, sign and return applications to their local county board of elections by mail. The board will then mail the ballot.

The GOP in Ohio removed the FIRST one from everyone except active military. It doesn't really matter what they call it, it's the procedure that we're discussing, not the name of the voting style. (After all, how much sense does the phrase "In-person Absentee Voting" really make?) Either you're Absent or In-person. They're still 2 different things. One is in person (but before election day), the other is by mail. For this discussion purpose, the first is being called Early Voting, the latter, Absentee Voting. For clarity, you know?

No they didn't BH. The first provision is still in place. They just stop it on the Friday before election day. 3 days before the military. See my post regarding yesterdays election. ( you just sourced it that is regarding yesterday's election in Ohio) The 35 day in person absentee rule is still in place as of yesterday. The Average Joe in Ohio still has 35 days to cast an early vote in person or by mail. No excuse needed. Plus employers will also give you the time off to vote if necessary.

This whole argument is over the 3 additional days allowed for the active military vs. the general public. Personally if someone is unable to vote 35 days early in person, or by mail or in person on election day they should not be voting at all. What more do we have to do to accommodate people??
edit on 8-8-2012 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by BritofTexas
It would seem logical with an ever increasing population that we need either:-

Polling stations open longer, at least three days.


More Polling stations.

With a population of 314,117,863, even taking out those ineligible to vote, that is a logistical nightmare.

US Population Clock

You have great ideas that could certainly help. The big problem with all of that is a simple logistics snag. Right now the polling places are staffed by volunteers. Volunteers that are growing scarce. Most of the volunteers in my area are aging retirees and spending 12 plus hours at the polling station can be quite taxing for some of them. Spread that layer of volunteers out even thinner with more polling stations and more days and we have a recipe for disaster. How do we get more people to volunteer? Should we treat it like being called up for jury duty and offer modest compensation and paid time off (via ones employer) from work to do it??

Something has to change eventually.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Originally posted by jibeho
The first provision is still in place. They just stop it on the Friday before election day. 3 days before the military.

That I agree with. So, Why Does Mitt Romney Want To Restrict Voting Rights For More Than 900,000 Ohio Veterans? Why does the GOP want to take those 3 days away from the civilian and veteran citizens of Ohio?

Plus employers will also give you the time off to vote if necessary.

All employers?

This whole argument is over the 3 additional days allowed for the active military vs. the general public.

Yes. Why did they take those 3 days away?

Personally if someone is unable to vote 35 days early in person, or by mail or in person on election day they should not be voting at all.

Does that go for military members, too? If they can't vote during those 35 days, should THEY be voting? Or for that matter, should they be allowed in our military?

What more do we have to do to accommodate people??

What more do we have to do to accommodate military people?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:03 PM
People that put their very Lives on the line for our right to even vote deserve a three days grace period to carry out that vote no matter what barry or anyone else says.
Saying Romney is denying 900k voters is a huge try at a spin - period...

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by AmericanDaughter

Originally posted by AmericanDaughter
People that put their very Lives on the line for our right to even vote deserve a three days grace period to carry out that vote no matter what barry or anyone else says.

I agree. And so does Obama. But why don't the citizens of Ohio and the veterans there deserve it? Why take it away from them? Because It Disenfranchises Minority Voters. And THAT is the goal of the GOP.

Saying Romney is denying 900k voters is a huge try at a spin - period...

Yes. I said that here.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Stop spreading your lies BH. Absentee voting is the same thing as early voting (either in person or by mail) Nice word games.

What the hell is wrong with you? Absentee voting IS NOT the same as in-person early voting!

How can you even have "absentee voting - in person"???

How can you have "in-person early voting - by mail"???

How can you make a statement that Absentee voting is the same as in-person voting???

Talk about someone playing word games.

Absentee voting is done by mail-in ballots.

Early in-person voting is done in person.

Republicans in Ohio are suppressing voter turnout by restricting in-person early voting.

The DNC is suing to restore in-person early voting. Their suit claims the GOP legislation is a violation of the 14th amendment, and creates two classes of voters. The GOP even admitted they were creating two classes of voters.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
reply to post by jibeho

Stop spreading your lies BH. Absentee voting is the same thing as early voting (either in person or by mail) Nice word games.

What the hell is wrong with you? Absentee voting IS NOT the same as in-person early voting!

How can you even have "absentee voting - in person"???

How can you have "in-person early voting - by mail"???

How can you make a statement that Absentee voting is the same as in-person voting???

Talk about someone playing word games.

Absentee voting is done by mail-in ballots.

Early in-person voting is done in person.

Republicans in Ohio are suppressing voter turnout by restricting in-person early voting.

The DNC is suing to restore in-person early voting. Their suit claims the GOP legislation is a violation of the 14th amendment, and creates two classes of voters. The GOP even admitted they were creating two classes of voters.

NIce word games from you too.. Read the source from the Ohio sec. of state. Perhaps I should have been more clear for those who fail to read the same information that was posted three times. It would all make sense if you didn't take that one line out of context. Whatever floats your sinking liberal boat.

One more time

IN Ohio early voting is also called in person absentee voting. We can also vote absentee by mail.


No one has yet to respond to why the DNC refuses to go after states with no laws governing time off from work to vote. There are 19 states plus the District of Columbia

from that same little post you cut that one line from you missed this

See my above post.

Ohio is a state with early and no excuse absentee voting privileges.

Guess you didn't read it or BH's post that essentially quoted the same information later on. What in the hell is wrong with you man!!

edit on 8-8-2012 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Why are you making this issue about Ohio Veterans?? Nevermind, You got the idea from John Podesta and TP.

Military groups oppose Obama campaign lawsuit

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Fifteen military groups are opposing a federal lawsuit in Ohio brought by President Obama’s campaign because they say it could threaten voter protections afforded to service members, such as the extended time they have to cast a ballot.

AMVETS, the National Guard Association of the United States, the Association of the U.S. Army and other organizations asked a judge late Wednesday to dismiss the lawsuit.

The military groups say federal and state law recognizes that service members need extra time to cast their ballots. They say they fear the precedent that could be set if a court finds that military voters shouldn’t be treated differently than other voters.

“Efforts to facilitate and maximize military voting should be welcomed, not viewed with constitutional suspicion,” the groups said in a court filing that seeks to intervene in the case.

Ohio is one of 32 states that allow voters to cast an early ballot by mail or in person without an excuse.

Even the writer of this article does not fully understand what is going on. Just like you. The DNC wants their 3 days back period and could care less that there are 35 other days in which to vote plus election day.

I'm done. This is exhausting.....You and your minions have tapped me out...

edit on 8-8-2012 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-8-2012 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Originally posted by jibeho
IN Ohio early voting is also called in person absentee voting.

A rose, by any other name... They are two different things, though.

reply to post by jibeho

Originally posted by jibeho
Why are you making this issue about Ohio Veterans??

The GOP restricted voting days for everyone except active military. That "everyone" includes veterans. That is the title of the article. It makes a valid point.

The military groups say federal and state law recognizes that service members need extra time to cast their ballots.

More than 35 days??? Why? Are they "slow"?

They say they fear the precedent that could be set if a court finds that military voters shouldn’t be treated differently than other voters.

Heaven forbid our military should be treated equally to everyone else...
Why SHOULDN'T they be treated like everyone else?

The DNC wants their 3 days back period

These days don't belong to the DNC. They belong to the VOTERS of Ohio!

You and your minions have tapped me out...

I have "minions"? I'm so flattered!

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