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Handcuffed Man Shot And Killed In Cop Car – Police Say It Was Suicide (VIDEO)

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posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by muzzleflash

I just tried to aim my gun at my temple, with my hands behind my back, in a seated position. No frikken way. Aside from a lucky ass ricochet, I call bull#.

Oops sorry muz, meant to reply to the thread, not your post.
edit on Wed, 01 Aug 2012 22:54:59 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

I just did the same. Magazine out and slide locked back, of course. There was no way I could aim at my head in such a way as to hit my temple. With your hands cuffed, it would be next to impossible to aim anywhere other than down or sideways. This is BS. I'm betting the officers superiors will back them up and find no wrong doing. What the mother and community may do, is yet to be seen.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 02:35 AM
Lemme see if I got this right,

When they put you in a police car you are handcuffed ALWAYS from the back, not the front...thats the way they are trained to do it.

So, he's handcuffed from the back, manages to slip a gun (anyone know the caliber?) past 2 seperate searches off his person while handcufed like this and shoot himself in the head right side with his dominant left hand?

Even if he used his right hand....I mean come on...this would be extremely hard to pull off handcuffed with arms behind him....and then the right temple?

Sooo what? he got a sudden bout of depression, pulled off a houdini, and managed to aim for the right side? Even if he got the cuffs in front of him he would still use his left hand.....easier to do on the left side right?

SO thats the cops official story huh? no I believe it.......and if my mother had wheels she'd be a tractor......

The only thing I had to read was that this was in Arkansas...enough said.......

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 02:46 AM
Firstly, if this man shot himself in the head, there wouldn't just be a small thump. I don't know if any of you have ever heard a gunshot, but it's loud, especially loud when you are sitting in just the front seat of the same vehicle. It's a BAM not a thump.

Moving on from that particular fail, it is IMPOSSIBLE to pull a gun out of any part of your apparel and still manage to shoot yourself in the temple while your hands are still securely handcuffed BEHIND your back.

Then let's examine the fact that you get patted down and searched before they even put you in the squad car. How is it possible for them to have missed a handgun. What happens if he had smuggled it into the jail? This story is just blatantly full of lies. I can't pretend to know what motive the cops would have had for killing this guy. However, I assure you all this is impossible.

I refuse to believe a man with his hands cuffed behind his back could reach a gun that was so well hidden cops didn't find it on a search and pat down.
edit on 2-8-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by TsukiLunar
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

This is all so stupid. If his hands were behind him, it is physically impossible. On the other hand, what WERE the cops thinking if they shot him? Did they think no one would notice or just take their word? Do they not know that a suicide by a handcuffed man who is in the back of a police car is a pretty suspicious story?

Obviously an investigation will be done(obviously?). The forensics investigation should be quite the story.

Not sure about that. With both of my wrists touching, I can reach around my back, and tilt my head over to the right enough that if I aimed straight up, I could shoot myself in the right temple. Maybe he hid his gun at his waistline but in the back. Do cops check that area when they so searches? I have no idea.

I mean, the absurdity of this makes me think he did do this somehow. The cops really think they can get away with this? If they shot him, then, I'd assume it was with their own weapon, but it wouldn't have to be. If they used his own weapon against him, that would be very wild. They risk a lot to do that. Maybe they accidentally did and figured they'd try to cover it up? That sounds wild too: cops mishandling a weapon.

Nothing about this makes sense from any angle I have tried to consider. If not considering the phone call, then I would say it's possible. Maybe he was on the drugs he was doing and changed his mind? I have no idea. Maybe he was scared of being charged with a larger crime, and he called his girlfriend to set up the cops?

So many things to consider. Very strange...

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by daynight42

Not sure about that. With both of my wrists touching, I can reach around my back, and tilt my head over to the right enough that if I aimed straight up, I could shoot myself in the right temple.

Just tried this. Your hands are too far away from your head to even get a correct shot like this. He had to have had the gun literally against his temple.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

Also nobody calls their girlfriend to come pick them up from jail if they plan on offing themselves in a cop car in a few minutes by some crazy implausible method.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 06:54 AM
1st time poster long time reader, so please take it easy on me! First a little background on me, it will help set up my stance on this thread. I am a LEO, I don't work in Arkansas, but I do know what goes into a police in custody death investigation (I have been involved in one).

I don't know why I'm wasting my time typing this? It seem most of you believe only what you want to believe (you want so badly for this to be a conspiracy). Police rarely release any facts of a case until an investigation is done so they make sure only FACTS supported by evidence is given. When these are released usually the media and family who like to blow these things up for $$$ look like idiots and scurry away. The Media is never held liable for their exaggerations and jumping to conclusions.

If this young man shot from behind his back like the media suggests there will be a ton of gun shot residue along with powder burn marks to support the officer claims. It would be nearly impossible for the officer to fake or stage the evidence especially in a timely manner. I have a strong suspicion that he slipped his cuffs below his legs or slipped out of his cuffs, but that's just speculation. I am sure they swabbed any officer involved for gun shot residue. The evidence will speak for it's self either way.

As for the gun, LE miss things on searches all the time (we are human) that is why prior to being booked in, you are searched (in my county) at least 4 times by 4 different officers and stuff still gets into our facility. Besides LE's get lazy and rarely check the back seat between transports thus a gun could have been left by a previous inmate. The back seats in a cop car differ from regular cars, they are usually rubber and are removable for easy cleaning. Thus it is easy to ditch or hide stuff you wouldn't want to be caught with (guns/ drugs).

As stated above I have gone thru an in custody death investigation (as a witness officer), and let me tell you I would not wish that on anyone. They want nothing but to prove you did something wrong. The pressure from the media and from elected officials who get great ratings if they can pin a death on a LEO, but not if an officer does his job right. A lot of in custody deaths are do to poor procedures that makes the department look bad. Therefore even your own department wants to find you in the wrong to say their procedures were correct thus removing themselves from liability.

I do enjoy ATS and I do believe in conspiracies, and encourage folks to be suspicious, but please get the facts and evidence before acting or calling for arms. Don't let the media stir you into a frenzy, realize that they make their money off you and your emotions.

I pray the truth in this matter (what ever it might be) comes out and that the family finds peace.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 07:14 AM
Why is everyone assuming the gun was in his hand at the time it went off?
If the cops missed it during a pat down that would suggest it was very small.

Some of the 2 shot Derringers don't have trigger guards.

He may have tried ditching the gun under the front seat and hit the trigger.
It may have hit the floor too hard and went off.

Like I said before who said the shot was close range? The windows are not always rolled up and the shot may have come from quite a distance away.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by senselessness

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by senselessness

Do it, put up some pictures. Like I said, I tried it. You seem to be living up to your handle.

The gun is pointed directly at my temple. I can even turn my head more and get a better shot of my temple if I wanted. I have my thumb ready to pull the trigger. I just arch my back, and turn my shoulders, and I can easily put both of my hands on my right hip.

This could be easier if I wasn't muscular. I could see how you would have trouble if you were a fat lard. It would also be easier if I was sitting down in a chair because I could use the chair to support my arms.

You seem to be living up to my signature quote.

edit on 2-8-2012 by senselessness because: (no reason given)

Nice to see that you are well stocked up with weapons, and ready to bust some chops.

Is that an M-16 assault rifle behind you??? Just beautiful.

That really put me at ease

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by samkent

That is more plausible than that he shot himself over a smaller drug possession case...

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Let me to you something BEING BLACK HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!
I've been beat down 4 different times & that is not even talking about down the ROAD that's just on the street!
I am so sick of hearing Black man this -White man that -people like you that keep separating us (humans) into different categories ARE THE PROBLEM ! GET OVER THE PAST ! MY PEOPLE THE IRISH were treated a whole hell of a lot worse & a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT LONGER THAN ANY BLACKS SLAVES so get over it - we are all one in the same (HUMAN) and until people understand THAT NOTHING will get better !
I mean NO DISRESPECT my friend - it is just the truth...

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 09:04 AM
I call shennanigans.

To me personally, the more telling thing I'm taking from this is that if the police over there didn't act like they're above the law and psycho murderers every chance they get then people might have been more supportive of the official lie...sorry I mean version of events.

I really think they've gotten away with so much they really think they can get away with anything.

(Your version of who 'they' are may very in this case).

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by MarioOnTheFly

There needs to a good GSR test done and not by their dept.
that should put that to rest but if I were to fake it I would know this and do it properly but if it was during a struggle it would be very hard to fake it perfectly and get away with it
this does warrant further investigation without a doubt.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 09:23 AM
Defender of the police here...Ya I can't find any logical way to defend the police here. I'm not going to come out and accuse them but this is awfully suspicious for sure under the circumstances. A thorough investigation needs to be done on this and hopefully the right verdict will be reached.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 09:36 AM
The police stated he was searched TWICE.

He was also the passenger of the vehicle. They don't state why the vehicle was stopped. The driver was not cited or arrested for anything. Yet when the police ran Carter's information they arrested him, searched him (twice, finding some drugs).

When the police had the vehicle stopped, Carter called his girlfriend to tell her he would be calling her from jail shortly. Obviously he knew he had a bench warrant and would be getting booked. That phone call does not indicate he was suicidal. He was also not wanted for anything serious. A drug charge and a warrant for missing a court date.

With his hands cuffed behind his back and squeezed into the tight confines of the police cruiser's back seat, there would only be so many places he could still reach to retrieve a gun - his back pockets and the waistband over his butt crack. Hard to accept that both cops missed anything in that area, especially since they did find some drugs.

He was found with his hands still cuffed behind his back, so he didn't slip out of his cuffs or slip his legs through his cuffs.

Arkansas has a lot of history with racism, it holds the record for lynchings against blacks. That's the troubling aspect about this "suicide". Were the officers callous to him, as a black man? Did Carter mouth off to the officers, who resorted to extreme force for something trivial? Will this department conduct a proper investigation, or just white-wash it? This is also the same area where Operation Delta Blues took down 70 public officials and police officers for corruption.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 09:56 AM
Not want to be picky but I was 12 hours faster

Handcuffed Man Shot in Back of Police Car

Did mainstream media even picked that up? Or is it one the news thats not supposed to be discussed by public?

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by stainlesssteelrat
Not want to be picky but I was 12 hours faster

Handcuffed Man Shot in Back of Police Car

Did mainstream media even picked that up? Or is it one the news thats not supposed to be discussed by public?

Yeah, CNN has been reporting it.

Also, good find.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by senselessness

The gun is pointed directly at my temple. I can even turn my head more and get a better shot of my temple if I wanted. I have my thumb ready to pull the trigger. I just arch my back, and turn my shoulders, and I can easily put both of my hands on my right hip.

This is hilarious. Firstly, I can see that your hands arent actually cuffed, because your wrists are clearly separated. That gives you FAR more movement than someone in cuffs has. Double lock yourself like the guy was, and then see if you can do it.

Furthermore, until you successfully shoot yourself in the temple from that position (sitting down, by the way, not standing), you're still just making huge leaps in logic.

All you have shown is you are able to point a gun in the general vicinity of your temple, while not wearing cuffs. You havent shown how you get that gun out of where ever you had it stashed, while sitting down, then maneuvered it (with cuffs on, double clicked) to the picture position.

So, basically nothing you have shown proves any of your claims.

Please, shoot yourself int he temple, and post the pics.
edit on 2-8-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by stainlesssteelrat

You sure were. I searched "Chavis Carter Jonesboro", I suppose that is why I didn't see your post. From a positive perspective, this needs as much publicity as possible. If the PD in question attempts to bury this, it needs to be stopped. The police car's video camera may have been pointing in the wrong direction, but there should be audio that can provide clues as to what happened. If the PD starts making excuses for not being able to provide that, well then....

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Forensics would show powder marks on his hands, and would show the range and angle he was shot from..point blank or from the hip. Of course, we all know how internal investigations go

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