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I need answers pertaining to something odd that happened yesterday at my work.

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posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 02:21 PM
I read through page 7 because I wanted to see what majority of people were saying, but I do have a personal experience for you of a similar situation involving my aunt. First I want to as you a quick question... does anything about her head look abnormal? Maybe slightly un-noticeably her head seems a little large?

My aunt was found to have a tumor in her head... anyone looking at her wouldn't notice anything wrong with her really. But as a family member growing around her, we noticed that he head was looking slightly larger than normal which is how they found the tumor.

Now before it was known that the tumor was causing the problem, she developed schizophrenic/multiple personality behavior. It started that she was seeing demons. A few months later the demons could see her. Then the demons would talk to her and she was afraid of them. Then she realized that the demons weren't so bad and befriended them. Then she wanted to help the demons with their missions. She then decided she wanted to let demons in so that they could do the missions.

She started talking differently, acting differently, walking differently etc. during times. But similarly to the way you said, she would snap out of it randomly. When you called her name, she'd look at you funny and say something of the effect that "I put her to sleep" meaning the demon did. She never did any "missions" as the demon/s but acted funny and said weird things. Nothing that freaked us out or anything because we were family. But she did speak of things like where she'd hide the next body.

She would talk to nobody, laugh at nothing, make weird faces, and even attempt to physically interact with nothing. She didn't have any health insurance so it took a long time for us to get her seen by a doctor. They conducted brain scans and found the tumor. Once removed, she was back to her normal self. She laughs at the fact that she thought that these demons were real now but still doesn't remember ever acting like or letting a demon in her.

Just another situation that could be the case with this woman.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Night Star
If she were possesed she wouldn't be pretending to be a mailman. I think multiple personality or schizophrenic. Though most schizophrenics arn't violent, some are. In any case, I would report her to the police and ask their advice. She is definitley unstable and could be a danger to herself and others.
edit on 29-7-2012 by Night Star because: (no reason given)
Ummmm.......How YOU know how a supposed possessed person would act or who they might pass themselves off to be?...I'm curious, the "going postal" reference is telling...but to what or whom? Please enlighten me, do possessed persons have some anti-postal possession bias that is anathema to their portrayal of said? it the religi-esque nature of unionization to which you refer and therefore possession only happens to those unfortunates that are not of that particular.......cloth?..........Hmmmmmm?
Not being the experiancer, I can hardly state what...remedy, one should apply. But to go all "Janet Napolitano" with a "See something...Say something" recomendation might just be an over-reach. I suppose it's how you play that particular game...break cover...or engage the desired effect.

See Something Say Something


posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by DoxieCircus

yep they all are till the medication wares off!

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Phenomium
reply to post by DoxieCircus

You have a major problem. That woman is possessed and you guys are her target. Works for Satan, Church online, dancing naked online, bleach on her head to "feel the burn" (obviously misses hell), threats of homicide, uncontrollable facial contortions indicative of someone 'inside' trying to learn how to use the facial muscles that they are not used to using, the chopped up hair is a classic sign of someone sitting in the mirror and trying to make themselves look ugly because the demon hates the host as well as all humans, it is a breakdown process of the demon to break the will of the humiliate them and make them weaker. The Vroom, Vroom might suggest that one day she will ram a car through your salon windows and the was visualizing it. a mailman, maybe to, uh hem....deliver a message. You had better call the cops and give them the information.

Seriously? I think it's more likely shes on drugs or mentally ill then having been possesed. While I'm on the fence if that can actually happen...I think you need to go with the most obvious answer first - and it isn't possession.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:36 PM
I don't know what to think about this, what go suggest.

She sounds mentally unstable and, or she may get a kick out of acting evil. It could be all talk.

I do however believe in demons. So going with that train of thought, acting like a mailman and her other nutty behavior is a way a demon would fool you into having second thoughts that's she's just a raving lunatic. They often pretend to be religious. They can also use mirrors as a hypnotic tool.

A salon is full of mirrors. Mirrors can also be smashed and the glass can be a used as a very sharp weapon, which is why psych wards don't have mirrors. A salon is basically a house of daggers, if smashed. There's also scissors everywhere. Hot irons to burn, dangerous chemicals she could acquire and throw in somebodys face. It really isn't a suitable environment for a potential murderer to be in. She could hurt the staff or other clients.

Her comments about killing is however enough to report her to police. She made threats and should be assessed. Better to be safe than sorry. You have the video footage and witnesses. At the very least she did terrorize you and the rest of the staff.

Trust your instincts on this.

Being in the job you are in you must know by now you get all kinds. I had a client similar to this once, but it wasn't what you describe.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by DoxieCircus

I don't know what's wrong with her, but I'd encourage you, and the entire staff to take some firearms training, and make sure that several of you have each others backs going forward.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by nosacrificenofreedom

I believe you're telling the truth. This kind of reaction can be from electro-static energy in an atmosphere (imo). This kind of charged environment can be created by sub or super natural entities (but not always entities specifically). From my own personal experiences I believe things are as they seem. In other words if your gut tells you it's spiritual; trust your gut. i got a similar vibe from reading through the story and this thread. the timing is odd considering how many strange incidents are occurring around us (currently; such as random acts of violence, etc...).
there was a time in my life where i was more interested in atheism. i also went through some very tragic and traumatic events that convinced me otherwise.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:48 PM
Very nice posting, one thing forsure is that skitzofrenics really believe they do see what they see ,which makes me believe she could be both possessed and skitzofrenic. Skitzofrenia has always been somthing that interests me . Is she really talking with a spirit or being from the otherside? or mabie a few which an evil one may have just been able to possess her . Ether or this is kindof scary and I wouldnt servise her anymore
edit on 31000000Tuesday12 303104 by at1withharmony11 because: spelling mistake

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:53 PM
I find this story very dubious.

Firstly, women in salons are known for there gossiping and storytelling.

Two, you do sniff in a lot of chemicals being in a salon of 22 which is fairly big.

Did you record any of this womans rambling....AFTER ALL you knew what she was like and you even gave your
boss a heads up before hand...................NO you say...what a shocker there. NO PROOF as per usual, not even a recording device that is on your phone......NOTHING????

Sounds like a story that anyone and everyone can make up for any reason, maybe flags, stars or even attention.

Sorry but I dont believe a god damn thing without proof. Especially a person in a profession in the storytelling business.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by alien

Great post! Nice to see that a professional comes in and makes a comment that backs up what I was saying about demon possession being a real (although rare) condition, known and recognised as real by some within the mental health professions.

It is nice to see someone with the right medical knowledge being able to clarify some of the misconceptions about mental illness. I for one hadn't realised that 'MPD proper' was so rare. Dissociative conditions - that probably sums up the point I was suggesting about the way this lady was acting out a party scene outside the salon.

I have experience of the mental health system, from the inside when I was younger. I was delivered from evil spirits myself, and my healing of mind was total. Since then, I seem to have been gifted a ministry involving the deliverance/ exorcism of others. It's a real blessing to be in a position to help people find freedom from the beasts that torment them. I can't claim any particular gift to pray for the healing of those who are afflicted with organic mental health conditions - my line seems to be the spiritual side of it. However, I keep on seeking out the 'greater gifts', and God may well have something further in mind.

To be clear, I'm a practicing Christian, and attend a lively baptist church in the UK. I believe in the reality of God's interaction with mankind, both in antiquity and in modern times, and believe that through Christ's ministry (specifically the atonement of His death & resurrection) we are able to have direct access to the Godhead of Father, Son and Spirit. Through the Spirit, we are able to receive dynamic spiritual gifts/ ministries - which have real practical benefits, both for us and for others (not necessarily just for other believers - for example, people can receive healing or deliverance, by being prayed for, before they come to faith in Christ..)

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 05:32 PM
boxxy better not go to that hair salon

or outside at all judging by the majority of responses here

poor girl wouldn't last a minute
brfore being shot

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 07:02 PM
Something doesn't make sense here? You seen someone acting this crazy and they mentioned homicide and none of you at the salon did anything? odd...
edit on 31-7-2012 by Staroth because: more cow bell

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment


There's actually more than a few alternative approach-takers and thinkers who hold clinical roles/positions in the system I work in. For the most part - as mentioned - we do however tend to work within the confines and codes of a Western Medical Model (if we're working within Mainstream MH services anyway) such discussions and approaches are normally kept pretty low key and off the record.

Some services - as mentioned - are however specifically catering for specific cultures.
For instance in my country we have Maori MH Services, Pacific Island MH Services etc that solely cater for those from that cultural background.
Within those MH Services you'll often find 'Cultural Therapists'...which is really just a Western hospital way of saying 'Spiritual Healer'...indeed its often incorporated within the patients treatment plans and such, the input of spiritual interventions, cultural practices and such.
Kinda sad really that these approaches seem only to be *allowed* when dealing with specific cultures...when I'd say they could be of benefit for anyone from any culture if they so wish access to them.

Some things I've seen, heard and experienced when working with people or when doing assessments would make any doubter a believer.
Stuff like the person telling you extremely detailed things about your past history, events and such that theres NO way in heck they would ever know. I've seen lumps moving under peoples skin, seen people just buckle and contort in ways literally humanly impossible due to skeletal structure...even seen objects literally fly across a room with noone anywhere near them to have moved them.
Its hard not to at least entertain those possibilities when you see shyte like that...and when others are in the room who also witness it!

...tis an interesting line of work to be in to say the least...

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by SeesFar

Originally posted by SeesFar

reply to post by nixie_nox

Someone in a Schizophrenic or psychotic break CAN 'float' in and out of reality; they CAN BE and, in fact, often ARE in their break 'world' and still in the actual world at the same time. How the h3ll do you think they manage? They are the ultimate survivors.

Yes, someone in a Schizophrenic or psychotic break COULD go through the hair process as the patron in question is doing because it COULD be one of the things they're currently fixated on. Or she could be fixated on salons .... or THAT salon ... or hair professionals. You've NO idea what she could be fixated on or how MANY things she could be fixated on.

...have starred that reply...well said...

Psychosis and/or Schizophrenia doesn't negate someones ability to still operate within 'the real world'...not at all.

Yes, it can by its nature - or more correctly the effects of whatever symptoms are being experienced - cause a fair amount of disruption depending on the impact/effects of what that person is experiencing...but someone who is experiencing Psychosis and/or Schizophrenia can still *function*...and don't for a moment doubt that they can't also *function* at levels beyond what people who aren't experiencing such are capable of.

For instance:
- I personally know someone who experiences what would be construed as quite florid levels of psychosis...who sees and hears stuff pretty much all day every day. What does she do for a job?? She's one of this country's top sports-women who has the ability to focus well beyond pretty much 99.99999% of the rest of the population.

- I know someone who has experienced Schizophrenia for the last 17 years, who still experiences the symptoms of such regularly. What does he do for a job? He actually flies International Airliners....chances are - and I won't breach his confidentiality by naming the Air Carrier he currently flies for (he's flown for a number in his career) - some Members of ATS who have travelled internationally out of a number of major airports have travelled on a plane flown by him.

- Some other people who I personally know who have such diagnoses are: An investment banker, a GP/Doctor, a Senior Police Officer, a District Court Judge, a Television Presenter, a pretty darn famous world-reknown NZ Musician, a Teacher and University Lecturer...and tons more...

Psychosis and/or Schizophrenia does not relegate a person to a life quite a few case I know of it actually offered them a life more...

edit on 31-7-2012 by alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by alien

...have starred that reply...well said...

Psychosis and/or Schizophrenia doesn't negate someones ability to still operate within 'the real world'...not at all.

Yes, it can by its nature - or more correctly the effects of whatever symptoms are being experienced - cause a fair amount of disruption depending on the impact/effects of what that person is experiencing...but someone who is experiencing Psychosis and/or Schizophrenia can still *function*...and don't for a moment doubt that they can't also *function* at levels beyond what people who aren't experiencing such are capable of.

For instance:
- I personally know someone who experiences what would be construed as quite florid levels of psychosis...who sees and hears stuff pretty much all day every day. What does she do for a job?? She's one of this country's top sports-women who has the ability to focus well beyond pretty much 99.99999% of the rest of the population.

- I know someone who has experienced Schizophrenia for the last 17 years, who still experiences the symptoms of such regularly. What does he do for a job? He actually flies International Airliners....chances are - and I won't breach his confidentiality by naming the Air Carrier he currently flies for (he's flown for a number in his career) - some Members of ATS who have travelled internationally out of a number of major airports have travelled on a plane flown by him.

- Some other people who I personally know who have such diagnoses are: An investment banker, a GP/Doctor, a Senior Police Officer, a District Court Judge, a Television Presenter, a pretty darn famous world-reknown NZ Musician, a Teacher and University Lecturer...and tons more...

Psychosis and/or Schizophrenia does not relegate a person to a life quite a few case I know of it actually offered them a life more...

edit on 31-7-2012 by alien because: (no reason given)

Thank you. And thank you for expanding so well on what I had tried to convey. There are so many high functioning Schizophrenics out there who are compliant and who, though sheer diligence and determination, learn to work with their illness and are very, very productive members of society.

It is, imho, one of the greatest misunderstood illnesses in the world. That said, those who suffer and are non-compliant and/or in a break, must be guarded from themselves and the public until they are properly medication and educated.

Thanks, too, for being a supporter of those brave people.

Love your signature!

Mitakuye Oyasin ~ We Are All Related

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

That's OK...I was kind of getting a Good Chuckle Reading It! LOL! I tend to observe everything going on around me in the REAL WORD as it is a very long term practiced Habit and I am always Looking, Calculating, Verifying, and this one drives me nuts but I am like freekin' RAIN MAN...COUNTING....always and ENDLESSLY COUNTING! I don't even realize I am doing it anymore as it has been relegated to my Subconscious as I can access it for some things and counting is one of those things.

My Subconscious even has a sense of Humor as it will TOY with me when it knows there is something I need to remember via Recall of the Subconscious Mind and although I can do this is NOT 100% and like my namesake...all THREE of ME get into an argument. My Left Hemisphere wants to break everything down into a Timeline or Grid or any possible way LOGIC can bring me to an answer. My Right Hemisphere wants me to do the opposite of Breaking things down to their most basic form or bit of data to be used to find a pattern as a KEY to unlock what my Subconscious has recorded in PERFECT DETAIL and the Right Hemisphere does the EXPANDS the Parameters in an effort to access information by Creating a Multi-Variable System that takes into account why I decided to write a specific song or melody on this or that particular day or why di I choose the RED PLASTIC POOL SAFE Cocktail Glasses as apposed to the BLUE or YELLOW or etc...that day for these particular guests. THE SAD thing about all this is BOTH METHODS Subconscious is playing a GAME with the other TWO of ME in an effort to see who will win...and I think that version of me is KEEPING SCORE as a persons Subconscious RECORDS EVERYTHING that any Human Sensory Ability can detect as well as keeps track of what you wee thinking at a specific time on a specific day in a specific year and if you had to burp within 12.34729 seconds after beginning the thought. TRY THIS EXPERIMENT! On a day you do not go out and get hammered...tell yourself and meditate for a few minutes on a particular time you wish to wake up. If you always keep your clock 5 or 10 minutes fast...think about say...7:35 am while visually looking at that clock then let the clocks alarm go off as you move the visual time on the clock to 7:35 am. Reset it to normal time and go to sleep and say to yourself...I NEED TO WAKE UP TOMORROW AT 7:35 am.

YOU WILL WAKE UP AT 7:35 am the next morning! Make sure you do not set the alarm to go off. In long as exhaustion or Booze or Drugs are not can teach yourself to NEVER NEED AN ALARM CLOCK AGAIN! Most people have a glimpse of this as if you are used to getting up at 7am. Usually...a minute before will wake up...and this is particularly efficient to learn if your alarm clock has a LOUD DISTURBING SOUND that you snap awake and move your arm to shut it off without even a bit of thought.

I am always on BAND TIME...this is usually 12 Noon to 6 AM or 1pm till 7 am....and these are the HOURS I am AWAKE! I sleep 6 hours tops and can sleep longer but my brain grows restless. So....A POST SUCH AS a Good Distraction for me as...besides my fellow Recording Artists, Family Business...HAND PICKED EMPLOYEES as well as keeping my TEAM SAFE in my THIRD JOB...I do not talk much to others unless it is here or on state...where all THREE OF ME...are ALL VERY HAPPY! The Left Hemisphere is happy with the mathematical Precision of the Drumming and Note Playing as well as a PROPER CHORD and a Group of Guy's that can play in 11/9 Timing and STILL know where the upcoming ANTICIPATED BEAT IS! My Right Hemisphere is Happy as we are all Creating something and since I am the Musician/Frontman/Accomplished Singer...I get to make up add on Jams as well as Play Rock Star with a Large Crowd as THIS IS WHERE MY MASSIVE EGO COMES FROM...NECESSITY! My Subconscious is Happy because it gets to stretch it's abilities as far as how much DATA...and in a SENSORY OVERLOAD of LIGHT,SOUND, MUSICAL MATH, OBSERVATION AND COUNTING as well as having to be able to allow me access to every song I ever wrote...even though some Bands now days have Computer Screens with Lyrics scrolling like Karaoke...I REFUSE TO BE WHAT I ABHOR! So...I liked what you wrote as it was fun if not nuts! LOL!
Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by SeesFar

There are so many high functioning Schizophrenics out there who are compliant and who, though sheer diligence and determination, learn to work with their illness and are very, very productive members of society.

It is, imho, one of the greatest misunderstood illnesses in the world. That said, those who suffer and are non-compliant and/or in a break, must be guarded from themselves and the public until they are properly medication and educated.

...whoops...heres where our opinions may potentially part company...

A decent number of the people I mentioned above have been 'unmedicated' for many years.

They don't take any form of medication...aside from a small few who do take natural supplements, vitamins and so forth.

For the most part, those I know who choose to remain unmedicated and still live well and highly productive lives have done so via a number of other methods.
One common method is an embedding of the experience within their lives.
They don't *battle* it as such, rather they have incorporated many of the elements of it into who they and how they function as people.

Some have utilised numerous other therapies and approaches independent of pharmacological interventions.
Heightened awareness, self-awareness, simple 'mindfulness' ala Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for instance.
Many utilise forms of meditation rather than medication to maintain their own equilibrium themselves.

Other approaches such as Voice Dialogue are used by a few I know.
Others have formed an understanding with their voices for one case I know of he literally operates in symbiosis with them...they advise him, encourage him, he converses with them and runs ideas past them, he *sits down* with them and decides with them - by way of vote - his next course of action.
That approach has worked well for that guy for almost 10 years thus far...given he's also the founder of a pretty successful multi-million dollar business here in NZ...

One somewhat humorous happening:
A number of years ago I was involved in monitoring clinical trials of a number of antipsychotic medications such as Clozaril and Quetiapine. Many of the people in the trials were making huge gains in wellness and overall wellbeing and quality of life. I however suspected a good many of them weren't overly compliant with their medication ordered up their blood-levels to check against their recorded assessments...what I discovered was that over 90% of those who had shown such marked improvement had low blood levels indicating lack of full compliance...and in more than a few cases zero blood levels, ie:they weren't even taking it...
Not surprisingly the Drug Cos weren't overly keen to include that impromptu blood level check in their trial data...

One thing I really wish to be clear on here is that medication - or lack thereof - is no guarantee of making or breaking a persons wellness.
Wellness is also not an absence of 'symptoms'.

It pays not to view wellness as any linear continuum type deal...with symptoms/unwellness down one end and no symptoms/wellness at the other end.

Rather...its more like a quadrant type deal...with symptoms yet flourishing in one corner, symptoms and languishing in another symptoms and flourishing in a corner and no symptoms yet languishing in another...
You can certain have all or none, and still be achieveing or not.

...a good place to find info on Psychosis and Schizophrenia, and particularly when it comes to approaches that aren't so medical-medical modelled and far more psycho-social modelled is ISPS - International Society for the Psychological treatments of Schizophrenia and other psychoses (long name I know, hahaha)

Sorry to keep banging on about Psychosis and Schizophrenia...its my main focus in the work I do and have done for the last 18 years. Its my own clinical speciality.
I've been blessed enough to present regularly at Psychosis/Schizophrenia focussed conferences nationally and internationally, develop Relapse Prevention in Psychosis workshops, train other clinicians and Drs around working with and understanding psychosis/schizophrenia...and internationally published in a number of books, medical journals and the like.

Honesty not saying that to show off or anything...its just one of my big passions...

Anyhoo...just wanted to toss in a bit more on it...

edit on 1-8-2012 by alien because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2012 by alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by alien

Very, very interesting information! I don't believe that we necessarily diverge; instead, I believe we've experienced two completely different treatment approaches. I believe it's more a matter of you being in a Country that has explored more options and modalities for the patient and, based on what you've written, it seems your system makes the patient more a part of their own treatment team - that your system actually involves the patient in their own treatment. Here, it's pretty much pharmaceuticals or nothing.

Thanks for the information; i'll be sure to read it.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
boxxy better not go to that hair salon

or outside at all judging by the majority of responses here

poor girl wouldn't last a minute
brfore being shot

Are you suggesting that you know the wearabouts of this girl, so that we could go shoot her if we wanted to?

After watching that I know my finger itched.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:33 AM
Good Day OP...It's now Wednesday. You stated that you go back to work on Tuesday, yesterday, of this week. That you and your Boss were going to file a report on Tuesday. Can we please get an update on what happened. You did get a good many replies on your thread. I would think, there are others besides myself, who are interested.

If I missed, or overlooked an update, I apologize.


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