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Another Gigantic Mothership UFO Photographed Near Sun By NASA

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posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

Originally posted by DrHammondStoat

If you're (the author not the op) are calling something a mothership then you're not looking at it without prejudice.

Agreed! However, I did run across this tidbit in UFO Blogger. I doubt they'd get many readers if they called it a lens flare (we got that covered with NASA and Phage) So....doesn't take a mathematician to do the math
but I do wholeheartedly agree withcha
"Mothership" should be stricken from the UFO dictionary unless someone first- handedly witnessed one.

Why would they call it lens flare or mothership instead of unknown anomaly? Why title your thread as so if you have no idea, here you are spouting off about debunkers and so when in actuality your spewing disinfo yourself.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by DARREN1976

From my understanding, the large spherical object is not an object. It's something that the sun does, much like this in the video below.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by FlySolo

The primary public SDO website provides browse data with a cadence of about 15 minutes. The spacecraft takes images with a much higher cadence. Full cadence (12 seconds) FITS files and available but images at 33 seconds are more readily available in JP2 format.

The "mothership" appears in a single frame. It does not appear in the frame 33 seconds before or the frame 33 seconds afterward.
edit on 7/23/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Learn something new every day.

So - cool tracers on this glitch/object --- it only has 33 seconds to buzz in and out, that makes it gigantic, and extremely fast --- or a glitch.

Still doesn't seem to rule it out, as we don't know how quickly an E.T craft can move.
Would assume that their technology would be pretty advanced to be hanging out with Sol - no?

Well lets put on our thinking caps and explain why if this is a physical object is it next to the sun and not millions of miles away. Why is it that only a handful of members here understand perspective?

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
I thought I'd screen grab this photo (which is included in the original link) to give viewers a better idea of how large this is.
I estimate this being a couple of Jupiter's long.

I have no idea what it is, but a few times the size of Jupiter? That's pretty crazy considering Jupiter isn't far from being a red dwarf star in external dimensions (not mass).

This begs the question, how could anyone possibly build something that large? Wouldn't it's mere presence in our solar system throw things off? How would the structure remain intact, and not implode on itself?

Interesting find, but I can't imagine it being a solid object. It has to be a trick of light.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:43 AM
One of the things that I find extremely interesting in this thread, is the reaction of people who see a video or picture posted and quickly announce: "That is something that is real and there, and it must be HUGE."

I think the majority of the people that do this have a logic that is biased because they start with a conclusion, and then try to make the evidence fit that conclusion.

That's not how investigative work is suppose to happen. You do not assume a conclusion and then make the evidence fit it. You work the evidence to see where it takes you, and then that should be your conclusion.

I've seen statements in this thread such as:

"It's obviously a object that is there because of the light reflecting on it."


"It's obviously a object because it's emitting light."

Other words being tossed around too, such as "Photon Beams" , etc.

Let us take a look at the evidence first. Assume NOTHING. Be objective, instead of subjective. You can believe that the universe is teaming with life (something I subscribe to), but at the same time you can be objective by not assuming that said alien life is visiting us or is in orbit around our sun. Assuming that they are here and around the sun in this case is a subjective opinion or belief.

First, I notice a lot of you use the Helioviewer to look at the sun and what is going on with it.
That is wonderful, and is just like someone who may not own a telescope, but goes out to look at the night sky.

But do you know what it is that you are looking at when you watch the pretty and amazing pictures of our sun when you do use that site?

Here is a web link that will tell you all about the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). What equipment it uses.

The picture that we are presented with by the OP, was taken by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). Which consists of the following:

The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA), led from the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory (LMSAL), provides full-disk imaging of the Sun in ten white light, ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) band passes at high spatial and temporal resolution. The four telescopes that provided the individual light feeds for the instrument were designed and built at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO).[14] Unfortunately, after launch it was discovered that there is a speck of dust on the CCD.

Specifically the AIA takes images in the following electromagnetic spectrum:

White Light (this is the visible spectrum, what we can see with our eyes), 170 nm, 160 nm, 33.5 nm, 30.4 nm, 21.1 nm, 19.3 nm, 17.1 nm, 13.1 nm, and 9.4 nm.

nm = Nanometers

The Visible Spectrum that we see with our eyes is around 390 nm to 750 nm:

So the majority of the pictures the AIA is taking (9 of them) are in the EUV or Extreme Ultraviolet range.

Let us take a look at that. Anyone here can follow a long by going to the Helioviewer link I provided up at the top. For the date, set it to 2012/07/22, then set the time for 14:40:46, then jump down and set the Observatory to SDO, and the Instrument and Detector to AIA. Then you have a list of spectrum you can set. Here is what you'll see:

"94" is the 9.4 nm range taken at 14:41:02:

"131" is the 13.1 nm range taken at 14:40:57:

"171" is the 17.1 nm range taken at 14:40:36:

"193" is the 19.3 nm range taken at 14:40:31:

"211" is the 21.1 nm range taken at 14:40:48:

"304" is the 30.4 nm range taken at 14:40:44:

"335" is the 33.5 nm range taken at 14:40:03:

"1600" is the 160.0 nm range taken at 14:41:05 :

"1700" is the 170.0 nm range taken at 14:40:31:

"4500" is the 450.0 nm range only pic in the visible spectrum of light taken at 15:00:08:

So as you can see each picture was taken at different times, and the "object" is only visible in the 33.5 nm range. The next picture is the 170.0 nm range taken 28 seconds later.

So we have a single picture, of something visible in the EUV part of the spectrum, be we do not know it's distance nor size (remember, 2D pictures with no reference and you can not determine the range or size of the object), nor if there was any motion.

So can we conclude this was a HUGE object near the sun that moved many tens of millions of miles in a 28 second time period.

No. The only thing we can really conclude is that there is a unknown anomaly in that one picture.
Size: unknown
Distance: unknown
Speed: unknown

Anything else is just a leap of "faith" or subjective opinion.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:44 AM
When considering there ARE STARS much larger then SOL why is it hard to then consider the planets near these GIANT stars being GIANTS as well and their manufacturing capabilities being massive or on a scale not imaginable on an EA*RTH scale... I dont know if this is REAL or not but it IS possible to have craft this massive in this universe.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:59 AM
I dont understand one thing here.... If NASA covers things up, and airbrushes the moon.. how come they present pictures of spacecraft the size of Jupitar to the public? Whats more intimidating, the moon and a couple bases... or a spacecraft 5-10x the size of Earth?

My only logical conclusion about the Sun "anomolies" from NASA is their agenda.. make everyone belive aliens are here and coming, we cant stop them from invasion, then BAM, project blue beam underway.. hundreds of millions of people going crazzaay thinking alien craft are going to abduct them.. its just hologram. Basically I'm saying these pictures are fakes. NASA is putting them in there on purpose because of sites like ATS and members like Human_Alien who take this stuff and publicise it more for NASA, making more beleif there is a potential alien threat near our SUPER-ACTIVE Sun which could explode a storm anytime.

NASA doesnt give the sweet stuff. They hide and lie while dancing behind the curtain of the public, keeping all the good stuff to themselves. If this were REAL (quoting) "mothership", it would be airbrushed and all the public would see is pictures of the Sun in green, blue, red etc.. We cant even see bases on the MOON. Why would they present a ship that couldnt even park on the moon?

Think about it people... rally up the minds and psyche of the general public, using the conspiracy theorists to amplify that.. and strike them with fear when they least expect it (project Blue Beam). Your crazy if you think NASA is giving you a sweet taste of Extraterrestrials

My thoughts on these Sun anomalies.. if not that, the ring makers of Saturn are on they're next phase in the Soalr System.

~ Love is an art

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:59 AM
It's a chinese shower head!!!

Just kidding, S&F for a very intriguing image! If it's an alien ship then they probably use our solar system as a refueling station: energy from the sun, water, food and slaves from our planet.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by eriktheawful

Here are some videos that show objects purportedly near the Sun, and you can see when there is a flare or CME the objects get obscured by them, giving you a reference point as to where the objects are - right above the surface of the Sun.

There are many clear examples in this video of objects being obscured by CME's, one good example is at 1:08 minutes into the video:

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:03 AM
From the raw AIA 335 images here, at 14:40:27, there's nothing there:

Then at 14:41:03 (36 seconds later) the splotch is there:

Then at 14:41:39 (another 36 seconds later), the splotch is gone:

It does not show up in the AIA 94 image taken at 14:41:02 (1 second before), the AIA 131 image taken at 14:40:57 (6 seconds before), the AIA 171 image taken at 14:41:12 (9 seconds after), the AIA 193 image taken at 14:41:07 (4 seconds after), the AIA 211 image taken at 14:40:48 (15 seconds before), the AIA 305 image taken at 14:41:20 (17 seconds after), the AIA 1600 image taken at 14:41:05 (2 seconds after), or the AIA 1700 image taken at 14:41:19 (16 seconds after), or any other images around those times. In other words, it shows up in 1 image at 1 wavelength. What's more likely, a glitch? Or an object close to the sun that's only visible at 1 wavelength and moving fast enough to only be caught in 1 frame over a 72-second period?

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend

Originally posted by Human_Alien
I thought I'd screen grab this photo (which is included in the original link) to give viewers a better idea of how large this is.
I estimate this being a couple of Jupiter's long.

I have no idea what it is, but a few times the size of Jupiter? That's pretty crazy considering Jupiter isn't far from being a red dwarf star in external dimensions (not mass).

This begs the question, how could anyone possibly build something that large? Wouldn't it's mere presence in our solar system throw things off? How would the structure remain intact, and not implode on itself?

Interesting find, but I can't imagine it being a solid object. It has to be a trick of light.

There are stars found million X's the size of Sol. Imagine the size of those planets, which must be hundred X's bigger then our Sol... thats millions of times larger then Earth. With this logic, the dominate beings inhabiting these planets will be at least 5x larger then human kind.. with MUCH room to manufacture ships the size of tiny planets. If you understand how tiny this solar system is, and how small our minds are compared to other star systems and other beings in the MULTI-universes.. it starts to make sense

A craft travelling through space would need its own gravity and atmosphere.. or it would be "pulling" mass with it as it cruises the galaxies. So your imploding and disturbing our Solar system comment is written off. Beings 5X the size of humans, have 5X the brain capacity, and Im sure where they come from their minds are raped by media and destruction.. or they would never evolve, kind of like humans lol. So this really isnt that "far out there" when one has a logical-open mind. Of course I do not know any races out there, Im stuck on the same "kept in the dark" planet as you my friend. But our minds think and work differently

~ Love is an art

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
When considering there ARE STARS much larger then SOL why is it hard to then consider the planets near these GIANT stars being GIANTS as well and their manufacturing capabilities being massive or on a scale not imaginable on an EA*RTH scale... I dont know if this is REAL or not but it IS possible to have craft this massive in this universe.

Because: you have no way to prove that what we are seeing is in fact near the sun. At all.

Look at the moon. How big is it? 1,738 km.
Look at the sun. How big is it? 1,392,000 km.

Yet, because the moon is at the distance it is from us, and the sun is at the distance it is from us, they look almost the same size.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:12 AM
i believe that there are aliens and things of that nature. the universe is waaaaay to big for only human life to only exist. I don't believe that aliens fly ships through different countries on earth, cause why come here when there are millions of other planets to travel too?

i do believe this picture though. I would understand seeing a ship somewhere else where us humans wouldn't travel to.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Nice video.

Too bad it isn't one of the sun taken on July 22, 2012 at 14:40:00 for the next 5 minutes, in the 33.5 nm bandwidth.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by eriktheawful

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
When considering there ARE STARS much larger then SOL why is it hard to then consider the planets near these GIANT stars being GIANTS as well and their manufacturing capabilities being massive or on a scale not imaginable on an EA*RTH scale... I dont know if this is REAL or not but it IS possible to have craft this massive in this universe.

Because: you have no way to prove that what we are seeing is in fact near the sun. At all.

Look at the moon. How big is it? 1,738 km.
Look at the sun. How big is it? 1,392,000 km.

Yet, because the moon is at the distance it is from us, and the sun is at the distance it is from us, they look almost the same size.

Im actually surprised that when one of our visible planets are visually near the moon someone hasnt started a thread screaming the moons going crash into Venus or whatever

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:48 AM
Personally, I have no idea what it's.

The experts usually say it's a camera artifact or a known object like Venus or Mercury.

I usually go with the experts and say that's what it's.

Sometimes they're perfectly right and other times they're just being practical. When they're perfectly right they nail it and you can see yourself that they're right. In those cases, there's no margin for error. But if there's a good chance it's a camera artifact then we'll go with that explanation, not ET. Because lets be honest, if something is unidentified then it could be the flying spaghetti monster. It could be anything. And anything isn't a good explanation, see? It needs some evidence first.

But I still don't KNOW what it's. See, I have faith in experts

edit on 24-7-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Very Interesting. Straight lines, horizontal, vertical lines, parallel lines, cannot be explained by random formations of nature.

For future reference, always include the original photo and site or agency who took the photo, so viewers can go to the source, and play around zooming in and out, and other techniques with the original source. To quell any talk of forgery.

Maybe someone up there is tapping the energy from our sun. Or another quite freakish possibility, maybe this is a space station for sun beings, maybe there is life on the surface of the sun that we cannot begin to comprehend because they live in a different form.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:58 AM
I don't see why people persist in speculating about these less-than-spectacular 'blips' that may or may not be anything from 'noise' to a immanent alien invasion, compete with anal probes.

Does it make a tangible difference to us, whatever these image anomalies are? Can we do anything about it?

So, why bother?

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by davolobos

Now that would be weird.

But we can probably safely rule that out given the data we have. I think.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

You say the larger the planet the larger the being, while others claim the extra gravity would result in smaller beings.

Exoskeletal animals on earth can not grow large on land. They are too heavy to move. In water they grow larger. Water has less gravity due to buoyancy. The lower the gravity, the larger or more massive a being can grow. More gravity = less size or mass.

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