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I get sleep paralysis and see people in my room

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posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:08 PM
I already posted most of this as a reply to another thread, but I'll make a new thread because I'm hoping to find some information or hear some other peoples' stories about sleep paralysis

I get sleep paralysis, and I had it for the first time in a while two nights ago. I was about to fall asleep, and out of nowhere I "heard" the words "behind you." I didn't actually hear the words, it was in my head, but it was very clear and had nothing to do with what I was thinking at the time. So I opened my eyes and rolled over to check the room, and didn't say anything.

About fifteen minutes later, just as I fell asleep, I started feeling like my sheets were being pulled off of me. I opened my eyes, but having sleep paralysis I was unable to move so I just concentrated on waking myself up fully so I could function. If you've never had sleep paralysis, it is when you wake up but your body is still limp, so when you try to move it feels like your limbs are locked in place. Sometimes this is accompanied with visions, and with me it usually is. When I opened my eyes I saw a whitish-blue outline of a man's face right in front of me, like a ghost. When I fully woke up and was able to move, my room was back to normal. Right before I woke up to this, I was having a great dream that I was snowboarding in outer space, jumping off planets.

Here's a short description with my sleep paralysis experiences. The first time it was bad, I saw a woman's face right in front of me smiling. I had never experienced this before so I was freaking out and the second I gained control of my body I punched at the face, instead hitting my computer that I had fallen asleep using. A few other times I've woken up seeing bodies floating above me. Ive only seen things like that probably about 5 times, no more than ten. Another time, I felt like I was sinking into my bed like quicksand and felt like I was suffocating

This time was also the first time Ive had sleep paralysis while laying on my side. I rarely sleep on my back, and I stopped doing it completely when I noticed I only get sleep paralysis when I'm sleeping on my back. Not any more, I guess.

If anyone has any information on sleep paralysis or visions like that, I would greatly appreciate it because it's very confusing, and usually scary.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:16 PM
lol everytime i get sleep paralysis i close my eyes and then jerk myself out of it. the hallucinations(if they are hallucinations) can be pretty scary
edit on 22-7-2012 by biggmoneyme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by lldd182

I only had it once when I was eight years old. I thought people were holding me down and I was extremely scared. I thought it was a ghost or something holding me down but I did not see anything except my dark room. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I was then able to move. I have never been so scared in my life.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by lldd182

Next time this happens, ask if they are from above or below, in separate questions. You probably won't be able to hear them, but look at them shake their head yes or no. Always remember, to show no fear.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by jhill76

Ok. Have you ever done that? That reminds me about something Terrence McKenna said about '___' and communicating with "spirits" that you can see when you're on certain drugs. He said never show fear.

And I have actually gotten to a point where I'm not very scared, because I can convince myself it's not real even though I'm not sure. But the time when I punched my computer and saw a womans face, I had a very strong feeling that she was bad, because of her evil smile and just the feelings I was getting. This most recent time, I'm not sure. It looked completely different, like a semi-pudgy guy, and instead of a real face it was a glowing outline like a ghost, but I wasn't scared of it. I was just scared that it might do something to me, if that makes sense.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by lldd182

Ok. Have you ever done that?


I had a very strong feeling that she was bad, because of her evil smile and just the feelings I was getting.

Was it a smirk and a smile mixed together?

I was just scared that it might do something to me, if that makes sense.

They will not touch you, as you are not marked.
edit on 22-7-2012 by jhill76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by jhill76

Yea, I guess it was a smirk/smile. And would you please explain being "marked"? I dont get what you're talking about

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by lldd182
reply to post by jhill76

Yea, I guess it was a smirk/smile. And would you please explain being "marked"? I dont get what you're talking about

It was from below, you do not even have to ask that question. Being marked means being taken on their side. They are around you, because you are still on the fence in life.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by lldd182

I have sleep paralysis regularly. I used to have it like once a week, but now I am down to once every month or so.
When I have it the experience is generally the same every time. I can't move and I feel a malevolent force nearby. I never see it, but I sense that it is human like at least in it's shape. It is always "standing" just out of my peripheral vision or is about to "burst" through the door perpetually. Like if the sleep paralysis is a minute long every second it feels like whatever the thing is is coming through the door, but it never happens. It's just always about to happen.

Maybe I don't have much of an imagination and that's why i don't see things like other people. I don't know. I just know it sucks and it's terrifying. I don't sleep on my back because of it. Also to get out I focus all my energy on moving one limb and when i finally make the movement I snap out of it.

What I am curious to know is if anyone has every witnessed someone having sleep paralysis? We saw my brother having it while sleeping in the car on a long drive. He was grunting and when he finally jerked to he said he was trying to get our attention and he could see us looking at him and hear us talking.

Edit: Oh also one of the first times I had it I had my one and only out of bodies. I don't know if they are real still though. I mean I don't know if say, i was actually seeing the room from about or dreaming it, but I remember having conscious thought and thinking my parents were going to find me dead. I started floating out of the room to the doorway like I was on a track or something. However I don't know if it was just my mind or if say i saw something I wouldn't have known about if I wasn't "up there" haha. I don't really buy into OBE's which is funny since I suppose I've had one.

Also, another time I had sleep paralysis in a chair sitting up at work and I felt the same old malevolent thing, but I heard weird noises like people talking on a tape that was warbled, slowed down, and manipulated. Like recording tricks. It was weird.
edit on 22-7-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

What I am curious to know is if anyone has every witnessed someone having sleep paralysis?

Yes. I saw someone and their eyes were wide awake, but they could not move. They were speaking, but no audible words. Fear was widespread on the face.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:46 PM
I have had one episode of Sleep paralysis in my life, it was brought on by me trying to Lucid dream with Binaural beats.

I saw a blinding white light, and loud noise like a vibration, I could not move, and I heard talking.

It was rather frightening, It felt like what I imagine the start of an Abduction experience.

I was panicking and I kept trying to wake up...

The strange thing was I snapped out of it the instant I said a prayer...

Lead me to a whole new perspective on the "abduction" phenomenon.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:48 PM
I swear,I thought I was the only one.I have had similar experiences to what you described,but no one I have ever confided in has admitted to having these episodes.I have not had one recently since I began taking melatonin to help me sleep.Don't know if there is a connection or not.When I have had these episodes in the past,there was never any sounds or dialogue that I recall,only these disembodied heads floating around me,and a very intense feeling of helplessness.As if these entities were somehow malevolent.I usually wake up suddenly and violently,screaming and thrashing about.I have broken windows and lamps and even an alarm clock with my thrashing about.I once,when I was a teenager,woke up from one of these episodes and began punching my headboard so hard I broke two fingers.A few times I have awoke with a feeling of such utter despair that I began crying.I have told very few people of these occurences due to fear of ridicule.I have no clue as to the meaning,if any.As I stated,since beginning to take melatonin I no longer have these episodes of sleep paralysis,although I have experienced the most vivid dreams ever,as mentioned in another thread.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by jhill76

on the fence of what? good and evil? like i'm about to die? please explain, I don't know why you're being so cryptic but what you're saying is interesting

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by lldd182
reply to post by jhill76

on the fence of what? good and evil? like i'm about to die? please explain, I don't know why you're being so cryptic but what you're saying is interesting

Yes, good and evil. No, you are not about to die, as it is not your time yet.

*If I give more, I give too much, thus why I weigh my words.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by benrl

Yes, I forgot about that noise. When I thought I was being sucked into my bed, I could hear a pretty loud buzzing/vibrating noise pulsating, and that's what woke me up in the first place.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by jhill76

So how do you know these things?

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by lldd182
reply to post by jhill76

So how do you know these things?

I will need to private message you, that answer is not for the main boards.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:55 PM
I've had it a few times.

First one I felt like I was being electrocuted.

Second one I felt like I was being sucked out my body but then I woke up. Maybe that's what people think astrally projecting is and then they go in a phase of semi-sleep state and dream?

The third was creepier, I felt like people were dragging their fingers down my back and heard whispering.

It always happens to me when I have a hard time falling asleep.

edit on 22-7-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by benrl

I have an ex that described almost the same thing staying at a friends house out in the woods. She still gets weirded out and actually wont talk about it to this day and thinks it was an alien/abduction thing. She is not the kind of girl that is into aliens or spirituality or alternative ideas/conspiracy theories or anythings. I know that from dating her for two years (i myself don't believe in UFOs or alien visitation either).

Anyway she said she was laying down in bed/sleeping and there was a bright light and the house started shaking/vibrating and then I can't remember anything else, but there wasn't much more (no crazy alien details) so I assume she felt a sleep paralysis entity and put it all together in her mind as aliens haha. I tried to tell her she probably had S.A. but she didn't want to talk about it.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by lldd182

Yes, I forgot about that noise. When I thought I was being sucked into my bed, I could hear a pretty loud buzzing/vibrating noise pulsating, and that's what woke me up in the first place.

Yep, the vibration was the clearest thing in the experience, and me saying "no no no" over again, when I prayed, I heard clear as day "HE SAID NO!" and it instantly stopped.

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