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TechUnique has seen the light

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posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by PurpleChiten

g,day mate. well put. may i add to your thoughts. religion=man searching for God. christianity=God calling out to man.... i am not saying all churches claiming to be chirstian are.... discernment...... might have been one of the words you were looking for. mate, i have a little book that has been very helpful to me at many different times called.... scripture keys for kingdom living. compiled by a lady called june newman davis. it is what it says, scripture keys relating to many of lifes situations we find ourselves in. might be worth a look see

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
this appears how Jesus came to value god as "Abba", or "Daddy", which is the term for Enki, the creator god for the NT.

"Enki and Enlil were names made up by Sacharia Sitchen. Don't believe everything you read.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique

Originally posted by paradisepurple

Originally posted by TechUnique

Originally posted by paradisepurple

So Tech, I'm not sure how your religion works for you but if you are now convinced of God's presence then does that mean that you believe the story of Adam & Eve and so on?

Or is your new-found belief in more of a spiritual sense?

I will never take anything and everything in the bible(s) at face value as I am very skeptical about the origins of all Holy Books.

Saying that I am very interested in reading the bible, just haven't got round to it yet been meaning to for years and especially over the past few months of which my faith has grown exponentially!
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

So what exactly do you believe in? I mean, what's your faith grounded on?
edit on 21-7-2012 by paradisepurple because: Sp.

I believe that Christ died for our sins and that he walks with me through my trials and tribulations giving me strength and faith in god. In a nutshell

Good stuff, Good stuff.... Welcome to the Fam.... Couldn't have picked a better one!

So many ppl are experts (not necessarily you, the ATS reader reading this now) of picking apart people's beliefs and examining them. But they really don't have any better alternative belief system to present to you. Kinda sad
edit on 22/7/2012 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

edit on 22/7/2012 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:10 PM
Op I won't dig or have a go... or troll or anything like that...

But I will ask, why limit your divine experiences to being both God and Jesus?

When it could be yourself tuning into the universe and becoming aware of the signs?

You even said yourself you haven't read the bible, so why bother reading old news? If you are tapped into this divine communication, simply allow it to happen, without limitation, or label. Simply trust it, know it, believe it. And not put it in a box, with a label to be backed or attacked by any group. For there is truth in everything... hidden between the lies... and of course there are lies, hidden between the truths.

The Christians believe hell is fiery pit of torture and punishment... as one poster said, what father would allow such a fate to their child? Where as the Buddhists believe Earth, this place we stand upon now, is hell... and that we need to break the karmic cycle that keeps allowing us to be reborn time and time again.

I shared what I believe before, its not religious in any sense... and I believe we spring from a creative source, and its to that creative source we return upon the end of our days. We experience hell and heaven (for want of better words) throughout our lives. These build up our perspectives and understandings. And really the lessons we learn on our travels through life are far bigger than what can be read/taught in the books of men.

The truth is... whatever you believe is right for you, for where you are now, in your lifes/souls journey. You have your own free will to follow whichever path feels right. And perhaps all those of religious persuasions, should realize that is true for everyone else also... The path comes, when the journeyman is ready to take their first step and not because someone pushes them onto a path.


posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by MarkJS
So many ppl are experts (not necessarily you, the ATS reader reading this now) of picking apart people's beliefs and examining them. But they really don't have any better alternative belief system to present to you. Kinda sad

Actually it's hilarious!

Here we find the simplicity of God's love on the far side of complexity, for some of us a rather hard fought struggle, to find, and when we find it, and share it boldly, we get the catcalls from the stands, but what's amuzing is the level of ignorance that accompanies them, things like "the Bible's just a bunch of man made fairy tails" when they've never really read the Bible, or, "God is evil" without knowing the first thing about the true meaning and significance of Jesus' great work, and if that doesn't work, they might go after us for the J in the name, Jesus, pointing out that there were no such letters in Hebrew or Aramaic at the time of Jesus, and when all else fails they'll play a clip of Zeitgeist in an effort to show that Jesus himself is nothing but a myth, without even having looked for him in the gospels, or even having read the gospels through and through! It's funny!
Sad and pathetic perhaps, when you consider their ill informed presuppositions filled with contemptous bias prior TO investigation, which is a surefire way to keep a person in everlasting ignorance (Herbert Spencer, paraphrased), but humorous, in the light of understanding and realization, even for many of us, gnosis (the knowledge of experience), which is the very height of reason!

They themselves are bashing something that to them exists in the realm or domain of the unknown unknown which for us has become or is in the process of becoming a known unknown, or something very mysterious yet that nevertheless can and has communicated to us his intentionality of a love capable of altogether transcending the sorrows and sufferings of life without ignoring them or trying to escape from it.

So here we have the divine principal embodied in an indestructable universal love for humanity, and that's all the naysayers have to offer, in reply?! Are you kidding me, it's comedy at its finest, when placed in the larger and appropriate context.

It's very absurd, and there's a humor in it which transends the natural reaction and inclination to feel somehow hurt by it, and also a compassion, which moves, from us, to those who are in willful ignorance, so not only should we not feel hurt, or sad, but deeply compassionate towards such people, many of whom are up in arms simply because we are dealing in something that they simply do not and cannot understand for the life of them, where we fear what we do not understand.

Theirs is the easier, softer way.

Ours is the way of truth and life, and many of them know it, but they don't know why, and what disturbs them I think, and understandably so, is that neither do we seem to understand that which we "believe", so it get's even funnier as we all do this little dance, while the light of objective truth records every single facet of our every human interaction, each to a one, including our own in relation to ourselves.

Best Regards,


edit on 22-7-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:43 PM
So absurd to see a human thinking he knows something about the god(s). The only thing you know is that you feel.

You might know about things lower than you are, but seeing the higher ups is kind of like trying to see through the cannot understand things on a higher level, if you can even imagine what they are like in the first place.

The fact that you have been influenced by a book that has influenced billions of other people tells me you probably are more lost than close to finding any 'spiritual truths.'

Nice way to raise yourself on a pedestal though. You surely feel better about yourself, but that is all I can conclude for certain.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by daynight42

You know there is a saying along the lines of "your character shouts so loudly that I can't hear what you're saying".

You CAN read the heart of a person in these threads.

So you'll shoot this guy down here, and then there say that darkness is as important as the light!


But it's fear, in that blindspot, that's what comes through in the eyes of the beholder, an edge, a subtle hatred for one's fellow man, even towards the prospect of the love of Christ which is all good and all loving.

It's plainly obvious, and what we say says WAY more about us than the other guy.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Well put.

You are right, in that people do the knee-jerk reaction when they encounter someone that doesn't conform to their image of how a person should act in various situations. It baffles, confounds, and disturbs them... and like you said, they really don't know why, or have a way to get an intelligent answer to their question.

Actually they do... It's so very simple. All they have to do is go to the source (the God of the Universe/Multiverse... they should not accept any cheap imitation) and: "Ask God" sincerely / heartfelt... something like: "What's up?", or "How do I get to know you better?", or try: "Can you please let me know what's going on with _______" -fill in the blank. Preconceived conclusions will send a person to hell. An open mind, esp. when it comes to God... can be a lifesaver.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by MarkJS

There are many many people here on ATS with minds like balls of steel, firmly closed. I'm not saying they're going to hell, I can't accept that, but where they sit, right now, because no new information or new possibilities exist for them, it could be said about them that "that's it that's all she wrote".. a kind of horrifying prospect in and of itself.

edit on 22-7-2012 by NewAgeMan because: word error

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by daynight42

Ah yes... You are acting just like what I described.... Someone who wants to pick apart and deauthenticate (just made that word up)... But what is your great alternative that you live by? Please describe.
ETA: saw on google about 10 occurrences for 'deauthenticate'... so it's not originally mine. no probs.

edit on 22/7/2012 by MarkJS because: eta

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
this appears how Jesus came to value god as "Abba", or "Daddy", which is the term for Enki, the creator god for the NT.

"Enki and Enlil were names made up by Sacharia Sitchen. Don't believe everything you read.

Utter Nonsense, they are translations from the Sumerian Texts.

If you wanna play that game then every word of the Bible was made up by someone, as every bit is a translation.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

I don't think in the history of the world that anyone, other than Sitchen, has mentioned those names, he's the sole source.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:17 PM

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique

I got to where I am through divine intervention. How can I explain to you properly MY PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God? And the very personal and intimate details that lead me to my current train of thought?

My faith is personal not religious.

That is one of the reasons why your questions are hard for me to answer. I have read the bible before I just haven't stuck at it and read the whole thing. Nowhere near the whole thing. But I've been shown plenty of bits from the Bible and I've had god speak to me through other people and I've witnessed things you obviously couldn't contemplate otherwise you would have a much different attitude.

It is so hard for me to jot down some of my divine experiences in word. Not only that but I feel that a lot of it is so personal and intimate that at least some of it should be kept to ourselves.

EDIT TO ADD: OH and by the way, I used to follow a very similar train of thought that you portray in this thread. Don't think I haven't denied Christianity before based on APPARENT history. I have looked into the Sumerian's & Babylonians to at least some degree. Especially in regards to extra terrestrials, sky gods and biblical stories.

Have you ever thought that these extra terrestrials could be heavily influencing how most people perceive history? In order to keep us from something?

If they used to enslave us then whats to stop them doing this?......

We, it is rather interesting you came to you position by not reading much of the Bible and you don't seem to quote much of it.

The Sumerian gods were all about colonization of the planet for gold and being in control of things. Their DNA traits were those of jealousy for each other, thus all these tests for loyalty to Yahweh.

Nimrod had a good deal of the Annunaki blood and DNA, and he was considered the tyrant type and had to have his Blue Tower to compete with god. Nimrod declaired he was god, in the same sense as the Annunaki.

So, this alien tendency for jealously, power, control, fortune still appears to exist in most people. Some control it and others turn into tyrants. Just as Bible culture tells that Jesus lives in each of us, via the same convention the creator gods live in us via DNA.

If you ever read the Bible you will find it omits a lot that would make things more clear, because those in control of the content want a mystery to gather a following. This following a plan just like those that followed the Annunaki gods.

The church still wants to exert the same power and control over the masses as the Annunaki Sumerian gods tried to use. So, they do limit the knowledge to control how people perceive history. The Churches used to execute people or burn them at the stake over this need for power and control and playing god.

Has the church not enslaved many to a large degree by not allowing the fuller knowledge to set you free, as the CIA's motto tells.

Are not the very same games of the Annunaki gods and Nimrod being played by the organized churches to claim they know god or Jesus as god, but holding a huge library out of the public's view. Didn't the Catholic church run around burning every text that was not the Bible teaching to keep people from knowing the story of the Annunaki in Sumeria?

Isn't the Bible all about these Annunaki gods, but the organized churches withhold that bit of information to keep you following them and looking to solve the mystery of god and religion.

What stops them from doing this to lots of people is to toss out the truth that sets people free.

There is nothing wrong with teaching the Annunaki issues of Sumeria, but the churches withold the story.

And yes I do notice this:

Have you ever thought that these extra terrestrials could be heavily influencing how most people perceive history? In order to keep us from something?

If they used to enslave us then whats to stop them doing this?......

And I call this the process of the organized churches, because they learned the ways of the colonizing Sumerian Creator gods. And the church is nothing more than another Empire Colonization plan patterned after the Sumerian gods ways.

But you seem to be separate of the organized church, so you say in some fashion, for various reasons you can't explain or give details.

However, it is good to hear that you have, in part, read the Sumerian and Babylon info in some degree, but I don't really know how you avoided the conclusion of the organized churches carring on the games of the Creator gods for their own net interests.

The Churches seem to think humans need some god theme to scare them into doing right, but others maintain this is an inborn trait to be benevolent toward others and provide proper stewardship of Earth's history and resources. Most learn these high concepts of Moral Compass from a nurturing mother's teachings and a stern father's limits upon rearing the children. These concepts get passed down generation after generation in many families. It fails many times in broken homes, homes that abuse via drugs and alcohol, but other stand into to teach what is the moral compass. This comes in the inner voice from a proper conscious ego that learned these values best from a loving home's moral compass. I am not sure your inner voice is this or some other concept like personal or collective subconscious DNA derived traits in all of us. TV used to teach moral compass via shows like Andy Griffith, but these cinema methods tend to loose these methods these days.

The Organized Church thinks they do that via withholding information and denail of the inborn goodness in all people treated to the truth and treated fairly. The Oraganized Churches ability to teach moral compass appears to have failed with the sex abuses, this need to limit knowledge, and this need to get more money by selling the mystery.

edit on 22-7-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Finding the benevolence in humanity and cultivating that for stewardship of the world and beyond.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

There is one contingency that that the evil of this world can't contend with and that is the one that has led and steered this man to his beliefs and that is the holy spirit.
No matter how murky the waters become if a man has the ears to hear he will not be eternally deceived.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Hey bud, just wanted some clarification on where you stand, are you religious? or a self believer? Do you follow a book as such?

Reason is this quote;

Ours is the way of truth and life, and many of them know it, but they don't know why, and what disturbs them I think, and understandably so, is that neither do we seem to understand that which we "believe", so it get's even funnier as we all do this little dance, while the light of objective truth records every single facet of our every human interaction, each to a one, including our own in relation to ourselves.

The truth is different to different people, and therefore is never the truth. My truth will be accepted by myself and others, but not by all, and therefore all others truths will never be accepted by me. That is a way of my life, as it is the way of others lives.

I don't really disagree with your quote, I would simply change the start to "Mine" is a way of truth and life... as my truth is different from those of others and vice versa - none of us have proof we can present and instead get bogged down in division and separation instead of celebrating points of unity!


posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Akragon

Christ is found on every page. That's where the "searching" comes in. Example.. tell me what the significance was of God making skins to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness. Did He just feel like leather was more durable than fig leaves?

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Every page..

Lol ok... Try to convince yourself of that... Ain't gonna work with me...

He is barely mentioned in the OT...

And i don't care about adam and eve, or what they wore... Did you miss the "useless info" remark?

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by deadeyedick

I love POD.
They are a testament to the fact that believers are fully capable of ROCKIN' OUT, but with a positive spin on the message of their songs.
When I read the OP, I started humming this song because I imagined that was probably what TechUnique felt like posting this thread.

Here are the lyrics:

Everyday is a new day
I'm thankful for Every breath I take
I won't take you for granted
So I learn from my mistakes
It's beyond my control
Sometimes it's best to let go
Whatever happens In this lifetime
So I trust in love
You have given me Peace of mind

I, I feel so alive
For the very first time
I can't deny you
I feel so alive
I feel so alive
For the very first time
And I think I can fly

Sunshine upon my face
A new song for me to sing
Tell the world How I feel inside
Even though it might Cost me everything
Now that I know this
So beyond, I can't hold this
I can never Turn my back away
Now that I've seen you I can never look away

Now that I know you
I could never Turn my back away
Now that I see you
I could never look away
Now that I know you
I could never Turn my back away
Now that I see you
I believe no matter What they say!

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by MagnumOpus

I don't think in the history of the world that anyone, other than Sitchen, has mentioned those names, he's the sole source.

It appears that you are not well read, else this Wiki page on Enki would have at least one reference to Sitchen:

Enki ( /ˈɛŋki/) or Enkil (Sumerian: dEN.KI(G)𒂗𒆠) is a god in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology. He was originally patron god of the city of Eridu, but later the influence of his cult spread throughout Mesopotamia and to the Canaanites, Hittites and Hurrians. He was the deity of crafts (gašam); mischief; water, seawater, lakewater (a, aba, ab), intelligence (gestú, literally "ear") and creation (Nudimmud: nu, likeness, dim mud, make bear). He was associated with the southern band of constellations called stars of Ea, but also with the constellation AŠ-IKU, the Field (Square of Pegasus).[1] Beginning around the second millennium BCE, he was sometimes referred to in writing by the numeric ideogram for "40," occasionally referred to as his "sacred number."[2][3][4]

It does speak to the translations and orgins for the term Enki and how it stems from the Sumerian Language.

It appears lots of people speak to the term Enki, as well as connect his later reference names to the original.

It appears that you insist on blundering again, as massively so.

edit on 23-7-2012 by MagnumOpus because: The Massive Blunders of religion

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