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The Conspiracy of Religion

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posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:51 AM
I don't believe in 'God' the Christian concept. I don't believe in some man named YHWH that created the whole Universe, and wants us to worship him so much he sent some extra-special man to take away all of our sins, so long as we bow down and kiss his feet, submitting to be his slaves/property, we will be granted eternal life. I think that is complete and total BS.

Now what I do think: That the Universe was and is what people would like to call God, the source of infinite consciousness. We are all consciousness, one is all, and all is one. I do not think that it wants our worship or any stupid nonsense like that, worship is for tyrants. The whole free will, but if you choose differently than I say, you get punished, is complete BS. That defeats the whole purpose of 'Free Will', it ain't Free if someone is forcing your hand or decisions through threats. This sounds more and more like something 'Satan' would do.
There is life throughout the Galaxy, but we were not directly, and I say this loosely, "God's" creation. We are in the sense that all exists out of the infinite consciousness and is inter-connected. However, as for the beings of this planet; I truly believe that we were created by the others beings who became the Pantheons of Gods for various groups and cultures.

At some point, and I'm in favor of the Enki and Enlil bit of Sumeria, there were two people fighting for control of our destiny. One was our progenitor, or the being who created the Human race, and the other was the one who was trying to enslave us. I am deeply into matters of the Spiritual or Third Eye, and the Bible has mentioned this on 3 separate occasions..The first time actually being mentioned by Lucifer in the Garden of Eden. He actually told Adam and Eve if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge(7 Chakra centers in the body) of Good and Evil (Good and Evil representing Duality), that their eye would be opened and they would be like God. That is a huge mistranslation in the KJV, because he indeed said 'Eye' not eyes.. When we were told about the Tree of Life and of Knowledge of Duality, we had been put on an equal level with they, what we now term angels, which the bad being( I will dub Satan for all intensive purposes of keeping things easy to digest), did not like. This is nearly identical to what I heard in Church as a young one about why Satan was jealous of Adam. He did not think that Adam should be considered equal to he, for he existed before his creation. So what did he do? He turned against the Creator of Man, and branded him a liar and the devil.

That is why Lucifer being the light bearer makes nothing but absolute sense. Lucifer really was God, and whoever the real Satan is swapped places with him and took over. Exactly like the Bible says he would. This is also why I believe that Freemasonry has been so demonized as well as the Knights Templar. They have held the information over from since Atlantis. The triptych architecture encoded into monuments from ancient cultures around the world, was adopted by the Freemasons, and used to encode Modern-Day Cathedrals. That is what the pillars Jachin and Boaz represent and why they were used in the building of King Solomon's temple. They represent the towers of the sun and moon, masculinity and femininity, duality, etc. The steeple in between the two represents the balance of both into the third. That's why the middle entrance is always the biggest.

The practice of Spirituality involving the Third-Eye has existed since Atlantis, who also encoded Pyramids and Triptych entrances, which is where it got passed on down to the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Mayans, Indonesians, and etc. This is where the source of Buddhism and Hinduism originated from. There were Swastikas everywhere around the world in ancient times which goes back to representing this same thing, the balance of your duality or Ida/Pingala energies. The Swastika was a combination of two separate symbols. The Fall of Man, was when the Atlanteans started becoming more and more greedy & materialistic. They lost their touch within themselves. The more you attach yourself into materialism, the more you separate yourself from what is beyond.

When Atlantis sank, this was the Fall of Man, from here they spread out from their home in the Atlantic Ocean stretching from the Bahamas, to Scotland, Ireland, and the British Isles. The remaining survivors fled to Egypt, India( who became known as the Indo-Aryans).. This is where Hitler also got the Aryan supremacy and stole the Swastika, and reversed it to mean evil. From here they passed on their knowledge of the Eye to the Priests of the Mystery Schools, who in turn handed it down to the philosophers and what became known as the Knights Templars and Freemasons, Shriners, etc.

This is why they put out the disinfo about them all worshipping Satan. They don't.

edit on 21-7-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:53 AM
They want everybody to think that they do, so that they become discouraged to learn that particular knowledge. It was the Roman Catholic Church that convicted the Knights Templar of Satanism! You can be sure that anything they condemn is exactly the opposite of what they say it is. They are the one who controls the Bible; which is exactly why they would say this knowledge is "Of the Devil."

Jacob mentioned seeing God on the Isle of Peniel, which is a corrupted spelling of Pineal. This gland in your brain is surrounded by brain fluid on all sides making it just like an island. Genesis 32;30.

Matthew 4:6 is even in my signature. These are ALL clearly referencing the third eye. Matthew 4:6 was a quote from Jesus. Jesus is Lucifer, but Lucifer is not Satan. It has been posited many times that Yeshua spent time in India, which is where he would have decided upon the name of Christ, which comes from the Greek Christos, which again is derived from Krista, the name used in prayers to Krishna. When they crucified him for preaching to people the way; which is not submitting to God, and falling into worship, they changed everything to give 'Satan' the advantage. They used Jesus as a means to push their agenda and enslaved everybody. Religion lays down the laws for your afterlife; and Government lays down the laws for your physical life. These are the same PEOPLE. That is why they call for the separation of church and state, because Jesus not one time mentions "God's Almighty Church Government."

When Jesus said he was the way, he meant by living by his example. Because we fell into Materialism this is for all intensive purposes, our hell.. We will continue to stay here until we prove that we are worthy to leave. This is indeed very much a prison planet. The only way to leave is to 'take no thought' and search for the Kingdom inside of you all, for it lies not in Churches or any other being other than yourself. He was the Salvation needed to pull people from the Church, by revealing back to us our hidden connection to all via our Minds eye. He did not mean; accept that I died for you and everything will be okay...If you are drowning in the ocean, you don't wait for a boat to pass by and scoop you up; you just start swimming. You are your own salvation, and it is not blasphemy to believe so. That's only what the Church wants you to believe so that you remain stuck here putting your power and lives into their hands. How could this not be true, when we have already mutually agreed several times that the Church has Usurped control?? Anything they go through such great lengths to keep us from, you can be sure they are hiding something. Now I'm not saying that Child Pedophilia, Rape, etc that we believe are morally wrong is right, but I'm saying as for what they deem Satan and God, is slanted towards their best interests.

Now, that isn't to say there aren't evil Freemasons, and dark occultists. However, not all of them are. The bad guys of the world realize the truth and knowledge that is being held in these things; that is why they delve into it and have such an attachment. For they know that this is the 'Truth', and they are abusing the teaching of creating your own reality via Law of Attraction, and etc, which is how all these evil scumbags make their way into power.

The Bible talks about Astral Projection in Ecclesiastes when it mentions that death occurs when the pitcher shatters and the breaking of the SILVER CORD. This is not a coincidence people; this is part of one of the biggest conspiracies that has ever been perpetrated upon humankind.

Aliens are both Angels and Demons. Just as there are malevolent and benevolent human beings on earth, so it is elsewhere in the Galaxy. The malevolent aliens are the beings we know of as Demons and the benevolent peaceful and beautiful races are we know as Angels. Their ability to travel through time and space is due to their spiritual knowledge; for once you can become one with yourself and open your 'eye', you would be able to do exactly this. That is where Astral Projection and Dreaming come from. They both exist on the 4th Density/Dimension of space, which is why time travel is possible. Think about it; When you go to sleep, have dreams that feel like they last 15-20 minutes; and when you wake up 12 hours have passed. This is due to the Alpha wave production from the melatonin released by your pineal gland. It affects your perception of time, which is often why people who meditate feel like it's only been 30 minutes when in reality it's been much longer...

This is all exactly why the plan to poison us with Fluoride and shut down our gland has been put into place. To keep us living here under their rule unable to leave. They control how you think, how you feel, what to buy, what to eat, what is safe, what to believe...When is enough going to be enough?
edit on 21-7-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

I don't believe in 'God' the Christian concept. I don't believe in some man named YHWH that created the whole Universe, and wants us to worship him so much he sent some extra-special man to take away all of our sins, so long as we bow down and kiss his feet, submitting to be his slaves/property, we will be granted eternal life. I think that is complete and total BS.

Then what do you believe in ?

Priory of Zion ?

Swastika ?

Ouroboros ?

Ankh ?

That is really sad to see some one seeking life and truth in nations and religions which are buried.

The whole protestant sect thing was the biggest betrayal to Christianity. It was divide and conquer.

BTW , searching for what is right to believe is a strategy by your old enemy. Satan.

You have a big treasure that is already keeping reducing. Then he is making you search a good place to bury it.

By letting you look for a good spot , you will have less treasure to bury. Or you may never find a good place by neglecting true places.
edit on 21-7-2012 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

All of your reasoning is falling into the fallacy of misplaced concreteness. Symbols do not have one meaning. They have multiple meanings that are interconnected and rightly divided by seven rules. Most of what you are conjecturing ignores these rules and rests on the foundation of symbols having one meaning. What you are left with is paradox at every turn. It's a rabbits hole, just like the one Alice fell into where all of her subconscious imagination was being played out in opposite.

Let me peel back what I just said and then help you go back and reboot your previous reasoning. Keep in mind that purely "if, then" statements cannot answer the connections that symbols make. Symbols are a language. As such, they are used like words and have different ways of modifying what they describe. Some are additives, some are verbs, some are nouns and so on. Take this exchange between Alice and Humpty Dumpty as an example.
`And only one for birthday presents, you know. There's glory for you!'

`I don't know what you mean by "glory,"' Alice said.

Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. `Of course you don't -- till I tell you. I meant, "there's a nice knock-down argument for you!"

`But "glory" doesn't mean "a nice knock-down argument,"' Alice objected.

`When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.

`The question is,' said Alice, `whether you can make words mean so many different things.'

`The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master - - that's all.'

Alice was too much puzzled to say anything, so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again.

`They've a temper, some of them -- particularly verbs, they're the proudest -- adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs -- however, I can manage the whole of them! Impenetrability! That's what I say!'

In this dialogue, you could image any number of things that Humpty is saying to Alice. There is only one truth from this, however, by context. To know the context, we need to know why Alice is speaking to Humpty. We need to know who Humpty is. We need to know what is being stated by topic. At the end of the day, we know these things and find something in this dialogue that relates to your misplace concreteness in this thread.

Humpty is speaking of men as archetypes of symbols in the last statement. He is Alice's subconscious speaking to herself. The subconscious here is a picture of the Spirit speaking to the soul, which is the entire story of Alice in the Rabbit's hole. When Humpty says the last bit, what does he mean?

"I can manage the whole of them! Impenetrability! That's what I say!"

He is saying this: Impenetrability is the state whereby two objects cannot occupy the same state. One rules the other. He is the only one that can manage them all with accuracy. There is a story to be told to Alice, but Alice cannot manage all of the symbols at once into the story that is being told. It must be experienced. In the end, "who is to be master, that's all." Who is to be master? This is the answer to the story.

So many topics on ATS are answered in this riddle:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All of the King's horses and all of the kings men,
Could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

There are Seven Rules to rightly divide truth by context. It will help you to memorize and practice them.

If you can use them, the riddle above then becomes this when the symbols are unwound:

Man sat on the wall of choice when he was vulnerable like an egg on a wall.

Man took knowledge and used it before he was ready (before the egg hatched), and had a great fall (from God’s grace). If he had just waited, he would have become his potential by hatching.

All of the King’s tools (technology) and all of the King’s men (Alchemists/Scientists/Mathematicians) could not put man back in his place of glory again.

I am not criticizing you. I am giving you what you need to see clearly. You are on the right path, but blindness comes from pride. Theology is the same pride. The larger picture of your own self will unwind your own archetype if you look at yourself closer. Know yourself first. It won't be pleasing if you are looking rightly. Divide truth against your own actions first, then go back and take a closer look at where you are headed with the thoughts in this thread.

Read the links in my signature.

By the way, Boaz and Joachim are the X Chromosome of DNA. The fall in the garden was all about finding the tree of life. DNA is that tree. Your avatar tells the story, but only in part.

edit on 21-7-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by mideast
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

I don't believe in 'God' the Christian concept. I don't believe in some man named YHWH that created the whole Universe, and wants us to worship him so much he sent some extra-special man to take away all of our sins, so long as we bow down and kiss his feet, submitting to be his slaves/property, we will be granted eternal life. I think that is complete and total BS.

Then what do you believe in ?

Priory of Zion ?

Swastika ?

Ouroboros ?

Ankh ?

That is really sad to see some one seeking life and truth in nations and religions which are buried.

The whole protestant sect thing was the biggest betrayal to Christianity. It was divide and conquer.

BTW , searching for what is right to believe is a strategy by your old enemy. Satan.

You have a big treasure that is already keeping reducing. Then he is making you search a good place to bury it.

By letting you look for a good spot , you will have less treasure to bury. Or you may never find a good place by neglecting true places.
edit on 21-7-2012 by mideast because: (no reason given)

From my point of view. There is only one real duality and it is not between the religons/views of god but how awake/sleeping blind (egosick) you are that influences your actions. There is those that are ONE with god/everything to a very high degree in spirit and those that have not experianced it(nonduality) yeet.

OP there is one thing I want to say that you are not 100% right about. Even if a person is in the light and can feel the bliss it does not mean that he/she always have the ability to astral project. Some are not meant to do that since it is very counterproductive to their purpose. The tools needed for the person will arrive when they are needed. Some tools like astral projection and big mindedness is a doubleedged sword that can both hurt the user and help the user.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:08 AM
You have the symbol which answers all questions but you refuse to look through your eye with the right perception! Jesus spoke about your internal self being positive in a negative environment. Your inner self is religion of each and every culture in the world combined. This is the triangle of star of David which represents Male and Female energy to reproduce the human species in life and death!
Everything external is made of three elements which is interpreted as the Garden of Eden of Knowledge or learning. These Elements are Fuel (Food), Heat ( Hot and Cold) & Oxygen. This is the external fire triangle of life. Fire physically burns all humans which is a negative to the internal and eternal spirit of life. This is the darkness we all experience in life which is called dark energy. Our inner light guides the way through these times which guides us in the right direction if we have faith in ourself and others. All cultures and religions have achieved what we have today through this ethic. Every system in life operates under this three point system where the top supports the bottom in direction like Kings & Queens, Presidents, Banks, Bosses of your work place and even captains of sporting teams. The Bottom supports the top in physical labor and general work ethic. This is the age of Man represented by the upright triangle. The upside down triangle on top is the age of female and rebirthing of energy. This is the technology age which we have achieved today.
Humans have achieved what we have today by loving and supporting eachother in whatever culture you speak of. This is our positive energy of religion! Jesus died on this symbol to represent this fact.
This information is built in the pyramids. A pyramid has a triangle representing this with four sides. This is the seasons of life of Summer, Autunm, Winter & Spring, the four directions in North East South and West & The rotation of the moon. The Sphinx representing humans king of the domain.
Life is full of opposites. Opposites attract. This is why a battery is negative and positve just like a human!
Jesus was opposed to same sex relationships for the purpose due to it was unnatural.
Earth is Female (Mother Nature) and the Sun Male or the Son of God with the stars God in energy. The Celts had God as Don as stars and the father!
The Eye of Horus is the all seeing eye or third eye which is in CCTV cameras and general technology. This is the point right now of human evolution.

edit on 21-7-2012 by Archangelelijah because: Info

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

There are reflections of our actions and thoughts . but the main reflection will be on the other side. After death and resurrection.
edit on 21-7-2012 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Jesus was opposed to same sex relationships for the purpose due to it was unnatural.

Way to turn a spiritual discussion into political ball of wax!

Jesus never said anything about same sex relationships. In fact, Jesus palled around with 12 guys, whom he had relationships with. Love is love, whether it's brotherly friendship, fatherly tutorship or a physical love. Jesus didn't draw a line between love and arousal.


Thank you for this thread. You have stated what I have been trying to say for so long, in a succinct and enlightening breath of fresh air!

So true, that our religions are backwards, and emphasis is placed on worship rather than growth, faith rather than self determination. The major religions promote self doubt, self loathing and deny self examination of ourselves and the world around us.

We need to encourage meditation and the opening the third eye and gain the courage to claim our spiritual presence in the astral plane, not treat these experiences as something scary or evil.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Jesus was opposed to same sex relationships for the purpose due to it was unnatural.

Way to turn a spiritual discussion into political ball of wax!

Jesus never said anything about same sex relationships. In fact, Jesus palled around with 12 guys, whom he had relationships with. Love is love, whether it's brotherly friendship, fatherly tutorship or a physical love. Jesus didn't draw a line between love and arousal.

I'm sorry but you miss understood what was stated.

Yes Love is Love and we all should love and feel eachothers spirit through social and emotional communication but when the physical love becomes involved in same sex relationships it defeats the purpose of life in the first place. Humans would not be where we are today without male and female relationships with sexual intercourse for the birth of a child or offspring. There is a difference between spiritual emotional love like we all should hold for eachother and physical sex.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

But did you yourself not just fall into the fallacy of misplace concreteness? The Boaz and Jacchin pillars are a reference to a great deal more than simply the DNA, while it may be a symbol for that as well. Symbols can always have more than one meaning, or could simply have just one. However DNA is not always two stranded. I believe ours was modified that way by the powers that are trying to control us.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Archangelelijah

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Jesus was opposed to same sex relationships for the purpose due to it was unnatural.

Way to turn a spiritual discussion into political ball of wax!

Jesus never said anything about same sex relationships. In fact, Jesus palled around with 12 guys, whom he had relationships with. Love is love, whether it's brotherly friendship, fatherly tutorship or a physical love. Jesus didn't draw a line between love and arousal.

I'm sorry but you miss understood what was stated.

Yes Love is Love and we all should love and feel eachothers spirit through social and emotional communication but when the physical love becomes involved in same sex relationships it defeats the purpose of life in the first place. Humans would not be where we are today without male and female relationships with sexual intercourse for the birth of a child or offspring. There is a difference between spiritual emotional love like we all should hold for eachother and physical sex.

That's all fine and dandy, but it's merely your opinion, and not the words of Jesus. Sexual straightness does not equal moral uprightness. Love is not a duty to the human species, it's a gift from the divine.

As a woman I resent being told I have a duty to conceive children. Procreation isn't only the birth of a human child but art, music, architecture and science. Love gives us inspiration and inspiration is divine. It's a grave mistake to judge and reject love, however it manifests itself.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by EnochWasRight

But did you yourself not just fall into the fallacy of misplace concreteness? The Boaz and Jacchin pillars are a reference to a great deal more than simply the DNA, while it may be a symbol for that as well. Symbols can always have more than one meaning, or could simply have just one. However DNA is not always two stranded. I believe ours was modified that way by the powers that are trying to control us.

Like language, symbols have a meaning that can be reduced to the root. If you follow the pillars from PTAH to Djed, you get a meaning of "Pillars of Stability, Peace and Satisfaction." You find an association with Osiris. Follow this to the tower of Babel and you find that the languages were cut up into pieces. Follow this forward and you see that the same story is then cut into pieces and renamed. Nimrod becomes Osiris, but the root story is in the Bible under the heading of Babel and Nimrod.

The aim of the Mystery Schools is finding the meaning of the symbols. The same symbols are present in the Bible. This is why the Freemasons know a secret. The only place the secret is recorded is in the Bible. Follow all our symbols to the root and you get the meaning of the two pillars--WORD. John 1 records the truth behind the root meaning of the pillars. Word is how our existence was produced from Time, Space, Matter and Energy. The Blood of Christ is called the first-fruits of our new Holy Spirit. The life is in the blood. The pillars of the blood is the DNA, just like the essence of the 75 foot oak tree is enfolded into the imprint in the acorn. Word is at the center of it all.

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

If you go back to my signature link, read the first article on the theory of existence.

edit on 22-7-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

The Bible is not the only place to find the Freemasons knowledge. I strongly disagree. The Bible may contain those same symbols; but that doesn't mean the Bible is the source of them.

Every ancient culture that built pyramids, built triptych entrances. The entrances were a reference and symbol of the 3rd eye. Look at the Aum/Om symbol. It's the sanskrit sound for the Ajna chakra which represents the Pineal gland. Note the sun inside of the crescent moon, symbolizing the balance of sun/moon, ida/pingala energies in the body. The two pillars of Sol-OM-on's temple were also a reference to this. That's why they are part of the freemasonic tracing board and encoded into cathedrals.

The number 3 is also present in the OM symbol referencing the 3rd eye. It has had a mystical significance everywhere, and we must ask why. The Bible was just a way of telling a part of this story to people who could receive it.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by EnochWasRight

The Bible is not the only place to find the Freemasons knowledge. I strongly disagree. The Bible may contain those same symbols; but that doesn't mean the Bible is the source of them.

Every ancient culture that built pyramids, built triptych entrances. The entrances were a reference and symbol of the 3rd eye. Look at the Aum/Om symbol. It's the sanskrit sound for the Ajna chakra which represents the Pineal gland. Note the sun inside of the crescent moon, symbolizing the balance of sun/moon, ida/pingala energies in the body. The two pillars of Sol-OM-on's temple were also a reference to this. That's why they are part of the freemasonic tracing board and encoded into cathedrals.

The number 3 is also present in the OM symbol referencing the 3rd eye. It has had a mystical significance everywhere, and we must ask why. The Bible was just a way of telling a part of this story to people who could receive it.

You are correct that they all matter, but not all of them hold the center and root of truth. They revolve around what they describe. The Bible is the root of this story. When Nimrod was destroyed and the languages cut apart, Nimrod then became Osiris and the Pagan Mystery School. They carried the truth of Esau and Jacob, but in a counterfeit form of idolatry and worship of the outer temple. As you correctly point out, Solomon fell into idolatry. Wisdom is not enough. Knowledge is not enough. The inner temple must be cleansed.

Israel represents the archetype from the inner temple. Solomon represents the builder going against God. Yes, God charged him with building the temple, but for a reason beyond the outer manifestation of symbolism. Ultimately, we know from the life of Jesus that the temple is the body. We are in the wilderness as a beast to cleanse the inner temple and shake off the Earth, Air, Water and Fire as our baptism while here. We are to overcome all four to reach the final baptism of Spirit (Holy Consciousness). The Builders are still at work trying to raise the Babel temple. The Mystery Schools are a product of Nimrod and Babel. Each place that we find the temples built by men, we are reminded of what they represent. The root of this truth is fulfilled in Jesus.

Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated. These words of the Lord in the OT are reference to the inner and outer temples. Jacob represents the thread of Jesus in the Bible. Esau represents the thread of all other attempts to work toward God in the outer temple. We are not here to worship the Earth and Stars. Sun worship is what Egypt and Osiris represents.

Are we charged to come out of Egypt to the promised land of the Spirit?

Deuteronomy 4

19 And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars —all the heavenly array —do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. 20 But as for you, the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance, as you now are.

How does God do it? Refinement, like refining iron. Egypt is the furnace and the picture of the world. Egypt, before the flood, was the pillar of Enoch. Enoch, after Nimrod, become Hermes and Thoth. Isaiah 19:19 reveals that the Pyramid at the border of Egypt is a monument to the Lord.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:06 PM
You remind me of the character, "Benny," in the Mummy movies, just by your avatar. It contains many different religious symbols, indicating you are confused.

Pick one, study it all the way through, and then pick another. That should keep you busy for the rest of your life, and probably at that time you won't be able to figure out exactly what is going on....Happy trails!

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Sulie

It's not confusion. They all represent great truths in each of their own when understood correctly.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by Sulie

It's not confusion. They all represent great truths in each of their own when understood correctly.

Ok, so what is the conspiracy you know of that the rest of us are all missing?

You seem to be asking a lot of questions for somebody, "in the know."

Why don't you create a thread enlightening all of us religious boobs?

I actually understand the point of your thread but you should put it into terms that even a non-religious person would understand.
edit on 26-7-2012 by Sulie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

There is this story where these dudes went here and there sharing the gospel and many people accepted Jesus and through prayer received the Holy Ghost. But, there was this one guy who was like....woah, hey... I didn't feel anything...give me this Holy Ghost you speak of....and tries to offer money to receive the Holy Ghost. The dude looked at him and told are full of gall and bonded in your sins..that is why you haven't received to Holy Ghost.... and everyone continued on their way happy and celebrating while this guy stood there with his money alone. *shrugs

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Sulie

What questions in particular am I asking?

I mentioned the collection of symbols in my Avatar, all represent a great truth in themselves.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Every ancient culture that built pyramids, built triptych entrances. The entrances were a reference and symbol of the 3rd eye. Look at the Aum/Om symbol. It's the sanskrit sound for the Ajna chakra which represents the Pineal gland. Note the sun inside of the crescent moon, symbolizing the balance of sun/moon, ida/pingala energies in the body. The two pillars of Sol-OM-on's temple were also a reference to this. That's why they are part of the freemasonic tracing board and encoded into cathedrals.

The number 3 is also present in the OM symbol referencing the 3rd eye. It has had a mystical significance everywhere, and we must ask why. The Bible was just a way of telling a part of this story to people who could receive it.

And who uses the pyramid with the eye, with the number 3 and 13 everywhere? Zionists, the exact same ones that decided that killing 6.5 billions peoples would be the safest bet to control the population; the same persons that are doing child sacrifice in the name of Lucifer/Satan, and destroyed the religion in the 70s. The same ones that control media and make you believe what they want you to believe, and hide everything else.
The good guys are not those that the media praise; the good guys are destroyed and brought down. History is then rewritten to suit the "facts".

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