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“You Are Now in the last Few Months Before the Big Day" – Channeled Message

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posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:09 AM
I take channeled messages with a grain of salt and the same goes for ascension messages, and I believe that we need to use our inner guide to know the real truth, each one of us individually.

I know many of you believe and feel like you do not belong on this planet, or in this world and ascension gives us a colorful way of transcending our current world.

Salsa is an ET that supposedly channels messages through a man called Mike Quinsey, the messages have been going on for years and most are very vague. I read them on and off, and take them with a huge grain of salt, but I do read them mainly for the entertainment and creative scenario values.

In the past 6 to 8 months I have noticed a difference in Mike’s channels, and especially the recent one of July 13th caught my attention, let me quote the one line that caught my eye.

“You are now in the last few months before the big day, and understandably some are questioning whether they should plan for the future beyond it.” Did he just give a timeframe?

My personal view is that if this big something does not transpire, in the next few months, we can put this channeler to rest, but with all geo anomalies happening in 2012 one has to take notice of messages like this.

Another quote from July 13th 2012

“Ahead of you are many reunions to link again with friends who have not been in your current life, but have been in previous ones. Consider how many souls you have met and become good friends with over hundreds of live, some much more lasting and closer than others. Even some who incarnate with you in the same families. It makes for loving experiences and links that are never broken. After Ascension, you will have moved into the higher dimensions of harmony, where all Beings relate to each other in loving energies and it remains that way. There is no cause or reason to be otherwise, and life is one of complete happiness.”

The only thing I can say with a tinge of humor is, that it sure will be nice to see harmony restored.

Peace out,


edit on 17-7-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth

“You are now in the last few months before the big day, and understandably some are questioning whether they should plan for the future beyond it.” Did he just give a timeframe?

My personal view is that if this big something does not transpire, in the next few months, we can put this channeler to rest, but with all geo anomalies happening in 2012 one has to take notice of messages like this.

I suggest we put no stock in any channeler at any time. Most of their stuff is unfalsifiable, ambiguous and when they do put dates to things... ultimately wrong. It's my opinion that these people are either delusional, narcissistic attention whores or fear pornographers.


posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Salsa is an ET that supposedly channels messages through a man called Mike Quinsey [..]

Good ol' Salsa

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:29 AM
It's always a "few months". Even when they give dates, they are always wrong. They feed off the fear of people by using the things that are happening Now, to predict doom and gloom. Look at whatever is the big internet thing going on at the time, they will be on the bandwagon. I honestly feel sorry for people who follow them. They seem to be so desperate to believe in something, they will fall for this, just so they can belong and connect with another person on some level.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:32 AM
OP I think we look at these channeled messages quite similarly. I keep an open mind on everything, so I glance at the channeled messages occasionally.

This message is still tremendously vague without a shred of evidence. It seems more likely to me that Salusa is psy-ops intended to string us along until "that day" when the NWO clamps down on the last of our so-called freedom.

Another perspective is that a small fraction of one percent of the earthlings even hear these messages-something just doesn't add up with Salusa or Nidle or Giles or Goodchild or Ward or Saul or Spacemuffin or or or or.....

I understand the curiosity that maybe one of these channelers will one day reveal an "important" message but most of the positive that comes out of the channeled messages could be found in a self-help book, from a friend, or from your own heart and common sense, golden rule etc.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:39 AM
I have a lot of experience with Channellers and predictions/premonitions and most are honest but just incorrect, others are setting up as cult leaders or just looking for press time. Even Nostrodamus, the greatest seer we have on record is only correct in retrospective interpretation. Jeannie Dixon, Edgar Cayce, just two of the more famous who have offered predictions.

It stands to reason though, at some point one of these Channellers will be right. thats my own statistical prediction.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Spartaxa
It stands to reason though, at some point one of these Channellers will be right. thats my own statistical prediction.

Absolutely. If you throw enough crap against the wall, eventually something will stick. Not from having any special gift or insight, but by simply playing the odds. I often wonder why just one of the thousands of internet channellers don't go and claim James Randy's $1,000,000.00.


posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:27 AM
I personally have spent many years channeling and working with psychic ability. I don't come out and admit it anymore as I did when I was younger and more excited about it. As with it, comes a stigma that is quite painful - from friends and family. I've been nailed to the proverbial cross more than once in my years. I think the small percentage that do come forward and share their channeling are very brave.

The problem with channeled prophecy is that often times the person channeling "thinks" that the entity they are conversing with is of a higher intelligence or morality than themselves. This just isn't always the case. Sometimes they are lower astral entities who are just as excited and gratified to be able to channel messages as we humans are. We glorify that which states it should be, or states some special knowledge - and then nothing....the predictions or advice falls short or flat. Why? Because these entities being channeled are telling the human medium what they want. Some of them don't know spit about anything! Others know things that are unhealthy for us to jump into. Then again, there are some that do have guidance and warnings to give . That are of a "higher" intelligence than us and better aware of what the future holds. But the whole point in them telling us the future, if they deem to do so, is to give us a chance to change it. Otherwise, they would keep their astral mouths SHUT. So yeah, if these mediums and the channeled entity are doing their job right, you WONT see any predictions coming to pass, because they changed our course.

Prediction of the future is the same for all sentient beings. It's a guess. It's the cosmic roulette, a complete and utter game of chance. All humans have freewill and the slightest change in circumstances can change the entire course of our future. However, that doesn't mean that these mediums who channel entities are not real. They very much are. They simply are just as infallible as we are. At least on most levels in which humans interact as a medium.

I'm told lots of things with channeling. I write it down and leave it. I don't share it or shove it down others throats. I just sit back and watch and wait. Some of it happens, some of it sort of correlates, and a lot of it just doesn't happen or gets changed. (It usually depends upon the entity I am channeling.) It's the way it goes.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:19 AM
Well, what about the USA Time Travel Corps?
What about competing time lines and interdimensional travel?
Maybe what is being channelled is right for some other time ine?
Perhaps multiple entities of you, are dealling with mutiple entities along multiple time lines?
Perhaps YOU are outside this time line, and experiencing it through the eyes of your doppelganger?
The entire Eurantia book is channelled info, and perhaps the Book of Mormon, and other basic books.....
There is much deception in poor reception as well....
Are we sure the channeller is not interjecting his/her own thoughts or personal interpretations?
How pure then can the info be?
We spend 1/3 of our entire lives ASLEEP.....Think about that.....what we do when we does our consciousness spend the sleep time?waiting for the hulk to rest up.....?????
Theres a subworld out there not attached to this reality we enter when we sleep....

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

I think that is key here, in our current state of being, we are easily mislead or tricked.

How many times have people falling for false advertising example Politics, Religion, or MSM anyone?

But yet we keep going back for more of it.

The moral to my story is not to take the information from one person as "Gospel", but to take into account many messages that are being broadcast, then listening to our inner guide and coming up with our own conclusion.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:26 AM
The alien's name is Salsa? Really? Do all ETs have names inspired by Mexican foods?

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:45 AM
I feel I ought to add that I am not a debunker. I am a psychic and my career is as a psychic I have had predictions of specific events happening - and they have, been very definite exact predictions. But I do not have much faith is Channelled predictions because this is supposedly an exterior intelligence using a human medium, and whatever they wish to impart will be distorted, by the mediums own mentality and viewpoint. Channellers who go public with procalamations might be brave, or they might be publicity-seekers, regardless of whether they are Channelling Zeta Reticulans, Atlanteans or dolphins and their hit or miss predictions.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by MidnightToker
The alien's name is Salsa? Really? Do all ETs have names inspired by Mexican foods? [/quot
I'm sure when whatever comes down,our future will include Wars and Greed and some SOB wanting to take the lead.I just can't buy into channeling,My thoughts "when your dead,your dead" end of story.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by MidnightToker
The alien's name is Salsa? Really? Do all ETs have names inspired by Mexican foods?

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by poppycock
Another perspective is that a small fraction of one percent of the earthlings even hear these messages-something just doesn't add up with Salusa or Nidle or Giles or Goodchild or Ward or Saul or Spacemuffin or or or or.....

I understand the curiosity that maybe one of these channelers will one day reveal an "important" message but most of the positive that comes out of the channeled messages could be found in a self-help book, from a friend, or from your own heart and common sense, golden rule etc.

I think your 100% spot on why don't we all hear them.

And many of the positive notes can be gleaned from other sources, but why do they seem to attract a number of people that will listen?

Something deep down resonates with each person that is listening, or reading, but so many people these days are not listening to their inner voices, so what is transpiring is physical anomalies that seem to be getting more frequently undeniable in our day to day world.

It's been over 90 degrees here in Michigan for over a month, going into the triple digits on many days and we are not in August yet. Michigan as an entire state has zero fruit production because our month of March was mid 80's, almost all month, then it dipped for a couple of cold days not allowing bees to pollinate and blooms to freeze also.

I could point out world anomalies elsewhere, but people on ATS are smart enough to know what is going on in their region.

I am not saying or believe that ET's are going to come to earth and save us, my main point is that something large IMO is going to transpire due to everyone believing it is going to happen.

Maybe we actually do create with our intentions and minds.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:58 AM
I too enjoy reading mike Quinsey`s messages, and like the OP, take it with a pinch of salt. In general the messeges are quite vage in regards dates and times but, recently they have been coming more focused on a time frame, the channeller has painted himself into a corner so to speak, make or break time for him. If nothing big happens in regard to ascension or the collective consciousness of humankind by the end of the year approx. I feel that his reputation will suffer greatly, even amoungst his most staunch supporters. So, it was either a bad business move by mike quinsey, or he is about to become the greatest channeller of the all. Time will tell.
edit on 17-7-2012 by Ranong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

I agree totally. Automatic reading/writing (channeling) is an unreliable source because there is no control over who is coming in and whether the message is genuine or meant to manipulate.

It's interesting at best, but very unreliable, and often dangerous to the human delving into the realm of psychic. Most people don't receive proper knowledge or training. I was raised with a psychic, and was allowed to read and teach myself the occult and metaphysical since I was a teenage. Trust me, take everything with a grain of salt. We all can change the beat of the butterfly wings, with the simple wrong turn in the winds of fate

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
reply to post by Realtruth

I agree totally. Automatic reading/writing (channeling) is an unreliable source because there is no control over who is coming in and whether the message is genuine or meant to manipulate.

It's interesting at best, but very unreliable, and often dangerous to the human delving into the realm of psychic. Most people don't receive proper knowledge or training. I was raised with a psychic, and was allowed to read and teach myself the occult and metaphysical since I was a teenage. Trust me, take everything with a grain of salt. We all can change the beat of the butterfly wings, with the simple wrong turn in the winds of fate

This is a very important post, in my humble opinion.

Many have been taken in by the Zeta's/grays messages. They are telepathic beings that are on and around earth, have admitted to a hybrid program with humans and admitted to human abductions, but are essentially a collective here to usurp our power on earth and use it and us for their own means.

Even though they have a higher IQ than us and are telepathic, they have little if any spiritual side, being a collective and a product of much genetic engineering in order to be compliant.

So if you feel you are receiving messages, it could be from them. This video series outlines their agenda:

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 01:40 PM
I was trying not to spin to much of a bias on channelers, but I have been waiting for a long time to expose Salusa, or Mike Quinsey.

Many times I think channelers are like the MSM of the metaphysical world, they get their BS from bad channels. (no pun intended)

There have been many times I have emailed Mike Quinsey and never gotten on response. The way I see it is if you make claims, predictions and prophecies public, then let the public comment and ask questions, but no forum or blog exists where the public can comment and point out any BS.

The lastest timeframe claim IMO has sealed his fate.

edit on 17-7-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

But your right and there are BAD CHANNELS.

Many people don't even bother to really research, or soul search, whether they are being led on a merry chase or are speaking with an intelligent entity. Beware of the fairies my grandfather always use to say...

It's all subjective. The river can change it's bend through time at the slightest provocation. Which leaves psychic ability of this nature, only valuable to the person and receiver at the time the message is given. The best one can do is record it, and leave it for unbiased intellects to entertain or later generations to examine.

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