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Final Battle for Damascus? Bashar has fled to the Alawite Mountains.

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posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

You seen dud grenades. That may qualify you to recognize a dud grenade, but nothing more. A six year old rape victim? Really? That is the saddest example of a stawman I seen on ATS to date. It has nothing to do with anything here. It is only an example of a witness, anyone with sensory perception can be a witness, but that still does not make them an expert on any subject.

Did you understand my post in a rational manner or not because it seems you didn't understand on what i have said.

You seen dud grenades. That may qualify you to recognize a dud grenade.

In Bosnia i have also seen plenty of things and including an old women killing herself with an grenade, because she has lost so much including her grand children she was calling out her names.

If you want to suggest or even attack me by calling me out that i am lying please do, i do have witness and those are my family members who have been through the war as well, unless of course your going to attack them to.

Its ironic that you responded and you receive likes for it. Yet in this same thread you responded with this.

A six year old child does not qualify as an expert on anything, but maybe you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express (if you even get the joke there). Not qualifying as an expert is not calling someone a liar, just placing the weight of their argument at the bottom of the barrel where it properly belongs.

So tell TinfoilTP if a six year old child does not qualify as an expert on anything, how do you explain Gaza children’s images of war? drawn by them?

On 8 September, just two weeks before the exhibition was set to open to the public, the board of directors of the Museum of Children’s Art (MOCHA) announced that they had canceled “A Child’s View of Gaza.” The board shut down the show due to pressure from “constituents,” according to a statement made by Randolph Bell, the board’s chairman, in the San Francisco Chronicle (“Oakland museum cancels Palestinian kids’ war art,” 9 September 2011).

Oh let me guess your going to probably going to attack them as fantasies right?

Pro-Israel organizations pressured an Oakland children’s museum to cancel an upcoming exhibition of drawings made by Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip. Community leaders say the shutting down of the exhibition is the result of a disturbing — and well-funded — campaign to silence Palestinian voices across the US.

edit on 17-7-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-7-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by khimbar

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

As Syria burns, Assad's British-born wife goes on £270,000 online shopping spree

link here

I believe we will soon see her head, crown the end of a bloody spike, turned against a cheering people free from this evil bitch wife of Syrias Darth Vader.

edit on 17-7-2012 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-7-2012 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

Given these rules...

'Promoting or justifying racism, bigotry, glorifying mass murder and pushing propaganda supporting same? Return to sender'.

I expect this to be removed too?

Definitely, this new "rule" furthers cognitive dissonance, makes the double standard more contrastable.

User Ben81 asked this question a few times in the closed thread and staff didn't answer.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Unbelievable What is wrong with some people ON ATS?? Cant you people see that Tinfoil is just spamming it yet his getting likes? :@@
edit on 17-7-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

Let me just take this opportunity to thank all who have starred me. I couldn't have tightened them panties in such a bundle without your help and generous mouse clicks.

All kidding aside, get a grip dude and you complaining about someone elses stars is such a worthless post it can only be defined as spam. There would not even be any humorous value had I not responded now, so you can thank me later that I made your post relevant.

Syria army ‘uses helicopters’ to attack Damascus rebels

Fresh news from 2 hours ago.


The Syrian army is said to have used helicopters for the first time in Damascus to attack at least one district where rebels have been gaining the upper hand

According to the source, the army assault destroyed a mosque, injuring several people.

The rebels are said to be better equipped and organised than they have been, prompting the regime to deploy its biggest show of force in the capital since the uprising began

Although it is serious, the fighting in Damascus is not said to pose an immediate threat to the regime’s powerbase.

So we got a mosque destroyed by Assad, Assad deploying heavy firepower to a situation that supposedly didn't exist in the capital and no immediate threat to Assad's power base.

Looks like the rebels need help, the West will move faster now.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Fresh news? thats old news
i am not surprised to see you getting desperate for the propaganda and yes from this post you are desperate.

From the same article
According to the source, the army assault destroyed a mosque, injuring several people.

According to the sources on twitter by the FSA supporters and a guy in London who lives in apartment and runs a shoe shop, thats where they got the info.

Till now the night was kinda quite, nothing unless two small explosions and few gunshots at 12am ‪#Syria‬ ‪#Damascus

I can pretty much the level of propaganda you are trying and oh nice you used the Euro News as a source the same news source that was with the libyan rebels last year and have stayed with them in the benghazi city port.

Maybe they could explain why there was a Cargo ship in front of them in one of there reporting in benghazi port libyan base camp.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Also you claim that the news source is fresh from two hours ago yet, when you google it.

euronews - 14 hours ago

Fresh? that news source is 14 hours ago old
Thanks for showing that your taking part in the Massive PSYOPS.

So we got a mosque destroyed by Assad, Assad deploying heavy firepower to a situation that supposedly didn't exist in the capital and no immediate threat to Assad's power base. Looks like the rebels need help, the West will move faster now.

Claims made by twitter and a guy who lives in London reported those claims without any proof.

Looks like the rebels need help, the West will move faster now.
How Ironic you mean like an intervention? well then i guess more innocent children will die then through our bombs i am sure you wouldn't mind itt as long they weren't your children that were in a war zone.
edit on 17-7-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:03 PM
Interesting how some here defend child soldiers from Syrian rebels, but those same members when Israel is topic, point to Islamic propaganda brainwashing taught to children.

Either they should condemn with same emphasis Syrian rebels or drop the argument used to support Israel.

Alternatively, accept the plight of Palestinian children from Israeli terrorism, that cause as consequence children becoming involved in battles, just as they do now with Syrian rebels.
edit on 17-7-2012 by amcpwoy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Ben81

LOL! HELL! I have to use the word "CIVILIAN" and THERE IS NO WAY...that the Company...for even a few minutes...allow a REAL COMPANY INTEL. ANALYST TO POST IF THE GUY ADMITTING HE WAS PART OF THE FAMILY...WAS ACTUALLY FAMILY!

You get thrown in Solitary for a few YEARS before they let you out to do HARD LABOR...THEN...if you are LUCKY...YOU MIGHT just be forgiven and sent to a post in ICELAND or Northern Alaska...because everything before that was just PUNISHMENT as no formal charges are ever brought to bear.


Analyst MY ASS! One of the BIGGEST SECURITY RISK the COMPANY deals with is an ANALYST that decides they want a PAYDAY! Freekin' Scum Bags! They sell out their entire country for MONEY! In the mean time...there are 15 year old kids on the COMPANY PAYROLL who walk or skip past their Dictators Military Checkpoints...with the FULL KNOWLEDGE that if they are caught doing RECON for COMPANY FIELD PERSONAL that these 15 year old kids will be TORTURED, MUTILATED, THEIR FAMILIES WILL BE MURDERED...but they do their job with a SMILE and wait for the day when they can have a BEER or SPEAK FREELY without fear of DEATH...or like in AFGHANISTAN....FLY A KITE!

Meanwhile...some Money Hungry Traitor is selling out! Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP

Originally posted by khimbar

Given these rules...

'Promoting or justifying racism, bigotry, glorifying mass murder and pushing propaganda supporting same? Return to sender'.

I expect this to be removed too?

No this thread is following the fall of a genocidal mass murdering tyrant not promoting one.

Forever twisting and turning. You would like to see any denouncing of mass murderers banned which is the opposite of the latest rules.

Please show, with evidence of quotes if appropriate, where I would like to see 'any denouncing of mass murderers banned'.

Please show, with evidence, examples of my 'twisting and turning'.

Thank you.
edit on 18-7-2012 by khimbar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by amcpwoy
Interesting how some here defend child soldiers from Syrian rebels, but those same members when Israel is topic, point to Islamic propaganda brainwashing taught to children.

Either they should condemn with same emphasis Syrian rebels or drop the argument used to support Israel.

Alternatively, accept the plight of Palestinian children from Israeli terrorism, that cause as consequence children becoming involved in battles, just as they do now with Syrian rebels.
edit on 17-7-2012 by amcpwoy because: (no reason given)

Syria is neither my friend nor my enemy. I have no stake in how Syria operates it's internal affairs, nor do I care. They can do as they have done for millennia,and it's no concern of mine. I'm not going to tell them how to run their country, nor am I going to intervene in their internal slaughters.

The "Palestinians" don't have a country for me to get interested in. They could have had one by now, but decided they wanted all or none, so they got none. If they ever decide they want their own country, and set one up, then I'll stop weighing in on how they run their internal affairs. Until then. pronouncements of a "zionist entity" to avoid recognition of another country isn't going to change the facts on the ground even a little bit. Their war isn't an "internal conflict" as Syria is, or Libya, Egypt, and the rest of the territory grabs for the Renewed Caliphate were, it's a war against a foreign nation.

I don't mind weighing in on wars against foreign nations.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 07:53 AM
is this fresh?

Defense Minister killed, Interior Minister wounded in suicide attack.

new reports say it wasn't a suicide attack, but that a bomb was planted in the room where a meeting would take place and then detonated.

edit on 18-7-2012 by michaelbrux because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Former Analysts, even former Field Operatives, speak out all the time on CURRENT affairs with no repercussions. The thing that will get you in hot water is talking too much out of school about ops you were personally involved in, or ops that were ongoing while you were current that you may have had ancillary knowledge of, That would be for violating classified information, not for admitting that was your former employment, but without any details.

They, just like anyone else, can give assessments and opinions on ongoing situations they are not involved in. Those opinions may be a bit more informed than that of the average bear, but if they're not violating their oath and/or contractual terms, they're good to go. Giving an opinion as a current civilian on current information that comes to light isn't a violation.

Former Field Operatives have an added layer of concern beyond former Analysts. Beyond potential repercussions of classification violations, they also have to think about who they might have pissed off way back when that might still be hunting them down for some good ol' retribution. For them, keeping mum is a matter of personal security, rather than National Security.

Simply admitting to being a former Analyst won't get you a posting in Moose Jaw, Alaska - especially if the Christians In Action aren't posting you ANYWHERE any more.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
is this fresh?

Defense Minister killed, Interior Minister wounded in suicide attack.

new reports say it wasn't a suicide attack, but that a bomb was planted in the room where a meeting would take place and then detonated.

edit on 18-7-2012 by michaelbrux because: (no reason given)

OMG! The Valkyries got 'em!

I think there will be conflicting reports of just how it was accomplished for some time to come. It depends on which side of the fence one finds ones self as to which story will be told. One side seems to have a vested interest in identifying the rebels with terrorists, and the other side seems to have a vested interest in distancing the rebels from terrorists. Depending on which side a reporter falls, that's the line they will tow.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

To be honest, the rebels should be identified as terrorists.... they really are neno. Heck most of them are imported for this fight from outside of Syria, these are not Syrians fighting Assad.

This is not singing praises for Assad, we all know he has his problems and their are legitamite grips Syrians have with him....

But remember, the devil we know is better than the devil we dont, except in this case, we do know the other devil... and if it is a choice between two evils, Assad is most definitely the lesser evil. And he is the choice of the very large majority of Syrian peoples in this conflict.

This is an internal Syrian matter as well, and I say let Assad do what he needs to do. Many Syrians have been critical of him for not being decisive enough in his actions against these so called rebels, so worried has Assad been about trying to appease western critisizms.

Americans need to stop being so critical of Assad in this, when if this was happening in their own country they would most certainly be all for a decisive put down of any armed action and attempted government takeover by this same group.

edit on 18-7-2012 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB
To be honest, the rebels should be identified as terrorists.... they really are neno. Heck most of them are imported for this fight from outside of Syria, these are not Syrians fighting Assad.

In Lawrence of Arabia, Peter O' Toole has this line:

45. So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people - greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are.

Perhaps these ongoing conflicts in Syria and other nations in the ME are about resolving that long-standing criticism. It's obvious the turmoil is based on tribalism.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by masqua

racism in middle eastern countries has never been about race. As you know many people want to feel themselves superior to others, and since there is all pretty much the same race throughout the middle east (with only very slight variances) racism found a new home in sectarianism.

Of course, there is still a tribal mentality, especially in more rural parts of the middle east, so that mentality cannot be discounted.

but right now, the entire middle east is in a sectarian war. One that the United States thinks will benefit them in the long run to take sides in. (a thought process I very much disagree with)

This sectarian war is divided into two forms of thought, a modern one and a militant interpretation. Of those two, the modern and the militant, it is the militant that was loosing, very much so, democrasy and other forms of thinking were taking hold, freedom of religion started being more sought after etc. until western governments decided to take sides in the matter, and they sided with the militant peoples.

Because of this outside help, the militant is starting to win. Its not a good thing.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

"Me against my brother; me and my brother against my father; me, my brother and my father against my tribe; me and my tribe against the world."
-Islamic Somali proverb.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Mart0

Much like the Italians aye?

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Two things... the first of which is that 'race', imo, has zero to do with any of this, so I have no idea why you brought it up. I certainly didn't.

Secondly, my point in posting the quote is for its accuracy in describing what ails all of the ME... fighting based on differing perspectives of Islamic traditions which have remained since its inception. It's all tribal and has gone on forever. In Syria, it's the domination of the Alawite minority over the Sunni majority which is being threatened and they are aided by like-minded factions in surrounding countries.

It is a growing conflict which will eventually put in place a government representing the majority and that, I suspect, will encourage a 'spill-over' effect to neighbouring nations.

More and more, I'm convinced the Arab Spring is less about the desire for democratic process and more about religious infighting and an attempt to suppress alternate Islamic theologies. Democracy there seems more like a means to an end, rather than an ongoing system of governance.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by masqua
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Two things... the first of which is that 'race', imo, has zero to do with any of this, so I have no idea why you brought it up. I certainly didn't.

Secondly, my point in posting the quote is for its accuracy in describing what ails all of the ME... fighting based on differing perspectives of Islamic traditions which have remained since its inception. It's all tribal and has gone on forever. In Syria, it's the domination of the Alawite minority over the Sunni majority which is being threatened and they are aided by like-minded factions in surrounding countries.

It is a growing conflict which will eventually put in place a government representing the majority and that, I suspect, will encourage a 'spill-over' effect to neighbouring nations.

More and more, I'm convinced the Arab Spring is less about the desire for democratic process and more about religious infighting and an attempt to suppress alternate Islamic theologies. Democracy there seems more like a means to an end, rather than an ongoing system of governance.

No, I was the one who brought up racism, because that is what it is, it just happens to be racism along sectarian lines, rather than lines of color. I brought it up to illustrate my point. In the end it has little to do with any actual sectarianism, and more about finding cause for self superiorty. (I know this factually, I have lived it)

The Alawiyyah are not a bad governing body, it is not about them simply being the dominate group, they are so hated (again due to what I will coin sectarian racism) that they would not have any ability for religious freedom without some measure of power dominance.

This actually makes them a prime candidate to govern a peoples who all have different sectarian backgrounds, because it is for their own freedoms they stood, and for the freedoms of others that they stand up for. Under their government everyone, regardless of sect or religion, gets to practice their faith openly, and without fear. This is one of the most 'modern' of all the Middle Eastern countries.

What is happening, regardless of whether or not you want to deny it, is the militant factions in the middle east are seeking to reestablish an Islamic Caliphate, and the western governments are in full support of this, and are in fact helping, they are funding them, and encouraging the extremeist supporting countries such as Saudia to fund them as well.

They were loosing the battle in the middle east, for the middle east because the middle east was becoming more modern and more democratic..... until the west put their hand in.....

the arab spring is funded by the west, and supported by the western governments. it would not have happened otherwise. What we are dealing with concerning the Brotherhoods rise to power, which the so called arab spring provided, and the wests involvement, is very much orchestrated by the US government, due to the western desire for puppet governments in the middle east.

They have simply decided that working with the Brotherhood is going to be in their benefit in the long run. The arab spring is not about democrasy, and never was, it is about placing the Brotherhood in power throughout the middle east.
edit on 18-7-2012 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB
What is happening, regardless of whether or not you want to deny it, is the militant factions in the middle east are seeking to reestablish an Islamic Caliphate, and the western governments are in full support of this, and are in fact helping, they are funding them, and encouraging the extremeist supporting countries such as Saudia to fund them as well.

There's no denying any of that... at least not in my eyes.

the arab spring is funded by the west, and supported by the western governments. it would not have happened otherwise. What we are dealing with concerning the Brotherhoods rise to power, which the so called arab spring provided, and the wests involvement, is very much orchestrated by the US government, due to the western desire for puppet governments in the middle east.

The US government must be quite in a dither, what with (ie) shoes, insults and perhaps a few stray bullets being fired at Clinton recently.
It seems whatever American involvement existed within the Egyptian revolution is not much appreciated by the regular folks there. There is a long history of puppet governments in the ME and all of them are either overthrown or on their way there.

As I stated earlier, I believe that the democracy being bandied about is a stepping stone to an all-encompassing theocratic power base in the region... what you call the Caliphate. The mullahs must be ecstatic at these developments.

The Iranian Shia must be salivating/anxious at the thought of wounded/experienced Sunni fighters.

They have simply decided that working with the Brotherhood is going to be in their benefit in the long run.

They hope...
edit on 18/7/12 by masqua because: (no reason given)

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