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Are CME's Caused By Souls Crashing Into The Sun?

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posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:46 PM
Perhaps believing it's "the light" they must go towards? I dont think one soul by itself can cause a CME however.

Must be the result of the sun absorbing a mass of souls in one concentrated area, not just human souls.

Some believe the Mayans anticipated 2012 solar doom based on the amount of souls they were sacrificing to the sun. Calculated the biggest one from all that energy they were throwing at it.
edit on 14-7-2012 by thisisnotaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by thisisnotaname

a lot of people with near death experience spoke of a light they were lifted up to. these nde's were at different times, like day or night. i don't think this light is the sun.

edit on 14-7-2012 by icepack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by thisisnotaname

Interesting theory, however you need to attach sources to show the theory have any meat and is worth discussing on ATS, without them this is just another wild and crazy thought by someone anynymous and you probably won´t get much attention... just a heads up.
edit on 14-7-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:12 PM
The sun is in our dimension.

Souls probably wouldn't stay in this dimension after the physical body in this dimension dies.

Just my two cents.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Are CME's Caused By Souls Crashing Into The Sun?


CME's are caused by the magnetic field lines getting tied up in knots and then re-adjusting, quite violently most times.

Next silly question...

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:35 PM
The 'light' that is experienced in near death experiences has to do with connecting to the true self, and the bigger picture. We are all beings of light, as everything in existence is light in a quantified frequency or wavelength. So to see light in a near death experience, I believe it is because white light is the source of all, whereas the 7 colors of the visible light spectrum to humans are a 'dispersed' amount coming from the source, white light, and thereby are a quantified amount that is perceivable.

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