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Dependence Day

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posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 06:57 PM
So funny to hear the fireworks going off. It's more like an ignorant blissful party for the uninformed than a value of freedom today. The US is not even a country to begin with; it's a corporation, foreign owned at that by the British Crown. (google "united states British owned corporation" for your choice of articles)

That aside, it is very obvious we are dependent on the Federal Reserve to keep printing money, which of course only makes the problem worse.

Then we can't say we are independent either because we are suffocated with laws for everything imaginable. (If you're a politicians, however, these will never apply to you.) I'm not an anarchist, but that might be better than what we're headed to. Laws that to me too much intrude on us: forced to wear a seat belt, forced not to consume drugs, forced to consume other drugs (e.g., vaccines), forced to pay taxes to the IRS (another foreign 'invention' to siphon money), forced to be called a terrorist if we object to the new restrictions, forced to be patted down before flying.

So, despite today, I cannot find anything worth celebrating as far as independence. Iceland, with its new government, seems like a great place to be, though. They have kicked out the bankers. That is a great start. Happy Independence Day Iceland! Hey America, wakie wakie! We got work to do if you could spare the expense of caring! Thanks!
edit on 4-7-2012 by daynight42 because: typo

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by daynight42

it is very obvious we are dependent on the Federal Reserve to keep printing money, which of course only makes the problem worse.

No we aren't. There's probably an office max right down the street where you can fire up the printing presses and make your own money.

List of community currencies in the United States

The rest of your post is spot on.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 07:20 PM
Agreed SNF

its time we have a new date with a real Independance Day
Fifth of November anyone ?

edit on 7/4/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 07:46 PM
Most of us are dependent on corporations to produce our food, then another corporation to haul it to the store and another corporation to sell it to us.

edit on 4-7-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by frazzle

Now that's interesting! I still see us largely dependent on it, but I do not mean that we have no alternatives, I meant to imply that it is forced upon us. Another form of payment Bitcoin sounded promising if it could get mass acceptance.

PayPal is a huge success because it is probably backed by the banks. I believe it's at the point now that with an accessory from them, anyone with an expensive mini-computer (aka phone) can take credit cards. That is major convenience. I say companies of the size and nature as PayPal can burn in fire. That includes amazon, Wal-mart, the major banks, and any other monolithic corrupt structure whose mission it only is to profit and get bigger.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by daynight42
So funny to hear the fireworks going off. It's more like an ignorant blissful party for the uninformed than a value of freedom today. The US is not even a country to begin with; it's a corporation, foreign owned at that by the British Crown. (google "united states British owned corporation" for your choice of articles)

That aside, it is very obvious we are dependent on the Federal Reserve to keep printing money, which of course only makes the problem worse.

Then we can't say we are independent either because we are suffocated with laws for everything imaginable. (If you're a politicians, however, these will never apply to you.) I'm not an anarchist, but that might be better than what we're headed to. Laws that to me too much intrude on us: forced to wear a seat belt, forced not to consume drugs, forced to consume other drugs (e.g., vaccines), forced to pay taxes to the IRS (another foreign 'invention' to siphon money), forced to be called a terrorist if we object to the new restrictions, forced to be patted down before flying.

So, despite today, I cannot find anything worth celebrating as far as independence. Iceland, with its new government, seems like a great place to be, though. They have kicked out the bankers. That is a great start. Happy Independence Day Iceland! Hey America, wakie wakie! We got work to do if you could spare the expense of caring! Thanks!
edit on 4-7-2012 by daynight42 because: typo

Usually one to enjoy celebrating this date with family and friends, I thought it best to stay home alone. This isn't the nation I grew up in, or maybe I should say, the one I believed I grew up in. I saw nothing to celebrate today. Not intending to wave my own flag, but I always conducted myself and my business above board and having enjoyed many of the trappings of success, it all now feels like a lie. This isn't our government any longer. It's not what so many fought for. But I'm sure this all started long before we ever considered this idea.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:03 PM
Corporations the US government is a corporation it is the largest monopoly in the world.

65 million on SS since it's creation has generated 11 trillion dollars and owes 15 trillion
65 million on Medicare which owes 82 trillion dollars.
50+ million on medicaid.

Medicare,medicaid combined count for more than 115 million on Government insurance of course student loans account for 1 trillion dollars.

Fanny and Freddy account for over 5 trillion dollars and own 95% of all Us mortgages,

The United state of Dependence a most apt name, but not in the sense of how this thread started out as.

And then they created their own fiat currency and controls the value of that dollar and sets the rates of every financial vehicle known where private business and the individual alike is given worthless programs and worthless fiat currency.

Yeah what a great

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:25 PM
There was a time when men fought to be free. Today men fight you when you tell them how they are slaves. If you are in the military or you are a civil servant or a government contractor, then you are a welfare queen. You are dependent upon a system that kills innovation in favor of global corporations. You are a slave to a government that kills its own to whip you into patriotic fervor so that you will then be willing to kill, die or look the other way while others do. Willing to cover someone's else's nation in depleted uranium over faulty intel and laugh while doing it (and it is about to happen again).

But God forbid that you should tell people that they are parasites for accepting any form of government check. Don't they think it is a bit odd how that gradually more and more people depend more and more on government? How is that sustainable? And the more dependent they become the more aggressively they defend the thing that feeds them. Is the USA going to turn into a huge holding pen for welfare addicted crack monkeys looking for their next bailout, mortgage forgiveness or SS check?

People should reject the current system. It may be comfortable, but it is not healthy. But they will not reject it. They will just wish they could punish me for posting this and tell me that I am a commie for not supporting the growing nanny state of Uncle Sham. In fact they are the "commies".

There was no Al Cia Duh in IRAQ before the US went in. Now they are working with the US installed government to persecute the Sunni minority there. Same thing in Libya. But the government check crack monkeys are blind to this. "Commies" like me should shut up and stop spoiling Dependence Day for the plastic flag waving morons. Didn't the crack monkeys go fight for Uncle Sham because Al CIA Duh hates the crack monkey way of life? Why now are the government check crack monkeys looking the other way as these nations are handed over to Al CIA Duh? Are they afraid that asking too many questions might make the government crack supply dry up?

It only gets worse from here. There is no way to get people unhooked and the crack dealer, Uncle Sham, is only thinking up more and more ways to get us all deeper into dependency. It is so wrong to be so dependent upon the state. In accepting all of the so called rights bestowed upon us by the state we have traded our real freedom to the point that now true freedom is frightening. How can we live without a safety net? That fear is a conditioned response. It need not be so. It used to be that men faced the unknown with intrepid curiosity and a stiff neck. Now even "men of war" worry about their retirement and their healthcare and want to assure that they have every comfort until the moment the die in their sleep in their eighties. The state has us right where it wants us and it will have an even tighter grip on our kids. We have assured their slavery to the boa constrictor of the state.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:42 PM
S@F for the title alone.....

The Declaration of Dependence

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for corporations and politicians to
dissolve the constitutional entanglements which have restricted them from assuming the powers
of the earth, and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a
disrespect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare themselves to be above
the law and separate from the rest of the humanity.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all bankers are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable rights, that among these are money, power and the freedom to
control and enslave all of mankind.

edit on 4-7-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Numbers33four

I agree with what you have said.

I'd like to add that it's not just the people using the government. In businesses, it is the workers who get the short end of the stick always. Businesses treat people like products that can be bought cheaply and their labor sold for a higher cost. You won't be getting a fair deal unless you work for yourself or someone who can pay you more because they know you personally. Nobody is exempt from this rule. The more you make, the more you are enriching the rich and actually getting what amounts to spare change. Consider Wall St guys who make big money, but really, for every 10% they get, they are giving 90% on the deals to their employer. No wonder the rich keep getting richer and poor get poor. This system is present everywhere.

"Well then go into business for yourself if you don't like it," some could say. Who am I going to hire who would agree to get paid less than they're actually worth? The question of what people make is usually based on desperation. What people are more desperate for the job such that they will take less than someone else.

Businesses are like casinos. The house always wins. You might get a bonus at the end of the year with certain jobs, but only if the business has "had its fill." They insist on growth of the business over the guys at the bottom, though. They will not sacrifice that, but the bottom people must sacrifice their services, which are together worth more than they are paid. Now who's looking for a handout? You will never hear any of this in school, because businesses write the books. Pride yourselves on how much you can enrich your employer? That is how they have achieved this system that desperately plays the little guys.

It has taken me a long time coming before I could admit these things to myself, because I was not raised to be lazy. It started as a feeling. You know something is wrong, but you don't know what. Then for years I probably found other reasons, because I couldn't stand being considered lazy or expecting free things. But, I know who's really expecting something free, and it's the businesses that operate on profit and continual growth. Let me be called whatever, but don't treat me like a cheap product on the shelf that you can buy and sell for more, while telling me it's fair. I work for myself, and I don't put up with any smiling, thieving 'boss.'

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by daynight42
reply to post by frazzle

Now that's interesting! I still see us largely dependent on it, but I do not mean that we have no alternatives, I meant to imply that it is forced upon us. Another form of payment Bitcoin sounded promising if it could get mass acceptance.

PayPal is a huge success because it is probably backed by the banks. I believe it's at the point now that with an accessory from them, anyone with an expensive mini-computer (aka phone) can take credit cards. That is major convenience. I say companies of the size and nature as PayPal can burn in fire. That includes amazon, Wal-mart, the major banks, and any other monolithic corrupt structure whose mission it only is to profit and get bigger.

If you don't hold it, you don't own it. It doesn't matter what it is that people value and trade with, if you hold some of it, no one can tell you how to use it. I don't like the LETS system for the simple reason that its only as good as long as your computer is up and running and its hackable. Same with bitcoin and paypal.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:25 PM
you definitely have a point!

S&F for you!

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:01 AM
Corporations are a human necessity. It's just the way it works.
However, there definately is a push for dependence on a nanny-state government.
I agree with the OP ... 'independence day' should be 'dependence day' now ...

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 08:22 AM


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