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This should put the "Plane didn't hit the Pentagon" to rest completely

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posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 07:32 AM

You have got to be kidding me... another thread on this...

IT WAS A PLANE !!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 07:53 AM
elevatedone... you are probably right. it was A plane. But it seems unlikely that it was an AA 757 piloted by a poor flight student. Bush... but the debate to rest and show us the video. A 757 obviously isn't a national security concern. But if it something other than a 757 then you Mr. Bush have BIG problems. Be a leader (if you think you are one) and show the video.


posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 07:54 AM
Lets say that for the sake of not turning this into YET another thread about the "plane" hitting the pentagon, that Indeed a AA757 crashed at the pentagon and everything is TRUE.

Some things are still hard to swallow (not related to the crash itself).

There are at least 4 videos of the Plane (or that could have footage of it) NOT RELEASED.

If I were taken to court on some case with false information or discredit, Id like to have ALL the info to rebuke those arguments on my side, video, phone talks, papers ANYTHING, why the videos were confiscated, why the CVR and CDR were not made public or at least presented to the 911 commision (ops I forgot they tries to block that commision), those weird things are FUEL to the conspiracy theory.

In light of the WMD no show, the "I have never met J.Edwards before" and all that stuff, how can one believe that one of those videos of the cameras above the freeway, has indeed a 757???

Like someone said on a Hollywood Movie "SHOW ME THE MONIEE"

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 08:03 AM
kix... think of it this way. We've seen all angles of the Pentagon before and after the crash. We've seen closeups of the inside of the damaged area. We've seen the security camera at a Pentagon gate showing an explosion. We've seen absolutely everything but the video of the thing that hit the building. So if none of the other footage is of national security then why is a picture of an AA 757 in flight? It isn't. What do you think would happen if the government was forced to release the tapes and they showed anything other than an AA 757? Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others would be removed from office and they would face a trial that may ultimately lead to the death penalty for comitting an act of war against the US. You'd have many if not most members of congress getting voted out of office. And you'd have every nation on the planet (except Israel) condeming us. It would be a monumental crisis. It would be a crisis so great that it could ultimately lead to the overthrow of our government.

That is why keeping the video secret is important to national security. It is because that video shows something other than an AA 757.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 08:20 AM
Not to be an alarmist....but did anyone see towards the end of this clip (around the 34/35 second mark). You can clearly see that the wings penetrate the concrete almost slicing through it. That to me would leave wing tracks or at least not a circle such as the pictures from the Pentagon crash reveal. If someone has pointed this out already my apologies.

Interesting clip btw.


posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 10:44 AM
Yes, it was a plane, or something that looked like a plane, however I am still not convinced that the plane was indeed an AA Boeing 757-200. It could have been any "PLANE".

You must try to provide a complete report of this, look at your video again, and then explain the 3rd ring hole for me, what caused it then ?

I believe it was a smaller plane, not a boeing 757-200, it first fired a missle and then crashed. Of course I can't proof that so that's just my personal opinion. I will believe the officials when they release the many videos that show what really happened. That's the only way to tell the absolute truth.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Indy
elevatedone... you are probably right. it was A plane. But it seems unlikely that it was an AA 757 piloted by a poor flight student. Bush... but the debate to rest and show us the video. A 757 obviously isn't a national security concern.

so what happened to the AA757, it just didn't vanish into thin air.

and once again..... WITNESSES, people watched the 757 fly across the highway and hit the building....

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by brill
That to me would leave wing tracks or at least not a circle such as the pictures from the Pentagon crash reveal. brill

I think you are spot on, there would be "slits", it was clearly showed in the Video, Also, this plane is super small compaired to the 747.

Elevated, I think that there is no question that it was a plane. The question is what kind.

When you get mad and say "It was a plane". You need to be more clear.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 11:06 AM
I say it was a 757 as it was witnessed by people on the highway...

they saw the thing fly towards the building and hit it.....

too many witnesses.... let it go already.... !!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 11:13 AM
Just curious but do you think they destroyed the tape or they still have it?.Skeptics don't bother posting just ignore my post this is for the "conspiracy theorists" as you call them.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 11:15 AM
All one has to do is look at ONE picture:

Thats ALL!! Look - the windows are still intact - the hole is small. How is it that some folks refuse to believe the truth? A 757 did this?????



posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 11:54 AM
That is my point, there must be something to hide in those tapes.

And Ill go further if the thruth was that this was an "inside" job, there would be an instantaneous, civil way in the US, the 50% percent that believe anything the media and the goverment tells them, and the other 50% that would be outraged and willing to go to congress and kick A$5.

Thats why is SO important to keep it under wraps and it was so impostant to block the indepent 9/11 commision.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
I say it was a 757 as it was witnessed by people on the highway...

they saw the thing fly towards the building and hit it.....

too many witnesses.... let it go already.... !!!!!!!!

LOL, thanks for the good laugh.. now give me at least one report from a withness that said they saw a Boeing 757-200.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 01:22 PM
After reading about this on ATS in multiple threads, I have to comment.

1. Missing video. This is the Pentagon, and I would guess that the people in charge of it do not want video of the inside of the building to be viewed by just anyone. Hence I would venture that the reason the tapes have not be released is due to security.

2. The missing plane. Has anyone put an aluminum can in a fire? The can does burn and does not look like a can anymore. If the plane was a 757 FULL of fuel would the plane not shatter on impact and the fusalage burn in the fireball? How much of the planes from the WTC did they recover?

3. Amatuer pilots. there are documented cases of the hijacked taking or tring to take flying lessons. I assume that there are flight manuals in the aircrafts. If the hijackers are smart enough to get on board and get control of the plane could they not be smart enough to read the manual and program the auto-pilot to fly a certain path at a designated altitude?

Feel free to chop this to bits, but I am tired of the finger pointing. Something attacked US and this old vet just wants to ensure that the correct enemy is identified.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by u28ds05
1. Missing video. This is the Pentagon, and I would guess that the people in charge of it do not want video of the inside of the building to be viewed by just anyone. Hence I would venture that the reason the tapes have not be released is due to security.

Im reffering to the Gas Stations and Banks Security cameras that were confiscated within minutes of the Pentagon going up in flames, NOT the inside of the Pentagon.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 04:25 PM
ok guys!!!!!!

obviously there's something that the gov't is hiding. that clip of the pentagon crash is BS. the gov't definately dont use cameras that are THAT crappy, and they would obviously have more than one surveillance camera, especially at the Pentagon!

so the question is... why is the gov't holding back these tapes? if it was a 757, then prove it!

or better yet, how about this question.....
why are we looking for these tapes if the "Idiot of Defense" already exposed the truth?

"...Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filed with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building..."

Full Article here:
Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Parade Magazine

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 07:43 PM
"and once again..... WITNESSES, people watched the 757 fly across the highway and hit the building...."

There were also witnesses that reported something like a cruise missle. And there were reports of a smaller jet as well. You saw the video. The thing is moving so fast you can't even see it in the security footage. Yet someone is supposed to accurately describe what they saw, make, model, etc as it buzzed over their heads at a few hundred miles per hour for a split second?

Here is what happens. There is a report of a hijacked AA 757. It is reported that it crashed in DC. People see something fly in at high speed over their heads and crash into the building. So they put 2 & 2 together and realize this must be the 757 so they report they saw the AA 757 hit the building.

If you are on the highway sitting in gridlock. All the sudden there is a woosh shound as something races over top of you there is no way you can react fast enough to spot the item and make an accurate assessment of what it is. The best you are going to do is realize that it was a fast moving, low flying object. Then of course you add it with news reports you hear and all the sudden you are a reliable witness who saw the AA 757.

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