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Its Been A Hell of a Ride Folks!

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posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by Azdraik
First, the earth at one point used to be a much hotter place.

The temperatures that have been documented from various ice core samples have shown a warming period followed with a drastic drop in temperatures.

And the earth was inhabitable for humans then, too.


There used to be a time about 60 million years ago when volcanos were super active and there were higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, but only REPTILES could survive.

Like George Carlin said, "the planet will be fine.... We're F'd (along with most plant and animal life), but the planet will be fine!"

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 11:53 AM
Occam's Razor. What makes more sense?

Unprecedented amounts of anthropomorphic CO2 released into the atmosphere is causing a greenhouse effect.


The sun is causing it as part of a natural cycle and it's just a coincidence it's happening at the exact same time as we are releasing unprecedented amounts CO2 into the atmosphere, which has no significant effect.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Reflection

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by Azdraik
First, the earth at one point used to be a much hotter place.

The temperatures that have been documented from various ice core samples have shown a warming period followed with a drastic drop in temperatures.

And the earth was inhabitable for humans then, too.


There used to be a time about 60 million years ago when volcanos were super active and there were higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, but only REPTILES could survive.

Like George Carlin said, "the planet will be fine.... We're F'd (along with most plant and animal life), but the planet will be fine!"

Exactly. Invariably, when there is a thread here pointing out any aspect of climate change, there are always people who pretend it's 'no big deal' because the earth 'goes through changes'. As if those changes will, in any way, be benign for human existence. It's a bull# argument.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by ColAngus
There will be highs and there will be lows. We're merely going through a peak right now. Records will be set like they've been in the past.

And then it will swing the other way and low records will be set a few years down the line, and hysterical, feral wolf children like the OP will claim a new Ice Age.

I'm curious what sort of data you are looking at that allows you to draw these conclusions. Where is the data showing we will be experiencing 'low records' in terms if the average climate temp?

Or is it, as I suspect, just bull# pseudo science spewing from thine netherparts??

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by stanguilles7

He has no data!

This is typical of about 99.999% of the "natural cyclists." They have minuscule data that the Sun and/or natural cycles are causing climate change compared to the massive amounts of evidence that anthropomorphic CO2 is the cause.

Not to mention all the data showing how different forms of pollution and consumption are degrading the ecosystem.

I'm sorry, but most people are simply in denial. No different than any other addict.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by earthart

We could use some of that global warming up in the Nothwest....

One see 10s of jets flying in your area at times.... How many jets would it take to cover the 4 million sq miles of America, and how does it do anything to global tempatures when we have another 54 million sq miles to work with?

If we flew jets a half miles apart from each other and each jet had 500 miles fuel range then that would be 16,000 flights to cover America. This doesn't take into account how far their "chemicals" could last until tanks (I guess tanks) were dry. BTW where is all this extra fluid stored on the plane. I been flying for 30 years and we figure the exact fuel needed and that is what is pumped on. I don't see any other speical tank trucks adding non-fuel liquids. Planes are very picky as to how heavy they are and where that weight is placed.

edit on 1-7-2012 by Xtrozero because: for math...

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 04:38 PM
Colorado is experiencing wild fire - so what?
Florida is having flooding issues - so?
Arizona is in a drought........

Every area of the country is experiencing some type of abnormal weather but if you think ANY of the above issues are species ending events, I disagree.

Humans are very flexible and resilient and can adapt to changing weather or disasters.

Yes some will die. The sick, the weak and the ones just to stupid to adapt.

Most will prevail.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by mwood
Colorado is experiencing wild fire - so what?
Florida is having flooding issues - so?
Arizona is in a drought........

Every area of the country is experiencing some type of abnormal weather but if you think ANY of the above issues are species ending events, I disagree.

Humans are very flexible and resilient and can adapt to changing weather or disasters.

Yes some will die. The sick, the weak and the ones just to stupid to adapt.

Most will prevail.

Not most. Some. Mainly the ultra wealthy who will be able to afford expensive shelter and heating/cooling systems. Everyone else will have severe limitations placed upon them by temp increases, rising water levels on the coast, etc.

If temperatures rise by even a fraction of what the more conservatives climate models predict, much of the earth will be uninhabitable for people.

Despite the uncertainty in future climate-change impacts, it is often assumed that humans would be able to adapt to any possible warming. Here we argue that heat stress imposes a robust upper limit to such adaptation. Peak heat stress, quantified by the wetbulb temperature TW, is surprisingly similar across diverse climates today. TW never exceeds 31 °C. Any exceedence of 35 °C for extended periods should induce hyperthermia in humans and other mammals, as dissipation of metabolic heat becomes impossible. While this never happens now, it would begin to occur with global-mean warming of about 7 °C, calling the habitability of some regions into question. With 11–12 °C warming, such regions would spread to encompass the majority of the human population as currently distributed. Eventual warmings of 12 °C are possible from fossil fuel burning. One implication is that recent estimates of the costs of unmitigated climate change are too low unless the range of possible warming can somehow be narrowed. Heat stress also may help explain trends in the mammalian fossil record.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

If temperatures rise by even a fraction of what the more conservatives climate models predict, much of the earth will be uninhabitable for people.

A fraction of conservative climate models

Look, I'm on team: everything goes boom

, but that's not what the data indicates. By conservative models, we still have time to mitigate a lot of the damage. Even by the current high-ends of models, places are still habitable.

People are starting to realize the models are a bit off, and aren't including every factor. That's where the intuitions of many are suggesting it's as severe as a possible/probable extinction in the coming decades.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 05:04 PM
I feel that it is human related and tptb know it. All through the last 100 years things seem so scripted. I will tell you why i feel this way. The global warming issue arose years ago and immediately the opposition to it surfaced. Those that don't want to face a desperate situation always hide their faces in the pillows and deny its happening in hopes that the problem will just go away. Ill start with recent earthquakes and the dull nature in which the MSM reports it. In hopes to control it tptb plan appocalyptic events to decrease population. With the recent milestone that was tripped with population tptb are panicking and rightfully so. Expect A global event of epic proportion to decrease population either by tptb or global warming or both.

Remember the Tsunami hitting between Christmas and new years in 2004, doesn't it seem convenient that it happened in a time when the masses attention was diverted by festivities.

Remember the massive earthquake and subsequent meltdown in Japan where many have died and will die no longer receives coverage except from the dark corners of the internet. And how it seemed the people of japan have been trained not to panic when its human nature to preserve ones own life.

Notice the massive diversion technique used by television to keep the eye off the ball with survivor, sitcoms and any other filth they can get away with publishing it. Notice the how much this has changed in the last 40 years. What was considered adultrated in the 70s is played on regular tv now.

The controversial cases in court such as Kacey Anthony, The Zimmmerman case, and currently the fast and furious case.

9/11 resulted in how many deaths millions in the middle east you really think its about religious extremism or even Islam.

All the cards are being placed in Syria now the countries that are controlled by tptb are preparing for a simple game of poker and the cards are currently being dealt. Hello WW3.

If your dependent upon the system such as SS, Food-stamps, Wic, and other forms of social welfare better get independent fast, as yours will be the first to go and encampments will be used.

Its obvious global warming is a fact and TPTB have a plan to stop it but it doesnt include us in the result.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 05:48 PM
hang in love

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 06:15 PM
Life as we have known it is indeed changing.

Here in Tennessee we have had the hottest Summer and its only just begun. I have been hearing all kinds of people talk about how strange and weird it is. 112 degrees is just not something we experience here.... Ive lived here for forty years..... All of my life and its never been soooo hot in June of all months! Crazy!

In my opinion though, the Earth will correct itself and balance out as it has all its life. Volcanic Eruptions will go off in concert, a new ice age will emerge and we will have to adapt to the changes. Maybe we will live underground, in city domes, I really dont know what will become of the people but we will survive. I have hope.... And faith.

Changes will be scary, loved ones will not make it, but we as a whole will survive.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Captain55

Life (human, animal, plants) cannot survive wet-bulb temperatures of 95 degrees or more. The latest temperature increase predicted by climate scientists will exceed this.

95 degrees? I'm amazed anyone would believe that, let alone predict it.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 06:24 PM
If this has not already been mentioned, then this will accelerate the global warming, within the next decade. Thousands of litres of methane being released into the atmosphere in the Siberian Sea with the melting of the permafrost.
edit on 1-7-2012 by kalenga because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by mwood
Colorado is experiencing wild fire - so what?
Florida is having flooding issues - so?
Arizona is in a drought........

Every area of the country is experiencing some type of abnormal weather but if you think ANY of the above issues are species ending events, I disagree.

Humans are very flexible and resilient and can adapt to changing weather or disasters.

Yes some will die. The sick, the weak and the ones just to stupid to adapt.

Most will prevail.

Anyone can say anything without evidence to back it up, but it holds absolutely no weight. I bet 80% or more posts on this subject are like this.

Guess what, pink elephants fly!

And humans are invincible! And can physically adapt their basic needs from oxygen and vegetation to methane and mutated, nuclear swamp meat!

We're in denial folks. And our addiction is not just irresponsible consumption, but a psychological dependency on the socio-economic system that manages our consumption. Most will do everything in their power to defend it, even though it's against the interest of their own well being.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Reflection
reply to post by stanguilles7

He has no data!

This is typical of about 99.999% of the "natural cyclists." They have minuscule data that the Sun and/or natural cycles are causing climate change compared to the massive amounts of evidence that anthropomorphic CO2 is the cause.

Not to mention all the data showing how different forms of pollution and consumption are degrading the ecosystem.

I'm sorry, but most people are simply in denial. No different than any other addict.

I think that humans are, to some extent, adding to climate change (anthropogenic climate change) but I am also cognisant of the EECO (Early Eocene Climatic Optimum) and the PETM (Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum) amongst other 'extreme' events.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by aorAki

Originally posted by Reflection
reply to post by stanguilles7

He has no data!

This is typical of about 99.999% of the "natural cyclists." They have minuscule data that the Sun and/or natural cycles are causing climate change compared to the massive amounts of evidence that anthropomorphic CO2 is the cause.

Not to mention all the data showing how different forms of pollution and consumption are degrading the ecosystem.

I'm sorry, but most people are simply in denial. No different than any other addict.

I think that humans are, to some extent, adding to climate change (anthropogenic climate change) but I am also cognisant of the EECO (Early Eocene Climatic Optimum) and the PETM (Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum) amongst other 'extreme' events.


Ok then aor, it sounds like you have a handle on things, so in all sincerity, can you explain to me how the locking up of MILLIONS of years of CO2 as coal or oil (including the CO2 that has been spewed out of volcanoes over those millions of years) then the RELEASING of said CO2 into the atmosphere over a couple of hundred years cou\ldn't prove that humans are a major contributor to climate change please? Oh, forgot to mention the millions of years of limestone formation being then that being used to make quicklime for cement. Isn't it something like for every 100 ton of limestone is changed to 56 ton of quicklime CaO and 44 ton of CO2. I am interested for your answer or anyone else that seems to think that humans haven't been a major player in this. I have asked this a few times in different threads around the net but there have been no takers and I would really like to see where my logic is falling down.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:26 PM
Well, since said that humans are, to some extent, adding to climate change, I'm not sure what you want from me, but what you have written seems reasonable to me. I did want to point out that there are extreme records of climate change in the geologic record, from times when humans were but a twinkle in the shrew's eye...

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by aorAki
Well, since said that humans are, to some extent, adding to climate change, I'm not sure what you want from me, but what you have written seems reasonable to me. I did want to point out that there are extreme records of climate change in the geologic record, from times when humans were but a twinkle in the shrew's eye...

I think I am happy that someone else seems to think that my logic isn't off the charts. It puzzles me that people can't see that all of the CO2 that has been locked up for millions of years being released over a couple of hundred years is a significant event. So many people won't even admit that it is a real thing. So thanks for acknowledging that there IS something to my train of thought.
edit on 1/7/12 by steve1709 because: spelling

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by earthart

Enjoy it while you can.

Havnt been able to enjoy it for years.

Im definitely looking forward to seeing this "ride" come to an end.

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