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Heal yourself naturally for free

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posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 01:57 PM
I am about to show you how you can help heal yourself naturally for free.

Power of the human mind

The Placebo effect demonstrates that the human body can heal itself from a huge number of illnesses purely through the power of the mind. It has been shown time and time again in medical trials across the world, testing a wide range of illnesses that if a patient believes something will heal them their body will heal even if all they are taking is a sugar tablet or something completely inert.

How does it work? We are unsure, scientists don’t know exactly how it works. Recent studies have even shown that the placebo effect will still be shown even if you tell the patient that they are taking a placebo! Crazy!

“Patients can benefit from being treated with sham drugs even if they are told they contain no active ingredient, scientists have found. The finding suggests that the placebo effect could work without the need for any deception on the part of the doctor, as had been previously thought.”


So from this we can deduce that the human mind is pretty powerful. It does indeed create its own reality, this statement is alone a whole other topic which will be saved for another day.

Power of the human body

The body can heal itself. You cut your arm, the blood clots a scar forms and eventually new skin tissue grows and the scar falls off. You are healed. Science still does not fully understand how the body is able to heal itself like this. Certain animals and fish can also do the downright miraculous and regrow limbs! You cut the arm off a salamander or starfish (do not try this its cruel!) and it will grow back.

You might think that us humans cannot do this but you would be wrong! There have been cases of humans regrowing limbs and fingers that they have lost and it is quite common in children under 2 and even more common place in foetuses.

“Fetuses can regrow almost anything that gets damaged while in the womb. Scientists have long believed that when a foetus reaches full development, this extracellular matrix stops functioning. But with evidence that applying extracellular matrix from a pig can initiate certain types of regeneration in humans, they're wondering if they can trigger human extracellular matrix to start working again. After all, according to regeneration researcher Dr. Stephen Badylak of the University of Pittsburgh, children up to the age of two have been known to regrow fingertips with no outside help.”


From this we can deduce that the human body is pretty amazing self healing machine. Somewhere in our DNA that we share with all animals are the instructions that tell the body how to regrow and heal itself.

So how can we tap into these abilities in our everyday life for free without drugs?

There is obviously something that enables the body to heal itself without taking any special drugs or treatment.

Long ago in the past we have put such feats down as “miracles” and not understood the process of how this works. However others in the past have been tapping into this ability in a subtle yet effective way. I’m talking about the ancient Chinese art and health regime Qigong (Chi Kung).

Now there are lots of crazy videos on YouTube of so called Qigong masters performing miraculous feats with the so called power of Qigong such as setting things on fire with their hands. I’m sorry to burst their bubble but these are mere parlour tricks. Parlour trick Qigong
The Chinese have a history of doing things like this in order to create an air of mystery about their arts especially to outsiders. It has helped them in the past sell their art. It’s a shame because they disregard the real power of Qigong. Real Qigong and Kung fu isn’t sexy to watch or exciting but it is very effective.

I found out about true wonders of Qigong this out by spending time with Qigong master, author and doctor in Chinese Medicine Dr Roger Jahnke.

Roger taught me how some simple mind relaxation, breathing and slow movements can create a powerful medicine within the body. Qigong and its sister art Tai Chi activates whatever it is that creates the placebo effect. I practice Kung fu. I wanted to learn Qigong thinking I would learn some something cool having had watched the parlor trick Qigong on YouTube and watching too many kung fu movies as a kid. After a week of learning some basics I had learnt something far more profound and powerful.

I have been doing Qigong for about a year now. I was healthy to begin with however the effects for me have been life changing. I’m a busy Londoner and was a heavy drinker. Drinking was my way of unwinding after a week in the rat race. Qigong has enabled me to "stop and smell the roses". I no longer drink and rarely get stressed out. After a 10 minute session of Qigong I feel high and extremely clear headed at the same time. It’s like waking up on a sunny morning after a great night’s sleep, no grogginess whatsoever. A session in the morning sets me up for the entire day.

Here’s Roger demonstrating how you can practise some qigong right now whilst sat reading this. Enjoy

Modern day research

There is a lot of research being done into the effectiveness of these arts and day by day more supporting evidence is supporting their effectiveness.

Tai Chi makes your brain bigger and improves memory

To read further into the research being done check out institute of integral qigong and tai chi

My personal view is - that’s great, but regardless of its a placebo or actually making a physiological change within the body it works for me. I’ll let the scientists work out how it works because it’s something free that I practise every day.

To learn real Qigong start your search online. Be wary of the showy parlour trick stuff. There’s lots of free material on the web and finding a local class shouldn't be too hard if you feel the need to get some hand on instruction, at least there are in London where I am based.

Western medicine is amazing don't get me wrong but we have become too reliant on it and have forgot about our own body's natural ability to heal Instead of pill popping and booze swilling to deal with health care and stress we'd be using our own in built healing and coping powers and only using western medicine as a last resort.

If anyone else has got a similar story about Qigong, Tai Chi or some other practice they do that has similar effects let me know. We could be on the brink of a healthcare revolution!

edit on 29-6-2012 by MrSpiderMonkey because: typos

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 02:06 PM
hi op

1st thing springs to mind
a few years ago a clinical trial with cannabis was done
half the patients were given the real deal and the other half contained no thc
a good percentage of the patients given no thc said they felt great
thats when i realised that the power of the mind needs a hell of a lot more investigation
i bet pharma knows this and is shaking in their shoes (i hope)
cheers op, a lot more food for thought

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by davesmart

Yep, there is no money in this tho so little research is done. Why does money always get in the way of true human advancement!?

Until the day we don't have profit as a motivator I'm gonna keep my daily Qigong routine up.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 02:30 PM
Great post! I've always thought the folks from China are more connected with their minds than most Westerners. Their beliefs and practises have served them well for thousands of years, maybe we should all take a few pages out of their books!


posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by davesmart
hi op

1st thing springs to mind
a few years ago a clinical trial with cannabis was done
half the patients were given the real deal and the other half contained no thc
a good percentage of the patients given no thc said they felt great
thats when i realised that the power of the mind needs a hell of a lot more investigation
i bet pharma knows this and is shaking in their shoes (i hope)
cheers op, a lot more food for thought

I don't think the power of MJ should be underestimated though. I'm 100% convinced that for me, it's raised my immune system. Ever since I started using, I haven't been sick, not once.

Don't get me wrong, I'm also convinced that it's not a necessity, there are enough people (with a strong mental health) that live perfectly healthy lives without even MJ, but I do believe it can be a tool for people who have yet to reach that inner power. I'm working on it, but it's still a long road ahead of me, and MJ helps with that too, I feel more connected when I'm high. Isn't it funny too that they call it "high"? What else is up there, up "high"?
(I'm not talking about the heaven in the clouds, mind you)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by MrSpiderMonkey

Love the profile picture and topic. You reminded me to go back into practising my qi gong, if for no other reason than that it feels great after. I always believed in the power of the mind and that placebo is awesome proof of our own ability to stay physically healthy only by thinking we are.

much love and thank you for bringing this topic in such a nice straight forwardw way.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by ThisIsNotReality
reen stuff

yes i also agree, as i am a participent in the green culture lol
didnt want to go into greater detail for fear of TnC
i have gave willing participents with hip problems the green stuff
they were not only bloody funny and had the best laugh in many yrs
they also were pain free

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 03:35 PM
Thanks for posting! I meditate daily but am just about to start doing some martial arts exercises again, and even though I've tried Tai Chi in the past and often thought about doing Qigong, (I think of it like moving meditation, should have carried it on really.) I've not properly got into it before. But seeing that video reminds me that it's definitely worth a try. Have also been into Taoism for a long time so as soon as he started mixing the earth and sky/heaven I thought it was great, and yeah I definitely think there's a lot to it.

Just one question though : do you have any idea of where he first got that specific exercise in the video or what type of Qigong practise it actually is? Am always interested in finding the roots of what I'm doing that's all. Thanks loads if you can help, and thanks again for posting.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by robhines

Hi! Yep I do, he's doing a movement called passing clouds and its one of practise called the 9 phases. Your hands are the clouds and you just calmly watch them pass in front of your face as if you were lying on your back watching the clouds pass by. He's doing this sitting but it can also be done standing. If you're based in London PM me and I'll give you the details of a couple workshops he's doing next week. Otherwise he's normally based in Santa babra Cali.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by MrSpiderMonkey

Understand that I am not arguing the benefits of what millions of people have done for years. If it works, it works, it's that simple. What irks me is the question of, "Then what the hell good is sleep?"

Lately I've been waking up more tired than before I went to sleep. Isn't sleep supposed to be the break away from our troubles, a time of allowing the body to heal? When we're sleeping aren't we in the Now, not thinking of the past or future? Point is, if sleep isn't doing it for me, why should a period of restful meditation be any different?

Side note: The guy in the video looks totally trashed to me, to the point of looking very ill. Is his meditation working for him?

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

Its different to sleep, as you are still concious. Feeling bad when you wake could be down to a number of factors, lack of quality REM sleep could be one of them, also sometimes as a student when I would oversleep I would feel worse. You should get yourself to a sleep clinic if you are really having trouble sleeping or melatonin is supposed to be a safe remedy for this, OR DA DA DA, try some Qigong!
Its great for improving circulation and getting oxygen around the body, all will help sleep.

As for Roger looking trashed, I don't agree and could only wish to be as fit as he is when I'm in my late 60s

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by MrSpiderMonkey
reply to post by robhines

Hi! Yep I do, he's doing a movement called passing clouds and its one of practise called the 9 phases. Your hands are the clouds and you just calmly watch them pass in front of your face as if you were lying on your back watching the clouds pass by. He's doing this sitting but it can also be done standing. If you're based in London PM me and I'll give you the details of a couple workshops he's doing next week. Otherwise he's normally based in Santa babra Cali.

Ah I'm up in Hull so too far away, but thanks for the names of the movement and practise! It looks simple so will give it a go later and also have a read around about it. Thanks again.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Saphira
Great post! I've always thought the folks from China are more connected with their minds than most Westerners. Their beliefs and practises have served them well for thousands of years, maybe we should all take a few pages out of their books!


Saphira, you have a very 'romantic' view of Chinese culture. Please don't forget how much Chinese also worship wealth.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by MrSpiderMonkey

Your main problem is that in order for a treatment to be effective it must outweigh the placebo effect. Meaning your whole post is worthless.

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