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Ron Paul is a hypocrite. Go figure.

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posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by N3k9Ni

There's nothing wrong with getting Social Security. You're right on that point. It becomes hypocrisy when you then turn around and claim SS is unconstitutional and akin to slavery while you still take advantage of it.

As for trolling? I'm not trolling. I posted a story pointing out yet another example of the Paul family and their hypocrisy. I'm not the one with blinders on when it comes to the faux-Libertarian.

But hey, keep attacking me personally. I guess you have to come back with something, right?

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 02:16 PM
need a tissue for your issue? Your tears make me smile

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 02:56 PM
I've paid into Social Securtiy for nearly 40 years and fully intend to draw it when I reach that age. I could only imagine what mine and my employer's contributions to SS would amount to if in a private account but quite reasonably certain it would be worth much more to me than SS payments.

It would seem fair and proper to allow people to opt out of SS in favor of a private retirement savings account, but for those who would opt-out then fail to save or meet with misfortune early-on and not have Social Security insurance to fall back on it would place then in extreme hardship or they would become another seeking hand-outs most likely at our expense.

There are fair arguments to be made in favor of or against the Social Security system but there is no shame or failure on anyone that has paid into the system throughout their working career to accept their payments when they reach age eligibility regardless what their opinion of the system is.

The hypocrite would be someone taking the opportunity to opt-out then expecting handouts if they failed to provide for themselves otherwise.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by jtap66
reply to post by N3k9Ni
There's nothing wrong with getting Social Security. You're right on that point. It becomes hypocrisy when you then turn around and claim SS is unconstitutional and akin to slavery while you still take advantage of it.

As for trolling? I'm not trolling. I posted a story pointing out yet another example of the Paul family and their hypocrisy. I'm not the one with blinders on when it comes to the faux-Libertarian.

But hey, keep attacking me personally. I guess you have to come back with something, right?

OK, a few things on this.

Others have already well pointed out that Paul has paid in much more than he's likely to get out in the first place. In addition, as he is still working at this point, he is also being taxed on the SSI funds he's receiving, as well.

I'd like clarification on how this is hypocritical, exactly? Yes, Paul's record is very clear on his views of the unconstitutionality of the system (which he is entirely correct about, in my opinion), but why on earth does that mean he shouldn't be able to recoup his losses to the unconstitutional programs in what small part he can?

I saw another good illustration on the same point - I agree with Paul on the federal income tax's unconstitutionality as well...does this make me a hypocrite for filing for my refund every year to try to recoup some of those losses?

Or how about this: consider you're mugged violently, with your wallet stolen (another example online, not my own). Some time later, you receive a letter from the thief stating that he didn't actually need all the money you lost, and advising you where you can claim the remainder. Is it hypocritical to go get what's left of your money back? Surely you don't agree with muggings and robbery, so it much be hypocritical to go pick up the leavings, right?

Yes, you can definitely not like Ron Paul if you see fit not to, and I'll agree that a lot of Ron Paul supporters are likely his own worst enemy and take their like for him and their behaviour as a result entirely too far entirely too often.

But if you want to accuse him of hypocrisy, you probably better keep looking for better examples as this falls far short. This is just getting back some small bit of what he's owed, and I think is shot completely down by the facts that he never took taxpayer-funded junkets, doesn't participate in the congressional pension program, never accepted medicare or other federal funds from his patients while still practicing (instead offering free or discounted services), returns the unspent portion of his congressional budget to Treasury every year, and so on.

I'm not seeking to cast aspersions here, just making what I consider to be a likely true assumption: were your life as public as Paul's, I would be willing to bet we could find much more glaring examples of hypocrisy in your own.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:04 PM
Hell has truly frozen over. Someone finally found something on Ron Paul that I don't approve of. I am not going to sit here and defend him, because I can't. Does this mean I am going to withdraw my support? Absolutely not, I still stand behind his message. So the man is doing something I don't like, well I say thank goodness! At times he appeared so perfect it was creepy. I am glad he has a flaw and that it is one I can tolerate. Now, if he had voted against our freedoms or turned around and started advocating for the wars, I might have to reconsidering my support, but for now he is still my only choice and will be getting a write in from me come November.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:02 PM
As said many times in this thread, Ron Paul has paid into SS all his life and SS is not an entitlement program. Ron Paul would be silly not to accept money he already paid. In fact, he won't get what he paid into.

In any case, the Young Turks took time to cover this.

Ron Paul Collects Social Security - Not Guilty?

Ron Paul was asked if he collects Social Security by Huffington Post reporter Sam Stein in an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur shares his thoughts.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by jtap66

Listen to the Large Gov't Loving guy. If he was a fraud, the NSF wouldn't be considering him and his followers a possible violent threat. Fraud? No "Scary to the NWO" YES Have fun NWO lover.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by jtap66
reply to post by N3k9Ni

There's nothing wrong with getting Social Security. You're right on that point. It becomes hypocrisy when you then turn around and claim SS is unconstitutional and akin to slavery while you still take advantage of it.

As for trolling? I'm not trolling. I posted a story pointing out yet another example of the Paul family and their hypocrisy. I'm not the one with blinders on when it comes to the faux-Libertarian.

But hey, keep attacking me personally. I guess you have to come back with something, right?

I said nothing about trolling nor did I attack you personally. I assume you replied to the wrong post by mistake. In the future, please be more careful about to whom you direct insults.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by jtap66

Here's a question for you: when you get old enough to receive Social Security, will you accept the money that was stolen from you? It won't be all of it because it doesn't work that way. But you will receive a portion. Assuming, of course, that SS is still around in 2062.


posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 07:33 PM
Ron Paul is accepting social security but he would steal yours. Remember folks Social Security is our money us taxpayers that the libertarians care nothing about.

Ron Paul has accepted many more government programs for his luxurious lifestyle he has taken advantage of.

Oh by the way Ron Paul has government taxpayer funded health coverage in the congress.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by PromiseKept2016
Ron Paul is accepting social security but he would steal yours. Remember folks Social Security is our money us taxpayers that the libertarians care nothing about.

Ron Paul has accepted many more government programs for his luxurious lifestyle he has taken advantage of.

Oh by the way Ron Paul has government taxpayer funded health coverage in the congress.

A little confused are you? Social Security is a fund paid into by covered workers and their employers. If you should croak before you are eligible to draw it is not money owed to you that can be passed along to your survivors, although spouses and dependent children MAY be eligible to draw some of it from your account.

Many people feel a better system would be for you to have your own retirement/insurance account that you can invest as you wish. The Ron Paul, libertarian proposal is to allow younger workers entering the workforce the opportunity to opt-out of SS in favor of having a private account they could invest for higher return and pass it along to their family. Some down-sides would be those who do not make proper provisions and would end up on public dole, so there would likely be requirements to ensure you have such account. Another problem was in the 2000's GW Bush wanted to "privatize" Social Security and invest that fund in the stock market, however the crash in 2008 demonstrated the folly in doing that.

You are probably quite young and Social Security pay-outs, which for many elderly is insufficient amount to meet their needs, may be very reduced for you as that fund is now being tapped by the government for budget concerns. You may wish for the opportunity to opt-out of that system. There is no intent by Paul or anyone else I am aware of that wishes to deprive those who have paid into it throughout a working lifetime their opportunity to draw their share when eligible.

Ron Paul's healthcare coverage plan is the same offered to myself as a now retired federal employee. Federal Employees Healthcare Benefit plan (FEHB) offers a choice of coverage plans with different premiums, benefits, deductibles, etc., that is paid in part by the employer - the federal government - and with premiums paid by the employee, i.e., Ron Paul, myself, and other federal employees.

There is nothing hypocritical about drawing a Social Security check from a fund you paid into for many years. Most people will very likely not receive from it anything near what they could have if the same amounts were paid into a private account of their own for that period of time, however its disability benefits could be a blessing for those who are disabled and unable to continue working.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by The Old American

BAM! Perfect answer. Thread closed??

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