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Some info on Source Magick

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posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:25 AM
Source Magick is a brand of magick, practised by the Ancients and mostly forgotten about in modern times. It itself consists of many sub-branches of magick all characterised by their strength in reality. I'll start with exactly how it comes about and why we haven't seen it in modern times. Source magick started about 180 000 years ago when the angel/demon Lucifer and his friends descended upon this physical Universe. At that time he was still in favour with the Godhead and was liked really by all. Wanting to improve the enjoyment of life and exploit the capabilities of the Universe he decided to invent magick. While he had the Godhead's help, it was still mainly up to him as this era of the Universe was under his command and responsibility. The reality of magick is really beautiful as I will explain. Lucifer decided to create magick from seemingly non-magick or nothing. Simply, he took the magick of falling in love and used it to create magickal effects. Each time he fell in love and this love was returned the power of magick increased. Usually there is enough power of love (called Lovesex or Godsex) for 1% to 5% of the population to get magick. When Lucifer fell out of favour with the Godhead and his friends about 5000 years ago (round about the Old Testament was written) the presence of magick in this world receded until the End of an Age- and the End of an Age is now and magick is most definitely returning.

Source magick uses one of his innovations- Source (where all creativity comes from including the Godhead's love for the world) to produce magick. Each magickal casting, spell or enchantment uses a piece of Lucifer's ego which rises into Source and to the magician carrying along with it intelligence and energy to perform the spell. The ego part of the spell forms 3D fractals which causes the intelligence of Source (really the Godhead's flowing mind) to prepare the spell for manifestation. Some of the other Angel's egos are used as well for the spell. All this occurs with the Godhead's permission (hence when Lucifer strayed this permission wasn't granted and magick couldn't be performed and disappeared). There are about 10 000 different spells as the ancients discovered (recalled from past life memories as is most of this information; basically during the times when the Angels and Lucifer shared their mind with us).

The End of an Age is here, Lucifer has been redeemed and magick is upon us once again. The Cosmic Intelligence needs its mind refreshed as to how magick is produced and performed; we need people practising Source magick the right way. What's special about Source magick? It behaves like the magick of movies and video games; an instantaneous physical reaction. I dare to say it but think Harry Potter. The more people practise the sooner more get it. I have tried it and I have seen it work as I've discussed elsewhere on the forum. I've made physical objects move with my wand and light and steam appear out of my wand. So now onto how to do it-

A wand or ring is needed; other items can be used as well. Begin by imbuing the wand. Visualise and feel effects of the 4 elements (light and darkness too if you want) going into the casting implement. This may take up to an hour maybe long it depends on the casting item and the user. The item should change in some way. I have felt a wand vibrate, get lighter or give off a different smell. When this happens you know the wand is ready.

The spell itself consists of a visualisation, a verbal incantation and a non-verbal (mental) piece of wording. A connection to source (or Lovesex or Godsex) is also required. Hold or touch the magickal item and pretend a tendril of light or emotion connects it to you and your heart. Say the verbal incantation. Simultaneously said mentally is the non-verbal 'incantation'; the secret is love, ie mentally visualise a loved one saying something describing the spell or situation- all in the mind of course. Also done simultaneously is the sending of sexual energy along the body through the hand into the magickal item. The sexual energy feels somewhat sexual and may not consist of physical arousal but rather emotional sexual interest (probably easier for those with female souls to do).

In the past there is a standard for the spell verbal incantation but you may use a word that is relevant to the spell and/or situation. The three simplest spells I have had success with are:
*The Doing Spell- incantation- 'paris'
*The Illuminating spell (with a nod to Harry Potter)- 'lumos' (more than just creating 'a torch', can also be used for creating light models and displays)
*The levitating spell (also with a nod to Harry Potter) - 'wingardium leviosa' (I just get a lifting feeling in my body, still waiting for magick to get stronger for this one to really work)

Although it seems corny the reason I include spells from popular culture is because the Cosmic Intelligence is already familiar with them and their visualisations and manifestations- saves time explaining to Cosmic Intelligence as to what you really want to get from the spell. That and we all practice them in the shower anyways, lol.

So go ahead and practice, it probably works on first come first served for those who will get magick. It really isn't that difficult just that there is a proper way to do this type of magick, it just has been lost to humanity. I am quite serious about this and as soon as I am proficient enough to produce successful spells I intend to record them and post them on youtube- perhaps I will only convince some at that stage so they'll just have to wait. We are entering a magickal age, I can feel my wand getting more 'activated' and I get a slight 'effect' on every other casting. So try it out...

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 09:15 AM
My wand hasn't been "activated" in what seems like forever.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Paschar0
My wand hasn't been "activated" in what seems like forever.

Lol, a bit off topic but funny. Not to turn it into something base and low order but 'sexualness' is required for Source magick. Don't think it's there for some popularity but rather to remind us how the Godhead's sex created our souls and the Universe from their seeds and eggs with the orgasm providing the spark for consciousness.

I must add that the magick that 'those in the know' are aware of and practice stems from the Archangels Michael and Gabriel's efforts and is effective in other ways. Lucifer knows how to impress and hence made his magick flashy. All three have had times when they incarnated amongst men in this Universe.

Particularly for wands I used the following method:- I chose an element and created a firey, watery or say electric torus/ring and sent is along the length of my wand sometimes in stages. Sometimes I imagined the wand turning to Earth, other times it catching alight. I pointed it at the ground and sent my own visualisations down its length and into the ground, other times towards the sky.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 09:58 AM
Reply to post by Klimhazard

I'd love to watch a video of you where you move objects with magick and get steam out of your hand. Mind recording one for us. I can't think of better proof of this that you call magick

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posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by Klimhazard

Source Magic? I'll have to try to apply this technique to mine and see what happens. It sounds like something Coven of Blood Raven was working on before I left them. This information can be weaponize quite easily with the right stuff. I'll have to ask Blood Raven survivors about what was being done before they were attacked.

What you have posted just sounds like basic magic, just the raw form, where you are working with pure energy. Anyway, this can be tooled into a weapon and it's likely that people like me and those with even worse agendas will acquire this and use it for evil.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by ramle
reply to post by Klimhazard

Source Magic? I'll have to try to apply this technique to mine and see what happens. It sounds like something Coven of Blood Raven was working on before I left them. This information can be weaponize quite easily with the right stuff. I'll have to ask Blood Raven survivors about what was being done before they were attacked.

What you have posted just sounds like basic magic, just the raw form, where you are working with pure energy. Anyway, this can be tooled into a weapon and it's likely that people like me and those with even worse agendas will acquire this and use it for evil.

Good point, same old story- knowledge being used for the wrong purposes. Fortunately when this type of magick was made, Lucifer was careful. The worst this magick can do to you is scare you or induce pain rather than physical damage (although this might be enough to cause some psychological damage). For example if you used this type of magick to shoot fire at a person the person would just feel the pain and his clothes would burn but his body would remain unhurt, perhaps a little reddened. I know from past life memories that this is the case. The same would occur if you used this magick to push this person backwards, part of the spell would be the magickal reinforcing of the body if it hit a wall. Also from past life knowledge I know that magick has been used like you describe it, for 'evil'. Usually it is a group of magick-users getting together for some get-rich-quick purpose rather than any takeover although this is sometimes the intention. Such effort scares everyone in the beginning but nothing ever comes of it. Usually the culprits end up fighting each other over money, so sure of their abilities compared to each other. If one dark magician does arise he or she isn't around for long before some competitor overthrows him; usually before any great damage can be done. I have memories of Source magick being used in ancient wars usually by some hopeful or uniformed leader that a wall of soldiers armed with conventional weapons can quickly overwhelm a group of 'magickal soldiers'.

There are of course other and worse uses for magick but nothing ever comes from them as Source magick is based on Love (and sex). There are of course payouts for those looking for coarse attainments. Magick can be applied to a population to provide a form of invulnerability against all sorts of physical harm. It can also be used to drain the life from micro-organisms and into one's body (a gray area in terms of magickal evil since life is still life) and extend the lifetime of a population. There is of course a lot more to this than what meets the eye- combinations of Lucifer's and Gabriel's magick, permission from planetary consciousness... etc

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:12 PM
Can you discuss human preparation of the body mind and what not to better receive this gift? Is it just coming back as with the sun and changing of times and we should just accept it?

I have esoteric knowledge of ALL, very confused in exact details of our past and history, but versed in everything from Buddhism to Luciferism (including mantras hand gestures meditations etc). What do you suggest?

I suspect you believe you're a human reincarnate, here for a purpose, perhaps trying to fulfill that purpose right now with your knowledge. I assume you've done past life regression, meditations, etc.


posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 11:32 PM
Very interesting, I did a google search on Source Magick, and didn't come up with anything really other than you posting it on Reading your post resonated in me and didn't seem to be fabricated, but could you share the source of your knowledge for this, as well as maybe some more in depth knowledge or links?

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:44 AM
I must admit I don't know exactly what conditions make one's magickal potential better than another person. One of them is a lack of fear of magick and also how close one is to Source; and as we all should know, is that fear blocks this connection. Egotism also affects the chances, so nice people (even if it is only on the inside) have a better chance but this is not always the case as there have always been people who use magick for selfish purposes in the past. Closeness and understanding of the angel whose brand of magick you want to use is also essential.

I recall my past lives 'meditatively' in other words a calm and thoughtful mind is necessary- it has its limits though. So my past life memories are my source. Naturally there are some inconsistences as is to be expected from remembering past life memories, but it is as true as possible.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:54 AM
Hell with magick... i cursed myself a long time ago

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by Klimhazard

Not to rag on your thread, as I myself practice the art magic, but you've got... well, almost everything wrong. To begin with, Lucifer has nothing to do with magic, or magick. Lucifer is the Angel of Light, and the source of pride according to monotheistic religions. Magic is far older than anything monotheism has to offer; be it Lucifer, angels, the Godhead, or prayers. Magic is the origin of human spiritual beliefs, and is traceable as far back as our known history. Shamans, and other prehistoric human ancestors practiced what is known as sympathetic magic; wherein a ritual was performed with the intent of creating, on a small-scale (called the Microcosm), the effect desired on the larger scale (called the Macrocosm). One example being the sacrifice of a hunted animals heart, to Nature, so that the animal would be reborn, and could again be hunted. The origins of magic have little to do with love, or "godsex" as you call it.

Now, High Magic, called Theurgia does have a relation, albeit a tiny one, with what you're espousing. In Theurgia a magician, magus, sorcerer, or shaman undergoes an attempt to retrace his spiritual nature, called a Higher Self, to the Godhead of the universe. By doing so, the magician attempts to filter down through the emanations of existence (roughly grouped together into the Otz Chaim, or Tree of Life of the Qabalist) the Will of God to enact the desired change. This utilizes the classical Platonic elements of Fire (the spark of creation); Water (the tempering nature); Air (the stirrings of consciousness); and Earth (solid, physical formation) all under the auspice and control of Spirit (the eternal, fluid nature of All Things). If the magician can successfully pull his desire down through the Four Worlds then he can hope to crystallize his intent on the physical, terrestrial plane. True High Magic has nothing to do with angels, or Lucifer, or even monotheism.

Those aspects began to come about during the Renaissance, when magical Grimoires, books of magic, were purported to have been written. In the 1800s these same manuscripts were uncovered and translated by aspiring magical theosophists, who then began the magical secret societies so many of us are familiar with today: the Golden Dawn, the Free Masons, the Aurum Solis, the Theosophical Society, the Rosicrucian Order, and the like. What these groups did was begin a system of comparative religions, looking across Egyptian, Hindu, Buddhist, Greek, Roman, and Christian mythology for overlaps in archetypal forces. For example, Horus, Ares, Indra, Mars, and the archangel Michael all shared the traits of force, and power. This fit nicely on the Tree of Life under the sphere of Geburah; all warrior deities then, who preserved order, and punished the wicked, were placed in this sphere. Likewise, with all of the other spheres.

Of course, these religions were not entirely understood, so many mistakes were made. To try and clear that up, the Tree was aligned with Judeo-Christian forces, the predominant religious affiliations of the Western world. This is where the presence of Christ, Lucifer, and God come into play with high magic. Particular rebellious magician, like Israel Regardie, and Aleister Crowley, imagined that they understood the Laws and Forces which governed magical intelligence better than the failing Secret Societies. Their splintering created a second generation of magical societies like the Astreum Argentum (A.:A.
, the O.T.O. and others. This second generation, headed by Crowley, was based not on the principles of divine creation, but on the power of "Love under Will," as Crowley explained with his oft-quoted phrase: "Love is the Law. Love under Will." from his work The Book of the Law.

Crowley changed the direction of magic, which he now spelled magick from ego, and power-based, to a force without pride, acting under perfect love, and operating entirely without selfishness. These themes were influenced by Eastern tantric, and yogic practices like Buddhism and Hinduism. The combination of eastern and western ideals created a "universal magickal awakening" which has not stopped at all, as it is still felt in the Neopagan, New Age, Wiccan, Asatru Revivals, and modern Theosophical societies of the world.

I could go into detail on why the wand needs to be energized not by mental, imagined power, but instead by natural forces. Or how you incorrectly associate magical phrases with spells and incantations. I could even go into your poor ritual outlines. But I think that your lack of understanding the history of the subject matter you are espousing is enough.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 12:49 AM
You are trying to merge the old arts with monotheistic religion yet fail. A simple google search will show you that Christianity and abrahamic religion in general is anti magic.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

Good read scribe. Enjoyed that. There is more to the conspiracies then people are really pointing at, maybe something more magical?

I forget who post this but christian practice is full of magic. The main idea behind christianity is faith. The funny thing is when you really have faith, and i mean you really have it, most of the other crap doesnt matter. Funny how most christians know nothing of what they do?
edit on 20-6-2012 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 01:14 AM
interesting read.

I do subscribe to "sex power". There is allot to that. It is wise to harness all that you are for anything you do.

The truth is that something as trivial as sweeping or walking can be used as source. Everything is source.

Like all things some are more useful for some things than are others. It all depends on what you will to accomplish.

Lucifer never needed to be "redeemed". God then would have to have been lesser for his self judgment.
The concept of Lucifer has been adapted for lack of a better word.

God can be lesser and greater at the same time. That is at the very core of the Godhead. Humility is the human expression of that ether.

edit on 20-6-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by Klimhazard
~ Wandering Scribe

Good post, but I think Lucifer is deeper than you might imagine.

He is the cause of the fragmentation of ONE (god), and all we are came from 'him'.

The big bang from a singular source containing everything in perfect unity, an explosion outward. Of what most people refer to as 'God' is actually Lucifer. God is the source.

Of course, we can't really debate this because we really don't know... I believe what I do from visions unexplainable in human words while practicing basic Satanic mantras and mudras combined with Buddhist dying techniques, deep deep in meditation.
edit on 20-6-2012 by derickonfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 10:53 AM
None if what you guys are saying makes any sense, and is founded on made up stories about a religion you clearly did not do research into.

You are insulting true witches, and insulting true Christians at the same time

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by dorkfish87
None if what you guys are saying makes any sense, and is founded on made up stories about a religion you clearly did not do research into.

You are insulting true witches, and insulting true Christians at the same time

I have no concern for insults, as that is not my aim. Feeling offended is a symptom stemmed from the Ego which is flawed.

I think all men are flawed, and I don't think any religion on Earth is completely true - let them all feel insulted. It's because of man's ability to be creative and dream, and the source of that creativity is also the same source of TRUTH. So in anything we do there is both truth, and man's imagination. Flaws.

Hence why almost all religions got it partly right, and mostly wrong. They had to explain the 'revealed' truths in human words to match their symbology and culture. I know from what I've experienced that such an attempt at explaining truth is completely subjective and matters on perspective. Rhetoric is flawed.

For example, look at the Mormon religion - most here would think Joseph Smith a complete fraud and joke - but you cannot deny the fact that he led his religion into greatness, and I would be willing to say that Mormons are better positioned to survive than any other religion on earth right now. Some of his inspiration must have aided him .. Mormons have money, reach, and power. They have tight communion, and they have 'bases' practically worldwide. Just an example.
edit on 20-6-2012 by derickonfire because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2012 by derickonfire because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2012 by derickonfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by onequestion

Catholicism is full of magical thinking and magical acts. This being because the Church itself is built on the sources of pagan mysticism, and magic.

The Eucharist, for example (the ritual transubstantiation of the body and blood of Christ) is extremely pagan in practice. The changing of deity into something terrestrial is a part of the Dying-and-Rising cults of the Death God from Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and other pre-Christian pagan civilizations. The god Dumuzi, from Sumeria, was a harvest god, who's ritual death-and-rebirth often involved the consumption of grain and wheat, just as the Eucharist involves consumption of wine and bread.

If the Church wanted to disconnect itself from magical practices, it should have never tried to absorb the magical pagan peoples' of it's conquered lands. It was the goddess worship of the Egyptians, Greeks, Celts and Romans through Isis (Egypt), Aphrodite (Greece), Brighit (Celtia), and Venus (Rome) who influenced the worship of the Virgin Mary, and raised her from a non-presence (in the Holy Bible) to the one Christians turn to "now, and at the hour of our death."

Christianity is full of magic.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Klimhazard

Think you should put your current materials down and listen to the wandering scribe. There is alot wrong with the OP.

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