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China, India, Iran wait to pounce on Afghan riches

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posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 02:54 AM
Afghan leaders love cash! I am not surprised. I kind of said something like this about Russia and their Syria problem. Sit on the sidelines and grease the wheels among the rebels and the Assad Regime. All that, while other nations do all the heavy lifting like peace keeping, economic sanctions, or whatever.

Sad to say, I see the Afghans doing business with whom ever is going to pay the best regardless of any commitment by the NATO nations for the war effort, assistance in forming a government, infrastructure improvement, and other things. The Afghan government has one heck of a corruption problem and has no concept of loyalty. Look at all the crap Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, has pulled regarding ISAF and the US. Talking to the Taliban, taking sides with Pakistan, and other blatant examples of fork-tongued rhetoric. I do not see the US or anyone raising a fuss over this. They should, but they won't.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 03:14 AM
My favorite part is how most of you assume that AFGHANISTAN'S natural resources should be the United State's property because the US went in there, destroyed and killed for a decade. Please... none of those other countries deserve it either. I don't even know why I bother coming on this site anymore.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by Jakes51

Hey that's a pretty good assumption but ummm WRONG. If Afghanistan is going to start handing out contracts for development of Natural resources many of us Americans would have thought that Obama would have given job starved Americans a public heads up about any sort of bidding on contracts.

Read into it how you please, I'm sure you had your motives in making your assumptions
edit on 16-6-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 03:33 AM
Get over it America.

A) They're not YOUR resources to begin with

B) Afghanistan was never pleading for your troops to invade and cause an unacceptable amount of what your leaders refer to as 'collateral damage' to begin with!

The world does not belong to America!

I personally don't blame the Afghans if they want nothing to do withAmerica ever again...stop sooking

edit on 16/6/12 by Pirateofpsychonautics because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 04:56 AM
Americas just finished rapeing and pillaging the Afghan nation, give someone else a shot! Pure trying to monopolise invasion n #, hardly in the spirit of your nation now is it? Play nice or Obama's getting it!
edit on 16-6-2012 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:35 AM
Does anyone really expect the Afghan's to make the deals with the Americans after what they did to them?

Just slaughter thousands of innocent civilians, many only children, poison their land with DU, destroy their homes and business and then expect them to just turn around and give you their natural resources? Ha!

Oh the arrogance of Americans never ceases to amaze me. (or the west in general for that matter)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

How else do you suppose USA will pay its debt to these countries, excluding Iran.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Jakes51
Afghan leaders love cash! I am not surprised.

I'm not surprised either. The CIA owns Karzai. They own his brother too. The international bankers have firm control of the financial system in Afghanistan.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

This reminds me of Iraq all over again. The US/West does the fighting and dying while other nations move right in and take the booty. Iraq awarded the largest untapped oil fields to Russia and China now over in Afghanistan we get this report.

I'm sure glad President Kowtow is looking out for America's best interests.
I'd hate to think what a President who wasn't would have done [Or not have done as the case may be]

Your thoughts?
(visit the link for the full news article)

So all this war on terror was just a ruse? We had no right to claim any resources after all the war wasn't over oil was it?

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by Jakes51

Hey that's a pretty good assumption but ummm WRONG. If Afghanistan is going to start handing out contracts for development of Natural resources many of us Americans would have thought that Obama would have given job starved Americans a public heads up about any sort of bidding on contracts.

Read into it how you please, I'm sure you had your motives in making your assumptions
edit on 16-6-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

These jobs would be in Afghanistan so how would this create jobs at home?

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:26 AM
Stupid yanks!!
Create problem.
Impose solution.
Rape everything in sight.
Cry foul when people hate you.
Just sums up the American legacy.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:42 AM
Pretty sure the resources wont be going anywhere

What is likely to happen is it will piss alot of countries off who lost alot of men & women there fighting for there freedoms, stability, and peace in the country, with out this those resources would have remained in-accessable to any foreign investor its the hard work done by Western nations that has attracted the foreign investors not the country is "sort of" stable enough to begin such operations, to be slapped round the face "pretty much" and contracts be awarded to the Wests rivals is like giving awards to people who never entered the tournament in the first place, it makes no sense and i suspect there is a massive outcry behind close doors and i suspect they're likely not going to be taken the piss out of, all focus in Afghanistan now would no doubt be turning to how to stop China/Iran taking the prize

I suspect what will happen is an early pull out of coalition troops before the job is done or the country is stable enough for foreign investment & mining operations from those who was nonsensically awarded the contracts, Karzai has not only sold out those who was responsible for his bent democratic government but also he has kissed goodbye his very security, it doesn't get much stupider than that, but not one contract was awarded to any nation who spilt blood for his people, sometimes its nice to be rewarded for hard work, and neither country rewarded had done anything other than supply Karzais rivals with arms & training

So perhaps President Karzai has rewarded those country's with contracts to stop the support they're giving his enemy, who knows

Either way, there are still some unhappy people, so it looks like China Russia & Iran will have to get its own coalition troops together to go secure the prize they have already paid for in bribes,

It is highly likely the west will slowly switch stances on Afghanistan and begin backing the insurgences shortly after a pull out of the country, those people who want Afghanistan to remain a medieval religious hell hole, and i have no doubt after the hard work & losses it would rather that than a slap in the face from President Karzai to reward the West's rivals with all the benefits of a free democratic Afghanistan that they created

I can see certain western agency's going back in to blow on the smouldering ash just as China arrive to pick up the pay check, China, Russia & Iran will then have to fight militants in Afghanistan for many years after that some how miraculously have much more sophisticated Military hardware with made in *Western Nation here*, written on them, lets not forget this is exactly why western special forces trained & armed the Moudjahidine, its been know for a long time about the resources in Afghanistan, even Alexander the great new this

It all seems to me Iran's funding & arming of the Taliban was part of the plan and that China may well have been involved in putting up funds to indirectly give to the Taliban funding, and no doubt Russia would have liked to return the favour of the US support for the Moudjahidine, obviously they will want to stop giving these funds to the Taliban now they have been award the contracts that they desperately didn't want the West to receive,

I do not see those resources going anywhere any time soon, they will be left in the (LOCKED) part of the game till further notice

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I am having a hard time realizing your point about how commercial mining contracts in Afghanistan would benefit job starved Americans as a whole? Perhaps some jobs would be created as result of US corporations winning mining rights to these resources, but we are talking about highly skilled workers. Upper level management, geologists, accountants, engineers, and other professionals. Like another post mentioned further down. US corporations would probably hire local Afghans instead of going through with the effort of sending scores of Americans to do job which would included housing, providing security, and hefty salary packages because of the hazards of doing work in Afghanistan. I reckon it would be quite costly, and it would infuriate local Afghans even more than they are now. Any nation that ignores the local demographic in these business ventures will find out just how dangerous Afghanistan can be for foreigners.

My problem is this? It seems the Afghan Government has made inside deals with the Chinese and other countries under the nose of countries whom have provided vast resources in terms of treasure, military manpower, and aide to Afghanistan. Furthermore, what happened to a fair and formal bidding process among corporations from countries whom have participated in the war effort and other nations? That is something the President and other leaders among ISAF participating nations should be discussing with the Afghan government. Why were they not given the opportunity to bid? Whomever offers the best deal will get the contract. If it is China, the US, UK, or whomever. That is just business.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by conspiracy88
My favorite part is how most of you assume that AFGHANISTAN'S natural resources should be the United State's property because the US went in there, destroyed and killed for a decade. Please... none of those other countries deserve it either. I don't even know why I bother coming on this site anymore.
That's American exceptionalism my friend.
Everyone gets punishment for a crime, Americans want reward.
Gotta love yanks...

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

This reminds me of Iraq all over again. The US/West does the fighting and dying while other nations move right in and take the booty. Iraq awarded the largest untapped oil fields to Russia and China now over in Afghanistan we get this report.

So the US deserves that booty because it launched a devastating war against Afghans? If you would recall your history, we didn't attack the nation of Afghanistan, we attacked the Taliban, in cooperation with the Afghanistan government. That leaves the Afghan government free to make it's own decisions - even if that government is riddled with CIA moles and spies. As a government they are still free to make deals with any nation on earth to exploit their own resources - that's called CAPITALISM.

Just as Iraq awarded it's oil fields to companies in Russia and China - why? Because they PAID more for it when those fields went up for auction. In fact most US oil companies didn't bother to submit bids for those fields, because they were so certain they faced no competition. They expected the jingoist reasons we went into that war would carry through to their being handed oil field contracts by the Iraqi parliament unopposed. Who behaves like that? Certainly not capitalists.

Regarding Iraq;

[oil giant Petronas] doubted competitors would make solid profits in Iraq, given the stiff terms [imposed by the Iraq parliament]

That might have been the thinking of U.S. oil giants, which largely stayed away from last week's bidding, and which have failed to negotiate oil deals with Iraq's government outside of the public auction process.
Pump It Up: The Development of Iraq's Oil Reserves
U.S. Companies Shut Out as Iraq Auctions Its Oil Fields

That's why the US was "shut out". We never bothered to bid in Iraq. You can't win if you don't play. For a nation that prides itself on being the epitome of all things capitalist, we Americans sure haven't behaved like it for the past decade or two. Instead we relied on threat of military action to force governments to capitulate to our demands. The US became the thugs, expecting 'booty' in return for invasion, while the Russians and Chinese became the capitalists. THEY won because they simply OUTBID us. China, in fact, has used it's economy and commerce and ability to cut trade deals to spread it's influence all over the globe, without a single foreign military base, while the USA has over 1,000 military bases and installations around the globe, and our trade and influence continues to shrink, while we run around with our gunboat diplomacy.

I'm sure glad President Kowtow is looking out for America's best interests. I'd hate to think what a President who wasn't would have done [Or not have done as the case may be]

Ah, so you must be of the President Cowboy mentality - "we invaded your country, used our military to ravage your civilian population, therefore all your resources belong to us".

As you say, "The US/West does the fighting and dying while other nations move right in and take the booty."

This sentence in your OP is truly disgusting. It shows everything that is wrong with the American attitude; apparently we deserve that booty because we invaded them? That the fighting and dying was for the booty? If we were interested in that 'booty' then why didn't we bid for it, fairly, like any other nation?

Nothing it seems has changed since the days of General Smedley Butler, "War is a Racket".

"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

China, India, Iran wait to pounce on Afghan riches

Even before NATO forces begin leaving Afghanistan, predator nations are pouring lavish praise, diplomatic agreements and buckets full of cash on Afghan leaders, trying to win access to the nation's vast natural resources after Western troops are gone.

Chief among them are China, Iran and India - nations that contributed nothing toward the military effort over the past decade but hope to reap benefits from it anyway.

For example, in Beijing late last week....
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 16-6-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

Uhm.. How is this wrong? Sounds like smart business to me. US companies should and probably do everything in their power to secure contracts. It's called capitalism. Afghanistan is a free country and can sell to whoever they want to.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
This reminds me of Iraq all over again.

Are you talking about same Iraq which was illegally invaded on the false pretense of "Weapons Of Mass Destruction"?

The US/West does the fighting and dying while other nations move right in and take the booty.

The US/ West invaded these countries for the sole purpose of establishing their military base in these countries, in which they have been successful. In the larger scale of geopolitical scheme it was important for US to invade these countries to surround Iran to pave the way for the upcoming occupation and war on Iran which will thus in fact help the occupying US/ Western countries to surround their main target Russia.

Iraq awarded the largest untapped oil fields to Russia and China now over in Afghanistan we get this report.

Iraq is a soverign country, does it not have the right to award their contract to whoever they please?

Your thoughts?

I think India, Russia and Iran are in the immediate neighborhood of Afghanistan and they have to maintain good ties with Afghanistan to stop the mess which is created by US/ Western countries by attacking Afghanistan by having good relations with Afghanistan. See all these three countries are not attacking Afghanistan with drones and have put up a occupying military base there..the countries share the border with Afghanistan and are almost close to it. These three countries cannot sit ideally and let the flow of insurgent affect their security just because a country across the ocean far far away attacked Afghanistan on it's whim and drunk on military power and de-stabalised this part of the continent with the war mongering attitude. They have to think of their own countries safety, security by promoting and atleast trying to establish good ties with Afghanistan with other means like not bombing the hell out of the people of that country.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:13 AM
If I recall correctly, China pays for us to occupy Afghanistan, so from China's perspective, they have every right to make their money back, especially considering we likely have no intention of ever paying off our ever rising national debt.

As for India and Iran, they are just being vultures, picking at a corpse.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Ek Bharatiya
Iraq is a soverign country, does it not have the right to award their contract to whoever they please?

Originally posted by Shred
Afghanistan is a free country and can sell to whoever they want to.

I thought Iraq and Afghanistan were merely "Puppets of the US"?

It's good to see them being perceived as legitimately Free and Sovereign States.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Originally posted by Ek Bharatiya
Iraq is a soverign country, does it not have the right to award their contract to whoever they please?

Originally posted by Shred
Afghanistan is a free country and can sell to whoever they want to.

I thought Iraq and Afghanistan were merely "Puppets of the US"?
It's good to see them being perceived as legitimately Free and Sovereign States.

Interesting to note that you have skipped all other points, perhaps you have no answer to them and can only come back with catchy one liners which are not so catchy embarrassingly. Wasn't that the intention of US/ Western countries to wage illegal war against these countries to liberate and establish democracy n these countries so people out there can make their own decisions? Are you by any chance denying that?

PS: Good, I hope you have pmed all you're friends/ bots to star your post like old times with Protoplasmic Traveller
. I will not get fooled by the starring. Enjoy the pixels.
edit on 16-6-2012 by Ek Bharatiya because: (no reason given)

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