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This is just too much!

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posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:48 PM
Every time I come to this sight, I read about how our rights are being stripped away, new wars, new corporate loopholes, the rich getting richer, the Government immune of things any other US citizen would be behind bars for. When Is it going to get cleaned up!? I'm so tired of hearing the multitudes of dishonest government agendas. I'm tired of them spending the taxpayers money on things that I approximate the vast majority of it's citizens would reject. For all those that like specifics, Ill start with congress actually trying to cutback foodstamps. Thats the most ridiculous thing. We should not be so poor to even think about that above so much else. Were giving money to all these countries to join in The supposed "War on terror". The only terrror I see, is our out of control Government Messing with anyone that is not on board with our visions. Which who the hell knows what it is at this point.

What is this countries vision? To assimilate every other country in the world? Then what? Nothing! Absolutely nothing, because it will all split up in a short time, so this one world government is just a bunch of BS. It's much more than that. They need to get there, or at least as close as possible for some event that is going to occur. Because you all know, you can only keep things a certain way for a certain amount of time.

And now this Dept of homeland security flying drones over our head? Why do you presume that this is happening? Ill tell you why. Imagine having a network of people that you deal with often. You create an organization to oversee day to day business. You appoint someone to run things,and suddenly they start screwing them all over. Taking there money, that they dont approve of. Lets call the money dues, to keep the system going. You and your friends start talking. "Hey, this is Bs, this guy using our money for whatever he wants. This wasn't the agreement", and so on and so forth. So, the guy whos basically taking advantage of you feels like he has to protect himself. Hes hearing about the unrest. He doesnt want to give in, because thats just the way most people are. But, now hes got other people, he deems more important than us. So, he puts the people we all put together to protect our assets, to take a close examination of us. Well, What the F did we do, but realize were being had. This guy whom we trusted to put together our organization, just took the organization on a different path, in which we don't agree with, so now after time, since he holds over 50 percent of the stock, "We can't do a damn thing about it!" Were totally screwed, so now we have hate mail, and just can't stand him, and the peoples interest that he holds higher than ours. Well, now he has no choice before we lynch His Ass, to declare us enemies. But, he cant say it out loud, but we all know he feels this way, because we hate his guts at this point, and would prefer this rotten bastard to die, for screwing us and our families and our way of life up. So, he puts all these rules into place, to prevent us from ever getting our company back in control, and the direction we originally had it set to go.

The moral to this story, is it's not rocket science we are dealing with. So much is obvious what is happening. This Friggin Governement has made us The GOD DAMN ENEMY! Period!

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:52 PM
LOL i dont know. Every time i come to this site i see stuff like this yet my life hasnt changed one iota. I still do everything i have always done. Hmmm......

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:53 PM
Why is this in the WWIII forum anyway? Go ahead, i need ot see the red herring, slippery slope etc that links your US drones t6o world war 3.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by princeofpeace

Thats really very funny. My life hasnt really changed either. But I see what's going on. And apparently you're trying to derail my opinion.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Maxumusx

I made a mistake in the area of post, mods, it's really just a Rant, if you will. Didn't mean it to be here. Always people correcting.....Simple things...

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:57 PM
Always folks like you putting things in places they dont belong then blaming the folks who try to organize things.

Sound familiar?

Originally posted by Maxumusx
reply to post by Maxumusx

I made a mistake in the area of post, mods, it's really just a Rant, if you will. Didn't mean it to be here. Always people correcting.....Simple things...

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:59 PM
TONS of our money goes to other countries.

TONS of it is spent on operating military bases ALL OVER THE WORLD.

TONS of it is spent of blowing innocent women and children up all over the world to "LIBERATE" them.


...when We The People, or rather, We The TAX-PAYERS become down and out and in need, all of a sudden the country is BROKE and we must TIGHTEN OUR BELTS (nooses) EVEN MORE.

But, for some reason, there is always an UNLIMITED amount of OUR MONEY to be spent ELSEWHERE (other than in our OWN country) for reasons that are of NO benefit to any of us.


edit on 15-6-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:25 PM
The only time your rights are striped away is if it is being done to you. Has it happened yet? Most officers that I known, have dealt with me long enough, that they still haven't striped my rights away when they clearly they could of have by now. [An abusive child]. There are still some honest ones out there, that they have put up with me for this long.

Kudos to you all.

edit on 15-6-2012 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Maxumusx

America is a battering ram to be used up and disgarded. You have not heard of the NWO?

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

Who told you that those are your dollars? The dollars are property of the Federal Reserve and they are loaned to you at interest. The military does not belong to the people either. TPTB may let you keep the property you live on if you bow and keep your mouth shut.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Maxumusx

All my life as a white caucasion male. I have been digusted at my own race for it's inhumanities to man over the past 300 years. The near genocide of the native american indian and the atrocities that ensued alone make me ashamed.

How ironic it will be to find out first hand what they endured.

You're right OP ! From the border that keeps us in more than them out. To the brass tacks fact when you take away a mans living, in this case give it away. That is an act of war. They're pushing us towards it so they slaughter us.

Make no mistake our gov. has declared war on us.

I can see it all to clear. They're pushing us in increments, so that only pockets at a time will hardly be noticable ,if the clean up is quick.
edit on 15-6-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Maxumusx

Well, you hit the nail on the head my friend.

We ARE the enemy!!!
and we are the enemy for a damn good reason.
But, the enemy of whom?

The government?

Ultimately no.

No more than the crack dealer on the corner is the enemy.
He is a symptom.
NOT the disease.

The jig is about up.

I found it interesting that you mentioned TPTB needing to get this whole NWO thing up and running by a particular time. It IS obvious that it can't be sustained for long. So what is it that they are trying to get done and by when and for what?

It is my feeling that this whole thing is Luciferian in nature and we are about to find out just how serious this is.
And, I am not even a Bible thumping Christian....or any other sort of Christian mind you.

My friends,
I truely believe we are about to come face to face with the enemy of humanity in a final showdown.
edit on 15-6-2012 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-6-2012 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:12 AM
Too much self hatred here!!! LMAO!! U guys go ahead and keep being depressed/miserable.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:35 AM

we petition the obama administration to:

Create a Do Not Kill List

The New York Times reports that President Obama has created an official “kill list” that he uses to personally order the assassination of American citizens. Considering that the government already has a “Do Not Call” list and a “No Fly” list, we hereby request that the White House create a “Do Not Kill” list in which American citizens can sign up to avoid being put on the president’s “kill list” and therefore avoid being executed without indictment, judge, jury, trial or due process of law.

[color=Gray]Created: May 30, 2012


posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by Maxumusx

So what are WE going to do to stop this BS??????

Absolutely nothing until enough of us put aside our differences and UNITE and REBEL.

Thats it in a nut shell.

And that isn't going to happen...................circumstances will escalate to where we live in a Police State ruled by Corporations and the Military Complex enfource what is dictated to the general populace.

People, the general public brought it upon themselves. Oh they were manipulated and fooled, lied to and manuvered..................but they didn't care about anyone but themself and that is the crux of the matter.

Doesn't affect me, I don't care.

Most people don't see the big picture.................your neighbor is screwed and eventually the bully is going to come right on over and screw you too.

But most choose to turn their back on others being messed over hoping they are not next, not knowing they will be.

This is just too haven't seen anything yet.

The roller coaster isn't even at the top yet.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
LOL i dont know. Every time i come to this site i see stuff like this yet my life hasnt changed one iota. I still do everything i have always done. Hmmm......

Well when ones life consist of sitting in their moms basement eating chetos while playing video games and banging out one liners on message boards on the computer might be kind of hard to notice how the rest of the world has changed... Just sayin

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
LOL i dont know. Every time i come to this site i see stuff like this yet my life hasnt changed one iota. I still do everything i have always done. Hmmm......

Do you really mean that? Are you as gullible or as trusting as you once were? If not, then surely your internal readjustment is reflected in your actions, perhaps being more attentive, more wary, etc?

I am expecting WW3 to break out more overtly, even though certain maneuvers are currently being undertaken in the overall plan to weaken certain nations and strengthen others. I always believed in world unity, but not a forced unity with an obvious agenda to manipulate and control, to destroy people and families willy-nilly for the sake of achieving their greedy objectives.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by aboutface

Originally posted by princeofpeace
LOL i dont know. Every time i come to this site i see stuff like this yet my life hasnt changed one iota. I still do everything i have always done. Hmmm......

Do you really mean that? Are you as gullible or as trusting as you once were? If not, then surely your internal readjustment is reflected in your actions, perhaps being more attentive, more wary, etc?

I am expecting WW3 to break out more overtly, even though certain maneuvers are currently being undertaken in the overall plan to weaken certain nations and strengthen others. I always believed in world unity, but not a forced unity with an obvious agenda to manipulate and control, to destroy people and families willy-nilly for the sake of achieving their greedy objectives.

Sounds like an animal in a cage...if they could speak..."I still do everything I've always done," "I get fed, have shelter." But for what price? Freedom is the word! Our freedom is decreasing more everyday ever so insidiously . Does a day pass by where a new law is not enacted somewhere against the very small freedoms we took for granted? We are bombarded with so much "ado about nothing" until our heads are spinning faster than the earth! Doesn't give us much time to consider the subtle and deliberate conflict taking place on our own turf does it?

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