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"My Ministry has ended", said the Lord

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posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by odinson
Hello All

Let me intercede here a bit. The one poster is right to an extent. Many Christians alienate people because they bash others and speak harshly and spit out fire and brimstone. I again am new to this but what I have found out from my visions and talks is a different path. We as christians should be accepting and loving. God wants us to go back to the old days and love each other as brothers and sisters. The love of family is very important.

The reason why many people will perish is that when the time comes, Christians must walk away from the world and follow Him for saety. These what I call cities of God will sprout up everywhere and move when necessary. But all the commandments must be followed. But don't get the do not kill commandment confused. You can protect yourselves but do not lay in wait to ambush and kill ppeople.

How many people will walk away from their new houses, their staus at work, etc. When they realize their mistake it will be to late. So we must take in people and love them. I know I am a sinner and continue to sin to some degree but i am trying to walk in Jesus footsteps and do what He would.

Arguing is what the devil wants people to do in their household and in their conversations with others. If you know the outcome of what the devil and his minions want to do you can avoid it. Treat all with respect even if they dont agree with you. Christians seem like they hate gay people, for instance. You are they to judge? It may be wrong but I will still love them and pray with and for them.

God bless

It sounds like we are being inspired by the same "Church of Philadelphia" spirit of Christianity.
The main and most important thing that should have taken precedence over everything else over the last 2000 years, is to love each other with a brotherly love. That is how we emulate Christ. Instead, arguing and bickering over doctrine ensued and resulted in the denominational fracturing of the Body of Christ, His true church.

Even when someone is doing something that we know God sees as wrong. Judgment is not our place, that is reserved solely for Christ and has been granted to Christ by God Himself.
We are not to partake in the behavior or try to justify it, but we are to have compassion for those who are working on their mistakes. Jesus fellowshipped with sinners more than the righteous. He never condoned their behavior, but He always gave them mercy and compassion so they would know that they were loved despite their actions.

Also important, is not to confuse having mercy and compassion for meaning that we agree with the behavior.

I would appreciate it if you explained your understanding of "cities of God" a bit more thoroughly. What about people who don't live near mountains? Are you referring to nomadic communities of Christians banding together?
You say many will perish when "that time comes." What time? And that we must leave our jobs to follow Him to safety, but if we wait it will be too late. Is this a specific event you are referring to? If you have small children to provide for, how are we supposed to just walk away from their source of provision?
If and when this all does begin to play out, Christians must pray for discernment above all else, lest they fall into the cult-like behavior that has been the demise of so many before us. We must be vigilant and ultimately prepared for obedience to God over obedience to our desires or the world, but we cannot afford to be like a wave tossed to and fro by the wind. We cannot afford irresponsible behavior at the expense of our children's safety.

That is why I am asking you for more explanation of what you are referring to as the cities of God, and especially if it will involve radical behavior that would otherwise be considered irresponsible. I don't care about our stuff, but I would die for my children. And my husband does not have the kind of job that he can just walk out on without directly affecting the well-being of countless others.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Newagekid2012
Anywhere in there did he tell you to see a doctor?
Keeping "god" on your lips wont save you from whats coming, look within.
edit on 14-6-2012 by Newagekid2012 because: (no reason given)

While I do agree to look within, I also believe there is a supreme being. Looking within isn't all you should do when looking for truth. God does exist, and He is here to help. You will come to this conclusion when you learn to question everything about God rather than "just" believing Him or "just" not believing Him, instead when you search in other religions and practices you will know truth and fill in the gaps.

OP, why is your name "odinson" lol...

That's a powerful dream you had. Very strong words too. Thanks for posting your message.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by texasgirl
This is what troubles me: I was a catholic for many years but couldn't quite agree with their beliefs. I dropped out many years ago, to the horror of my roman catholic mother, who keeps telling me she failed me for not going to church anymore. The Vatican is corrupt with money laundering, pedophile priests and now the arrest of the butler for leaking the Vatican's secrets. I tried going back to church and heard the same sermon over again, felt disappointed and decided not to go back. Since then, I have tried many different religions and haven't been happy.

I believe in God but I am heartsick at the state of affairs with the world. The murder, war and whole conflict of Israel and Palestine. I am a 'religious' dropout. My beliefs in seeking the truth, whatever that may be, has earned scorn from co-workers in the past. I am a good citizen, pay all my bills and taxes, take care of animals and volunteer.

What troubles me most is that if the rapture happens I am told I will be left behind because I am not 'church involved' but a murderer will get raptured because he is. How can that be?

Hey sister-

I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, the whole nine yards, until I was in junior high. Then I went to live with my grandparents and my mammaw said I had to get Baptized in the Baptist Church so I wouldn't burn in a Catholic Hell for eternity.
Then I went back to live with my mom, and depending on who she was dating or married to at the time, went to Methodist, Assembly of God, Episcopalian, and Pentecostal churches until I was old enough to move out on my own.
In college, I went back to the Catholic Church and began to "intellectualize" my spirituality which led me into Gnosticism and New Age ideologies (we are all evolving towards becoming "gods", collective conciousness, Jesus was one of many, all paths eventually lead to God, sin is all in your mind, there is no hell or devil, kum ba yah blah blah blah,..,)
Anyway, it has been a long journey but I can say with confidence that salvation is a perpetual effort, a true work in progress until the day we die. I don't know why some of us find our way, but others don't. I don't know why God has chosen to allow all of this to play out until the end, despite the pain and suffering that has endured during the process. I don't know why God didn't just create us and skip satan, since He already knew what would happen. These are but a few questions that I have to regularly "take captive and make obedient to Christ."

One of the most memorable books I've ever read is entitle, "How Good Is Good Enough?" by Andy Stanley. The premise is that good people don't go to heaven, only forgiven people. That is the only way it can truly be "fair and just" and available to all, regardless of their culture, creed, race, whatever, since "goodness" cannot be universally defined because it is defined by culture, creed, race, whatever.
So that is how a murderer can go to heaven, simply because they accept Jesus' gift of forgiveness.

There is an explanation I read a few weeks ago regarding the 7 letters to the 7 churches of Revelation. This was a real game-changer for me and I think that anyone who considers themselves a Christian should make an effort to read it. It spoke volumes to me and taught me much by answering many of my long-held questions. The link is 7 Letters to 7 Churches
It starts out with the letter to Ephesus and when you get to the bottom, you can just click "next" to continue instead of going back to the content page.

I hope you find the desire and opportunity to read it, and I hope that you are comforted and inspired by what it says.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by seeker11
The same visions that people in my church were having about the year 2000 when I was a child. Boy they sure got me worked up over it and I would have terrible dreams too...even dreams of satan flying in on a motorcycle and landing in my backyard with a black garbage bag for a cape. Completely humorous now but terrifying at the age of 5. Our dreams in most cases reflect what we're filling our waking consciousness is. You are what you still applies.

Have you ever heard of the placebo effect where fake meds make a person well? I have this idea that the placebo effect goes all the way to the psyche and what we might "intensly" believe that it actualy become real in our mind....

anyway that is my theory.....

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:24 PM
Most will just simply brush aside OP's sharing of his dream. Afterall, it wasnt the 1st one, nor the last one, thus some skepticism.

But it will be foolish to ignore such warnings.

Just look at the state of our world and events today, from sept 2009 to today june 2012. So much had happened.

Who could have ignored the realities and revelations in depth of our world economic state, with billions of humanity held enchained in debt by HumanSlavers?

Who could have ignored the realities and revelations in depth of our social situation, with billions of humanity brutally slaughtered by HumanSlayers with help of their supporters misusing religion and political governance?

Who could have ignored the realities and revelations of natural disasters, only ineptitude by our elected or power seized administrators, along with their souless greedy scientists, not doing the right thing but only hoping to fool and rob the masses of their pitiful earnings by claiming global warming, climate change, etc is man-made, when it is only of a neglible 5%?

Should not they mitigate the effects of changes in weather pattern by early warning systems, medicines for human, crop cycles management, water conservation, flood alleviation, etc to help mankind ADAPT to natural changes that NO MORTAL can alter?

No. They didn't. Power and greed, and worse of all is APATHY by the rest of mankind, whom by their silence, had supported our own eventual doom.

Our common Creator, known by many names across geological barriers, time and space, lives within each human's heart. Be calm, and one cannot ignore that voice stirring inside. We saw, we have free will, to act or not to act.

No more can we justify that we have difficulty reaching across borders, to reach out to others, to share, discuss and come with solutions to acknowledge mistakes, correct them so that we can progress and evolve. We have the internet, various media, global cell phones, passenger crafts, etc to connect with other fellow humans, unlike our ancient ancestors.

When a church sermon is over, the congregation leaves the church. They had heard the message, and now it is up to their use of free will to do what is necessary, or to ignore.

In the older days, a community reacts to the message of the sermon and ensure that it is followed, for often, the message not just about a specific religion per se, but is one of love, care and concern for fellow mankind, to progress and evolve. That's how America became great, with great thanks to our forefather's more often than not, caring communities across the nation.

If those communities had ignored the message, and continue on with their apathetic lives, it will never progress, or grows with shaky foundations such as China, Iran, Syria and Russia today.

Similarly too, will it be our Lord's ministry. It is over now, time enough had been given over the years, with truth and revelations of hidden human dealings made public and known, but it may not yet be the end as some had envision. It only simply means we are now let off apron strings, to do what is necessary, to progress and evolve together as one human race regardless of our differences for we do have only common aspirations in life and fully capable of achieving it...

...or equally fully capable of dooming and destroying our entire race by greed and apathy from ourselves.....

The ticking...
edit on 16-6-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by texasgirl
This is what troubles me: I was a catholic for many years but couldn't quite agree with their beliefs. I dropped out many years ago, to the horror of my roman catholic mother, who keeps telling me she failed me for not going to church anymore. The Vatican is corrupt with money laundering, pedophile priests and now the arrest of the butler for leaking the Vatican's secrets. I tried going back to church and heard the same sermon over again, felt disappointed and decided not to go back. Since then, I have tried many different religions and haven't been happy.

I believe in God but I am heartsick at the state of affairs with the world. The murder, war and whole conflict of Israel and Palestine. I am a 'religious' dropout. My beliefs in seeking the truth, whatever that may be, has earned scorn from co-workers in the past. I am a good citizen, pay all my bills and taxes, take care of animals and volunteer.

What troubles me most is that if the rapture happens I am told I will be left behind because I am not 'church involved' but a murderer will get raptured because he is. How can that be?

Leaders of the churches will be held accountable for what they do. They take all this money and people are on the verge of poverty while they Church lives the good life. First, you don't need a Church to find Jesus as your savior. Find truth by reading the Bible for yourself. Then you can find a Bible study group or like thinkers to help you on your journey. But it could be true that a murderer that repents truthfully could find his way to heaven whereas a good non-believer wouldn't.

But one other thing, you might have to change your friends in order to stay on the path or be strong in character.

You can send me a text if you are sincere and I can help you.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by BlueMule
I was told that 'your days of preaching are coming to a close'. So I went to that place where the dead are, and I enlisted the dead and brought them up. Sort of like how Aragorn did in the 'Return of The King.'

The angels of the Sonship and the dead are going to fight the demons of ego-consciousness. The Sonship is One, is Lord of the living and the dead... and there are those among the dead that will serve the Atonement.

Don't be afraid.
edit on 16-6-2012 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)


I have seen 2 types of demons in my life. I know how to banish them. What will you do when others show up on your door step? Keep that in mind. It will be a reality that will shake the world.

God bless

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Azadok2day


Thank you so much for that contribution. I have learned so much and continue to do so. I will use your info and see what comes of it,

God Bless

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Very good message!

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by stupid girl
reply to post by odinson

the 144,00 will be messianic Jews who will be unmarried virgins. They will be the ones martyred for preaching the Gospel in Europe, the Middle East & Asia. Like Jesus, their focus will be primarily the Jews, but also like Jesus, anyone who has faith in the message will be saved.
It is illegal in several countries in the MIddle East to even bring a Bible or any Christian literature into the country.
10 Most Anti-Christian Countries

The 144,000 will be spreading the Gospel with the understanding that they will be martyred for it. So their purpose will be to preach it in whatever amount of time they have appointed before their imminent death.

The 144,000 is not to be confused with the old men dreaming dreams and young men having visions which is addressed in the Book of Acts when the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the people fulfilling Jesus' promise. The Holy Spirit is what empowers Christians to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ "until the ends of the earth." The original verse is from the Book of Joel and it is speaking of this phenomenon occurring "before the great and dreadful Day of the Lord."

The Day of the LORD is a special term in the Bible used to refer to a period of time when God directly intervenes in human affairs---in judgment or in blessing. There are more than one of these days, but the "great and dreadful" Day of the Lord is a specific one, which has yet to occur.


You may be correct. I am not sure. What I do know is that there will be others like me who will be protected by God and whom will lead people and guide them when the time comes. We are to offer protection, comfort, and guidance. I will do as I must. I guess He chose me because of my convictions on being noble.

Two things I can,t stand is brutality to kids and women. I will die forst before that happens on my watch.

God Bless

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by odinson

I do believe, that isn't it. I just don't worship at any particular church. I am trying to find my way by finding the truth and I haven't been successful yet. But to be told that not 'going to church' is going to hurt my chances is something that rankles me because I haven't found proof of that particular believe, mistaken or not. I am different and have never followed the path of my friends, family or peers.

I do thank you for your concern. I just don't believe murderers, pedophiles or those who brutally hurt others deserve a ride to the big place!

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 12:30 AM
It sounds like we are being inspired by the same "Church of Philadelphia" spirit of Christianity.
The main and most important thing that should have taken precedence over everything else over the last 2000 years, is to love each other with a brotherly love. That is how we emulate Christ. Instead, arguing and bickering over doctrine ensued and resulted in the denominational fracturing of the Body of Christ, His true church.

Even when someone is doing something that we know God sees as wrong. Judgment is not our place, that is reserved solely for Christ and has been granted to Christ by God Himself.
We are not to partake in the behavior or try to justify it, but we are to have compassion for those who are working on their mistakes. Jesus fellowshipped with sinners more than the righteous. He never condoned their behavior, but He always gave them mercy and compassion so they would know that they were loved despite their actions.

Also important, is not to confuse having mercy and compassion for meaning that we agree with the behavior.

I would appreciate it if you explained your understanding of "cities of God" a bit more thoroughly. What about people who don't live near mountains? Cities of God will be encampment of believers that God has brought together and some may be lukewarm. These encampments will have boundaries prayed off so that the Holy Spirit protects all those inside. I say mountains only because it says that in the Bible. There will be safe zones in some places but not in the big cities. But remember to not let those who have the mark of the beast into the city.

Are you referring to nomadic communities of Christians banding together? Yes
You say many will perish when "that time comes." What time? When the devil makes his move or when there is an epic natural disaster. I had a vision that God will let people know when to leave also. That is the reason many need to be spiritually connected to Him now.

And that we must leave our jobs to follow Him to safety, but if we wait it will be too late. Is this a specific event you are referring to? Most of us have some good paying jobs. I believe there will be either God's warning or maybe when the darkness comes over the earth. All I know there will be calamity on top of calamity when it starts. The PTB will shut down travel after a few days. That is why you must make a plan or ask God where to go when things start up. He has shown me where to go for me it is close by to start.

If you have small children to provide for, how are we supposed to just walk away from their source of provision? I know that I have many provisions even for kids since I have a 16 month old. Start now buying extra food and water and later God will provide the rest.

If and when this all does begin to play out, Christians must pray for discernment above all else, lest they fall into the cult-like behavior that has been the demise of so many before us. People and I mean Christians have to tow the line. I won't take any slackers in my city. We share food and resources if not you have to leave peaceably or by force.

We must be vigilant and ultimately prepared for obedience to God over obedience to our desires or the world, but we cannot afford to be like a wave tossed to and fro by the wind. We cannot afford irresponsible behavior at the expense of our children's safety. That is why you must be onboard because they will torture and kill the children to get the parents to accept the mark.

That is why I am asking you for more explanation of what you are referring to as the cities of God, and especially if it will involve radical behavior that would otherwise be considered irresponsible. I don't care about our stuff, but I would die for my children. And my husband does not have the kind of job that he can just walk out on without directly affecting the well-being of countless others. [/quot

The whole idea that God has is that we have strayed from the moral teachings of the Bible. His laws and rules. That is why He will take us away from our comforts in order to get us in a better mind set. Also, His power will be shown when He protects the cities.

Faith is what this is all about. If you don't prepare you will be a victim. you have to prepare mentally and spiritually.

God Bless

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101


Great input. Thanks for sharing!

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by odinson

Originally posted by GmoS719
In a sense I believe something will happen soon.
However, it will happen without anyone's foreknowledge.
I don't think you are an exception.


I never said I was an exception. There are others that are receiving His visions and instructions. We are getting ready for what is to come. There are very few of us who would post here or anywhere with this knowledge. That is because of the ridicule that people don't want to go through.

I am caring and if one person goes to the Lord for what I have seen, then it's worth all the naysayers.

God will take care of me and the others that hear His voice.

god Bless

if you really , believed this to be true ,and you know that god is love and compassion , why would you not get the word out their ! other then posting on a forum board ? i know this if i knew this were to be true , i would not be selfish and let others parish , i would be out doing something about it !................but then i woke up

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by texasgirl
reply to post by odinson

I do believe, that isn't it. I just don't worship at any particular church. I am trying to find my way by finding the truth and I haven't been successful yet. But to be told that not 'going to church' is going to hurt my chances is something that rankles me because I haven't found proof of that particular believe, mistaken or not. I am different and have never followed the path of my friends, family or peers.

I do thank you for your concern. I just don't believe murderers, pedophiles or those who brutally hurt others deserve a ride to the big place!

Again, who are people to judge. If you have Jesus in your heart there shouldn't be any confusion. My mom and most of my family and friends except my dad think that I am being influenced by the devil. Truth won't be denied. As I tell others if you know the end result, the conclusion, you can aid in getting there or you can deviate off course. Most of us knows generally what it says in the Bible about revelations but only some will truly know.

I am on a path to know more and I tell you I don't like what I see. Pandemics, our government agencies are getting all types of marshal law policies and tactics in place, the weather and earthquakes are more severe, we are having problems getting drinking water and food, etc.

I believe that the Church is responsible for some of these calamities that will come because they lost there focus a long time ago. They twist the word to put themselves in power and in authority. You will be ok as long as you keep the faith.

God Bless

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by LightningStrikesHere

Originally posted by odinson

Originally posted by GmoS719
In a sense I believe something will happen soon.
However, it will happen without anyone's foreknowledge.
I don't think you are an exception.


I never said I was an exception. There are others that are receiving His visions and instructions. We are getting ready for what is to come. There are very few of us who would post here or anywhere with this knowledge. That is because of the ridicule that people don't want to go through.

I am caring and if one person goes to the Lord for what I have seen, then it's worth all the naysayers.

God will take care of me and the others that hear His voice.

god Bless

if you really , believed this to be true ,and you know that god is love and compassion , why would you not get the word out their ! other then posting on a forum board ? i know this if i knew this were to be true , i would not be selfish and let others parish , i would be out doing something about it !................but then i woke up

That is a very good question. I was willing to do that once. Here is what happened. A little over a month ago, I went to Golden Corral restaurant early for breakfast. As I watched all the kids and people come in and eat my spirit got low. I at the time had reached my saturation point and I couldnt stand to not tell people what I see is coming. I asked the Lord that day that if He didn't give me a sign by the time I get up from my nap, I would go to all the Churches in my area and let them know what is coming. That day was Sunday morning.

I had a vision while asleep that told me not to do that. God didn't want me to do it so I didnt. That perplexed me until I realize that people are hard to accept this type of news. Also, I believe He was saving my job. He is putting His spirit upon the earth but people are not listening.

Soon they will be or they will get the mark.

God Bless

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 12:59 AM

Another thing. There will be a great deception involving aliens/ufos. The fallen angels will be in those ships so when you see them dont follow the herd. Go to a place of safety.

God bless

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by odinson

I had a vision while asleep that told me not to do that. God didn't want me to do it so I didnt. That perplexed me until I realize that people are hard to accept this type of news. Also, I believe He was saving my job. He is putting His spirit upon the earth but people are not listening. Soon they will be or they will get the mark. God Bless

so when is soon ? and why would a god of compassion and love , not permit you to save innocent children or at the very least protect them , god save your job ? sounds a bit selfish to me .. just saying , have you been a righteous man your whole life ?

please forgive if i come off as being a bit aggressive , but i tend to be a realist on situations such as this on , many people preach the same thing , and the results never yield. and many people have been saying it for many moons . you can understand right ?

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by texasgirl
reply to post by odinson

I do believe, that isn't it. I just don't worship at any particular church. I am trying to find my way by finding the truth and I haven't been successful yet. But to be told that not 'going to church' is going to hurt my chances is something that rankles me because I haven't found proof of that particular believe, mistaken or not. I am different and have never followed the path of my friends, family or peers.

I do thank you for your concern. I just don't believe murderers, pedophiles or those who brutally hurt others deserve a ride to the big place!

"We love because He loved us first. 1 John 4:19

Our Father may very well guide you to share the gospel with convicts. Will you be like Jonah? Remember, it has nothing to do with what YOU want, and everything to do with what HE wants. That convict will be loved by God, just as you were. Considering that convict a worse person than yourself is what the world does - not the Father.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by LightningStrikesHere

Originally posted by odinson

Originally posted by GmoS719
In a sense I believe something will happen soon.
However, it will happen without anyone's foreknowledge.
I don't think you are an exception.


I never said I was an exception. There are others that are receiving His visions and instructions. We are getting ready for what is to come. There are very few of us who would post here or anywhere with this knowledge. That is because of the ridicule that people don't want to go through.

I am caring and if one person goes to the Lord for what I have seen, then it's worth all the naysayers.

God will take care of me and the others that hear His voice.

god Bless

if you really , believed this to be true ,and you know that god is love and compassion , why would you not get the word out their ! other then posting on a forum board ? i know this if i knew this were to be true , i would not be selfish and let others parish , i would be out doing something about it !................but then i woke up

If we had the power to make people accept God's offer of salvation, then I could understand your point. But the truth is that God calls - and therefore our shouts to repent will only fall on those ears that He has opened to HEAR.
The OP is doing what other's don't do. The Lord is asking Him to share his visions. We know that it will be as in the days of Noah where people scoff at the call to repent, and even some of our own family members will not heed the message. But we still do it because it will be HEARD by those the Lord is calling.

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