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How Long Are "We The People" Going To Wait Before We Demand "TREASON" ... Starting at the VERY T

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posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 02:34 AM

5. Eric Holder specifically told Congress during a hearing that he and President Obama do not answer to Congress, they answer to the UN. After multiple times asking Mr. Holder if he would like to change his answer and many many times, Holder said NO... the subject is changed. Holder is backed by

wow.....just wow.

He answers to a group of foreigners?!?!

Unless the Gov doesn't start to change its mentality of " can't touch this " they will find themselves playing with an outdated play book. I can see the difference between my generation and the ones our leaders grew up studying.

We are not the same. My generation will draw blood, but more importantly they will raise a whole generation to follow them that will revolt in mass. Our leaders are not immortal. They can't stop millions of potential snipers, explosives experts, fanatic crazies with machineguns and rockets.

When they lose their children and their loved ones they will say "now its personal" and proceed to make things worse. Then when they lose hundreds of their "untouchable" friends they will say, "till the death"

When they are dying and the world is shattered around them they will ask "what have you done, fools?"

We will ask, "fools? you decided that any price was worth controlling the world, even if it meant risking its destruction"......

SO keep on trucking dumbasses. You are the architects of your own demise. You would have to kill us all for if you leave even one, he will become your enemy.

What country in the world can survive an insurgency of Americans? Think about it, we will not go colonial against a standard army. We will use our prostitutes, grocers, mail men, garbage men, police, armed forces. Everyone becomes an insurgent. TPTB would not have anyone to trust if they start killing us.

They would try if we take up arms against them. We would take up arms against them if they cross the line after DECADES ignoring us. After decades ignoring us they WILL cross the line, many times over.

It is inevitable. You cannot control the world without first destroying it. You would then be the master of ruin and death. Nothing could come from you then. No fruit no flower.

TPTB will find out for themselves. I am pretty shocked they don't know this. They supposedly are men of understanding and reason. Responsible men who study ancient wisdom. Yet they behave like invading Mongols wanting pillage and empire at the same time.

This has all happened before. I say let them. We have been around long enough to outlast them. We will build our new world over their shallow graves. Sounds nice huh? well we will pay a high price too for letting them become our greatest enemies. We will lose just as much as them, the only difference is that we will still be around.

You know who "we" are if you are us.
If not, don't think this post was for you, carry on. Ooh Ooh, Aah Aah.

edit on 13-6-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by FractalChaos13242017
reply to post by mrgregbusybee

In regards to Holder and Friends:

Someone can claim, all they want... that they gave weapons to another, in attempts of 'surveillance'. Yet with the seemingly unorganized, shotty means of keeping track of the weapons, and everything else... this is straight up supplying and supporting the enemy.

Think about it... mexican gangs, or mobs... the war on drugs, they're not citizens of the US, come from another sovereign country, and the US has declared war against the very practice that they partake in!

I hate to tell you this, but the US sold the weapons to Iraq between 1988 and 1989 to invade Kuwait. The one major shipment I saw (that had the G5's added to it) was almost a billion dollars. The whole thing was organized through the US state department with ambassadorial assistance, as well as the assistance of the French, Israelis and the South Africans (during a UN mandated weapons embargo that the US backed).

Is there any difference with Mexico? I don't think so, but this is what capitalism results in, friendly fire and arming you adversaries to gain profit, just profit. A couple of the things you wont often hear about Iraq, is that most of the soldiers in the first couple of years that died or were injured, was done with US purchased ammunition, weapons and plastique (for IED's) and in addition, the infantry positions of the US that were held back as reported in the mainstream media like CNN and others, were done so with G5 cannons supplied to Iraq by South Africa in the 1988 US shipment while as I said, under UN arms embargoes.

That's reality. I saw the way bills, my people saw the way bills and I quite my job as the Chief of R&D for a military contractor (weapons systems) and stopped working directly for certain departments of the military and paramilitary organizations when I found out about this. With capitalism, there is nothing sacred except profit, there are no morals and certainly no ethics. The adage that "a capitalist will sell a communist the rope to hang the capitalist with" is very true. I've never seen rope traded that way, but guns and arms, well, Iraq is a good example of the depravity of our governments. And External/Foreign Affairs and CSIS in Canada knew about the US arms deals with Saddam in Iraq to invade Kuwait in 1990, I know they did, I told them.

Mexico is a funny (read odd) situation. The war on drugs is an illusion, it comes down to protectionism of product and territory by governments. They have to make the money on the drug sales, not someone else, much like the east india company and the british. The CIA still uses mule flights out of the middle east, obviously not out of Syria anymore, but they still apparently use commercial airlines carrying passengers. But of course the South Africans did this as well with arms shipments and raw materials for military applications. I seem to remember some video and photo's of "bobbies" picking up 1 kilo packages on the ground after Pan Am 103 went down, anyone still have that video?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by GD21D
Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

I stopped reading as soon as the OP mentioned america is a socialist nation turning towards communism. That was the first or second paragraph and said to myself this person has a twisted agenda. Have fun in make-believe lala land. 

Did you hear anything about the bilderbergers and where they meet this year? Are they communist as well, despite the fact they are all corporate executives or mega shareholders? You people need to learn the basic definition of terms before we are to take you seriously enough to read the rest of your post. 

Yes I am frustrated as hell from all the disinfo.  THAT is why I even bother posting in such threads.  To show my frustration.  America does not need any revolution that will make it go even more right than what it is already.  No thank you, no way jose!

So how do you propose a fix? This is not a flame, I'm genuinely interested in your input. Revolution is the only way I see, and that's a crap shoot at best. It would really depend on who ended up leading such a movement.

Both of these posts are indicative of what is going on. The first denies that communism is even here, and the second wants a "revolution".

Please, both of you, start with the beginning and trace how we have come to this point in time.

There was a book in the Fifties I believe called The Naked Communist which listed goals and steps taken by those who created this ideology to transform a non-communist country into a communist country. These forty-five goals were even placed into the 1963 US Congressional Record. Let's look at some of them, and keep in mind Lenin's statement that "The BEST REVOLUTIONARY IS A YOUTH DEVOID OF MORALS"

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

ALL of those have been accomplished, artificially creating two generations of millions who reject God Almighty completely and who are devoid of His morals. Hey, when you have the single biggest preaching PULPIT in the world called the media, it's effective.

But, please ask yourself why this was done? Look back at Lenin's statement " THE BEST REVOLUTIONARY IS A YOUTH DEVOID OF MORALS". We have the OP wanting that revolution with no understanding of WHY he wants it, and we have another who can't see that it's been done to us to get us to this point. Communism is GODLESS, created by men who are GODLESS. You are now GODLESS thanks to them - and reject the God of your forefathers who placed us all here in this time. If you are going to reject Him based on lies and deceit that you have been drip fed by GODLESS men who control our media, then there is no love of truth within you. If on the other hand, it bothers you to think that your own beliefs have been manipulated and changed to produce a certain outcome - REVOLUTION -  then someone who has truth at their core will seek to understand why it was done. These individuals will remember the gospel message of Jesus, that He heals the blind to SEE and the deaf to HEAR, and that God is Truth, and that Satan has his last showdown by leading all the nations astray. By the way, those nations are Israel and their descendants.

 Our forefathers of this nation knew who THEY were, and that God's blessings were beyond comprehension to those who remained faithful. But they also knew what would befall us the moment we went astray and fell away from seeking Him. God's yoke is so LIGHT compared to the thousands of Pharisaic and Talmudic laws being passed which govern every minute of our lives, but they are being allowed by Him to bear pressure on these descendants to REPENT - to have a change of mind and turn from their evil path. In His justice He will correct those who are in error, and in His Mercy He gives salvation. 

Your carnal mind wants revolution because it feels the injustices, the deceit, the lying, and the outright path that our leaders are on. But who are you REALLY fighting in the end? I'll tell you - God's will. Choose your side very carefully. Seek Him for Truth if the love of truth is in you.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

That's reality. I saw the way bills, my people saw the way bills and I quite my job as the Chief of R&D for a military contractor (weapons systems) and stopped working directly for certain departments of the military and paramilitary organizations when I found out about this.

Thank you for that. I am glad your sense of right wrong and retarded has not left you. If no one did, I just wanted to thank you. Sincerely. I don't have to tell you how refreshing that was.

you hit it dead on. While faith may or may not have a place in my generations mind, I know we have not completely lost our ability to see logic. I wish I could warn more about becoming useful idiots.
edit on 13-6-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 03:53 AM
If someone leads, the herd will follow.
Many are awake.
That's not hyperbole.
People who you would never suspect are fed up.
But what can we do?
We need a catalyst and the herd will follow.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100
So god is going to fix this mess? Here we go again with this. Well I'm waiting........I think we'll be waiting a while. I think if a god was going to intervene, he/she/it would've a long time ago. He would've been looking out for average people. These worldwide issues wouldn't have reached the levels they have. I guess he's waiting for just the right moment.Still waiting............ A god wouldn't have let millions of people starve to death. A god wouldn't have allowed men like Richard Fuld to steal millions of dollars from people, leaving them homeless. I guess my carnal mind just doesn't understand the intricacies of gods intentions.

edit on 13-6-2012 by GD21D because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 05:59 AM
A regards the government stockpiling of guns and ammo in vast amounts............I think we are talking at least 15 MILLION people who the government will consider to be "enemies of the state" NOW, but the number will increase exponentially when the SHTF

This is just a sampling........BTW - Several million enemies of the USA are already here having crossed borders - north and south.

Some of the targeted Groups will be -

Criminal blacks as opposed to ordinary law abiding citizens
All persons in prison
All motorcylce gangs (mostly white)
Mexican gangs and all other gangs
All illegal Mexican immigrants without decent credentials
All Islamic/Muslims
All KKK type gangs and organizations
All radicals - includes communists, Marxists etc.
All radical ex-military
All groups related to militia etc, this includes groups sympathetic to present and ex-police and military.
All protesters against government policies.
edit on 13-6-2012 by Vitruvian because: spell

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by mrgregbusybee


Ok, seriously, we have to talk, you're throwing around that Treason word rather lightly. And it would be a massive stretch for you to apply it to this thread.

The US Constitution defines what is treason quite clearly:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Article III Section 3

While some of what you wrote (without citation by the way) could be considered criminal, none of it is treasonous. Treason is a big word, with big consequences. And I think you just want Eric Holder lynched.

Your personal deep seeded hatred for this administration is not justification to use the word Treason the way some people use the word Dude.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 06:19 AM
The day the people rise up will be the day that they learn, to their dismay, where the trillions went. It will happen, but if I had a family I would get far away. There will not be anything left worth "taking back".
edit on 13-6-2012 by Numbers33four because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by KnawLick

It really comes down to this. Are you prepared for war? Are you prepared for armed conflict in your neighborhood streets? Where red states or blue states become enemy territory?

Actually, I don't recognize this country anymore. I feel like I'm behind-the-lines of some enemy force in some bad Hollywood film.

We have a "government" engaging in international narcotics and weapons trafficking. While at the same time they are imprisoning our citizens for the same thing. We have a "government" committing mass murder, kidnapping, torturing, raping and stealing of non-combatant men, women and children in the middle east. Frequently, these warped troops are coming home, joining the police department and are waging war against our citizens. We have a "government that is actively plotting the destruction of private property and civil rights through international agreements and treaties -- notably Agenda 21. We have "courts" where citizens no longer have "standing" to bring suit against corrupt politicians. We have "courts " where we can no longer get redress from blatantly illegal laws.

I believe armed conflict is coming to the US. So does this gangster government. They are incrementally building a control grid and police/military force that has no other purpose than occupation. The real question is when and where these evil bastards start the physical war.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 07:30 AM
As I've just commented in another discussion, you are divided on party lines. This is extremely dangerous and any government could easily play you all against each other.

Look at what is happening in other countries, where sectarian violence is playing out between religious and cultural sides. In America, you would have this on both racial and political lines.

IMO, the American people are too brainwashed into being red or blue, refusing their own conscience and intelligence and doing whatever it takes to show allegiance to their party.

Thankfully, there is a generation growing up that now distrusts BOTH parties. That is why many don't understand Occupy. Because they're not aligned to a political party, people prefer to treat them as a group of outcasts.

The fact is, those diverse kids with numerous passionate political and moral opinions are far more intelligent than the person who cheer-leads for their party at all cost. They call out both groups on their failures, they're not scared to say that there needs to be another way without that partisan BS. They recognize that the color of the party is an illusion, designed to divide and conquer. They actually have the balls to say that neither party reflects their varied opinions.

There are still millions of Americans who gladly sit in the trap and throw abuse, abandoning their own moral objections and towing the party line even when they know their party is messed up.

Thankfully, while those two sides are busy hating each other for nothing, a new generation is pointing and laughing at them, getting stronger, and will one day be ready to walk right between those cheer-leading groups to the White House.

It's a shame it'll probably take another American revolution and a couple of decades before that "other" party will be formed.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
Thankfully, there is a generation growing up that now distrusts BOTH parties. That is why many don't understand Occupy. Because they're not aligned to a political party, people prefer to treat them as a group of outcasts.

Observation of the "occupy" types leads me to believe they are controlled opposition. If not Soros, then the CIA and/or someone else.

Someone was saying that a lot of these alternative movements are nothing more than "relief valves" to blunt the growing opposition. That sounds viable .... especially given this government's documented history. Don't forget that this government has literally armies of psych-types and they have committed billions (over the years) to psych research. The biggest battlefields are the war for the hearts and minds.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Look at what is happening in other countries, where sectarian violence is playing out between religious and cultural sides. In America, you would have this on both racial and political lines

Much of that is instigated by the intel and military mercenaries of globalist forces. Everytime you hear the corporate dinasaur media say "rebels" for example, thats what they're talkin about.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by jcarpenter

Originally posted by detachedindividual
Thankfully, there is a generation growing up that now distrusts BOTH parties. That is why many don't understand Occupy. Because they're not aligned to a political party, people prefer to treat them as a group of outcasts.

Observation of the "occupy" types leads me to believe they are controlled opposition. If not Soros, then the CIA and/or someone else.

I keep seeing these things suggested, but never any evidence of it. None of the people involved in the movement have expressed that opinion, just those on the outside who cannot fathom that people might dare to disagree with BOTH parties!

I'm sorry to say it, but you're just supporting my point. Even with no evidence for it, people ridicule and dismiss another group because they don't understand how to live without adoring allegiance to a party.

It's another perfect example of one political side pointing fingers at another because they don't understand how people can actually be truly independent in thought and action.

And, even if it were controlled opposition, it's still opposition. How is ignoring that to support an already corrupt and failed party any better? Better the devil you know?

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Saucerwench
reply to post by detachedindividual

Look at what is happening in other countries, where sectarian violence is playing out between religious and cultural sides. In America, you would have this on both racial and political lines

Much of that is instigated by the intel and military mercenaries of globalist forces. Everytime you hear the corporate dinasaur media say "rebels" for example, thats what they're talkin about.

Again, I don't see much evidence for that either. These are real people, real men and women who have left their homes, seen their families killed, watched their lives be destroyed. Did the CIA set up a recruitment tent in every village and town in Syria and start handing out mercenary handbooks?

I'm sorry, but it's a very simplistic attitude to have for a very complex situation. I have no doubt that there are players taking advantage, but I don't believe another government could have such power over such a large group of citizens in Syria.

Those people are driven by their desire to live free of threat from their own government.

If you took up arms tomorrow against your government because they shelled your town, does that automatically mean you are being influenced by Russia or China? No, of course not.

People seem to forget that there are real people involved in these conflicts, individuals with lost lives and dead families, intelligent people with a drive to live free of violence and threat. They are not just faceless puppets of another regime.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

I keep seeing these things suggested, but never any evidence of it. None of the people involved in the movement have expressed that opinion, just those on the outside who cannot fathom that people might dare to disagree with BOTH parties!

I'm sorry to say it, but you're just supporting my point. Even with no evidence for it, people ridicule and dismiss another group because they don't understand how to live without adoring allegiance to a party.

Listen to these occupy people being interviewed. For every individual that has two functioning neurons, another will be another tagging along for the food and partying. It only took an eternity for these people to start publicizing demands.

I'm all for shining the light on the totally fake, two-party system, but occupy simply does not pass the bad-smell-test.

edit on 13-6-2012 by jcarpenter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee
reply to post by ElOmen

The only plan that can take place right now.... and to be honest, it may be too late is to educate the citizens of what is taking place behind-the-scenes and not being paraded in the BS nightly news. We voted a man into office based on proving how far this country had come to prove racism is in the past. That's an honest sentence right there. Do you think it was by coincidence Barry ran for President and won? NO way. There was enough polls and a pulse on the population to allow it to happen now. It's been a patient and long awaited move. Now, 4 years later and his socialist plan in plain view, he is no more vetted than he was prior to taking office. The man is a socialist for certain and quickly becoming able to hold the title as a communist with the likes of Hitler. He is the 1st President that we do not know anything about regarding his past. The man openly discusses smoking crack, snorting coc aine, smoking weed and it's accepted. He was muslim, says he switched to Christian prior to running for President only to quickly denounce his church and say that he and his wife will quietly attend services at Camp David...c'mon man. This man is out of control and this has been a process for at least 20 years... if not more. Maybe since 1908 with the start of the Federal Reserve. I'm not sure. All I do know is Obama is the face of blame right now... he is the current puppet of the 5 or 6 families of the Federal Reserve but that doesn't change the fact that there's a plan in motion and a takeover is happening as we discuss this very thing. ...

And so on and so on. You don't know the meaning of words like "socialism", "communism", you spew racist comments, you still think that Obama was muslim (he was not, but even so?), you tell all the old lies of those undercover racists like they were pictures you have to pick out of the drawer and look at them again and again, completely failing in understanding how wrong those ideas are, that some other fanatic placed in your head. Am I wrong by guessing that your "education" about politics stems from FoxNews? And that you think all the other media are communists, so far to the left that they would have made Stalin proud?

Oh. Come. On.

Your posting is nothing but hate.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I am glad that someone else sees this. It is not what our youths are capable of now. No. It is about what they will teach their kids and little ones to come. Do you think for a second that our leaders are prepared to control a population of radicals? They need us to be sheep. They just opened Pandora's box by trying to control our "protest". They may have succeeded in marginalizing a failed opposition.....but...

They may achieve success now sure. What they don't realize is that they have just set the grounds for the well received seeds of their opposition in earnest.

What will they do when the population is unresponsive to the MSM or propaganda? They will resort to the only other option.....force.

That will seal the deal for their unending persecution yet again. Those years will be dark indeed for them. A world awakened to genetic identifiers.....a way to track every last one of them down. They will have their blood lines erased. I see this in the future.

There will be no where for them to hide. From kings to rats....sad indeed.

They underestimate humanity. They think they are so smart they can control the world.......

I thought I could fly when I was a kid.....believed it.....I couldn't though.....and I was a smart kid.

They are just smart enough to give their kids many lemons. They kids will get progressively dumber as the generations pass with total control already achieved. They will become decadent and lazy having no challenge except maintaining that control.......yeah....good luck with that and if they think immortality will be theirs they need to achieve it first before they count on it. so,

Their houses will be erased and forgotten instead of adored for all of time. That is not for their house.

Our generations are irrelevant. The future is being forged now in men's hearts. Look into the hearts of your neighbors.....what do you see?

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by mrgregbusybee

Hello there, mrgregbusybee. I fully agree with you on charging Government Officials with High Treason.

This Government is either 1...very very dumb and accidentally following along the communist steps of takeover without actually knowing (which I do NOT believe) or 2... they know exactly what they are doing and are using the fact that American people do not care and are not questioning what our Government is doing....

Actually, I think the second one makes the most sense, they know exactly what they are doing. If you read a lot like I do, you will have read some things that these secret societies wrote they were going to do a long time ago, and now, they are happening.

I do not understand what Attorney General Eric Holder is attempting to do, he must know that he cannot keep his post anymore, and he also must know that the secrets he holds will come out. Also, TPTB must know that they only way they will ever get our guns is to take them from our dead, cold hands, so attempting an end run around the 2nd. Amendment is a moot point, really.
Do you think he is playing scapegoat, to protect someone even higher up the ladder?
Good post.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:11 AM
Well i agree what theyre doing is treason because we are a soverign country and we do not obey the U.N. or any of it's lapdogs.

The problem is unless you have an army you're not going to be able to do anything. If you try to raise an army you go to prison for treason, if you try to stockpile weapons they send the FBI and ATF to kill you or arrest you and throw you in prison. If you foment rebellion you are thrown in prison for treason. So the system they have installed right now by it's very nature is designed to suppress the people so the government can stay in power at our expense. Local authorities listen to feds and don't expect them to save you because it aint gonna happen, they want to continue drawing a paycheck.

So in essence the reality is there is nothing we can do but stay on the ship we are on. The american people haven't been oppressed enough yet to want to actually do something about it yet, that will take us being killed in mass genocides to breach that point and that is coming soon, all you gotta do is look at all the massive FEMA camps being built nationwide and ask yourself what the hell those are being built for and i can tell you, it aint anything good.
edit on 13-6-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

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