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My little sister gets suspended for conspiracy theorizing...?

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posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye
S&F! Good for you teaching the children while they are young is exactly what needs to happen and eventually they will rise up and change things. LOL at the people on this thread claiming she is to young but its ok to teach them lies about the easter bunny and santa clause as if they are truth....

And whose the # that said it was child abuse? Unbelievable!

Unfortunately this is what happened when you send your kids to government re-education camps. They are not interested in kids learning to think for themselves they are interested in teaching them WHAT TO THINK!

How is the OP changing the student? She isn't teaching the student how to think, she is just giving the student a different set of 'facts' to believe in.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

My little sister, who is ten years old, has been learning about all conspiracies since about four years ago, when I started learning about them and teaching her, when I was about 14. So, she's been learning them since about age 6 or 7, roughly. Occasionally, in class, someone will bring up the statue of liberty, she she'll inform them about how the statue was built by Freemasons, and how it looks like the Roman sun God. Her teacher sometimes tells her "You're too young to know that stuff yet" (and yes, that's an exact quote. Apparently, learning is bad). I also frequently inform her about how parts of the modern American Christian customs are Pagan and based on sun and moon worship, and she will explain to my mamaw and other relatives how Easter is evil, and Christmas is unholy (I got a lot of heat from my family for putting that stuff in her head, not that I care).

OK... now I know this is your sister but to be honest...

I don't think it your place to be "teaching" her about conspiracy theory topics....

She is in primary/elementary school!? Of course she is going to talk about and share things she gets from home... conspiracy theories aren't something a ten year old can comprehend or make an informed judgement on... they are going to take your view of reality and that will shape their thinking in regard to certain topics...

Shame on you! Any person should not have to decide on a topic untill they are old enough to make an informed and mature decision... especially conspiracy topics...

Don't let her be raised paranoid and delusional...

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:20 PM
You're wrong and the teacher is right. All your're doing is screwing up your sisters education with stuff she nor the other students can properly put into context or really understand because they're still being taught the base of history. The reason she believes you is because you're her big brother and she loves you, not because she can see through the bull# mannnnnnn.

Originally posted by MysticPearl
Next lesson for your sister: teach how many cops, teachers and politicians get drunk on the power they yield and don't react well when questioned.

So how many are there?
edit on 10-6-2012 by Funshinez because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Furbs

This student is 10 years old!!

They don't have the maturity to make good judgement! They rely on older people teaching them things...

The OP should not even raise the topic of consiracy theories with a 10 yr old!!!

Unless that topic or info is 100% proven true of course!

But if the OP is spreading BS theories they have got from online that are not PROVEN true then they should not be spreading that crap to a ten year old person.

I have kids and to be honest I would never spread any of the crap I hear from this site or other related topics to them.,...

If they choose to look it up themselves then fine but I will never spread fear, lies and conspiracy to them!

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Funshinez

Don't worry... Mystic is just another over paranoid person...

It's a waste of time asking that question!

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Her teacher sometimes tells her "You're too young to know that stuff yet"...

But not to young to be taught the truth as interpreted by the state. You know the truth they fill all the kids heads with that later are found to be full of lies? The dilemma in every soul searching American that struggles against early indoctrination from not only the school but the media, church, family and peers to believe the lies they have been taught to the exclusive punishment of all other choices. That is only obvious what is wrong. Instead of presenting multiple viewpoints and allowing them to make up their one minds, they are taught one line only and punished for presenting any alternative.

What you are doing is correct, giving her options to make it easier to "wake up" when she is older. She can make up her own mind when the time comes because she has "options" thanks to you. What I would tell her to do is keep that stuff quiet for now until she is older and able to discern better when and how to discuss it. Right now, she is to young to know any better than to blurt it out. And she is the one thats going to be ostracized by everyone. Care about her developing ego in that regard.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:37 PM
She is in all likelihood mostly repeating what she is told, without understanding it particularly well. However, that's what all kids do, it's just that what she is repeating is different than what most kids repeat. I don't think it's necessarily good to make her TOO conspiracy-oriented as a young girl, but I also don't think it's good to have her be too indoctrinated into the system. I think it would be best to cultivate an open-mind, where she doesn't just accept anything she is told, and is open to the various possibilities.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Imtor

Originally posted by Annee
She is not really old enough to comprehend. She is just repeating what she is told.

And expelling her is justified according to you?

I don't happen to believe in expelling - at all.

But that is not really the subject here.

Actually THAT IS the subject...being expelled for saying something the teacher considered objectionable. If the reason was a poem the one mentioned, I find it extreme indeed!

Not really. The subject is why she was expelled.

I agree with the teacher in objecting to the subject because of the girls age. And as the OP stated - - - his step-mom was pissed about what he was telling his sister.

As I see it - - - the teacher did the right thing in turning this over to the child's parents.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Havick007
reply to post by Furbs

This student is 10 years old!!

They don't have the maturity to make good judgement! They rely on older people teaching them things...

The OP should not even raise the topic of consiracy theories with a 10 yr old!!!

Unless that topic or info is 100% proven true of course!

But if the OP is spreading BS theories they have got from online that are not PROVEN true then they should not be spreading that crap to a ten year old person.

I have kids and to be honest I would never spread any of the crap I hear from this site or other related topics to them.,...

If they choose to look it up themselves then fine but I will never spread fear, lies and conspiracy to them!

I am not really sure why this is directed at me, I feel that children should be taught how to think critically rather than be taught what to think which is why my children attend Montessori schools.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Furbs

But you need to understand the human brain... at that age there is a difference between critical thinking and influence...

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Furbs

I directed that reply to you because of this statement from you -

How is the OP changing the student? She isn't teaching the student how to think, she is just giving the student a different set of 'facts' to believe in.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Havick007
reply to post by Furbs

But you need to understand the human brain... at that age there is a difference between critical thinking and influence...

Are you suggesting that there isn't an age when there is a difference between critical thinking and influence?

Originally posted by Havick007
reply to post by Furbs

I directed that reply to you because of this statement from you -

How is the OP changing the student? She isn't teaching the student how to think, she is just giving the student a different set of 'facts' to believe in.

I still do not understand why you believe what you are saying is relevant or counter to any points I am making.

The reality of the situation is this.

1. Teacher is telling the student A.
2. OP is telling the student B.

What I am saying is that A and B wouldn't matter if the child were being taught how to think critically about the information being presented.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
The full poem is this;

"Good luck with your flu,
we miss you,
conspiracies to do,
so I'll see you"

What the hell do you call that?

Very, very creepy. Especially from a 10 year old.

Sounds like something out of a Stephen King novel. Does the child live in the woods? have there been strange lights seen?

Not reason to suspend the child, but reason to worry about her.
edit on 10-6-2012 by AndyMayhew because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Personal context? It's personal to you that my sister wrote that poem?

I was not offended by it. Nor was I offended by the nice poem from Soy. I have had no relationship with your sister or Soy.

My point was that your sister and her teacher have a "history". That is the context to which I was referring. The sweet little poem has a sarcastic dig about that "history".

And so, you teach a ten year old a lesson by kicking them out of your class, isn't that a little childish of a teacher.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Havick007

Unless that topic or info is 100% proven true of course!

Sorry Havick ...

Do you know how long it took me to overcome the idea that "Columbus discovered America"? Thats what I was taught. Like it didn't exist before then.

How about that America (before it was America) was populated with many peoples that were lied to (treaties) and butchered along with their women and children (wounded knee) and starved to death on reservations by those same "Americans". The very ones that distributed blankets with Small Pox to intentionally wipe out whole nations (read that nations) of peoples in order to make way for "settlers". The ones that pierced children's tongues in government schools if they didn't learn to speak english? That later, to reinforce what I had been taught, John Wayne and others of his ilk generated media images in my mind of the "truth" of the necessity of murdering the "savages" in order to preserve "order"?

!00% true info, huh? Of course.
Thats just one big lie I had to resolve, brought to me by my early "education".

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Havick007
reply to post by Furbs

I directed that reply to you because of this statement from you -

How is the OP changing the student? She isn't teaching the student how to think, she is just giving the student a different set of 'facts' to believe in.

You probably misunderstood Furbs' statement a bit, as Furbs did not in any way encourage the 'teaching' of conspiracy theories to children, but rather the exact opposite, that children should NOT be subjected to such stuff, but nonetheless can be learned critical thinking and be taught how to not swallow everything that is claimed, regardless of topic. For instance, and as an example, learning how to critically analyze conspiracy theoriesand not just swallow them without deeper analysis. Ofcourse, this also goes both ways and also applies to not automatically swallow everything "in the system", either, unless it can actually be verified.

Also note that he wrote 'facts' within apostrophe, meaning that the referred 'facts' are, atleast too often, merely the opinion of someone as being facts.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Furbs

exactly furbs......I agree with you..,....this didn't just happen out of the blue.....this built up over time,,,,,,we are not hearing the full story,,,,just the tail end of it..... older sister taught her that easter and christmas is evil..... she's 10 now, how old was she when she was first told this??????.does she go around saying that at school at holiday times

how disruptive was she during class....bring up conspiracies...on a regular basis......

edit on 10-6-2012 by research100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Imtor

Originally posted by Annee
She is not really old enough to comprehend. She is just repeating what she is told.

And expelling her is justified according to you?

I don't happen to believe in expelling - at all.

But that is not really the subject here.

Actually THAT IS the subject...being expelled for saying something the teacher considered objectionable. If the reason was a poem the one mentioned, I find it extreme indeed!

Not really. The subject is why she was expelled.

I agree with the teacher in objecting to the subject because of the girls age. And as the OP stated - - - his step-mom was pissed about what he was telling his sister.

As I see it - - - the teacher did the right thing in turning this over to the child's parents.

So we have nothing here to go by but the OP's word, so i take it at that.
Starts with 2 young GIRLS. Broken home, talking, older one telling all her new stuff she comes up with to the young one.

I would agree it is not the place of a sister to be her sisters primary teacher and decide what she learns, but kids share at that age especially under certain circumstances.

Now the primary question, should a Teacher kicked a kid from class because she is not happy with some of the things the kid says...again we only can go by what the OP said. it is about a simple poem that does not sound like a threat or anything big enough to remove a person of 10 from your class.

The wise Teacher would be an area of alternate influence to temper the child's learning's from her big sister.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Furbs

Originally posted by hawkiye
S&F! Good for you teaching the children while they are young is exactly what needs to happen and eventually they will rise up and change things. LOL at the people on this thread claiming she is to young but its ok to teach them lies about the easter bunny and santa clause as if they are truth....

And whose the # that said it was child abuse? Unbelievable!

Unfortunately this is what happened when you send your kids to government re-education camps. They are not interested in kids learning to think for themselves they are interested in teaching them WHAT TO THINK!

How is the OP changing the student? She isn't teaching the student how to think, she is just giving the student a different set of 'facts' to believe in.

She is teaching the student that they do not have to go along with the sheep that there are alternatives and hence one must think to make their choice. The school would have them believe there is only one way to see all things. Real choice requires thought hence one must think for themselves.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:15 PM
Your little sister is far too young to have her head filled with this stuff.

I think you sir, are hugely selfish and arrogant , in the way you do this to your little sister, without thinking of what her knowing these things will do to her in life.

Example 1, suspension. - Would she have been suspended if you never told her about nay of this stuff ?

Pretty clear cut case of who is responsible.
All you are doing is putting her into the spotlight for teachers / school to be "concerned" aboout.

YOU are doing this to your sister.

She's too young.

edit on 10/6/2012 by Dachende because: (no reason given)

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