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Organoponicos Are The Perfect 'Public Works'. They Could Save The Greeks

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posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 08:36 PM
The fall of the USSR caused the economy of Cuba to collapse. One of the things that helped Cuba suvive was 'organoponicos'. I think that Greece would be able to use Cuba as a blueprint. If the Cuban people can survive being cut off then the Greeks can survive as well. The capitalist way is not the only way.

Organopónicos are a system of urban organic gardens in Cuba. They often consist of low-level concrete walls filled with organic matter and soil, with lines of drip irrigation laid on the surface of the growing media. Organopónicos provide access to job opportunities, a fresh food supply to the community, neighborhood improvement and beautification of urban areas. Organopónicos first arose as a community response to lack of food security after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They are publicly functioning in terms of ownership, access and management, but heavily subsidized and supported by the Cuban government.

There is some speculation onto which the organopónico system can be applied to other nations. For example, the film The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil argues that world oil production will reach its all-time peak and begin to decline forever. It also argues that Cuba has gone through such a crisis—a massive reduction of fossil fuels—and the organopónico system is an example of a proper response to peak oil and can be replicated in other parts of the world.

I have been reading alot about micro farming. It is possible to be self sufficient with only a small amount of land. Growing your own food is a way to gain freedom from the capitalist system. Organoponicos are something that society can use to free itself from capitalism. I think the west needs to start doing more urban farming. I also think that Organoponicos should be set up. Organoponicos could be very important in the next GFC. They already saved the Cubans

Organoponicos would create employment as well as secure our food supplies. Organoponicos are the perfect Public Works.

edit on 5-6-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
The capitalist way is not the only way.

I don't think it's a good idea to automatically refer to organic agriculture as a form of Communism. Farming predates anything referred to as either Socialism or Communism, by a very long period.

I know what you are saying, but understand that some people won't; and the entire reason why the Illuminati invented Socialism and Communism was to create and exploit confusion. The cabal wanted to reverse people's thinking about the genuinely positive and beneficial elements of human nature, such as altruism; and they did that by falsely associating it with an economic and social ideology, which also later became internationally associated with genocide.

In other words, some of the core behaviours associated with what is generally referred to as Communism, are extremely positive; generally most of those predate Communism by a very long time, as noted. The problem is that said positive elements of human nature have become associated with mass murder, which is exactly what the cabal wanted. They want people to associate the label of Communism with traditional, instinctive human behaviour patterns, because doing so will lead people to believing that said instinctive behaviour patterns are an inherently bad thing, which will then cause them to suppress and abandon them.

This has very largely happened with the American population. A disturbingly large number of Americans have come to believe that altruism and compassion are actually immoral, because they are associated with "Communism."

Thus, of all the monstrous things that the cabal have done, the invention of Communism as a false label for equality and altruism, is by far one of the blackest and worst. It is one of the central lies which threatens to render our species extinct.

If you want a legitimate ideological basis for reciprocal altruism, read Kropotkin's Mutual Aid, Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward and Equality, and Lyssa Royal's channelled material about the Pleiadian Equal Value System. Do not go anywhere near Lenin, Trotsky, (who was the Illuminati's appointed handler for Stalin) or Marx. Read Bakunin if you want, but be aware of the fact that a lot of contemporary Socialists tend to internalise his philosophy entirely, and recite it to people rote, without applying any of their own critical thinking to it. You should not want to do that with any philosophy.

On the Left side of the fence, I'd also recommend Lierre Keith's The Vegetarian Myth. Keith is one of the most potent examples I've ever seen, of the core female Leftist archetype; feminist, short haired, homosexual, and previously vegan. Her book, however, is one of the most intelligent I've ever read, as well as being passionate, and she is the first example of her archetype that I have seen, who has been willing to allow my gender the right to exist.

Some of what Chomsky says is worthwhile, but it's also important to understand that he has been referred to as a Leftist "gatekeeper." In other words, the reason why he hasn't been shot or given a plane crash, is because his material often includes what the cabal actually want people to believe, where Leftist ideology is concerned. He still advocates globalism, albeit a different form; and the cabal are quite happy with that.

It's also a false dichotomy to make blanket implications that, "Communism/Marxism = good, Capitalism = bad." Most of what gets referred to as Capitalism these days actually isn't, according to the individuals who wrote most of the theory. Yes, you have von Mises and Friedman, who are probably the two theorists whose ideas have the most in common with the out of control corporate model which is standard issue today. I do not condone the ideologies of either of those men, although von Mises did make some statements that I considered worthwhile, if only more of Capitalism's self-identified advocates would actually listen. Friedman advocated a total absence of corporate accountability, and I have serious problems with von Mises' ideas about private property, as well.

Rand in particular, however, receives a lot more vilification and criticism than she genuinely deserves. Most of the people who criticise her, generally haven't bothered to actually read her material first. There's also ridiculous things such as Anton LeVay, the founder of the American Church of Satan, declaring his approval of Rand's philosophy; and his doing so has had fairly predictable results for Objectivism's reputation, unfortunately.

As well as some of Rand's material, I'd also recommend Sir William Reese-Mogg's The Sovereign Individual. Examples of truly intelligent material from the Right are sadly very rare, so it's worth tracking down those that do exist.

I try not to veer too far to the Left or the Right. Balance brings peace.
edit on 6-6-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

In a perfect world, large amounts of organopónicos systems would be great, but sadly, most of us do not live in this world. If most countries switched to large amounts of organopónicos systems, the governments would completely take them over, by way of red tape, and effectively use them for the downfall of the population.

If they are allowed to be governmentally controlled, consider these outcomes:
- Only people who have credit/money can get food
- High tax increases to pay for soil treatment, seeds, workers, etc
- An influx of arrests to obtain labor (by way of mandatory community service)
- Harmful GMO foods being used against the people

In short: I don't think organopónicos systems would be good for large scale production...

However, I do think organopónicos systems could work on a small scale - possibly in poor neighborhoods. They would, of course, need governmental subsidies for initial setup, and later maintenance, but said systems' management must be relinquished to the communities they are placed in - so they do not become corrupt by their governments.


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