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Do any of you KNOW The Lord? Seriously

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posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:03 AM
Nope. Can't say I've ever met the guy. I've tried to talk to him but alas no answer. Maybe he is busy righting all the wrongs in this world? No he obviously isn't doing that. Maybe he is healing all the sick and dying? Nope, not doing that either. Well maybe he is spreading peace and putting an end to war. Haha Nope again. You know what? Sounds to me like the "God" of the bible isn't doing # to better his creation. So my logical answer is the Bible is a work of fiction. It was written by men as a means to control the masses. When folks like the pagans refused to bow they were forced to worship the Christian god. Quote all the scripture you like, its kinda like quoting a Stephen king novel and claiming it as fact.

The God I believe in does not care about humanity or its problems. It sure didn't leave no book for us to live our lives by.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by TheIrishJihad83

The God of the Bible isn't bettering His creation because they refuse to do His will and only want to follow their own.

This is exactly what the Bible warns us about. God's going to have to wipe the slate clean once again.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

Wow. The brainwashed masses cling tightly to their fairy tale I see. It God is so powerful and wise, why does he not intervene before his beloved creation destroys itself? Obviously because the God of theology is nothing more than a creation of man. To make the masses feel better about what lies beyond this life.

Everything is connected. We are all made of stars and will one day return to them. A constant stream of energy. Now if there is some type of universal intelligence residing over this existence it is surely not the white haired grandfather figure that theology makes it out to be.

God should be able to do anything. But he doesn't. Therefore he doesn't exist. At least as theology believes.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

israel and the US created the stuxnet virus that made the gear all fail at fucushima
no god about it
in fact:
just the opposite
edit on 5-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

What do you think? Do you think the word of God is still here on this earth?

The Word hasn't been here in 2000 years. Not in the physical sense. Yeshua is the Messiah, and most christians already know christmas and easter are pagan, but you can seperate the pagan from the godly teachings if you know anything about Yeshua.

Don't get caught up in the same legalism that snared the pharisees and sadducees. The Apostles gave us the Council of Jerusalem and it is all we need in tandem of what Yeshua taught. The fact that Yeshua never gave us another Council while the Apostles were still alive is proof that the Council of Jerusalem is the only one we needed, otherwise he would have had it amended by people we would trust and not the apostate Nicolaitans who sized control of the church in 325 A.D.

Yeshua taught mercy, forgiveness, kindness and self sacrifice and loving our enemies as we love our friends and neighbors and to love YHWH. I think there's a good chance the decalogue is still in play as we still see elements of it in Christ's teachings and in Revelation, Christ's teachings actually add to the decalogue in a more wholesome way than what was being taught by the religious people while he was here.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Deetermined

Originally posted by DEV1L79

Until people wake up and see themselves and the world for what it is we will always be slaves to some kind of system be it religion or government.

LOL! If you were as smart and educated as you seem to think you are, you'd know by the history of the world's existence that it's not humanly possible to change it for any length of time before history starts repeating itself due to imperfect human nature. Wake up!

i see you are unfamilliar with the " dumbing down of america" by Charlotte Isrby
she worked for several administrations and is the expert on the subject

judging huimans imperfect is to question the LORDs creation
you'll burn for that my friend will burn for that!

PS i was just on another thread where a mod was saying that type of poster insult was on the rise and not called for...
a christian was wining on that thread about how people insult christians by questiong their beliefs on this forum.
you sure showed him!
edit on 5-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by TheIrishJihad83

Wow. The brainwashed masses cling tightly to their fairy tale I see. It God is so powerful and wise, why does he not intervene before his beloved creation destroys itself? Obviously because the God of theology is nothing more than a creation of man. To make the masses feel better about what lies beyond this life.

If you knew what the Bible says, God will intervene before man destroys itself. Maybe you should read the book of Revelation (even if it's just for kicks) on some of the events that must happen before He intervenes.

God should be able to do anything. But he doesn't. Therefore he doesn't exist. At least as theology believes.

God is capable of everything, but God also allowed all of his creations (whether angels or man) free will to make choices for themselves in order to learn from their own mistakes without forcing them to. You've got people on here who bash God for allowing people to make their own choices, but then you'd also have people on here bashing God for forcing people to believe in Him or worship Him. We can't have it both ways. For now, we all have to live with the consequences of everyone's free will, but it wasn't meant to be this way forever.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by TheIrishJihad83

Wow. The brainwashed masses cling tightly to their fairy tale I see. It God is so powerful and wise, why does he not intervene before his beloved creation destroys itself? Obviously because the God of theology is nothing more than a creation of man. To make the masses feel better about what lies beyond this life.

He did intervene. He came here in person to set the record straight and the jews killed him for it. Only a minority of the jews chose to follow after him. Ofcourse he knew they would kill him and it was part of his plan, because his blood was what was needed to set the captives free, but unlike men Death could not hold him.

He freed us from the second death, the death of our spirits. This flesh must pass away because it has been corrupted, which is why we die. Corruption cannot put on incorruption.

We didn't evolve from monkies, we are devolving into monkies.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Deetermined

Originally posted by DEV1L79

Until people wake up and see themselves and the world for what it is we will always be slaves to some kind of system be it religion or government.

LOL! If you were as smart and educated as you seem to think you are, you'd know by the history of the world's existence that it's not humanly possible to change it for any length of time before history starts repeating itself due to imperfect human nature. Wake up!

The proof of this is in the world around us. It is impossible to stop greed, avarice, war, rape, lust, theft, murder, abortion, lies etc. It's ingrained into the core of human existence. People who believe we can achieve a "Utopia" by our own means are fools for believing it. People have tried and failed everytime for thousands of years. Someone will always start a war, commit a murder, steal, tell lies, and most of it is done for the sake of becomming wealthy, of the desire to be a have instead of a havenot.

Humanity is incapable of achieving peace on it's own devices. Thats just a sad fact but it is a fact.
edit on 5-6-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

And maybe in a past world, the world was over run by big foots, yetis, yowies which have been mistaken for cavemen until god came along, destroyed them and created us in the meatime. They created WMD's and god had to intervene. Now they spend their days in hiding and maybe if you are lucky you catch a glimpse of them every now and then, The question is what are we going to be hiding from when he returns and leaves a handful of us?

edit on 5-6-2012 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

And maybe in a past world, the world was over run by big foots until god came along, destroyed them and created us in the meatime. They created WMD's and god had to intervene. Now they spend their days in hiding maybe if you are lucky you catch a glimpse of them, the question is what are we going to be hiding from when he returns and leaves a handful of us?

There won't be a next time. The world has been destroyed 3 times already, next one is final and in the form of cleansing fire, probably by our star. We are humanity's last chance.
edit on 5-6-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Well maybe firemen will take over then and we will become extinct.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 11:02 AM
Actually there was a virgin birth - Deganawidah - he created the oldest AND still functioning democracy in the world, which is the Iroqious Six nations..they are still sovreign, and a direct influence for the creation of the US constitution.

Because christians can't handle the truth of his birth and PROVABLE existance, they wiped his original people the Huron out, and have attempted to eradicate Deganawidah and his SUCCESSFULL work from the pages of history, so they can MAKE their end of the world fantacy come true

obviously if we did what deganawidah's example showed the earth wouldn't be on the brink of destruction now

Which, if the end of the world was what god wanted, he would never have sent Deganawidah to fix it. This demented beleif in the bible to the exclusion of truth is EXACTLY what the DEVIL wants....

wha to go christians...we will now have the end of the world as we know it becasue you people wouldn't smarten up.
and guess what
hEAven is named after is the EArth....imagine that eh?
edit on 5-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Danbones

i see you are unfamilliar with the " dumbing down of america" by Charlotte Isrby
she worked for several administrations and is the expert on the subject

I've got news for you, it's not just America.

judging huimans imperfect is to question the LORDs creation
you'll burn for that my friend will burn for that!

You must have missed the part where "Dev1l79" called everyone on this thread "stupid" and referenced that everyone just needs to educate themselves.

Danbones, even the Bible says that humans were made perfect and fell into imperfection, so it's not me who is judging God's creation, but God himself.

PS i was just on another thread where a mod was saying that type of poster insult was on the rise and not called for...a christian was wining on that thread about how people insult christians by questiong their beliefs on this forum. you sure showed him!

Once again, you missed the whole post I was replying to. Secondly, the only thing I questioned in Devil79's comment was his education and knowledge of history as it pertains to the human race, not his belief or disbelief in God.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

well thanks for correcting me then Deetermined
thats what debate is for

enlightenment is a two way street
to say man has fallen is an excuse and cop out I find completely unacceptable

yes, the whole world is crazy...the bankers have infiltrated everything
christianity is no exception...

there are christians so miss guided that inorder to make their bible come true they will stop at nothing to cause the chaos they dream of ....Hitler and the Germans of ww2 for example 98,5 christian and some jews
( see the 1939 survey )...see? what I mean
edit on 5-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
It's known that the Catholic church removed certain books of the Bible a long time back, claiming that ordinary people were 'not worthy' to read it.

Not true. You'll find the protestant version much smaller than the catholic version.

How much of the original word of God do we actually have??

None. I have yet to find anyone who can prove that even a single word of the bible is actually 'the Word of God'. Changes or not ... no one can even prove that the original texts were actually holy script or were straight from God Himself.

Originally posted by Lionhearte
One thing I do know, is that the Bible IS true.

- There are two different Genesis accounts of creation. Which one is 'true'?
- Noahs Ark is true? Really? Then why are'n't there polar bears on Mt. Ararat??
- Tower of Babel? That's the reason people speak different languages? So it had nothing to do with humans developing in different places around the world and developing their own set of languages? really?
- David wrote the Psalms? Really? Then why are the psalms found on pagan Egyptian temples to the Sun God that pre-date David?
- It's 'true' that the world is 6,000 years old? Really? Science and common sense say otherwise.

etc etc etc

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Danbones

Exactly my point.

All humans are imperfect and not capable of saving themselves, but are capable of destroying themselves.

Christians never claimed to be perfect, they only believe that our Creator is the only one capable of saving all humans.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

Amen!! Beautiful explanation of understanding the bible and the true gospel! Look to Christ as the example of how to live your life, not man. Yes, you will make mistakes but that is okay. Ask for forgiveness and you will be forgiven. When you fail again, and you will, continue to trust in the Lord's forgiveness, you will be forgiven again.
This is known as grace and this is what the gospel is all about.

Thanks Pax

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Deetermined

All humans are imperfect and not capable of saving themselves

And what does this "saving" involve?

(pre-historic) Man existed evolved and lived just fine before civilisations, language and even religion came about.

Man is perfectly cable of being altruistic without reins of dogma attached firmly to his head.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by TopherWayne
Hell no! I don't want to worship a Lord whose devoted followers think it's okay for a 5 year old boy to go up before all of the Lord's people in THE LORD'S HOUSE and sing "Aint No Homo Gonna Make It To Heaven" That is utterly disgusting to corrput an innocent child like that...

..That is not a Lord I wish to know!

You DO know that just as with anything, some people will find wrong ways to do things, and some will find right ways to do them? And that this same lord (your capitalization interests me...) also has many followers - in the minority, granted, as even the bible foretells - who are meek, humble, love all, and judge none, yes?

Just imagine what a utopia this planet would be if all organized religion were to be eliminated!

The problem isn't religion - the problem is man and his nature. Take away religion, organized or no, and trust me - man will find PLENTY of excuses to divide, judge, hate, war, and continue to commit every other atrocity that is currently sometimes committed in the name of "faith".

You say to imagine a utopia? Well, that's all we'd EVER be able to do: imagine it. Until man's general nature is changed, it's not going to happen as we are selfish creatures driven by our own bickering pettiness, quite often.

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