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Mexico and Washington Volcanos Active- Coincidence?

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posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 06:32 PM
Does anyone else think that its a strange occurrance that both Mexico and Washington experienced Volcanic eruptions at the same time?

Is it a sign for the West Coast, are all of the recent earthquakes and eruptions a sign that the big one is much closer than we think?

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 06:58 PM
I've been thinking that maybe it has something to do with the magnetic field and the coming flip. It's possible that this could all be tied in with 2012, I'm not sure, though. Supposedly, as we near 2012 and the magnetic field flip, there will be some cataclysms etc. What do you think?

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 07:07 PM
Its possible, its strange that they both occurred at the same time. They also had that 5.9 quake recently in California too. Seems like things are stating to get a little shaky over there.

As far as the 2012 date, there are many that believe that will be a positive date. An end of one lifecycle and a move to a new period of enlightnement. Now those same people are discounting that a major event may kill many prior to that.

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 11:41 PM
There was an eruption in Mexico yesterday also?

I haven't heard anything about that. About Mt St. Helens, scientists are still monitoring the volcano. I think we can expect at least some more eruptions, but only time and more earthquakes in the area of magnitude 4+ would tell us there will be a greater eruptions/explosions. Let's wait and see what happens.

[edit on 1-10-2004 by Muaddib]


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 12:51 AM
What's so special about the West Coast that makes it the signal from the gods that the world's about to end? What did Newfoundland, or Peru, or Botswanaland do to fall out of favour with the End Times gods?

The Colima volcano is one of the most active in Mexico. The thing's constantly rumbling. It's hard to say if there's a connection between this current outbreak of activity and MTH's outburst. Questions have to be asked before they can be answered.

Are both volcanos part of the same chain? Are they even on the same continental plate? A quick search seems to indicate that they may be.

Since both volcanos are part of the Ring of Fire, should we expect to see any activity in Japan? And if not, why not? Do we? No, we don't. What does that mean?

What do volcanos have to do with pole flips? What kind of pole flip are we talking about? What's supposed to cause it? And why would such an event be some sort of desaster?

Why will this pole flip happen in 2012, when the great pole flip of aught-three came and went without, you know, ever actually coming or going?

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:10 AM
Maybe they are.
There is a theory that links Tidal forces with Earthquakes and Volcanos.
All within a few days of the recent full moon, there was the California 6.0 earthquake (Sept 28th). The Mount St Helens activity, and now this Mexican volcano..
Tidal forces on the Earth are strongest during the Full and NEW moons.
When the Moon and Sun are working in concert with each other. Pulling on the Waters of the Earth, creating the tides. These forces also tug on the continents..If things are just-so, I believe there can be bursts of seismic activity like we are seeing now..

Here is a website that discusses this idea.


I don't think this idea is widely accepted..But I DO think there may be some validity to it..

Give it a read, let me know what you think...!


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:57 AM
its called plate techtonics. if they are connected on the same plate or fault line i suppose, Then it would make sense that they both went off around the same time

[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:18 AM
Plate tektonics. The Plates are essentailly "floating" over a mantle of semi-solid rock.
It's possible these are affected ever so slightly by tidal forces.

An extreme example of these forces is a moon of Jupiter called Io.

This moon is pulled and squeezed so much by Jupiter, and other moons,
That its interior is heated by the friction..creating sulfurous volcanos, that pockmark the surface. Those volcanoes are constantly active.

A lesser extreme is Europa, another moon of Jupiter. The friction here, may be enough to melt Ice into water, creating an ocean under the surface.

Now, there is Earth, we have a moon that is comparatively HUGE , At least by ratio, compared other moons in the solar system.

I think it's possible the the plates, at least a little, are affected by the moons , and the suns, gravitational influences.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:41 AM
finally someone who agrees with me and knows a little bit about science

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:14 AM
It is true there is no disputing that the overlap in the Pacific Plate (Ring of Fire) and the North American Plate are causing a large amount of friction as has been for more than a few lifetimes. Mexico does get some activity due to Cocos Plate as well. The reason why I published this is that it is not often that you see such a large amount of volcanic activity along the entire line of these plates over a large area. My question was over whether anyone else has a feeling that this is leading to a near term large earthquake that will be devastating, not just the norm.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:20 AM
By the way Spacedoubt you mention a good point. It is true that not only the gravitational pulls of the moon, but also the sun do have an effectic on volcanic activity. Over time it has been proven that the largest amount of volcanic activity (twice as likely) occurs when the sun and moon are aligned (every 2 weeks, the fortnightly) causing an extreme pull on the earth.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 04:24 AM
ok this kind of scares me a lil

but it sounds like maybe califorva might be ready to brake off from the u.s.a

cause califoria is kind of on the same fault line as mezcio and washington


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Plate tektonics. The Plates are essentailly "floating" over a mantle of semi-solid rock.
It's possible these are affected ever so slightly by tidal forces.

An extreme example of these forces is a moon of Jupiter called Io.

This moon is pulled and squeezed so much by Jupiter, and other moons,
That its interior is heated by the friction..creating sulfurous volcanos, that pockmark the surface. Those volcanoes are constantly active.

A lesser extreme is Europa, another moon of Jupiter. The friction here, may be enough to melt Ice into water, creating an ocean under the surface.

Now, there is Earth, we have a moon that is comparatively HUGE , At least by ratio, compared other moons in the solar system.

I think it's possible the the plates, at least a little, are affected by the moons , and the suns, gravitational influences.

They're definitely affected, but the effect shouldn't be enough to be significant in the current case. It's easy to argue that we have plate tectonics because of the tidal effects of the Moon and the Sun.

But, I have to ask, what does that have to do with 2012, or pole flips, or whatnot?

3/4 of the active or errupting volcanos on Earth are on the Ring of Fire. With that in mind, the only interesting thing about this weeks eruptions is that they overlapped. That is interesting, but blindly guessing at what it signifies is an exercise in futility. Unless the whole cascade region breaks out into lava flows, I wouldn't be worried.

California can't break off any more than it already is, since it's on a separate plate. It's not going to float out to sea or anything. "The big one" will shake it up quite drastically, and may cause it to drop a couple of feet, but it's not going to fall into the ocean or anything. Now, Vancouver Island may have something to worry about in that event...

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:29 PM
I don't really believe it has to do with 2012, I believe the reason a few people mention that date is because it is the end of the Mayan calendar on 12/21/12. Many other scientists believe that this marks the end of a life period on earth. Not nevessarily meaning an end to life, but the time for a new stage. Many believe this may contstitute a flip in the poles which happens an average of every 25.000 years but isnt an exact date. People have been monitoring the poles and have seen some changes that may indicate to them that we are coming close to another flip. I do not know if this is having an effect or not.

Here is a link explaining the Mayan December 21, 2012 date in detail

Here is another interesting fact about the winter solstice in 2012,
The sky on December 21st, 2012 A.D. will have a rare astronomical alignment - the winter solstice sun is right in the"dark rift" in the Milky Way.


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Ut
What's so special about the West Coast that makes it the signal from the gods that the world's about to end? What did Newfoundland, or Peru, or Botswanaland do to fall out of favour with the End Times gods?
Dubya's era view of world: if it's outside US, then it's not important.

The Colima volcano is one of the most active in Mexico. The thing's constantly rumbling.

There are also other volcanoes erupting continously, like Stromboli
Stromboli is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. It has been in nearly continuous eruption for about 2,000 years (some volcanologists suggest 5,000 years).

I also recommend reading this site:
How volcanoes work:

Has volcanic activity been increasing?

We don't think so.

A look at the number of volcanoes active per year, over the last few centuries, shows a dramatic increase, but one that is closely related to increases in the world's human population and communication. We believe that this represents an increased reporting of eruptions, rather than increased frequency of global volcanism: more observers, in wider geographic distribution, with better communication, and broader publication. The past 200 years (see plot below) show this generally increasing trend along with some major "peaks and valleys" which suggest global pulsations. A closer look at the two largest valleys, however, shows that they coincide with the two World Wars, when people (including editors) were preoccupied with other things. Many more eruptions were probably witnessed during those times, but reports do not survive in the scientific literature.

If these apparent drops in global volcanism are caused by decreased human attention to volcanoes, then it is reasonable to expect that increased attention after major, newsworthy eruptions should result in higher-than-average numbers of volcanoes being reported in the historical literature. The 1902 disasters at Mont Pelee, St. Vincent, and Santa Maria (see 1902 arrow) were highly newsworthy events. They represent a genuine pulse in Caribbean volcanism, but we believe that the higher numbers in following years (and following Krakatau in 1883) result from increased human interest in volcanism. People reported events that they might not otherwise have reported and editors were more likely to print those reports.

Additional strong evidence that the historical increase in global volcanism is more apparent than real comes from the lower plot below. Here only the larger eruptions (generating at least 0.1 km3 of tephra, the fragmental products of explosive eruptions) are plotted. The effects of these larger events are often regional, and therefore less likely to escape documentation even in remote areas. The frequency of these events has remained impressively constant for more than a century, and contrasts strongly with the apparent increase of smaller eruptions with time.

[edit on 2-10-2004 by E_T]


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:12 PM
I don't know how many "scientists" are out there proclaiming doom and gloom or spiritual rebirth in 2012. Mystics and spiritualists, perhaps.

The pole flips are magnetic in nature, and don't seem to lead to a 25000 year cycle of mass death or anything. I'm more scared of the people who will be scared than I am of any of the things they're going to be scared about...

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:19 PM
I think we need to focus on the activity along the Ring of Fire (Pacific Plate) and the North American Plate and see what kind of activity has been picking up there. Problem is that most of the websites showing recent volcanic activity are only as recent as september 2004. I would like one as of the recent quakes.

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