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posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by EddyR3
reply to post by omega man

Im Atheists, i believe in myself, science and research. I dont believe in Ghosts, ghoolies, psyche, hypnosis or any other oogy boogy, if its not backed up by science and math it doesnt exist.

Thats my attitude, and where the human mind is concerned and spirituality....well im not much open for that either since again, there is nothing to back up claims. My brother believes in Raiki.....enough said on that subject.

Im not saying that my outlook on life is right, but its my outlook, i cant believe in something i cant prove, and spirits, "awakening" and other Deity like creatures fall under that category.

In case you didn't notice..............this site is called "Above Top Secret", and at the top of every page on this thread and every one in this section it states:

This forum is dedicated to the discussion of historic and contemporary events related to extraterrestrial encounters, UFO sightings, and speculation about related subjects. Discussion topics and follow-up responses in this forum will likely tend to lean in favor of the existence of extraterrestrials and the related conspiracies, scandals, and cover-ups. Members who would seek to refute such theories should be mindful of our tradition of supporting the examination of the extraterrestrial phenomenon on the related conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and scandals. Replies that make fun or otherwise ridicule and demean those posting honest experiences and/or questions will be removed. Members who post such responses repeatedly will be banned

This is not "Astrophysicists Quarterly". So if you only believe in science and research............fine...........all I have to say is..........Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. If you just want to talk science and research this is not the forum do it in, many of the threads in this forum are based on speculation and unverifiable, undocumented, unrepeatable evidence and claims. If you don't like that exercise your right not to read this info, if you can accept that stay and be respectful and civil.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:20 PM
LOL thats all i can say in response about surprised you've not called me a shill.

Its funny, everything this site is based upon, and the very grounds of your "findings" "research" or what ever you wish to name it, is simply based on science, and everything you bang on about boils down to science, yet you've basically said "Dont bring science to the table"

Oh dear, its always the "Open minded" people that are the true "Closed minded" ones.....what a pity.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by EddyR3
"Dont bring science to the table"

Oh dear, its always the "Open minded" people that are the true "Closed minded" ones.....what a pity.

Don't think I ever said that. Sure, there is science. But what is science? There is accepted science, which is safe and consensual, then there is "unaccpeted science", which is usually mocked and ignored. But if you go back through science history, most of the current theories and laws related to science that are accepted now were at one time villified and mocked.

Someone once said - "the only way science is advanced is by researching and studying anomalies". But by definition where there is anomalies in science there will be no consensus for explanations.

Hence "proven science" is a paradox.

I'm interested in scientific anomalies and the use of accepted science or the formulation of new scientific paradigms to explain them. Exciting isn't it!!
edit on 11-7-2012 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Awfully excited, but the fact that Planet X (Nibiru/wormwood/Nemesis what ever you call it) has been proven none-existant by the fact that its purposed orbit breaks accepted scientific laws means its a bogus claim....but there are still many people that accept it as gospel so to speak.....but it breaks the very foundations of modern day, testifiable which is right and which is wrong? Remember, that both cannot exist (unless you wish to bend the rules and say that our accepted science is wrong..?)

The original post was about someone who has been visited from a galaxy, far far away and claims that this person has passed on messages. Does the claim say that he also relays in conversation? If he/she does, then why dont we know the answer to some of sciences biggest questions, like "what is gravity?" To which a super advanced alien capable of light speed (or very close to id imagine) would be able to answer. Yet, there is no mention (as far as i am aware) and we are still trying to piece these things together.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Ok here is another analogy.

Every time you aren't looking i have a pink unicorn that plops its legs around my shoulders, but ONLY when you are not looking. IF 10,000 other people verified this and said "yep that's what happens, but ONLY when you aren't looking" would you believe me?

I'm hoping the answer is "No, because i have no evidence that pink unicorns exist, and why would it disappear when i look at it?"

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by EddyR3
LOL thats all i can say in response about surprised you've not called me a shill.

Its funny, everything this site is based upon, and the very grounds of your "findings" "research" or what ever you wish to name it, is simply based on science, and everything you bang on about boils down to science, yet you've basically said "Dont bring science to the table"

Oh dear, its always the "Open minded" people that are the true "Closed minded" ones.....what a pity.

If he calls one more person a shill I think he gets a set of Ginsu knives..... so yeah that's a shocker....

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by EddyR3

Awfully excited, but the fact that Planet X (Nibiru/wormwood/Nemesis what ever you call it) has been proven none-existant by the fact that its purposed orbit breaks accepted scientific laws means its a bogus claim

What scientific laws does it break?

The original post was about someone who has been visited from a galaxy, far far away and claims that this person has passed on messages. Does the claim say that he also relays in conversation? If he/she does, then why dont we know the answer to some of sciences biggest questions, like "what is gravity?" To which a super advanced alien capable of light speed (or very close to id imagine) would be able to answer. Yet, there is no mention (as far as i am aware) and we are still trying to piece these things together.

As we all know our current world is ruled and invisibly manipulated by an elite few who have a disproportionately large share of wealth, power, and assets; and those are perpetuated by the debt enslavement system in which the majority of us are a part.

Thus a common theme running amongst ET channelers is that the elite would either use or hide such knowledge against the common man, thus such knowledge will not be given to man until the current system ends and the elite and their minions receive their fate.

At that point we will begin to receive such knowledge as free energy and the like will be available to all, and having such amazing free technology will free us from our debt enslavement, the current monetary paradigm will crumble, and people will be able to educate themselves and pursue work that is actually meaningful for them.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by vkey08

If he calls one more person a shill I think he gets a set of Ginsu knives..... so yeah that's a shocker....

Hi Vkey - how was your day? Please show me where I called anyone a shill...........waiting....................

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 06:36 PM
I never got around to summarizing Video 82 so here it goes:

1. Question to Mythi: is Neptune the wandering planet described in prophecies?

Answer: All the planets in the solar system will have new slightly altered orbits. Neptune is gets the most influence from the dwarf star system thus will have a greater altered orbit. The Pleiadians planet will become part of our solar system, and the dwarf star system will pass through our solar system and go on it's way. The change in the "age" (era) and frequency of the entire solar system will occur with the reversal to the opposite hemisphere of our galaxy. Mythi says for every solar system in the Galaxy that revolve in an orbital path apporixmately 16 degree to the plane of the galaxy, a change of age is marked when the solar system moves into the opposite hemishpere of the galaxy. He says this happens once every 200 million years.

My note: Many T. humans talk about a change of age, for example we are moving into the age of Aquarius, and these ages are defined by one full precession of the equinox (25,920 years) divided by 12 = 2160 years. So clearly our change of Age meaning and his change of Age meaning are different.

2. Nutrition - Mythi says avoid all hydrogenated vegetable fats since they are not completely metabolized in the body and cause arterial deposits. Mythi says most milk is not healthy and diluted with water and other added minerals. We had a discussion above. While this certainly seems possible in countries like China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia and other lax or developing or third world nations, I don't think this is the case for the wealthier Western nations. However, we forget as middle class westerners even with average means/assets for our countries, we are still ahead of 95% of the rest of the world, and Mythi is talking about the world unless he specifically says so. Anyways, Mythi says milk should be bought directly from farms.

Mythi also says gluten should be avoided, it hinders reproduction of neural cells which caused quicker aging of the brain.

My note: I'm not sure about this one as man has been eating different types of grains and cereals for thousands of years - I certainly would avoid highly processed flour/grains/cereals that are devoid of all their nutrients.

Mythi says natural oils such as those found in nuts, coconuts, avocados and seeds and eaten fresh are very beneficial for health. He talks about other nutrition related issues that aren't surprising to any versed in nutrition issues.

3. Earth Changes

Mythi says the governements feel no obligation to tell us about these changes that are occurring, and that any astronomer can observe the changes in the solar system.

My note: I read a thread the other day on GLP where an amateur astronomer was saying some of the constellations seemed to be out of position.

Mythi says the moon appears to be declining in its axis, but actually it is the earth that is.

Mythi says many of the crops will suffer from these changes.

My note - this is true as once these events were localized, but now we have almost daily reports from around the world of extreme heat, cold, rainfall, drought, hail, regular floods, flash floods - leading to massive worldwide crop failures.

Mythi says most governments have stocked a two year supply of food in their underground bunkers at which point some regularity will return to the earth and crops can begun anew.

Mythi also says after the tectonic upheavals and the resulting chaos there will be masses of people wanting food, shelter and medicine - but some governments are well prepared to "contain" these populations.

Mythi says it is all very "in your face" and is impossible that most cannot see this.

My note - As many on the interent discuss he is talking about FEMA camps, martial law provisions and the like.

Mythis says none of this will change what is in store for our souls, and that many "friends" from off-world will be here to aid us.

Mythi is asked if he is the only representative from the Community Galactica to earth.

He says he is not an official representative as he has said many times before. He just tells it like it is and doesn't sugarcoat the message as some do. Mythi says there are many channels, but warns that any messages with content such as religious, occult, multidimensional, saving of all mankind or military councils are emphatically false.

Mythi says the messages that lead one into thinking more about the welfare of our fellow man and the aura of the planet is more likely an authentic ET message.

Mythi is asked to share his more philosophical side and ideas about love as he usually just discusses issues that are more cut and dry - you can read his answer in the PDF if interested.

Here is the link to the PDF if the videos are a little to Star-Wars-esque for you.

edit on 11-7-2012 by PlanetXisHERE because: spelling

edit on 11-7-2012 by PlanetXisHERE because: spelling

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Keplers Law :

Nibiru's impossible orbit

Nibiru's proposed orbit would be highly elliptical. So highly elliptical that it is for all intents and purposes a straight line, out and back. We know this because a simple mathematical relationship exists between the period and the length of the semi-major axis of the ellipse.7

Kepler's Laws
German mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) discovered three laws of planetary motion. They are:

"The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at a focus."
"A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time."
"The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit."
Kepler's Laws applied to Nibiru
Since all planets orbit in ellipses with the Sun at one focus, Nibiru must go around the Sun, not just through the orbital paths of the planets.8
All planets sweep out equal areas in equal time intervals, so Nibiru must move very slowly at it's aphelion, or furthest point from the Sun, and very fast at it's perihelion, or closest point.9
The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit. Since Nibiru's period is specified as 3,600 years, we can use Kepler's third law to determine something about its orbit.10
Kepler's third law can be expressed as:

where a is the length of the semi-major axis in astronomical units (AU) and p is the period, in years. Applying a little middle-school algebra to this, we get:

So, assuming that perihelion is at or near Earth's orbit (since it is supposed to come close to us, or even hit us), the distance d from the sun at aphelion is going to be 2a−1 (twice the semi-major axis, minus 1 AU). Adding this to our formula gives us:

Substituting our period (3600 years) gives us:

In other words, given a 3,600 year orbit that brings it to within 1 AU of the sun (the area of Earth's orbit) the far end of the orbit must be 469 AU out from the sun.

Just as a comparison point, Pluto is on average about 39.5 AU away from the Sun. It's year is about 248 earth years long. If we plug 248 into equation (2) above, we get 39.47 AU. We can see that the formula works.

Pluto's orbit is considered "highly elliptical". But it's not nearly as elliptical as the orbit proposed for Nibiru. Dr. Douglas Hamilton's 2D Orbital Elements calculator (after some trial and error) produces an orbit with an eccentricity of 0.995744. This produces an orbit with an approximate Perihelion distance of 1 AU, and a semi-major axis of 235. This is extremely eccentric.

Nibiru's impossible orbit

A screengrab of the output of Dr. Hamilton's 2D Orbital Elements calculator
At nearly 470 AU, the gravity of the sun is negligible, almost non-existent. So as a result, Nibiru must be traveling close to the Sun's escape velocity when it comes within 1 AU of it. At a distance of 1 AU, the Sun's escape velocity is about 42km/s, so this is the speed at which Nibiru should be traveling (or a hair under it) in 2012. In comparison, the Earth's orbital velocity is a bit under 30km/s, Venus' is about 35km/s and Mercury's is 47.8. Nibiru would be whipping around the Sun nearly as quickly as Mercury.

Unstable Orbit
The orbit described above would be highly unstable. A highly elliptical orbit is unstable because it will suffer drastically from the slightest perturbation - Jupiter's gravity would probably be enough to send Nibiru spiraling off to who knows where. Pluto's orbit is stabilized by Neptune, as Pluto is locked into a 2:3 orbital resonance with Neptune. The maths behind multiple body problems are nightmarish to sort out because they have no closed solutions (the objects all affect each other to such a degree that the orbits gradually precess), so professional astronomers use computers to perform these calculations. But you should understand this: As much as the fictional Nibiru would pull on other planets, those planets would also pull on Nibiru. With a long, thin ellipse as described, even the slightest nudge from the gravity of another object, even if that object is considerably smaller than Nibiru, would have a dramatic effect on Nibiru's orbit.

Source :

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE

Originally posted by vkey08

If he calls one more person a shill I think he gets a set of Ginsu knives..... so yeah that's a shocker....

Hi Vkey - how was your day? Please show me where I called anyone a shill...........waiting....................

Do you deny calling a lot of us Paid Disinfo Agents or Knowledge Management Specialists? both of those terms are also known as Shills.. therefore you have called most people who disagree with your subject matter shills...

Do not make me go back over all your posts to find your references... I think you know what you said..

Oh and as for your whole argument that this is somehow science:

How can we tell if someone is a scientific crank? Gardner offers this advice:

(1) "First and most important of these traits is that cranks work in almost total isolation from their colleagues." Cranks typically do not understand how the scientific process operates—that they need to try out their ideas on colleagues, attend conferences and publish their hypotheses in peer-reviewed journals before announcing to the world their startling discovery. Of course, when you explain this to them they say that their ideas are too radical for the conservative scientific establishment to accept.

(2) "A second characteristic of the pseudo-scientist, which greatly strengthens his isolation, is a tendency toward paranoia," which manifests itself in several ways:
(a) He considers himself a genius.
(b) He regards his colleagues, without exception, as ignorant blockheads….
(c) He believes himself unjustly persecuted and discriminated against. The recognized societies refuse to let him lecture. The journals reject his papers and either ignore his books or assign them to "enemies" for review. It is all part of a dastardly plot. It never occurs to the crank that this opposition may be due to error in his work….
(d) He has strong compulsions to focus his attacks on the greatest scientists and the best-established theories. When Newton was the outstanding name in physics, eccentric works in that science were violently anti-Newton. Today, with Einstein the father-symbol of authority, a crank theory of physics is likely to attack Einstein….
(e) He often has a tendency to write in a complex jargon, in many cases making use of terms and phrases he himself has coined.

Just some food for thought

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by vkey08

Thanks for your thoughts Vkey. I have inferred (but not directly called) that some posters may be knowledge management specialists.

Let me ask you this. Do you deny that "knowledge management specialists" exist? Do you deny that it is an actual job title? Do you deny the probability that some are on ATS posing as regular posters?

Forget about Planet X for now. Let's talk about ET's. There is ample proof of ongoing ET contact with at least two ET races - yet virtually none of the public knows about the specifics. Sure over 50% believe in ET's - but it is some nebulous idea they have about the possibility.

Hypothetically - if ET contact was ongoing - there is a massive coverup since so few know about the specifics - and hiring people to do cover and disinfo in forums like this one would be definitely on the list and be a no brainer.

Here is a little something for you to explore:
edit on 12-7-2012 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by EddyR3

Thanks for this info. I'm working on a response. One of the first thoughts that popped into my head of course is that all comets have this kind of highly elliptical orbit, unstable, but they have it. I just skimmed your post so I might have missed this if you addressed it, I'll read it more thoroughly later and work up a response.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

2 things :

a) Why do we have to forget Planet X for now? I know its not really on topic, but i know for fact its of high interest to both you and i....
b) You say "there is ample proof"; I've not seen any verifiable "proof" of anything ET related, other than a few cranky videos on Youtube and some wacky interpretation of "contact" as such. As with most things related to the unknown, there is no "real" evidence, only personal interpretation of witness accounts and *none-doctored videos.

The problem here, and with nearly everything with this area of discussion, its all a very personal matter, but that does not mean that because YOU think its real, it is. Chances are there are a few other people that think the same, but this to me isn't only a spot of suggestion and hysteria but a huge LOAD of pareidolia, quite a powerful thing to i may add.

Think of the Rorschach test, seeing shapes in clouds (I've never been able to do this) and seeing the Virgin Mary in your preposterous.....but, you see from my point, how things in real life can easily be misinterpreted to be ANYTHING YOU want them to be

I'm most certainly not saying your wrong for believing these things, thats your choice and entitlement, I'm just saying that our interpretations differ greatly, and i feel that in most situations its more of a WILLINGNESS to WANT/NEED to see something that anything a little out of the ordinary to YOU becomes a fathomed suggestive interpretation.....

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Keplers law does also cover comets

Have a read -

When Kepler developed his Laws of planetary motion he did not know the underlying physical reason why the planets behaved in this manner. His laws were purely empirical relationships. We now know that Kepler's laws are the consequence of bodies moving under the influence of gravity. This means that Kepler's laws are universal. They not only describe the motion of the planets, but of satellites, comets, asteroids, stars and even galaxies.

Source -
edit on 12-7-2012 by EddyR3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE

Hypothetically - if ET contact was ongoing - there is a massive coverup since so few know about the specifics - and hiring people to do cover and disinfo in forums like this one would be definitely on the list and be a no brainer.

One thing that I have noticed: Almost all of your ideas and theories are all based on one thing that you consistantly present as a fact, when in truth, it has never been established as fact, and is a subject that is greatly debated here on ATS.

And that one this is: "massive coverup"

So far your logic has been consistent in that:

If A="Government or TPTB coverup or massive coverup"
Then B= "Nibiru exisists"
C= "Crust Pole Shift exists"
D= "Aliens Exist and Communicate With Us"
E= "Some Other Way Out There Idea"

But no one has proven "A" to be true yet. And if "A" is not true, then the rest of the logic falls apart.

There have been debates going on for years here on ATS abouth the validity of government cover ups, the mythical "TPTB" ground, etc.
And from what I've seen, no one has really proven anything (one way or another) in that area.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by EddyR3

a) Why do we have to forget Planet X for now? I know its not really on topic, but i know for fact its of high interest to both you and i....

As long as it's not rude, insulting and is on topic I can say whatever I like, and you have that same freedom within those parameters. Planet X can clutter the issue, though the two are related, I just wanted to focus in on a hypothetical situation with ET contact momentarily in my point, so don't get all worked up. We'll get back to Planet X in due isn't going anywhere..........oh wait it we'd better hurry.

b) You say "there is ample proof"; I've not seen any verifiable "proof" of anything ET related, other than a few cranky videos on Youtube and some wacky interpretation of "contact" as such. As with most things related to the unknown, there is no "real" evidence, only personal interpretation of witness accounts and *none-doctored videos.

This one article alone with public quotes from many presidents, heads of state and famous persons on UFO's and/or ET's shows that anyone not acknowledging some form of ongoing ET contact is not dealing with reality and is probably scared and/or in denial - who knows why, religious reasons etc.

The problem here, and with nearly everything with this area of discussion, its all a very personal matter, but that does not mean that because YOU think its real, it is. Chances are there are a few other people that think the same, but this to me isn't only a spot of suggestion and hysteria but a huge LOAD of pareidolia, quite a powerful thing to i may add.

It is a personal matter? I thought you said it was a combination of science/maths etc. I believe it is self-evident that both contexts and more apply. As I said above, if you read that article and don't believe there is something to the ongoing ET presence, then you are living in denial - or have an agenda.

edit on 12-7-2012 by PlanetXisHERE because: spelling

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by eriktheawful

One thing that I have noticed: Almost all of your ideas and theories are all based on one thing that you consistantly present as a fact, when in truth, it has never been established as fact, and is a subject that is greatly debated here on ATS.

And that one this is: "massive coverup"

So far your logic has been consistent in that:

If A="Government or TPTB coverup or massive coverup"
Then B= "Nibiru exisists"
C= "Crust Pole Shift exists"
D= "Aliens Exist and Communicate With Us"
E= "Some Other Way Out There Idea"

But no one has proven "A" to be true yet. And if "A" is not true, then the rest of the logic falls apart.

There have been debates going on for years here on ATS abouth the validity of government cover ups, the mythical "TPTB" ground, etc.
And from what I've seen, no one has really proven anything (one way or another) in that area.

Read Jim Marrs' excellent book "The Rise of the Fourth Reich", much evidence and documentation for the existence of the globalists aka PTB exists there, I believe he is a regular contributor here - so what he says must carry some weight with the ATS owners/board/directors - and most of what he talks about and documents is the globalist/PTB but also talks much and documents the case for MAJIC 12 - which is all about the ongoing ET contact and the coverup thereof.

Read it and then you will be more up to speed and we can have a more informed conversation.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

it isn't going anywhere..........oh wait it we'd better hurry.

Apparently its not according to science and without beating around the bush, where is your proof and evidence that does not defy accepted science?

Using Keplers law alone can discredit Nibirus apparent orbit that is so widely used in such stories....

The quotes from "famous" people are not really backed up by such a bogus site with very little backing, ie. the quote from Albert M. Chop is not to be found anywhere other than bogus sites (which i already made a point of in a previous post)

Personal matters - Quite correct, but its still science, to me its all about science, thats my own personal interpretation of it, your interpretation is of spiritual, religious, none-scientific backgrounds (as far as i am aware, since if your views were backed up by science and fact, then we wouldnt have opposing views)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Oh we're having a very informed discussion now, and I'm very up to speed on the subject, please do not presume otherwise (as you always do).

You have just proved that you take theory at face value as fact.

Again, no one has proved this issue one way or another.

You are again assuming something to be true in order to push through your argument.

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