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Could you ask a ghost what are UFO's?

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posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by Alfred2012

very interesting, thanks for explaining. i have heard about passing over, some spirits have, some don't. has this "passed over" influence on the consciousness ?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by blackmetalmist

Ok, I see. I like to add some comments:

#1: The history of that place and the experiences you've described are hints on spirits which are still "earth-binded". In this state spirits often do not know that they're dead. (If you leave your physical body after dying you think/analyze/feel/see/hear and you're aware of yourself as during lifetime. There are some differences but this is another topic and ok for the moment.)

I refer to that because when starting communicating with those spirits you can assume that they won't understand questions like "Did you see god already?" or similar questions. Also statements like "You're dead" or "Go to the light" won't be understood since their feeling is total different in those cases. The basic reason they stick in that situation is the strongly focused consciousness which is a barrier to them. (Think of the situation when you hit your thumb with a big hammer. In this moment you're very focused on your thumb and the pain and you most probably won't react when your wife is waxing lyrical "Look, how wonderful the flowers and butterflies in the garden are").

#2: Now i want to describe a very important aspect when communicating with decedents/ghosts (as it is for all communications here on earth and with interdimensional beeings): emotions!

Very often the emotional part is underestimated. If you have fear then this emotion is intensively perceived on "the other side" as it is for any other strong emotion. You can imagine a strong emotion as a bright torch shining in the dark. And based on the perceived emotion the spirits are attracted correspondingly.

So a very good recommendation is to be as positive as possible when starting the communication. Instead to be fearful be very prying and friendly. There is no reason at all to have fear when communicating with a decedent because it is still a consciousness (or spirit) you're communicating with.

Try to be open and positive as possible. If a spirit is pushy then communicate strict and precise what you want, without fear and still positive.

That seems to be difficult in practice but imagine that this is a counterpart who just does not know what is going on.

#3: if you're positive and not fearful (the best emotion you can have und demonstrate during the communication is the emotion of love!) then this will be a very exciting experience.

#4: These spirits sometimes are desperate because they do not know what is happening to them. They want to communicate with their relatives or to other people they miss. They do not understand why their environment looks so grey and dark. Now if a psychic is showing up this is very often "the light in the tunnel" for them. They're very happy to have that contact because they are not longer lonely. This can lead to the impression that they are pushy (or that they attack). But it is mainly the loneliness and distress why they would react in that way.

#5: Normally those spirits are place bound but there are exceptions. You can forget these exceptions for now and you can focus on your project and the place there.

#6: Another aspect is: the communication with decedents/ghosts is based on telepathy. So you can think of words/numbers, pictures and smells, etc. and you could address this to a decedent. And very important: the emotion you have also will be communicated. So if you are in a friendly, positive mood this will be received by the spirit.

It is really a very, very interesting project and i'm looking forward to your experiences.

Greetings from Germany

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by icepack
reply to post by Fizzixist

one of your videos is about a german named ludwig. the voice sounds waterish, like it is bubbling a bit. in demonology it is said, the devil speaks through water (or similar). the voice you captured could well be "faked" by a fallen cherub.

Yep close, i believe its goes more or less like this: The devil has a voice of many waters.

and as many others have said i believe there is a connection here i am very interested to see what the op comes up with.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by icepack

Does "pass over" mean the process of peaceful dying?

Yes, the mood you're in when dying is very important. For example, if you have solved former relationship problems with relatives, etc.,if you're not angry, if you don't feel sad about your life and if you don't have fear to be judged by god and so on, this all helps to open your consciousness and makes the next step easier.

There is a phase very soon after you pass over where you go to a kind of "sanatorium". This is a special state of consciousness where you fall into a kind of "deep sleep" which is done for regeneration and healing of the consciousness. This is the time where even a medium has no access to the decedent. But it is possible to contact the guide of the decedent during that time. This phase can last some month (if we compare this to earth time).

Most of the decedents have this "sanatorium" phase but there are exceptions (they directly develop to higher consciousness level).

Yes, you're right with your assumption. The more we are satisfied with out life and the more prying we are for the next step without to be fearful, the easier it is. Then our consciousness is more relaxed and more open for the wonderful experiences on the other side.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Lichter daraus

The devil has a voice of many waters.

yes, that was the saying, thanks. do you know what it actually means ?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Alfred2012

Does "pass over" mean the process of peaceful dying?

could be. i heard some spirits are like captured here on earth and are not able to "pass over". some psichics help those spirits to do so. i think, i remember, they said "go to the light". is it good to go to the light ? can you "go" there by own will or are you "transported" by your guide ?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by icepack

Well i'm not sure what it means. The way i take it is that it means the devil will use many voices to deceive you. like disguise his voice to sound like a friend of family member to comfort you and make you trust him. I could be wrong though, this is just how i understand it.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by icepack

Ah, ok, understood.
"Passing over" is meant as the moment where spirits go through the tunnel (to the light). This is an experience some people have described during a near-death-experience.

You're right, the earth-bound spirit needs help and this is related to the state of the consciousness. If we look a little bit more in detail then there are the following reasons for earth-bound spirits:

The main reason is the wish to experience certain aspects (emotions) like fear, desperation, etc.during phase #1 (lifetime) and phase #2 (between physical death and fusion with origin):

#1: Spirit is earth-bound (no human (lpsychic, non-psychic) is involved => Spirit would like to experience this aspect
#2: Spirit is earth-bound, psychic involved => Spirit and psychic like to experience this aspect (psychic learns. For example how to help spirits moving "upwards")
#3: Spirit is earth-bound, human (non psychic) involved => Spirit and human like to experience this aspect (human recognizes and learns that there is the "other side"/life after death, etc.)
#4: Spirit is earth-bound, human (non psychic) and psychic involved => all three entities like to experience the aspects

#5: Spirit "passes over" => Spirit does not need the earth-bound experiences

The recommendation "Go to the light" might not be understood by some spirits depending on their consciousness state. In those cases it helps to get as many information as possibe about their situation and emotions and then decide what is the appropriate step to help. In some cases it makes sense to work with their guides in a team.

Seeing the light is like a wonderful attraction which pulls you. The guide is a constant companion who can support this (and will escort until reaching the "L-level" which means merging with the spirit's origin).

If a spirit is earth-bound (this also is valid for the spirits/ghosts you expect in your project) then the guide is in "waiting mode" supervising this earth-bound phase patiently.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Alfred2012

thank you for giving these information.
how did you learn all this stuff ?

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by icepack


regarding your question: it is a mix of practical and theoretical.

The practical experiences come from:

- working with decedents (ghosts or spirits). The first contact i had was a kind of lesson enabled through my guide. Last autumn I got in contact with a spirit (died in 2005) which i also saw in my bedroom and learned how to handle a focused consciousness (the spirit was earth-bound). During the last months i was in contact with several other decedents where i could learn to communicate.
- one special contact i would mention because this spirit initiated the contact in a dream (February 2012). She asked whether she may help and support me in developing my spiritual skills. I was very happy about this and for appx. 3 month we had conversations almost on a daily base. During that time i learned a lot from the other side. So for example how they recognize and see us, what they're doing (she resided on level between levvel A5 and A7 at this time) and many more. It was a really exciting time. During that time i also was in contact with her guide. Appx. three weeks ago she left this "special" area A5-A7 and went "upwards" to the L-Level.
- I run through two lessons given by a spirit from the other side. This spirit is "specialized" in "structures and processes" within the other side. This spirit belongs to a group of spirits which are focused on helping to understand the other side. The lessons where given after awakening in the night, between 1.00am and 2.00am in the morning.
- I learned a lot from my guide about the other side, too.
- In addition i had five OBEs where i had learned what the other side looks like, how we can change our place and time just by refocussing the cosciousness

All this practical experiences i had without alcohol, medicine or other chemical substances.

The group of spirits i refered to above is working closely with humans. One important person is Peter H. Kirchner who has written three great books called "Exploration of the Creation", volume I-III (Erforschung der Schöpfung I-III). The content is based on very close "teamwork" of him, psychics and the group of spirits i mentioned before..

edit on 25/5/2012 by Alfred2012 because: syntax correction

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Alfred2012

that's very interesting. how do you deal with this gift in your daily life ? do you handle it openly or hide it from certain people ?

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by icepack

Actually i cancelled my previous job (it industry) and started to help people (by offering contact to their died relatives to overcome their sorrow, for example).

I don't hide all these things because for me it is "normal", not paranormal. Many kids do still have this kind of capabilities but by growing up this more and more falls into oblivion. And i know that parents very often - at least here in Germany - forbid their kids talking about their experiences from shame of being laughed at. It is a pity that these abilities are being suppressed.

Based of that what i have learned we all still do have this capabilities (like telepathy,etc.), they just need to be re-awakend.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by AlexanderTurboLover
They have no monetary system, no government, no religion and no family structure. Because of this, they are technologically FAR superior than us - though both civilizations started at a similar time.

How would that make a different species far superior to us? Religion gives us a means to attempt answering the WHYs of existence. Government (even though ridiculous people disagree) gives us some sort of structure to work with and at least try to work towards a better good. A monetary system made us evolve past needing certain items for trade instead of starving.

Are you being serious or the people who think this person who claims to have spoke to some random entity from some random place? Have you even observed the past 100 years and watched the evolution of our technology? An advanced civilization takes TIME, not anarchy and ridiculous claims.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Fizzixist
I remember seeing a video where this person used a Frank's Box and asked a whole bunch of questions, some including about UFOs, etc. I believe one of the so-called entities said UFOs exist.

I will look and see if that video still exists.

I also remember seeing a video where they asked the entities about God and the response was that they "have yet to meet God yet". Something to that effect.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:46 AM
I would be interested to hear what ghosts believe UFO's to be.

I would like to offer a different viewpoint - I'm not saying this IS the case but merely another perspective. And that is perhaps these spherical orbs of light in the sky are individualised consciousness of mother earth or other beings. The reason I say this is from a dream I had where I saw thousands of orbs of light fill the sky only to all condense into one and shoot straight into the ground. It then popped back up and on closer inspection was an exact replica of the earth and its continents.

Alfred2012... I am very interested in your viewpoint and would like to find out more. I am of the same opinion that conscious awareness or vibrational frequency dictates what level you reside at. I assume here we are talking about astral levels? what can one expect at the highest level, and also at the level past real-time zone/earth bound? what would be the average daily experience for said person? what would they perceive and do on a regular basis? also, what advice would you give for someone wanting to go from say 55% to 100%?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:52 AM
I totally get where you're coming from, OP. The jury's still out for me with regard to a supposed afterlife (and it probably will be until I kick the bucket) but I'd like to think if an afterlife did indeed exist, that I'd gain all sorts of knowledge about things that we humans can't answer. However, if ghosts are actual conscious spirits (if that's the correct term to use) and not "imprints" of previous happenings, I suspect they're earthbound and haven't move on to whatever the afterlife may be and therefore aren't privy to the knowledge I imagine would be available.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Eonnn
Alfred2012... I am very interested in your viewpoint and would like to find out more. I am of the same opinion that conscious awareness or vibrational frequency dictates what level you reside at. I assume here we are talking about astral levels? what can one expect at the highest level, and also at the level past real-time zone/earth bound? what would be the average daily experience for said person? what would they perceive and do on a regular basis? also, what advice would you give for someone wanting to go from say 55% to 100%?

Yes, you're absolutely right. It is about astral levels ("A" levels). When the consiouscness reaches 100% after going back to the origin (which is the higher self or "Vollseele" in Geman or translated "full spirit") then the spirit reaches a new level which is named the "L" level (or light level).

There is one point i like to mention regarding the "highest level":

100% consciousness of a certain "full spirit" is not necessarily the same 100% consciousness of another "full spirit"..

Remark: A "full spirit" has many "partial spirits" merged into it. A human being is a "partial spirit" of the "full spirit" during its inkarnation. Also animals or plants are "partial spirits" but with significant lower consciousness during their inkarantion.

That is related to the different experiences the "partial spirits" make during their inkarnations. Some "full spirits" have more a focus on inkarnations as "plants" or "animals" for example, where other "full spirits" have more focus on inkarnations as humans (or other beings). Because of this different experiences the "full spirits" have different consciousness states when compared to each other, even they have 100% consciousness for themself.

Based on their different experiences and focus of their consciouscness the "full spirits" focus on different "fields of interest" (the spirits don't sleep on the other side, they're actually "busy" as i've learned

What you can expect on the highest level (100%) is that you very much "engage" with topics related to the fields of interest belonging to your "full spirit".

My guide told me for example, that the "fields of interest" of the "full spirit" to which i belong to as a "partial spirit" are:

* Science (with main area on "coherences")
* Psychology (with main area on "emotions")
* Music (which touches the heart)

With every incarnation and new experience of the "partial spirit" the consciousness of "full spirit" grows internally after the "partial spirit" merged into it again.

The consciousness of an adult human is appx. 25%. After entering the other side the consciousness grows step by step escorted by the guide. It can take a long (earth) time if the spirit gets stucked in the ghost belt.

When you do have a more "spiritual" life then the consciousness grows even during life on earth.

Avoiding hate, fury or enviousness for example, that also helps to grow consciousness. This is because these type of aspects focus the consciousness very much and this hinders the development "upwards".

Remark: "upwards" is just a description for developemnt of the consciousness to another state. As I've learned there a not just nine "A"-levels, there are much more levels between. But those mentioned nine levels are a kind of "major levels" helping to understand there is a process in development of a spirit's consciousness

Regarding the following questions:
also at the level past real-time zone/earth bound? what would be the average daily experience for said person? what would they perceive and do on a regular basis?
Please could you help me to understand these questions?
(My English is not the best i must admit). What did you mean with past real-time zone/earth bound?

Thank you very much

edit on 31/5/2012 by Alfred2012 because: syntax correction

edit on 31/5/2012 by Alfred2012 because: syntax correction

edit on 31/5/2012 by Alfred2012 because: syntax correction

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by oneness86

Thats cool!!!
Do you have a Youtube link for it?

Theres been shows on coasttocoast on ghost recording and they are pretty neat!!!


posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by MollyMN

haha no link, maybe someone has asked it before, in my experiences i never have thought about it. could always be a first tho

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by blackmetalmist

Indulge my insanity for a minute.

What if we're in a computer reality that we can alter with actions both mental and physical, and these actions are stored into some code, and then said code is reread by the program that manifests our reality?

I think this could maybe explain why some ghosts are residual, some ghosts are intelligent, some ghosts are demons, and some ghosts are just mental manifestations.

To answer the main question: I think it would depend on which kind of ghost you ask the question to.

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