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How many think that the NWO is already in power??????

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posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 03:06 PM
I think that the order is well in place. In fact, I think that the New World Order is older than most people are willing to believe. I think that it is so old, that is has now become several factions that are now waring.

I think that NWO Agents have formed clans and organizations to install their influence and power in places they deem neccasary. Places like the Justice Department or the IRS. I think that the NWO is completely covert and will stay that way. I also think that the covert image that the NWO is percieved to have is a plot against us. They created the NWO we now know because the Agents of the NWO know that if we expect one thing, we might not look for the other.

I think that if the Agents allowed us to know their identities and intent then the world would give them more problems then they already have. It is bad enough that the Agents have to fight each other, muchless the rest of the world. So I think they are trying to preserve that idea and that image of the NWO that we know so they can slowly decieve us and bring us to our knees. They can over-run whole nations and whole cultures, why not whole races????

Is it not reasonable to say that we are already controlled enough??? For the state-run national systems of the world are our slavemasters. Just as money, power and sex is the controller of all the slavemasters of the civil and governmental systems. Above all of these masters you have the most infamous slavemaster of them all, ignorance.

You See?????

[Edited on 20-4-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 04:21 PM
oh ya i believe the NWO is already started to rise in power but it's not all out power the UN was just the beginning it will get worse as the EU gains more power and as the mid east hates the USA more and loves countries such as germany and france more.
Illumati and freemasons will continue to try to gain more power and the government will try to invade peoples privacy. I agree with you on the factions of the NWO i just don't that they are as divided as you say they are. I 've heard of the
OA, illumati, freemasons, UN, EU( just to name a few) as parts of the NWO we'll have to wait and see b/c so many ppl on this planet are to dumb to realise whats going on and are being brainwashed by the media

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 06:04 PM
The Cabal has been in power for over 300 years, and it created all the western superpowers. In essence, the Cabal created the NWO long long ago, but it has not suited thier plans to make it obvious to the general public and attempt to take minute control of each and every persons lives.

However, that time is coming, and it is coming soon. We are already seeing it happen a little at a time, as the Cabal knowns full well that they cannot spring the entire game on the populace at once without risking a popular uprising.

A popular uprising, uniting all populations against the Cabal is the only true fear the Cabal has ever had. However, thanks to new technology, (HAARP, and many others) that worry is becoming less and less, and the Cabal is starting to flex its muscle, by creating artificially engineered situations to give itself an excuse to enact progressively more restrictive laws.

Its already here, we just dont know it yet.

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by dragonrider
The Cabal has been in power for over 300 years, and it created all the western superpowers. In essence, the Cabal created the NWO long long ago, but it has not suited thier plans to make it obvious to the general public and attempt to take minute control of each and every persons lives.

However, that time is coming, and it is coming soon. We are already seeing it happen a little at a time, as the Cabal knowns full well that they cannot spring the entire game on the populace at once without risking a popular uprising.

A popular uprising, uniting all populations against the Cabal is the only true fear the Cabal has ever had. However, thanks to new technology, (HAARP, and many others) that worry is becoming less and less, and the Cabal is starting to flex its muscle, by creating artificially engineered situations to give itself an excuse to enact progressively more restrictive laws.

Its already here, we just dont know it yet.

That's deep man, reel deep.

I actually agree with you for once in my life. Are you sure you didn't take this off of a website?
Anyways, the NWO can manipulate its self in many ways to seem as though it has not come into power yet, but is/has been in power for ages (maybe).

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:11 PM
well if you believe the illumati theory since 1775 then so thats 228 years

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:13 PM
The more I research this, the more I read and the more seeming coincidences I uncover, the more I start to realise that the illuminati (or whatever you want to call them) have been in place and in positions of power for well over 2000 years.

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:17 PM
i could believe that, starting maybe with the pharisees that hated jesus

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:19 PM
They have always been in power, they are just makeing the people used to the idea. Its the same as putting acient sysbols in everyday life, even occult symbols are seen on a daily basis. it is called indocturnation. Don't be afraid those of us who are aware are standing against them. ALL HAIL ERIS!

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:26 PM
true so i guess i'm a resistor

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 02:27 PM
Get it straight from the, anatomy. Every quote here is a word for word copy, scanned from the writings of 33d degree Freemasons. Edited to reduce polysyllabic pettifoggery, random ruminations, and mellifluos verbiage. You would swear these bonzos get paid by the word.

Point: Illuminati control Freemasonry:

J. D. Buck; The Genius of Freemasonry; Page 36:
If the sincere and thoughtful Mason would "take notice" of the symbolism and the use made everywhere in the Lodge of the word "Light", and remember that the real Initiates are called also "the Illuminati", (Sons of Light), those who are illumined, and who in turn illuminate, ...

Manly P. Hall; Lectures On Ancient Philosophy; Page 409: Illuminati
...its purpose is to impress upon the reader's mind the philosophical and political situation in Europe at the time of the inception of the Masonic order. A philosophic clan, as it were, which had moved across the face of Europe under such names as the "Illuminati" and the "Rosicrucians," had undermined in a subtle manner the entire structure of regal and sacerdotal supremacy.

Foster Bailey; The Spirit of Masonry; Pages 20-21: Plan, Illuminati, Not all get it
Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan, and as Those to Whom has been committed the working out of the will of God for the race of men. They can be known ... as the Masters of the Wisdom for They are skilled in the divine ways and have mastered the arts and sciences which Their fellowmen have yet to master. They are the Dispensers of Light and to Them has been given, by virtue of Their achievement, the privilege and the authority to pronounce the great Masonic formula: 'Let there be light' and to evoke the response: 'And there was LIGHT'.
They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way.

Point: The Plan

Manly P. Hall; The Secret Destiny Of America; Pages 23-24:
Order of the Quest; Enlightened Humans
Years of research among the records of olden peoples available in libraries, museums, and shrines of ancient cultures, has convinced me that there exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has a Secret Destiny-secret, I say, because this high purpose is not realized by the many; the great masses of peoples still live along without any knowledge whatsoever that they are part of a Universal Motion in time and space.

Manly P. Hall; Americas Assignment With Destiny; Page 112: Great Plan
Those sensitive to subtle values will find positive indications of fortuitous intervention if they care to seek for them. The landmarks are not obvious to the profane, but years of familiarity with the proportions of the project enable the thoughtful to recognize the systematic unfoldment of the Great Plan. The truth is more obvious among those peoples whose religions acknowledge the existence of an invisible government. This has always been concealed in the descent of the Western Mystery religion.

Manly P. Hall; The Lost Keys of Freemasonry; Page 66: The Plan
The true Master Mason enters his lodge with one thought uppermost in his mind: "How can I, as an individual, be of greater use in the Universal Plan?

Manly P. Hall; The Lost Keys of Freemasonry; Page 67: Plan, Bounds Of Time & Space
The true brother of the Craft ... has a duty and that duty is to fit into the plans of another. He must be ready at any hour of the day or night to drop his own ideals at the call of the Builder. The work must be done and he has dedicated his life to the service of those who know the bonds of neither time nor space.

C.W. Leadbeater; Freemasonry: Its Ancient and Mystic Rites; Page 13: The Plan
The powers that stand behind Freemasonry are great and holy, and it is but right that they should be conferred in their fullness only upon those who are likely to use them as they should be used and to treat them with the reverence they deserve. There is a great and glorious reality in the background all the time, ever pressing towards realization, and employing whatever channels are available for its manifestation.

Foster Bailey; The Spirit of Masonry; Page 140:
Masonry is of divine origin, God's Plan for man
Masonry is of divine origin and was created for the purpose of training a group of members of the human family who would be capable of hastening the triumph of "God's Plan for man". ....

Point: The plan is one world government

Manly P. Hall; The Secret Destiny Of America; Page 73:
Plan has been carried on for many hundreds of years by secret societies.
Todays thinking toward a democratic world state is neither a new trend nor an accidental circumstance; the work of setting up the background of knowledge necessary to the establishing of enlightened democracy among all nations has been carried on for many hundreds of years by secret societies.

Foster Bailey; Running Gods Plan; Pages 14-15: European Economic Community
Another approved hierarchical project is the uniting of the nations of Europe in one cooperating peaceful community. The plan is not for a new all-Europe government nor for a common language, but for right national relations dedicated to the welfare of the people living in those countries undistorted by national pride, ambitions and prejudices and not under the heel of leaders who crave power nor cursed by the folly of attempted safety by means of military might.

Foster Bailey; Running Gods Plan; Page 15: Hitler, united Europe
This project ... was initiated some years ago and got under way as "Pan Europa"... Here we are dealing with a most intelligent people, highly organised, well-educated, alert to world affairs, but proud of their differences and convinced of their rightness about all things. This was therefore a much tougher problem but dear to the heart of the "European Master".
One attempt was to begin by uniting the peoples living in the Rhine river valley using that river as a binding factor. It was an attempt by a disciple but did not work.
Now another attempt is in full swing, namely the six nation European Common Market. This is focused in trade and thus far has been successful.

Foster Bailey; Things To Come; Pages 18-19:
World unity a definite project of the spiritual Hierarchy
Just as the people of a small village have to cooperate for the good of the village or it explodes into fragments, so nations will, in the long last, give up some of their sovereignty for world welfare for all mankind. .... World unity is a possibility and is a definite project of the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet today.

Foster Bailey; Things To Come; Page 84: new world order
Intelligent men and women everywhere are sensing the urgency of a new world order based on the recognition that the unity of humanity is a fact.

Foster Bailey; Things To Come; Page 85: World unity, Nazis, world government
World unity is now a major objective in human evolution. The Nazi attempt to control the whole human family was an attempt at world unity without spiritual vision, wrongly motivated, controlled by cruel force used for utterly wrong purposes.... Therefore, the spiritual Hierarchy took sides and worked for the triumph of the forces of light, which was achieved.

Just as the thirteen original colonies of the United States, when they had won freedom, gave up some of their sovereignty for national good, so a world government can emerge. If nations remain as now, controlled by wrong competing life values, we shall have to suffer through another abortive attempt not much better than the first League of Nations. The United Nations is a second attempt to achieve world unity by national cooperation. It involves much more than escaping world war.

Foster Bailey; Things To Come; Page 86: Law of the Sea Treaty
If the people of the world demand that the ocean beds be treated as the property of all humanity, it can be done. This can be by national treaties setting up an organisation to control it by a formal world government. In either case there must be a strong public will with a vision of world unity or it will be subverted and controlled by graft and corruption

Foster Bailey; Running Gods Plan; Page 141: World Government, Gods Plan
Of recent years the idea that we must ultimately have some sort of world government has been more and more expressed. The basic idea is pioneering and sound but the means to that end may be arguable. An outer codified world charter should precipitate around an enlightened world opinion.....
action leading to world government has the attention and support of the Hierarchy. It is part of God's Plan.

Foster Bailey; Running Gods Plan; Page144: a new world government
The thirteen original colonies gave some of their hard won sovereignty for their common good and thus the United States of America was born. In like manner and for the same reason the nations of the world will in time give up some of their sovereignties to a new world government which they will themselves create.

Manly P. Hall; Lectures On Ancient Philosophy; Page 424: Rule by the wise
The time has not yet arrived when the average man is strong enough or wise enough to rule himself. Even when unfolding destiny greatly magnifies the accomplishments of the many, there will not come a day when the wisdom of the mass will be equal to the wisdom of its wisest few. .... Never will peace reign upon the earth until we are ruled by the fit, until he who possesses vision is permitted to see for him who is blind, until he who senses greatness is permitted to interpret its issues for him who is unresponsive to magnitudes. Men are only truly free when, governed by the wise, they are inclined gently towards the perfection of their own natures. Men are only truly great when, admitting the supremacy of the wise, they offer both life and chattel to the service of integrity.

Manly P. Hall; Lectures On Ancient Philosophy; Page 430:
Rule by the wise, One government
Only when the world is ruled by its best balanced intellects can we expect it to be well ruled. Nor have we ever a sufficient number of illumined men to permit several score of smaller nations to have proper and adequate forms of government. Only by combining into a single people, and choosing the wisest of ... can we approach that philosophic empire which Bacon...advanced as the true solution of empire. When inferior intellects are chosen to administer governmental destinies, dissension is inevitable in the state. The true philosopher is the born ruler of men.

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 02:36 PM
it has been going on from the egyptian age...
Just the top, they uses different ways, names organizations, brotherhoods, logias, etc etc, but in the end the tope is the same from that time...
They have they power because they created the system like this and they allowed the changes and "evolutions" on the system...

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 02:43 PM
Hmmm CoLD aNGeR may be hitting home, I recall a group praising something called "Logos" not Legos mind you, learn your anceint lang.

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 09:45 PM
i think that the source of this thing was an egyptian group. after egypt had fallen under alexander the great, there was a group. some scholars who kept the records and knew the ancient ways, that wanted to restore egypt to it's former glory. so they began. secretly, they infiltrated the alexandrian gov't when he died, so did the empire, so their plan went all to hell. the order slept through the years, slowly gaining more to it's cause, and eventually the romans came about. the cabal rose immediately and infiltrated the roman gov't. then came christianinty, and the cabal had a new leash for the people, the ultimate monotheistic method of control. they issued papal powers over the people, during byzantium, the order peaked, thinking they conquered it all, they got soft. that's when that empire fell. now we saw the sects of the cabal fall into a warlord like struggle called fuedalism. the european powers went on a crusade, against the radical idea of muslim that was spreading. the flame of islam was doused in france. then the renaissance. the time for the caballistic sects was more peaceful. like today, they still fought, but not as often. then eventually, england made her empire. in america, in the new world, the cabal saw the new world order. and then, the wars that followed. atomic weaponry, and the cold war. so close to the end, we are now at today, when the cabal prepares again to make war.

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 11:01 PM
We the people have been used into bringing the NEW WORLD ORDER into power without truly knowing that it is here...........

We have accepted ''media'' as the true source of information and its ''Hollywood'' type of earthly living....

We accept the death of millions through War and look for Peace'' to end all Wars..........

We just dont know if we should trust our neighbours or our friends any more.........

We are living in this world temporarily and not for Eternity.............

When Peace is here and many will say '''Peace''' is finally here, destruction will have unbeleivers '''''beleiving'''''

Free Will was given to us from the Beggining........and while we still have that '''Free Will''' use it wisely while we still can.................

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by phoenix_cross
i think that the source of this thing was an egyptian group. after egypt had fallen under alexander the great, there was a group. some scholars who kept the records and knew the ancient ways, that wanted to restore egypt to it's former glory. so they began. secretly, they infiltrated the alexandrian gov't when he died, so did the empire, so their plan went all to hell. the order slept through the years, slowly gaining more to it's cause, and eventually the romans came about. the cabal rose immediately and infiltrated the roman gov't. then came christianinty, and the cabal had a new leash for the people, the ultimate monotheistic method of control. they issued papal powers over the people, during byzantium, the order peaked, thinking they conquered it all, they got soft. that's when that empire fell. now we saw the sects of the cabal fall into a warlord like struggle called fuedalism. the european powers went on a crusade, against the radical idea of muslim that was spreading. the flame of islam was doused in france. then the renaissance. the time for the caballistic sects was more peaceful. like today, they still fought, but not as often. then eventually, england made her empire. in america, in the new world, the cabal saw the new world order. and then, the wars that followed. atomic weaponry, and the cold war. so close to the end, we are now at today, when the cabal prepares again to make war.

Call it cabal call it NWO call it elitists, anyway they are the directors of the film, they invented the first religion with the pharaons, based on a judgement day, your heart was put in to a balance, in the other side there was a plume, and horus made the decision depending on the weight of the heart (good actions and bad actions done in life), and then He will deicide if he goes to hell or to heaven (let�s say like that, it wasn�t exactly that but almost).
So what we get is that they invented the religion for 1 reason, give the man the answer to the fear of the death, and tell him that the REAL LIFE was afterdead...
So if he would sacrifice his life, meaning, following the rules and advices from god, and its book, we would have everything and life forever, so this gives an idea why the slaves are starting to be allowed and normal, when that came, (about 5000 B.C)....
So then, the pharaon was the suposed "choosen one" from good, to be the messenger between god and the
So actually that choosen one, could have the entire population believing in what that messenger of god said,
so have the population, give the the rules, the way to live, what to learn from, to have pleasure from etc etc...

So we get that they started to teach the people in society, with rules, religions... And 1500 years later, we have the 2nd most important religion in that time...
Jewish....That is the 2nd tried, then comes Cristians, and Muslims, but the idea of create religions, is give people a reason to not have much in life to get it afterdead...
Have slaves, no questions please... and enjoy our system...
I hate it, but is obvios the streak is possible to find, just use logica, and don�t think that they are good people, they seek the way to have the population controlled in a perfect way, no way to get out, then they will show their faces, and not using anymore those stupid politicians as shields for protect themselves, because then they will not need the protection, we are gonna need it if we still doing nothing!!!
Fight till die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by f16falcon
i could believe that, starting maybe with the pharisees that hated jesus
I think it possibly goes back further - The cradle of civilisation was ancient Sumeria (Iraq)

I am pretty sure that the people who are seeking power nowadays are connected to these ancient civilisations. (not modern Iraq, but it makes you wonder if there is a connection with trying to reclaim ancient holy cities)

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 06:29 AM
think about 1 thing more, the big jump in evolution was made by egyptians.
The calendar is created,
Astronomy is created,
Maths are created,
How to keep food with salt
How to keep bodies for centuries,
System with Religion, also medicine
is advanced already.
That kind of jump in evolution is not normal, obviously something happend, in Mesopotamia Babylon and Egypt, but What is the question...

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 06:39 AM
"I think it possibly goes back further - The cradle of civilisation was ancient Sumeria (Iraq)

I am pretty sure that the people who are seeking power nowadays are connected to these ancient civilisations. (not modern Iraq, but it makes you wonder if there is a connection with trying to reclaim ancient holy cities)"

Now someone is talking sense. The NWO is as old as the idea itself. Now does anyone actually believe that the idea of complete domination is only as old as civilization???? The idea of complete domination is an idea that God must have had. For God has complete domination over us all. So the idea of the NWO is origionally held within the authority of God. So lets start from the begining. Lets not think anyhthing other than greatly.

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 06:48 AM

Now someone is talking sense.
Savour it, 'cos that's a rare thing for me.

Seriously though I think that it may even stem back to an old fashioned struggle between good and evil ... The problem is distinguishing the good guys from the bad guys and trying to avoid being discredited along the way.

I think that a lot of the information we have on the NWO is a lie set up by the NWO just to make us all look foolish.

Take David Icke for instance. So much of his research can be correlated, cross checked and proven ... but then there is that tiny little bit about reptiles (that can't be correlated) which discredits the rest of what he says and turns him back into the laughing stock.

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue
"I think it possibly goes back further - The cradle of civilisation was ancient Sumeria (Iraq)

I am pretty sure that the people who are seeking power nowadays are connected to these ancient civilisations. (not modern Iraq, but it makes you wonder if there is a connection with trying to reclaim ancient holy cities)"

Now someone is talking sense. The NWO is as old as the idea itself. Now does anyone actually believe that the idea of complete domination is only as old as civilization???? The idea of complete domination is an idea that God must have had. For God has complete domination over us all. So the idea of the NWO is origionally held within the authority of God. So lets start from the begining. Lets not think anyhthing other than greatly.

Yeahhh, the idea of something so big, and u were not following the rules of god, The fear was coming to you, the punishment for "commit a supposed Sin", therefore dominate with fear is better than dominate with rationalty...
And the domination of the human been comes with religions, rules in society, traditions. etc etc etc....

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