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What's the point of SHTF options when experts are saying Fukushima will destroy all!!!

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posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:59 PM
back on to the OP, from my understanding most of the radiation will cover the world harmfully only for a couple years.. its behaves like dust almost, the earth will get covered in a layer, and then once the radiation settles most of the spreading is over. If you stay indoors then most of it won't hit you, if your underground then its better. Then you just have to deal with it being in the food chain.

I know there are people who prep just for Fukishima type events having watched it on Doomsday preppers. What they do is just live in bubbles basically. Grow there food in Green houses, filter water, etc.

Alot of preppers already have bunker type shelters too, with geiger counters being a common prep.

Just stay in your shelter until the radiation goes down and then grow your own food with filtered water.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by BobAthome

The detect the presence of the radiation, all the way here in Florida, but they do not detect anything dangerous. It is potentially dangerous, because something would have to change, to make it get worse, before it would become a danger here.

As someone said earlier, we should all be dead from the Nuclear testing in the 50's. They exploded Atomic Bombs in the Atmosphere that coated the entire planet in fallout.

Here in my town, they have discovered toxic levels of a component of Rocket Fuel (Chromium 6) in the public water supply, but it isn't something they typically test for, and there is no requirement to take any action at this time.

We are surrounded by ongoing and potential tragedies, but that is just part of life in the 21st Century. At least we don't have to worry about where to find shelter, or food, or antibiotics, or running from a Saber-Tooth Tiger.

edit on 18-5-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by michael1983l
Fukishima will never destroy all. Radiation can corrupt cells and eventually kill them but life always finds a way.

Just not your life.

That is the point of this thread.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 05:26 PM

What's the point of SHTF options when experts are saying Fukushima will destroy all!!!:

The fact that the people in ground-zero Japan are still alive might be a hint at hogwashing such claims that it will destroy "all". IF we over here on the other sid eof this ginormous planet should have mcuh to worry about then the people stuck on that island where it happened should already be dead or suffering.

Read this thread thru and you'll see thats all doomongering hype:

Eat lots of anti-oxidants and you should be fine. The jist of what radioactive isotopes do are cause mass free-radicals, therefore you counteract with mass anti-oxidants.

Oh, but make sure you have plenty of potassium iodide pills.
edit on 18-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Here in my town, they have discovered toxic levels of a component of Rocket Fuel (Chromium 6) in the public water supply, but it isn't something they typically test for, and there is no requirement to take any action at this time.

That's everywhere. I remember when the report scame out a couple years ago, but lately I was trying to remember what it was actually called and couldn't recall. Thanks

Of course, don't drink the water. I live by RO water for approaching 15 years. When I drink tap or bottled water it makes me nauseated!

EDIT: I didn't ever catch the memo that it was from rocket fuel. I'll tell ya the first year I moved to Tampa (2002) I was driving down Bayshore to work at 5:30AM and all the sudden WOAH the entire horizon was lit up like something psychedellic, caused by the Space Shuttle taking off on the other side of the state! It was REAL bright white with an impressive blue lining around the edges of the "vapor" trail. I could see the little tiny 'fireball' leading it as if it were riding an expanding space cloud. I had a perfect view of the entire thing the way I was going down this long road. I didn't even know it was supposed to launch, therefore it was a sort of once in a lifetime sort of thing even though I lived in Cocoa Beach as a child and we really got to see them launch from out yard but predawn horizon view is a very one of a kind sight.

Anyways as awesome a sight it was it seemed pretty obvious that mere water "vapor" wasn't going to produce thos eeffects. Back then I didn't know what the word 'euphamisim' meant...
edit on 18-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 02:15 AM
Reliance on the opinion of "experts," is inconsistent with both Survivalism, and actually surviving.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by dominicus

i have not seen any experts predicting northern hemisphere extinction , just the usual chicken littles and other fear mongerers

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