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The Human Reality as an Imagined Dream Within a Dream

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posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:51 PM
This is taken from my Facebook spiritual group,
Know Thyself and Return to Soul: Way of True Ascension and Enlightenment 2012

I have read about reality being referred to as a simulation in Dolores' Three Waves of Volunteers book. And the theme is again referred to in Dolores latest book Convoluted Universe 4 with the mentioning of the "backdrop people". The backdrop people are mentioned to be without souls in the book, but in her videos, Dolores specifically referred to them as fake physical solids. Maybe such 'fake humans' are not meant to be possessed by souls as they could be the 'core pillars' that supports the running of the entire simulation.

I think that Dolores' Source(SC) is trying to get people to focus on the nature of human reality as being a simulation. Although a simulation is commonly referred to a made-up copy of an original reality, I have mentioned that I think that the human reality is reality that is not the soul's original/natural reality.

In the chapter titled "Barrage of Information" from the Three Waves book, the Source mentioned that the human reality is a program simulation within a program simulation, created because of boredom. It said that the different levels of simulations happen in the mind of the creator like a multi-level dream(like in the movie Inception). The nature of human reality being part of a multi-level dream has also been speculated in many spiritual writings. According to the Source, a God program was created, I think this happened when countless souls were imagined into existence. From this God program, another simulated program that involves the human reality was imagined into existence. So because the human reality is just an imagination, it is referred to as an illusion, so I think that anything that is created with the soul's mind or mental will is also just an imagination. So maybe the perceptive consciousness of each imagined soul is one of the many mental perspectives found in the creator's mind. Anything that we can perceive is therefore a mental imagination and illusion.

So what is the human reality really?

I think that the human reality found on Earth was created by the souls' imagination when they imagined the speed of light being slowed down to create/imagine the dense matter as well as time that is found in the 3rd dimension. The restrictions in the 3rd dimension would be reflected on all inanimate solids as well as living beings on Earth. The restrictions would be expressed in different levels of heat energy on the planet, therefore creating different kinds of climate and living conditions. Living beings such as animals and human beings would reflect the restrictions differently as they live on different parts of the planet.

People have speculated whether 'complex life' came about from Intelligent Design or natural evolution. If the mind of the creator is already intelligent and consists of diverse geometric patterns, this means that whatever simulation is imagined within the creator's mind would also hold such geometric patterns. Therefore, there is always a probability for random particles to assemble into orderly 'intelligent' patterns/forms based on such influence.

I think that once the human reality was teeming with complex reacting machines that is 'life', souls could then possess the bodies of humans and animals by perceiving from their points of view. It is also said that everything even a rock can be conscious. I think that the human bodies are part of causes and effects like reaction bodies, therefore they do not have freewill. The choices they seem to make are just complex reactions triggered from external influences. The human body and mind are no different from a reaction robot/machine. The soul cannot influence the physical body because it has no need to, since it wants to experience the restrictions that naturally occur in the 3rd dimension. Some people said that the soul is able to have the ability to alter the human's life plan in some ways, maybe it is able to do this, but I am not sure of the reason why it needs to do this if it desires to learn about the human reality in the most natural condition.

I perceive the human reality as a containment full of reactions like the chemical reactions occurring in a beaker. There are lumps of chemicals that have more complex reactions that are perceived as "intelligent life". Souls can choose to perceived from less complex reactions such as a rock, or choose to perceive from more complex reactions occurring as "intelligent life". Souls experience multiple lives as they perceived from reacting lumps of "intelligent life" to another.

Every human mental thought is just part of the countless reactions taking place in the simulation. The conscious soul is not of the human mind and body, it merely experience them by feeling them in the closest way possible.

So why did the creator create souls?

I think the reason is because it needed to create multiple conscious perspectives to fully experience scenarios/realities from different points of view. It has also been thought of by many people that the creator cannot experience itself unless it is able to see or experience itself from different viewpoints. So, it needed to created separated perspectives to experience itself, which is to experience scenarios/realities within its own mind.

If each perspective in the mind is an imagination, would it mean that the creator's perception of itself is also an imagination? Even the creator has to imagine who he is? If each perspective in our own human mind is also an imagination, would it mean that the perception of ourselves is also an imagination or illusion? If the human reality is a dream within a greater dream, it would imply that whatever we can perceive is also part of the dream, therefore everything is an imagination or illusion.

Similarity of Dreams and Waking Life

The reason we feel that our dreams are as similar as our waking life experience could be due to the fact that both our dreams and out waking life are both imaginations. The mind imagines and recreates the restrictions that make dreams feel restricting and therefore 'real'. Our dreams would seem to be less permanent and less frequent because they can only be experienced for a short while when we sleep during our 'waking life' dream.

(End of Part 1)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:52 PM
(Beginning of Part 2)

Acting as a simulation

There is also another kind of a 'conscious dream' that occurs behind the camera. When actors act, they are actually consciously dreaming up a reality for people to see. The actors' acting/reacting is based on their own set of imagined human restrictions and resultant personality and emotions that form their on-screen characters. There are many self-assumed fake acting experts who think they are qualified to judge the skills of actors. Such fake experts who probably never got a chance to act think that they know what is good acting but they are just one of the many boastful and ignorant retards on what it really means to act convincingly, they probably assume that good acting only comes from a sobbing PMS lunatic with bad hair and no makeup. Good acting skills actually come with the actor's ability to imagine up complex restrictions that form their character's own kind of personality and emotions and then they act/react to them with complex body and facial expression. Actors that can do all these well will be able to create a convincing character performance. Many Academy award winners are those who can imagine up complex human restrictions that form their character's personality and then react emotionally to them. Good acting is definitely not as easy as some people think.

If an actor is able to imagine his character's set of human restrictions very well, he would be able to feel his character's reality as though it is real. So in the mind of a good actor, acting is not a lie, a pretence or a fantasy but it can be very real. Such actors and the people behind the scenes are actually creating new realities to entertain the audience when they act. In a way, they are creating new simulations of human reality. And each different camera angle is like a separate perceiving soul to experience such a simulated reality.

I have heard that many actors are reportedly very unhappy or unfulfilled with their own lives. I wonder if it has anything to do with the lack of any interesting drama in their own lives. Maybe acting out the lives of their on-screen characters have made them repress and hinder the development of their own natural desires of life. Having too much fame would also restrict them from living out a normal life without interference.

Is there only one soul?

I have heard how some people said that there is only one soul that experiences from all human beings as it travels back and fro in time and space. However, I think that is incorrect because I do not think that all souls are really one soul, but that all souls are actually different mental perspectives residing in the one singular mind of the creator. I think that the creator's mind is too great and unlimited to just create one soul or one perspective.


posted on May, 11 2012 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by timerty

Timerty, did you write this or has it been cut and pasted ? I'm not on facebook.

It is very well constructed. Much of it I agree with.

The one response I would have, would be that it's foolish to downplay the experience we are having on this earth plane (like it's a dream). Yes we are just energy or manifestations of our soul's consciousness, but tell me how it feels to have someone hit you in the head with a sledge-hammer. It's REAL man. That is important to remember. The pain and the joy we feel here now in this 3 dimensional reality is very much part of the broader picture, not at all trivial.

Peace Out

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by nimbinned
reply to post by timerty

Yes we are just energy or manifestations of our soul's consciousness, but tell me how it feels to have someone hit you in the head with a sledge-hammer. It's REAL man. That is important to remember. The pain and the joy we feel here now in this 3 dimensional reality is very much part of the broader picture, not at all trivial.

Peace Out
It may feel real, but how are you sure?

Reality is in the eye of the beholder...

Great OP by the way, really enjoyed reading it.
edit on 5/11/2012 by ArrowsNV because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by nimbinned
reply to post by timerty

Timerty, did you write this or has it been cut and pasted ? I'm not on facebook.

It is very well constructed. Much of it I agree with.

The one response I would have, would be that it's foolish to downplay the experience we are having on this earth plane (like it's a dream). Yes we are just energy or manifestations of our soul's consciousness, but tell me how it feels to have someone hit you in the head with a sledge-hammer. It's REAL man. That is important to remember. The pain and the joy we feel here now in this 3 dimensional reality is very much part of the broader picture, not at all trivial.

I wrote this based on many sources of information and logical deduction. What about it do you disagree with?

I do agree that the human experience is felt to be real as I did mentioned that even what actors experience can be felt as real, but there are some things that should be downplayed such as the notion of freewill and responsibility, because people take such false notions too seriously when they really do not exist for the human characters.

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